【cur】 is word-forming element
usually meaning "care, take care of"
from Latin "curare, cura"
[WORD ROOT]root cur
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cur, cure, curi, curio
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) curare, cura
[MEANING]root care, take care of
- 【Latin】 curare take care of
- 【Latin】 cura care
accuracy, accurate, accurately, curable, curate, curator, cure, curio, curiosity, curious, inaccurate, incurable, proctor, procurator, procure, proxy, secure, security
Please see Word information in detail as follows;
accuracy [noun] from accurate < cure
【DEFINITION】 The accuracy of information or measurements is their quality of being true or correct, even in small details.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 state of being extremely precise or exact; conformity to truth
【pl.】 accuracies
【DERIVATIVEs】 accuracy, accurate, accurately, accurateness
【SYNONYM】 precision
【ANTONYM】 inaccuracy
【Etymology】 [Latin] accurare ad+curare; take care of
【ROOTs】 ⑴ ac(ad); to ⑵ cur; care ⑶ acy(cy); noun suffix
accurate [adjective] from accurate < cure
【DEFINITION】 Accurate information, measurements, and statistics are correct to a very detailed level. An accurate instrument is able to give you information of this kind.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 done with care
【DERIVATIVEs】 accuracy, accurate, accurately, accurateness
【ANTONYM】 inaccurate
【Etymology】 [Latin] accurare ad+curare; take care of
【ROOTs】 ⑴ ac(ad); to ⑵ cur; care ⑶ ate; verb suffix
accurately [adverb] from accurate < cure
【DEFINITION】 accurate + ly
【DERIVATIVEs】 accuracy, accurate, accurately, accurateness
【SYNONYM】 exactly
【COMPOSITION】 accurate + ly
【Etymology】 [Latin] accurare ad+curare; take care of
【ROOTs】 ⑴ ac(ad); to ⑵ cur; care ⑶ ate; verb suffix ⑷ ly; adverb suffix
curable [adjective] from curable < cure
【DEFINITION】 If a disease or illness is curable, it can be cured.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 capable of being healed or cured
【DERIVATIVEs】 curability, curableness, curably, curable
【ANTONYM】 incurable
【Etymology】 [Latin] curare take care of
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cur; care ⑵ able; adjective suffix
curate [noun] from curate < cure
【DEFINITION】 A curate is a clergyman in the Anglican Church who helps the priest.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 spiritual guide, ecclesiastic responsible for the spiritual welfare of those in his charge; parish priest
【Etymology】 [Latin] curare take care of
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cur; care, take care of ⑵ ate; suffix
curator [noun] from curate < cure
【DEFINITION】 A curator is someone who is in charge of the objects or works of art in a museum or art gallery.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a guardian; one who has care or superintendence of something
【pl.】 curators
【DERIVATIVEs】 curatorial, curatorship, curator
【Etymology】 [Latin] curare take care of
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cur; care, take care of ⑵ at(ate); verb suffix ⑶ or; noun suffix
cure [verb] from cure
【DEFINITION】 ① If doctors or medical treatments cure an illness or injury, they cause it to end or disappear.
② If doctors or medical treatments cure a person, they make the person well again after an illness or injury.
