List of English Root Word - [C]
Root | Meaning | etymology | Words |
cabin | cabin | capanna, cavanna from Latin |
cabinet |
cad (cad-, cas-, cid-) |
fall | cadere, casus from Latin |
accident, accidental, accidentally, cadence, cadent, cascade, case, casual, casually, casualty, chance, cheat, chute, coincide, coincidence, coincident, decadence, decadent, decay, escheat, incidence, incident, occasion, occasional, occasionally, occident, parachute |
cael | heaven, sky; abode of the gods; climate |
caelum from Latin |
celestial, cerulean |
cage | cage | cavea from Latin |
cage |
cake | cake | kaka from Old Norse |
cake, cookie |
cal (cal-, calend-, class-) |
call | calare, classis, calendarium from Latin |
calendar, calendric, calends, class, classic, classical, classification, classify, intercalate |
calc | to tread, press in | calcare from Latin |
cockatrice, decal, decalcomania, inculcate |
calc (calc-, calcul-, cal-) |
lime, limestone, reckon, compute |
calx, calcis, calculus, calculare from Latin |
cach, calc, calcaneus, calcite, calcitrant, calcium, calculate, calculation, calculus, chalk, recalcitrant |
cale (cale-, cal-) |
heat, be warm, glow | calere, calor, caloris from Latin |
caldarium, caldera, calefacient, calefaction, calefactory, calendrical, calendula, calenture, calescent, calid, calor, calore, caloric, calorie, calorifacient, calorific, calorigenic, calorimeter, caudle, cauldron, chafe |
call | call, cry loudly, summon |
kalla from Old Norse |
call, called |
calli (calli-, calo-, cal, kal-) |
beauty | kalos, kallos, kallistos from Greek |
calisthenics, calli, calligraphy, calliope, callipygian, Callista, Callisto, calomel, kaleidoscope, kalon |
calum (calum-, calv-) |
trick, lie, deceive, trickery |
calumnia, calvi from Latin |
challenge, challenging |
cameria (cameria-) |
vault, vaulted room | camera from Latin |
camaraderie, camera, chamber |
camp | field | campus, campania from Latin |
camp, campaign, campaigner, camping, campsite, campus, champertous, champerty, champignon, champion, championship, decamp, encamp, encampment |
can | know; be able | cunnan from Old English |
reapable |
cancel | cancel | cancellare, cancelli, cancellus from Latin |
cancel |
cancer | cancer | cancer from Old English |
cancer, cancerous |
cand (cand-, cend-) |
glowing, iridescent; to shine, glow |
candere from Latin |
cand, candid, candidate, candle, incendiary |
cane | reed, rod | kanna, kanne, kanon from Greek |
can, canal, cane, canebrake, canister, cannon, cannula, canon, canonize, canyon, caramel, channel |
cannibal | cannibal | canibal, caribal, Canibales from Spanish |
cannibalism |
cant (cant-, cent-) |
sing | canere, cantus from Latin |
accent, cant, chant, charm, enchant, enchantment, incentive |
cap | head | caput, capitis, cappa from Latin |
achieve, achievement, anticipate, cad, caddie, cadet, cap, cape, capital, capitalisation, capitalism, capitalist, capitalization, capitular, capitulate, captain, cattle, chapter, chef, chief, escape, recap, recapitulate |
caps | box, case | capsa, capere from Latin |
caps, capsule, case, cash, cashless, cassette |
capt (capt-, ceive-, cept-) |
take, hold | capere, cipere, captus, capax from Latin |
accept, acceptance, cable, cabling, capability, capable, capacious, capacity, capt, caption, captious, captivate, captive, captivity, capture, catch, catching, cater, chase, conceit, conceivable, conceive, concept, conception, contracept, contraception, cop, deceit, deceitfully, deceive, deception, deceptive, except, exception, exceptional, exceptionally, incapable, incipient, intercept, interdisciplinary, occupation, occupy, participant, participate, participation, perceive, percept, perception, pre-conceived, pre-conception, receipt, receive, receiver, receptor, recipe, recipient, unacceptable |
car | car, to load | carrus, carra, carrum, carricare from Latin |
car, career, cargo, carriage, carry, cart, charge, discharge |
carbo (carbo-, carb-) |
carbon | carbo, carbonis from Latin |
carbohydrate, carbon, carbonate, carborundum, decarbonise, decarbonize, radiocarbon |
cardio (cardio-) |
heart | kardia, kardiakos from Greek |
cardiac, cardio, cardiogram, cardiologist, cardiology, cardiovascular |
