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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: chrom-, -chroous, -chroic from Greek khroma





【chrom-, -chroous, -chroic】 are word -forming element
usually meaning "color"
from Greek "khroma"

[WORD ROOT]root chrom
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] chrom, chroism, chroma, chrome, chromo, chromat, chroous
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) khroma
[MEANING]root color




  • 【Greek】 khroma surface of the body, skin, color of the skin; color, complexion


achromat, chrom, chroma, chromatic, chromatin, chrome, chromium, chromophobia, chromophore, chromosome, dichroic, dichroism, dichromatic, monochromatic, monochrome, photochromy, trichromatic

Please see Word information in detail as follows;

achromat [noun] from achromat < chrom
【DEFINITION】 Also called : achromatic lens a lens designed to bring light of two chosen wavelengths to the same focal point, thus reducing chromatic aberration Compare apochromat
【ROOTs】 a(an); not, without chrom; color at(ate); noun suffix

chrom [combining form] from chrom
【ROOTs】 chrom; color

chroma [noun] from chroma < chrom
【DEFINITION】 the attribute of a colour that enables an observer to judge how much chromatic colour it contains irrespective of achromatic colour present See also saturation (sense 4)
【PRIMARY MEANING】 intensity of distinctive hue, degree of departure of a color-sensation from that of white or gray
【ROOTs】 chroma(chrom); color

chromatic [adjective] from chrom
【DEFINITION】 In music, chromatic means related to the scale that consists only of semitones.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 involving tones foreign to the normal tonality of the scale, not diatonic
【DERIVATIVEs】 chromatically, chromaticism, chromatic
【ROOTs】 chrom; color atic; adjective suffix

chromatin [noun] from chrom
【DEFINITION】 the part of the nucleus that consists of DNA and proteins, forms the chromosomes, and stains with basic dyes See also euchromatin, heterochromatin
【ROOTs】 chrom; color at(ate); noun suffix in; noun suffix

chrome [noun] from chrom
【DEFINITION】 Chrome is metal plated with chromium.
【ROOTs】 chrome(chrom); -

chromium [noun] from chrom
【DEFINITION】 Chromium is a hard, shiny metallic element, used to make steel alloys and to coat other metals.
【ROOTs】 chrom; color ium; noun suffix

chromophobia [noun] from phobia
【DEFINITION】 ① (biology) The quality of being resistant to staining.
② (rare) Aversion to a colour or colours.
【ROOTs】 chromo(chrom); - phobia; -

chromophore [noun] from chromophore < chrom
【DEFINITION】 an atom or group whose presence is responsible for the colour of a compound.
【DERIVATIVEs】 chromophoric, chromophore
【ROOTs】 chrom; phore;


chromosome [noun] from chromosome < chrom
【DEFINITION】 A chromosome is a part of a cell in an animal or plant. It contains genes which determine what characteristics the animal or plant will have.
【pl.】 chromosomes
【DERIVATIVEs】 chromosomal, chromosomally, chromosome
【ROOTs】 chromo(chrom); color soma; body

dichroic [adjective] from dichroic < chrom
【DEFINITION】 (of a solution or uniaxial crystal) exhibiting dichroism
【SYNONYM】 dichromatic
【ROOTs】 di; twice, double chro(chrom); color ic; adjective suffix

dichroism [noun] from dichroic < chrom
【DEFINITION】 Also called : dichromaticism a property of a uniaxial crystal, such as tourmaline, of showing a perceptible difference in colour when viewed along two different axes in transmitted white light See also pleochroism
【ROOTs】 di; twice, double chro(chrom); color ism; ideology

dichromatic [adjective] from dichromatic < chrom
【DEFINITION】 Also : dichroic having or consisting of only two colours
【SYNONYM】 dichroic
【ROOTs】 di; twice, double chrom; color atic; adjective suffix

monochromatic [adjective] from monochrome < chrom
【DEFINITION】 Also : homochromatic (of light or other electromagnetic radiation) having only one wavelength
【PRIMARY MEANING】 of one color, consisting of light of one wavelength
【ROOTs】 mono; one, single chrom; - atic; suffix

monochrome [adjective] from monochrome < chrom
【DEFINITION】 A monochrome film, photograph, or television shows black, white, and shades of grey, but no other colours.
【DERIVATIVEs】 monochromic, monochromical, monochromist, monochrome
【ROOTs】 mono; one, single chrome(chrom); color

photochromy [noun] from photochromy < chrom
【DEFINITION】 The art or process of reproducing colours by photography.
【ROOTs】 photo; light chrom; color y; noun suffix

trichromatic [adjective] from trichromatic < chrom
【DEFINITION】 involving the combination of three primary colours in the production of any colour
【ROOTs】 tri; three chrom; color atic; adjective suffix

Other word list containing chrom-, -chroous, -chroic; monochromist, monochromic, monochromical, achromatic, achromatism, achromatopsia, achromatopsic, amphichroic, apochromat, auxochrome, chromatid, chromatophore, chromogen, chromolithography, heliochrome, heterochromatic, heterochromatin, microchromosome, photochromism, pleochroism, polychromatic, polychrome, trichroism, trichromic, chromophoric



chem-, chemo-, chemi-, chemico-
cer-, cern-, cert-
center-, centri-, centr-
cent-, centi-
cede-, cess-
caus, cuse


ENGLISH ROOT WORD: child from Old English cild

【child】 is word -forming element usually meaning "child" from Old English "cild" [WORD ROOT]root child [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] child [ETYMOLOGY]root (Old English) cild [MEANING]root child 【DETAILs..


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