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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: count from Latin computare


【count】 is word -forming element
usually meaning "count"
from Latin "computare"

[WORD ROOT]root count
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] count, counter
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) computare
[MEANING]root count


  • 【Latin】 computare com+putare; to count, to reckon; calculate



account, accountability, accountable, accountant, count, counter, counterpart, countless, recount, uncountable


Please see Word information in detail as follows;

account [noun] from account < count
【DEFINITION】 If you have an account with a bank or a similar organization, you have an arrangement to leave your money there and take some out when you need it.
【pl.】 accounts
【ROOTs】 ac(ad); to count; count

accountability [noun] from accountable < count
【DEFINITION】 accountabil + ity
【DERIVATIVEs】 accountability, accountableness, accountably, accountable
【COMPOSITION】 accountable + ity
【ROOTs】 ac(ad); to count; count abil(able); adjective suffix ity; noun suffix

accountable [adjective] from accountable < count
【DEFINITION】 If you are accountable to someone for something that you do, you are responsible for it and must be prepared to justify your actions to that person.
【DERIVATIVEs】 accountability, accountableness, accountably, accountable
【ROOTs】 ac(ad); to count; count able; adjective suffix

accountant [noun] from account < count
【DEFINITION】 An accountant is a person whose job is to keep financial accounts.
【ROOTs】 ac(ad); to count; count ant; noun suffix

count [verb] from count
【DEFINITION】 ① When you count, you say all the numbers one after another up to a particular number.
② If you count all the things in a group, you add them up in order to find how many there are.
③ If something or someone counts for something or counts, they are important or valuable.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to enumerate, assign numerals to successively and in order; repeat the numerals in order
【CONJUGATIONs】 counted, counted, counting, counts
【DERIVATIVEs】 countship, count
【SYNONYM】 matter, depend
【ROOTs】 count; count

counter [noun] from count
【DEFINITION】 ① In a place such as a shop or caf? a counter is a long narrow table or flat surface at which customers are served.
② Something that is a counter to something else has an opposite effect to it or makes it less effective.
③ A counter is a mechanical or electronic device which keeps a count of something and displays the total.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 ② one who counts or reckons, an accountant, a local tax official ③ that which is counter or opposite
【pl.】 counters
【ROOTs】 count; count er; noun suffix

counterpart [noun] from part
【DEFINITION】 someone or something that has the same job or purpose as another
【pl.】 counterparts
【SYNONYM】 opposite number
【COMPOSITION】 counter + part
【Etymology】 [Latin] computare com+putare; to count, to reckon; calculate
【ROOTs】 count; count er; noun suffix part; divide, part

countless [adjective] from count
【DEFINITION】 Countless means very many.
【DERIVATIVEs】 countlessly, countless
【COMPOSITION】 count + less
【Etymology】 [Latin] partiri to share, part, distribute, divide
【ROOTs】 count; count less; without

recount [verb] from recount < count
【DEFINITION】 If you recount a story or event, you tell or describe it to people.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 ① to tell ② to enumerate again,
【CONJUGATIONs】 recounted recounted recounting recounts
【SYNONYM】 retail
【ROOTs】 re; again, behind, back count; count

uncountable [adjective] from count
【DEFINITION】 too many to be counted; innumerable
【DERIVATIVEs】 uncountability, uncountableness, uncountably, uncountable
【ROOTs】 un; not count; count able; suffix


Other word list containing count; countlessly


costa-, cost-
corp-, corpor-
coron-, coroll-
cord-, cor-
contra-, contro-
concil-, counsil-


ENGLISH ROOT WORD: costa-, cost- from Latin costa

【costa-, cost-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "rib" from Latin "costa" [WORD ROOT]root costa [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] costa, coast, cote [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) costa [MEANING]root rib 【..




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