care | care | carian, cearian, caru, cearu from Old English |
care, careful, carefully, careless, carer, caring, Medicare |
carn | flesh | caro, carn- from Latin |
carnivore |
cartilage | cartilage | cartilaginem, cartilago, cartilagin- from Latin |
cartilage, cartilaginous |
cast | cast, throw | kasta from Old Norse |
broadcast, broadcaster, cast, caster |
cast (cast-) |
pure, cut | castrare, castigatus, castus, carere, castrum from Latin |
cast-, caste, castigate, castle, castrate, chaste, chasten, chastise, chastity, incest |
cat | cat | catt, catte from Old English |
catfishing |
cata (cata-, cath-, cat-) |
down, against, back | kata from Greek |
catabolic, catabolism, catacomb, catalog, catalogue, catalysis, catalyst, catastrophe, catastrophic, catatonia, cathode, cation |
category | category | kategoria, kategorein from Greek |
category |
caus (caus, cuse) |
cause, motive | causa from Latin |
accusation, accuse, because, causal, causality, causation, causative, cause, causing, excuse, recuse, ruse |
caust (caust-, calm-) |
burn | kaiein, kaustos, kautos, kaustikos), kausis, kauma from Greek |
calm, calmly, caust, caustic, ink |
caut | caution | cautio, cavere from Latin |
caution, cautious |
cease | cease | cessare from Latin |
cease |
cede (cede-, cess-) |
move, go, yield, surrender |
cedere, cessus from Latin |
accede, access, accessibility, accessible, accessory, ancestor, ancestral, antecedent, cede, cession, concede, concession, decease, deceased, exceed, excess, excessive, necessarily, necessary, necessity, precede, precedence, procedure, proceed, process, processed, procession, processor, recede, recess, recession, succeed, success, successful, successfully, successive, successor, unnecessary, unprecedented, unsuccessful |
cel (cel-) |
hide, small room | cella, celare, clam from Latin |
ceil, ceiling, cell, cellar, cellular, cellule, cellulite, cellulose, clandestine, conceal, occult |
celebr | honoured, frequented | celebratus, celebrare, celeber from Latin |
celeb, celebr, celebrate, celebration, celebrity |
celer (celer-) |
quick | celerare, celer from Latin |
accelerable, accelerate, acceleration, accelerative, accelerator, celer, celerity, decelerate, deceleration |
cens (cens-) |
assess, enroll, tax | censere, census from Latin |
censure, census |
cent (cent-, centi-) |
a hundred | centuria, centum from Latin |
bicentenary, cent, centenary, centennial, centiare, centigram, centimeter, centipede, century, percent, percentage, tercentenary |
center (center-, centri-, centr-) |
center | kentron from Greek |
acentric, anthropocentric, biocentric, center, central, centre, centred, centric, centrifugal, centrifuge, centripetal, centroid, centromere, centromeric, centrosphere, centrum, concentrate, concentration, concentric, eccentric |
cephalo (cephalo-, cephal-) |
head | kephale from Greek |
Cephalopod |
ceremony | ceremony | ceremonia, caerimonia from Latin |
ceremony |
cern (cer-, cern-, cert-) |
sift, separate, judge, charge |
cernere, certus, certare, criminis from Latin |
cern, cert, certain, certainly, certainty, certificate, certified, certify, concern, concerned, concerning, concert, concerted, crime, criminal, decree, discern, discreet, discretion, discretionary, discriminate, discrimination, excrement, excrete, excretion, indiscriminate, indiscriminately, secret, secretive, secretly, uncertain |
chain | chain | chaine, chaeine from French |
chain |
chair | chair | cathedra from Latin |
cathedral, chair |
change | barter, exchange | cambire, cambiare from Latin |
change, changeable, changer, changing, exchange, interchange, unchangeable, unchanged |
chaos (chaos, chaot-, gas) |
gas | khaos, chaos from Greek |
chaos, chaotic, gas, gasoline |
character | character | kharakterizein, kharakter, kharassein, kharax from Greek |
character, characterise, characteristic, characteristics |
chart (chart, card) |
paper, chart, card, map |
khartes from Greek |
card, carton, cartoon, cartoonist, chart, charter, discard, postcard |
chatter | twitter, chirp | cheateren, chiteren from imitative/echoic |
chat, chatter, chatty, chitter |
cheap | cheap | cep, ceapian, ceap from Old English |
cheap, cheaply |
check | check | shah, sah from Persian |
