【contra-, contro-】 are word -forming element
usually meaning "against, contrary"
from Latin "contra"
[WORD ROOT]root contra
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] contra, contro, counter, countr
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) contra
[MEANING]root against, contrary
- 【Latin】 contra [com+-tr] [ablative singular feminine of *com-teros] against, (originally) in comparison with
contra, contracept, contraception, contradict, contradiction, contradictory, contraindicate, contrast, contravene, control, controversial, controversy, controvert, counter, country, encounter, out-of-control, uncontrolled
Please see Word information in detail as follows;
contra [combining form] from contra
【ROOTs】 contra; against, contrary
contracept [verb] from contracept < capt
【DEFINITION】 ① (intransitive) To use contraception
② (transitive) To administer contraception, especially to a population of wild animals
【CONJUGATIONs】 contracepted contracepted contracepting contracepts
【ROOTs】 ⑴ contra; against, contrary ⑵ cept(capt); take, hold
contraception [noun] from contracept < capt
【DEFINITION】 Contraception refers to methods of preventing pregnancy.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 birth control, prevention of conception in the womb
【SYNONYM】 birth control
【ROOTs】 ⑴ contra; against, contrary ⑵ cept(capt); take, hold ⑶ ion; noun suffix
contradict [verb] from contradict < dict
【DEFINITION】 If you contradict someone, you say that what they have just said is wrong, or suggest that it is wrong by saying something different.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 speak against, oppose
【CONJUGATIONs】 contradicted contradicted contradicting contradicts
【DERIVATIVEs】 contradict, contradictable, contradicter, contradiction, contradictious, contradictiously, contradictiousness, contradictively, contradictiveness, contradictor, contradictorily, contradictoriness, contradictory
【ROOTs】 ⑴ contro(contra); against, contrary ⑵ dict(dic); say, speak
contradiction [noun] from contradict < dict
【DEFINITION】 If you describe an aspect of a situation as a contradiction, you mean that it is completely different from other aspects, and so makes the situation confused or difficult to understand.
【pl.】 contradictions
【DERIVATIVEs】 contradict, contradictable, contradicter, contradiction, contradictious, contradictiously, contradictiousness, contradictively, contradictiveness, contradictor, contradictory
【ROOTs】 ⑴ contro(contra); against, contrary ⑵ dict(dic); say, speak ⑶ ation(ion); noun suffix
contradictory [adjective] from contradict < dict
【DEFINITION】 If two or more facts, ideas, or statements are contradictory, they state or imply that opposite things are true.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 mutually opposed, at variance, inconsistent, incapable of being true together
【DERIVATIVEs】 contradict, contradictable, contradicter, contradiction, contradictious, contradictiously, contradictiousness, contradictively, contradictiveness, contradictor, contradictorily, contradictoriness, contradictory
【SYNONYM】 conflicting
【ROOTs】 ⑴ contra; against ⑵ dict(dic); say, speak, proclaim ⑶ ory; adjective suffix
contraindicate [verb] from contraindicate < indicate
【DEFINITION】 to advise against or indicate the possible danger of (a drug, treatment, etc)
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to indicate the contrary of
【CONJUGATIONs】 contraindicated contraindicated contraindicating contraindicates
【DERIVATIVEs】 contraindicant, contraindication, contraindicate
【ROOTs】 ⑴ contra; against, contrary ⑵ in; in, on, upon ⑶ dicate(dicat); proclaim, point out, declare
contrast [noun] from contrast < st-
【DEFINITION】 A contrast is a great difference between two or more things which is clear when you compare them.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 comparison by exhibiting the dissimilar or contrary qualities in the things compared
【pl.】 contrasts
【DERIVATIVEs】 contrastable, contrastably, contrastive, contrastively, contrasty, contrast
【ROOTs】 ⑴ contra; against, contrary ⑵ st; condition, stand
contravene [verb] from contravene < vene
【DEFINITION】 To contravene a law or rule means to do something that is forbidden by the law or rule.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to transgress
【SYNONYM】 infringe
【ROOTs】 ⑴ contra; against, contrary ⑵ vene(vent); come
control [noun] from control < roll
【DEFINITION】 Control of an organization, place, or system is the power to make all the important decisions about the way that it is run.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 act of keeping under authority and regulation, fact of checking and directing action
【pl.】 controls
【DERIVATIVEs】 controllability, controllable, controllableness, controllably, controlment, control
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cont(contra); against, contrary ⑵ rol(rot); wheel
controversial [adjective] from controvert < vert
【DEFINITION】 If you describe something or someone as controversial, you mean that they are the subject of intense public argument, disagreement, or disapproval.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 subject to controversy;
【DERIVATIVEs】 controversial, controversialism, controversialist, controversially, controvert, controversy
【ANTONYM】 non-controversial, uncontroversial
【ROOTs】 ⑴ contro(contra); against, contrary ⑵ versi(verse); turn ⑶ al(ad); adjective suffix
controversy [noun] from controvert < vert
【DEFINITION】 Controversy is a lot of discussion and argument about something, often involving strong feelings of anger or disapproval.
