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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: clar-, clari from Latin clarus, clarare


【clar-】 is word -forming element
usually meaning "clear"
from Latin "clarus, clarare"

[WORD ROOT]root clare
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] clare, clear, clari
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) clarus, clarare
[MEANING]root clear





  • 【Latin】 clarus clear
  • 【Latin】 clarare [from clarus] to clarify; make clear


clare, clarification, clarify, clarity, clear, clearly, declaration , declare

Please see Word information in detail as follows;

clare [combining form] 
【ROOTs】 clare; clear

clarification [noun] from clarify < clare
【DEFINITION】 Your argument needs some clarification.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 act of clearing or refining
【pl.】 clarifications
【DERIVATIVEs】 clarification, clarifier, clarify, clear
【ROOTs】 clari(clare); clear, bright fication; noun suffix

clarify [verb] from clarify < clare
【DEFINITION】 To clarify something means to make it easier to understand, usually by explaining it in more detail.
【CONJUGATIONs】 clarified, clarified, clarifying, clarifies
【DERIVATIVEs】 clarification, clarifier, clarify, clarity, clear, clearable, clearance, clearer, clearness, clearly
【SYNONYM】 illuminate
【ROOTs】 clari(clare); clear fy; do, make

clarity [noun] from clare
【DEFINITION】 The clarity of something such as a book or argument is its quality of being well explained and easy to understand.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 brightness, radiance; glory, splendor
【DERIVATIVEs】 clarify, clarity, clear, clearable, clearance, clearer, clearness, clearly
【ROOTs】 clar(clare); clear ity; noun suffix

clear [adjective] from clear < clare
【DEFINITION】 Something that is clear is easy to understand, see, or hear.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 giving light, shining, luminous
【VARIATIONs】 비교; clear < clearer < clearest
【DERIVATIVEs】 clarification, clarifier, clarify, clarity, clear, clearable, clearance, clearer, clearness, clearly
【SYNONYM】 net, definite, obvious, plain, manifest, stark, lucid
【ANTONYM】 dark, cloudy
【ROOTs】 clear(clare); clear, bright

clearly [adverb] from clear < clare
【DEFINITION】 ① in a clear manner; in a way that is easy to see, hear, or understand
② in a way that is certain, without doubt, obviously
【DERIVATIVEs】 clarify, clarity, clear, clearable, clearance, clearer, clearness, clearly
【SYNONYM】 obviously, plainly, expressly
【ROOTs】 clear(clare); clear, bright

declaration [noun] from declare < clare
【DEFINITION】 A declaration is an official announcement or statement.
【pl.】 declaration s
【DERIVATIVEs】 declarable, declaration , declarative, declaratory, declare
【SYNONYM】 statement, profession
【ROOTs】 de; down, under clar(clare); clear ation; noun suffix

declare [verb] from declare < clare
【DEFINITION】 If you declare that something is true, you say that it is true in a firm, deliberate way. You can also declare an attitude or intention.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 explain, interpret, make clear
【CONJUGATIONs】 declared, declared, declaring, declares
【DERIVATIVEs】 declarable, declaration , declarative, declaratory, declare
【SYNONYM】 proclaim, profess
【ROOTs】 de; down, under clare; clear



civ-, civil-, cit-
cite-, cit-
chart, card
chrom-, -chroous, -chroic
chron-. chrono-


ENGLISH ROOT WORD: civ-, civil-, cit- from Latin civis, civilis, civitas

【civ-, civil-, cit-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "citizen" from Latin "civis, civilis, civitas"from PIE *keuthein "" [WORD ROOT]root civ [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] civ, civil, citiz, cita..


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