check, checker, checklist, checkout |
cheek | cheek | ceace, cece from Old English |
cheek |
cheer | cheer | kara from Greek |
cheerful, cheerleader |
chem (chem-, chemo-, chemi-, chemico-) |
of alchemy | khemeia from Greek |
alchemy, biochemical, chem, chemic, chemical, chemicals, chemicophysics, chemist, chemistry, chemotherapy, chemurgy, geochemist, immunohistochemical |
chest | chest | kiste from Greek |
chest |
child | child | cild from Old English |
child, childhood, childish, childless, childlike |
chill | chill | ciele, cele from Old English |
chill, chilly |
chip | chip | forcippian, cipp from Old English |
chip |
chol (chol-, chole-, cholo-) |
gall, bile | chole, cholos, khole from Greek |
cholera, cholesterol |
choose | choose | ceosan from Old English |
choose |
chop | chop | chop, chap from Middle English |
chop |
chord | rope | khorde from Greek |
chord, cord |
chore (chore, choreo) |
dance | khoreia, khoros from Greek |
choreo, choreograph, chorus |
chrom (chrom-, -chroous, -chroic) |
color | khroma from Greek |
achromat, chrom, chroma, chromatic, chromatin, chrome, chromium, chromophobia, chromophore, chromosome, dichroic, dichroism, dichromatic, monochromatic, monochrome, photochromy, trichromatic |
chrono (chron-. chrono-) |
time | khronos from Greek |
anachronism, asynchronous, biochronology, chronic, chrono, chronological, chronology, chronometer, geochronology, synchronic, synchronize, synchronous |
cide | cut, a killing | caedere, caementa, cidere, caesus, cidium from Latin |
cement, cementation, cementite, cementitious, chisel, cide, circumcise, circumcised, concise, decide, decision, decisive, ecocide, excide, fungicide, genocide, homicide, insecticide, pesticide, precise, precisely, precision, scissor, scissors, suicide |
cigar | cigar | cigare from French |
cigarette, e-cigarette |
circ (circ-) |
circle, ring | circulari, circus from Latin |
circ, circle, circular, circulate, circulation, circus |
cite (cite-, cit-) |
call, summon | ciere, citare, citus from Latin |
cite, excite, excitement, exciting, incite, incitement, recital, recite, solicit, solicitor, solicitude |
civ (civ-, civil-, cit-) |
citizen | civis, civilis, civitas from Latin |
citadel, citify, citizen, citizenship, city, civic, civil, civilian, civilisation, civility, civilization, civilize, civilized, uncivil, uncivilise, uncivilised, uncivilized |
clam (clam-) |
cry, shout | clamare from Latin |
claim, declaim, declamation, exclaim, exclamation, proclaim, reclaim |
clamp | clamp | clampe from Middle Dutch |
clamp |
clan | clan, offspring, tribe |
cland from Old Irish |
clan |
clare (clar-, clari) |
clear | clarus, clarare from Latin |
clare, clarification, clarify, clarity, clear, clearly, declaration , declare |
clash | clash | clash from imitative/echoic |
clash |
clast | broken | klastos from Greek |
clast |
clean | clean | clæne from Old English |
clean, cleaner, cleanliness, cleanly |
clerk | clerk | klerikos, kleros from Greek |
clerk |
click | click | click from imitative/echoic |
click |
client | client | clientem, cliens, clinare from Latin |
client |
climate | climate | klima from Greek |
climate, climatic, climatologist |
climax | climax | klimax from Greek |
climax |
climb | climb | climban, clamb, clumbe from Old English |
climb, climbable |
clin (clin-) |
bed, couch | kline from Greek |
clin, clinic, clinical, clinician |
cline (cline, clin-) |
bend, lean, recline | clinare from Latin |
cline, decline, inclination, incline, recline |
clip | - | clamber, cliff, cliffhanger, cliffsman, cliffy |
clone | clone | klon from Greek |
cloning |
cloth | cloth | claþ from Old English |
cloth, clothe, clothes, clothing |
cloud | cloud | clud from Old English |
cloud, cloudy |
clown | clown | clowne, cloyne, cloun, cloyn from Middle English |
clown |
club | club | klubba from Old Norse |
club |
clude (clude-) |
shut, close | claudere, clausus from Latin |
clause, close, closed, closely, closet, closure, conclude, conclusion, disclose, exclude, exclusion, exclusive, include, included, including, inclusion, inclusive, inclusivity, occlude, occlusion, preclude, recluse, seclude, sluice |
cluster | cluster | clyster, cluster from Old English |
cluster |
