【cent-, centi-】 are word -forming element
usually meaning "a hundred"
from Latin "centuria, centum"
[WORD ROOT]root cent
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cent, centen, centi
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) centuria, centum
[MEANING]root a hundred
- 【Latin】 centum a hundred
- 【Latin】 centuria group of one hundred
bicentenary, cent, centenary, centennial, centiare, centigram, centimeter, centipede, century, percent, percentage, tercentenary
Please see Word information in detail as follows;
bicentenary [adjective] from centenary < cent
【DEFINITION】 A bicentenary is a year in which you celebrate something important that happened exactly two hundred years earlier.
【ROOTs】 ⑴ bi; two, twice ⑵ centen(cent); a hundred ⑶ ary; noun suffix
cent [noun] from cent
【DEFINITION】 A cent is a small unit of money worth one hundredth of some currencies, for example the dollar and the euro.
【pl.】 cents
【ROOTs】 cent; a hundred
centenary [noun] from centenary < cent
【DEFINITION】 The centenary of an event such as someone's birth is the 100th anniversary of that event.
【pl.】 centenaries
【ROOTs】 ⑴ centen(cent); a hundred ⑵ ary; suffix
centennial [noun] from ennial < anni
【DEFINITION】 A centennial is the same as a centenary.
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cent; a hundred ⑵ enni(anni); year, yearly ⑶ al; noun suffix
centiare [noun] from cent
【DEFINITION】 a unit of area equal to one square metre
【ROOTs】 cent; a hundred
centigram [noun] from centigram < gram
【DEFINITION】 one hundredth of a gram
【PRIMARY MEANING】 one hundredth of a gram
【ROOTs】 ⑴ centi(cent); a hundred ⑵ gram; small weight
centimeter [noun] from cent
【DEFINITION】 a unit of length equal to ¹/100 meter
【PRIMARY MEANING】 one hundredth of a meter
【ROOTs】 ⑴ centi(cent); a hundred ⑵ meter; measure
centipede [noun] from centipede < cent
【DEFINITION】 A centipede is a long, thin creature with a lot of legs.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 venomous, many-legged, insect-sized arthropod
【DERIVATIVEs】 centipedal, centipede
【ROOTs】 ⑴ centi(cent); a hundred ⑵ pede(ped); foot
century [noun] from cent
【DEFINITION】 A century is a period of a hundred years that is used when stating a date. For example, the 19th century was the period from 1801 to 1900.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 one hundred
【pl.】 centuries
【DERIVATIVEs】 centurial, century
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cent; a hundred ⑵ ury(ery); noun suffix
percent [noun] from percent < cent
【DEFINITION】 You use per cent to talk about amounts. For example, if an amount is 10 per cent (10%) of a larger amount, it is equal to 10 hundredths of the larger amount.
【pl.】 [PL]
【ROOTs】 ⑴ per; thoroughly, utterly ⑵ cent; a hundred
percentage [noun] from percent < cent
【DEFINITION】 A percentage is a fraction of an amount expressed as a particular number of hundredths of that amount.
【pl.】 percentages
【ROOTs】 ⑴ per; thoroughly, utterly ⑵ cent; a hundred ⑶ age; noun suffix
tercentenary [noun] from centenary < cent
【DEFINITION】 A tercentenary is a day or a year which is exactly three hundred years after an important event such as the birth of a famous person.
【pl.】 tercentenaries
【ROOTs】 ⑴ ter; - ⑵ centen(cent); a hundred ⑶ ary; suffix
Other word list containing cent-, centi-; centurion, centare, centipedal
cede-, cess-
caus, cuse
caust-, calm-
cata-, cath-, cat-
carbo-, carb-
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: celer- from Latin celerare, celer
【celer-】 is word -forming element usually meaning "quick" from Latin "celerare, celer" [WORD ROOT]root celer [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] celer [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) celerare, celer [MEANING]root quick..
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