③ If someone or something cures a problem, they bring it to an end.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to restore to health or a sound state,
【CONJUGATIONs】 cured, cured, curing, cures
【DERIVATIVEs】 cureless, curer, cure
【Etymology】 [Latin] curare take care of
【ROOTs】 cure(cur); care, take care of
curio [noun] from curio
【DEFINITION】 A curio is an object such as a small ornament which is unusual and fairly rare.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 piece of bric-a-brac from the Far East
【Etymology】 [English] curiosity [curio is a shortening of curiosity (n, )]
【ROOTs】 curio(cur); care
curiosity [noun] from curious < cure
【DEFINITION】 Curiosity is a desire to know about something.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 careful attention to detail
【pl.】 curiosities
【DERIVATIVEs】 curiosity, curious, curiously, curiousness
【Etymology】 [Latin] curare take care of
【ROOTs】 ⑴ curi(cur); care ⑵ os(ous); adjective suffix ⑶ ity; noun suffix
curious [adjective] from curious < cure
【DEFINITION】 If you are curious about something, you are interested in it and want to know more about it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 subtle, sophisticated; eager to know, inquisitive, desirous of seeing
【DERIVATIVEs】 curiosity, curious, curiously, curiousness
【SYNONYM】 inquisitive
【Etymology】 [Latin] curare take care of
【ROOTs】 ⑴ curi(cur); care ⑵ ous; adjective suffix
inaccurate [adjective] from inaccurate < cure
【DEFINITION】 If a statement or measurement is inaccurate, it is not accurate or correct.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 not exact or correct,
【DERIVATIVEs】 inaccuracy, inaccurately, inaccurateness, inaccurate
【ANTONYM】 accurate
【COMPOSITION】 in + accurate
【Etymology】 [Latin] curare take care of
【ROOTs】 ⑴ in; not ⑵ ac(ad); to ⑶ cur; care ⑷ ate; verb suffix
incurable [adjective] from curable < cure
【DEFINITION】 ① impossible to cure; not curable
② not likely to be changed
【DERIVATIVEs】 incurability, incurableness, incurably, incurable
【SYNONYM】 incorrigible
【ANTONYM】 curable
【COMPOSITION】 in + curable
【Etymology】 [Latin] curare take care of
【ROOTs】 ⑴ in; not, opposite of, without ⑵ cur; care ⑶ able; adjective suffix
proctor [noun] from proctor
【DEFINITION】 (contraction of procurator) a member of the teaching staff of any of certain universities having the duties of enforcing discipline
【 Contraction of ☞ procurator】
【Etymology】 [English] procurator [proctor is contraction of procurator]
【ROOTs】 ⑴ pro; before, forth ⑵ cur; care, take care of
procurator [noun] from curate < cure
【DEFINITION】 A procurator is an administrative official with legal powers, especially in the former Soviet Union, the Roman Catholic Church, or the ancient Roman Empire.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 steward or manager of a household;
【SYNONYM】 proctor
【COMPOSITION】 pro + curator
【 contr ☞ proctor】
【Etymology】 [Latin] curare take care of
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cur; care, take care of ⑵ pro; before, forth, forward ⑶ at(ate); verb suffix ⑷ or; noun suffix
procure [verb] from procure < cure
【DEFINITION】 If you procure something, especially something that is difficult to get, you obtain it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 bring about, cause, effect
【DERIVATIVEs】 procurable, procural, procurance, procuration, procurement, procure
【Etymology】 [Latin] curare take care of
【ROOTs】 ⑴ pro; before, forth, forward ⑵ cure(cur); care
proxy [noun] from proxy
【DEFINITION】 If you do something by proxy, you arrange for someone else to do it for you.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 agency of one who acts instead of another; letter of power of attorney
【pl.】 proxies
【 Contraction of ☞ procuracy】
【ROOTs】 ⑴ pro; before, forth, forward ⑵ cur; care
secure [adjective] from secure < cure
【DEFINITION】 A secure place is tightly locked or well protected, so that people cannot enter it or leave it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 without care, dreading no evil
【VARIATIONs】 비교; secure < securer < securest
【DERIVATIVEs】 securable, secure, securely, securement, secureness, securer, security
【SYNONYM】 stable, safe, firm
【ANTONYM】 insecure
【Etymology】 [Latin] curare take care of
【ROOTs】 ⑴ se; away, apart ⑵ cure(cur); care, take care of
security [noun] from secure < cure
【DEFINITION】 Security refers to all the measures that are taken to protect a place, or to ensure that only people with permission enter it or leave it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 condition of being secure,
【pl.】 securities
【DERIVATIVEs】 securable, secure, securely, securement, secureness, securer, security
【Etymology】 [Latin] curare take care of
【ROOTs】 ⑴ se; free from ⑵ cur; care ⑶ ity; noun suffix
Other word list containing cur; manucure, curability, insecure, assecure, curacy, curative, curettage, curette, inaccuracy, insecurity, manicure, pedicure, pococurante, proctour, proctorage, proctorial, procurable, procuracy, procuration, procurement, scour, scourage, sinecural, sinecure, incurableness, incurability, incurably
col-, cult-
crit-, crisi
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: col-, cult- from Latin colere, cultus, colonia, cultivare
【col-, cult-】 are word-forming element usually meaning "cultivate, till, inhabit, colony" from Latin "colere, cultus, cultivate, colonia" [WORD ROOT]root cult [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cile, colon, cu..