coach | coach | kocsi, Kocs from Hungarian |
coach |
coal | coal, charcoal | col from Old English |
coal, collie |
coat | coat | kotta from Frankish |
coat |
coc | cook | cocus, coquus, coquere from Latin |
biscuit, cook, cooking, cuisine, uncooked |
cocco | berry, seed | kokkos from Latin |
coccus |
cock | cock | cocc, cocken from Old English |
chicken, cocktail |
code | code | codex, caudex from Latin |
encode |
coffee | coffee | qahwah from Arabic |
caffeine, coffee |
cogn (cogn-, cognit-) |
learn, recognize | cognoscere, cognitus, cognit from Latin |
acquaint, acquaintance, cogn, cognition, cognitive, cognizance, cognize, connoisseur, quaint, recognisable, recognise, recognition, recognizable, recognizably, recognizant, recognize, unrecognised, unrecognized |
cohort | cohort, enclosure, courtyard, retinue |
cohortem, cohors, cohort, cortina, cortem, cors from Latin |
cohort, court, courteous, courtesy, curtain, discourteous |
col | glue | kolla from Greek |
protocol |
cold | cold | cald, ceald from Old English |
cold, coldly |
coll | neck | collum from Latin |
collar |
color | color | color, colos from Latin |
color, colorful, colour, coloured, colourful, colouring, colourless |
colossus | colossus | colossus from Latin |
colossal, colossus |
column | pillar, column | columna, columen from Latin |
column, columnist |
com | revel | komos from Greek |
comedy, comic |
come | come | cuman from Old English |
become, becoming, come, coming, income, outcome, overcome, unwelcome, upcome, upcoming, welcome |
commun (commun-, comun-) |
common, public | communis from Latin |
common, commonly, commun, communal, communicate, communication, communicator, communism, communist, community, miscommunication, uncommon |
concil (concil-, counsil-) |
meeting, gathering of people |
concilium, conciliatus, conciliare from Latin |
concil, conciliable, conciliate, conciliatingly, conciliation, conciliator, council, councillor, councilor, reconcile, reconciliation |
conlang | conlang | - | conlanging |
contra (contra-, contro-) |
against, contrary | contra from Latin |
contra, contracept, contraception, contradict, contradiction, contradictory, contraindicate, contrary, contrast, contravene, control, controversial, controversy, controvert, counter, country, encounter, out-of-control, uncontrolled |
cool | cool | col, colian from Old English |
cooler, cooling |
copi | plenty, copy | copia from Latin |
copy, copy, photocopy |
cord (cord-, cor-) |
heart, mind | cordis, cor from Latin |
accord, accordance, accordant, according, accordingly, concord, cordial, cordiality, core, courage, discord, discourage, encourage, encouragement, encouraging, record |
corn | horn | cornu, corna, cornua from Latin |
corner, scorn, unicorn |
coron (coron-, coroll-) |
crown, garland, wreath |
corona, coronare, corolla from Latin |
corolla, corollary, corona, coronal, coronary, coronate, coronation, coronavirus, coronet, crown |
corp (corp-, corpor-) |
body | corpus, corporis from Latin |
corp, corporal, corporality, corporate, corporation, corporative, corps, corpse, corpulent, corpus, corpuscle, corpuscular, disincorporate, incorporate, incorporation |
cosm (cosm-, cosmo-) |
universe, order | kosmos from Greek |
cosmetic, cosmology, cosmonaut, cosmopolitan, cosmopolite, Cosmos |
costa (costa-, cost-) |
rib | costa from Latin |
accost, coast, coastal, costa, costa, costal, costate, entrecote |
cot | cot | kot from Old Norse |
cottage |
cough | cough | coughen from imitative/echoic |
cough |
count | count | computare from Latin |
account, accountability, accountable, accountant, count, counter, counterpart, countless, discount, recount, uncountable |
couple | couple | copula, copulare from Latin |
couple |
cover | cover | coperire, cooperire from Latin |
cover, coverage, covert, discover, discovery, recover, recovery, rediscover, uncover |
cow | cow | cu from Old English |
cow |
crab | crab | crabba from Old English |
crab |
crack | crack, make a sharp noise |
cracian, cearcian from Old English |
chirp |
cracy (cracy-) |
rule, authority, government |
kratein, kratos, kratia from Greek |
autocracy, autocrat, bureaucracy, cracy, democracy, democratic, theocracy |
craft | craft, power, might, strength, skill |