【pl.】 controversies
【DERIVATIVEs】 controversial, controversialism, controversialist, controversially, controvert, controverter, controvertible, controvertibly, controversy
【SYNONYM】 argument
【ROOTs】 ⑴ contra; against, contrary ⑵ vers(verse); turn ⑶ y; noun suffix
controvert [verb] from controvert < vert
【DEFINITION】 to deny, refute, or oppose (some argument or opinion)
【PRIMARY MEANING】 dispute (something), oppose by argument
【DERIVATIVEs】 controversial, controversialism, controversialist, controversially, controvert, controverter, controvertible, controvertibly, controversy
【SYNONYM】 refute
【ROOTs】 ⑴ contro(contra); against, contrary ⑵ vert(verse); turn
counter [verb] from counter
【DEFINITION】 ① If you do something to counter a particular action or process, you do something which has an opposite effect to it or makes it less effective.
② If you counter something that someone has said, you say something which shows that you disagree with them or which proves that they are wrong.
【CONJUGATIONs】 countered, countered, countering, counters
【SYNONYM】 counteract
【ROOTs】 counter(contra); against, contrary
country [noun] from country < contra
【DEFINITION】 ① an area of land that is controlled by its own government; nation
② (the country) the people who live in a country
③ an area or region that has a particular quality or feature or is known for a particular activity.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 (one's) native land; any geographic area
【pl.】 countries
【ROOTs】 ⑴ countr(contra); against, contrary ⑵ y; suffix
encounter [verb] from counter
【DEFINITION】 If you encounter problems or difficulties, you experience them.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to meet as an adversary
【CONJUGATIONs】 encountered, encountered, encountering, encounters
【SYNONYM】 run into, meet with, come across, meeting
【ROOTs】 ⑴ en; in ⑵ counter(contra); against, contrary
out-of-control [adjective] from control < roll
【DEFINITION】 If something is out of control, no-one has any power over it.
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cont(contra); against, contrary ⑵ rol(rot); wheel
uncontrolled [adjective] from control < roll
【DEFINITION】 If you describe someone's behaviour as uncontrolled, you mean they appear unable to stop it or to make it less extreme.
【ROOTs】 ⑴ un; prefix ⑵ cont(contra); against, contrary ⑶ roll(rot); wheel ⑷ ed; adjective suffix
Other word list containing contra-, contro-; controversialism, controversialist, controversially, contraband, contraflow, contrabassoon, controverter, controvertible, controvertibly
concil-, counsil-
cogn-, cognit-
cline, clin-
clar-, clari
civ-, civil-, cit-
cite-, cit-
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: concil-, counsil- from Latin concilium, conciliatus, conciliare
【concil-, counsil-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "meeting, gathering of people" from Latin "concilium, conciliatus, conciliare" [WORD ROOT]root concil [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] concil, co..