【caust-, calm-】 are word -forming element
usually meaning "burn"
from Greek "kaiein, kaustos, kautos, kaustikos), kausis, kauma"
[WORD ROOT]root caust
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] calm, caust
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) kaiein, kaustos, kautos, kaustikos), kausis, kauma
[MEANING]root burn
- 【Greek】 kaiein to burn
- 【Greek】 kaustos
- 【Greek】 kautos
- 【Greek】 kaustikos)
- 【Greek】 kausis
- 【Greek】 kauma [from kaiein] heat (of the day)
calm, calmly, caust, caustic, ink
Please see Word information in detail as follows;
calm [adjective] from calm < caust
【DEFINITION】 A calm person does not show or feel any worry, anger, or excitement.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 windless, without motion or agitation;
【VARIATIONs】 비교; calm < calmer < calmest
【DERIVATIVEs】 calmly, calm
【ROOTs】 calm(caust); burn
calmly [adverb] from calm < caust
【DEFINITION】 You can use calmly to emphasize that someone is behaving in a very controlled or ordinary way in a frightening or unusual situation.
【DERIVATIVEs】 calmly, calm
【ROOTs】 ⑴ calm(caust); burn ⑵ ly; adverb suffix
caust [combining form] from caust
【DEFINITION】 to burn
【ROOTs】 caust; burn
caustic [adjective] from caust
【DEFINITION】 Caustic chemical substances are very powerful and can dissolve other substances.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 capable of burning or destroying organic tissue, corrosive,
【DERIVATIVEs】 caustical, caustically, causticity, causticness, caustic
【SYNONYM】 scathing, corrosive
【ROOTs】 ⑴ caust; burn ⑵ ic; adjective suffix
ink [noun] from ink < caust
【PRIMARY MEANING】 the black liquor with which men write
【pl.】 inks
【DERIVATIVEs】 inker, inky, ink
【ROOTs】 ⑴ en; in, into ⑵ caust; burn
Other word list containing caust-, calm-; holocaust, catacaustic, causalgia, causalgic, cauter, cauterize, cautery, diacaustic, encaustic, hypocaust
caus, cuse
cata-, cath-, cat-
carbo-, carb-
capt-, ceive-, cept-
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: caus, cuse from Latin causa
【caus, cuse】 are word -forming element usually meaning "cause, motive" from Latin "causa" [WORD ROOT]root caus [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] caus, cuse, cause [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) causa [MEANING]root c..
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