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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: costa-, cost- from Latin costa



【costa-, cost-】 are word -forming element
usually meaning "rib"
from Latin "costa"

[WORD ROOT]root costa
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] costa, coast, cote
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) costa
[MEANING]root rib


  • 【Latin】 costa rib, flank, side; the shore, side of the land


accost, coast, coastal, costa, costa, costal, costate, entrecote

Please see Word information in detail as follows;



accost [verb] from accost < costa
【DEFINITION】 If someone accosts another person, especially a stranger, they stop them or go up to them and speak to them in a way that seems rude or threatening.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 come side-by-side or face-to-face with
【CONJUGATIONs】 accosted accosted accosting accosts
【DERIVATIVEs】 accostable, accost
【ROOTs】 ac(ad); to, toward cost(costa); rib

coast [noun] from coast < costa
【DEFINITION】 The coast is an area of land that is next to the sea.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 margin of the land; rib as a part of the body
【pl.】 coasts
【DERIVATIVEs】 coastal, coastally, coastward, coastwards, coast
【Etymology】 [Latin] accostare ad+costa;
【ROOTs】 coast(costa); rib

coastal [adjective] from coast < costa
【DEFINITION】 Coastal is used to refer to things that are in the sea or on the land near a coast.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 of or pertaining to a coast or shore
【DERIVATIVEs】 coastal, coastally, coastward, coastwards, coast
【Etymology】 [Latin] costa rib, flank, side; the shore, side of the land
【ROOTs】 coast(costa); rib al(ad); to, toward

costa [combining form] from costa
【DEFINITION】 rib, flank, side; the shore, side of the land
【Etymology】 [Latin] costa rib, flank, side; the shore, side of the land
【ROOTs】 costa; rib 

costa [noun] from costa
【DEFINITION】 the technical name for rib (sense 1)
【Etymology】 [Latin] costa rib, flank, side; the shore, side of the land
【ROOTs】 costa; rib 

costal [adjective] from costal < costa
【PRIMARY MEANING】 pertaining to the ribs, or the side of the body
【DERIVATIVEs】 costally, costal
【Etymology】 [Latin] costa rib, flank, side; the shore, side of the land
【ROOTs】 cost(costa); rib al; adjective suffix

costate [adjective] from costate < costa
【DEFINITION】 having ribs
【ROOTs】 cost(costa); rib ate; adjective suffix

entrecote [noun] from entrecote < costa
【DEFINITION】 a beefsteak cut from between the ribs
【ROOTs】 entre(inter); between cote(costa); rib


Other word list containing costa-, cost-; bicostate, curvicostate, infracostal, intercostal, intracoastal, multicostate, quadricostate, supracostal, tricostate, unicostate


corp-, corpor-
coron-, coroll-
cord-, cor-
contra-, contro-
concil-, counsil-
cogn-, cognit-


ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cosm from Greek kosmos

【cosm】 is word -forming element usually meaning "universe, order" from Greek "kosmos" [WORD ROOT]root cosm [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cosm, cosmo, cosmos [ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) kosmos [MEANING]root un..




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