cræft, cræftan from Old English |
aircraft, craft, crafty, handicraft |
crave | crave, ask, implore | crafian, cræft from Old English |
craving |
craze | craze | krasa from Old Swedish |
craze, crazy |
cre (cre-) |
make, create | creare, creatus, from Latin |
create, created, creation, creative, creativity, creator, creature, recreate, re-create, recreation |
cred | believe, trust, creed |
credere, creditus, credulus from Latin |
accredit, accreditation, cred, credal, credence, credential, credentials, credibility, credible, credit, creditable, creditor, credo, credulity, credulous, creed, incredible, incredibly |
creep | creep | creopan from Old English |
creepy |
cresc | grow, rise | crescere, crescens from Latin |
concrete, cresc, crescent, crew, decrease, increase, increasingly, recruit, recruitment |
cricket | cricket(insect) | criquet, criquer from French |
cricket |
crisp | curled | crispus from Latin |
crisp |
crit (crit-, crisi) |
judge, separate | krinein, krisis, krima from Greek |
crisis, criterion, critic, critical, criticise, criticism, criticize, critique, diacritic, diacritical, hypercritical, hypocrisy, hypocrite |
crook | crook | krokr, krakr from Old Norse |
encroach |
crouch | crouch | crochir, croche, croc from French |
crouched |
crowd | crowd | crudan from Old English |
crowd, crowded |
crud | crude, rough, raw, bloody, not cooked |
crudus, cruor, crudelis from Latin |
cruel, cruelly |
cruise | cross | crucem, crux, crucis from Latin |
across, cross, crucial, crucially, crucifix, crucify, cruise, crusade |
crumb | crumb | cruma from Old English |
crumb, crumble |
crunch | crunch | crunch from imitative/echoic |
crunchy |
crush | crush | cruissir, cruisir, croisir from French |
crush |
cry | cry, wail, shriek | critare, quiritare, quis from Latin |
cry, crying, outcry |
crypt (crypt-) |
hide, hidden, secret, cave |
kryptos, kruptein, kruptos from Greek |
crypt, cryptic, crypto, cryptocurrency, cryptogram, cryptograph, cryptographer, cryptography, cryptology, cryptonym, cryptozoology, decrypt, encrypt, encryption, grotesque, grotto, krypton |
cub | kubos, kybos from Greek |
cube, cuboid | |
cubit | cubit | cubitum, cubitus from Latin |
cubit |
cult (col-, cult-) |
cultivate, till, inhabit, colony |
colere, cultus, colonia, cultivare from Latin |
acculturate, acculturation, agricultural, agriculture, colonial, colonise, colonize, colony, cult, cultivable, cultivate, cultivation, cultural, culture, domicile, horticulture |
cumul | cumulatus, cumulare, cumulus from Latin |
accumulate, accumulation, cumulate | |
cup | cup | cuppa, cupa from Latin |
cup |
cur | care, take care of | curare, cura from Latin |
accuracy, accurate, accurately, curable, curate, curator, cure, curio, curiosity, curious, inaccurate, incurable, proctor, procurator, procure, proxy, secure, security |
curb | curb | curvus, curvare from Latin |
curb |
curl | curl | krul from Middle Dutch |
curling |
curr | run, course | currens, currere, cursus from Latin |
corridor, course, cryptocurrency, curr, currency, current, currently, curriculum, cursive, cursor, cursory, discourse, excursion, incur, intercourse, occur, precursor, recur, recurring |
curse | curse | cursian, curs from Old English |
accursed, curse, cursed, cuss |
curt | cut, short | curtus from Latin |
curtail |
curv | bent, crooked, curved, bend |
curvus, curvare from Latin |
curb, curve |
cust (cust-, custo-) |
guardian | custos, custodia from Latin |
custodian, custody |
custom | custom | consuetumen, consuetudinem, consuetudo, consuetus, consuescere from Latin |
costume, custom |
cut | cut | kytja, kutta from Old Norse |
cut, cutting |
cuth (cuth, couth, can) |
know, can | cuð, cunnan from Old English |
cuddly |
cyber | cyber | - | cyber |
cycle (cycl-) |
circle | kyklos, kuklos, kyklon, kuklikos from Greek |
anticyclone, anticyclonic, bicycle, cycl, cycle, cyclic, cycling, cyclist, cyclone, epicycle, recycle, recycling |
cyn (cyn-) |
dog | kuon, kunos from Greek |
cynic |
cyst | - | cholecyst, cyst, cystic | |
cyte | cell | kutos from Greek |
leucocyte, oocyte |
'English Category > Root List A to Z' 카테고리의 다른 글
List of English Root Word - [A] (0) | 2021.11.11 |
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