【civ-, civil-, cit-】 are word -forming element
usually meaning "citizen"
from Latin "civis, civilis, civitas"from PIE *keuthein ""
[WORD ROOT]root civ
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] civ, civil, citiz, citadel
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) civis, civilis, civitas
[MEANING]root citizen
- 【Latin】 civis citizen, townsman
- 【Latin】 civilis [alternative adjectival derivative of civis] relating to a citizen, relating to public life, befitting a citizen; popular, affable, courteous
- 【Latin】 civitas [nominative of civitatem] citizenship, condition or rights of a citizen, membership in the community
citadel, citify, citizen, citizenship, city, civ, civic, civil, civilian, civilisation, civility, civilization, civilize, civilized, uncivil, uncivilized
Please see Word information in detail as follows;
citadel [noun] from citadel < civ
【DEFINITION】 In the past, a citadel was a strong building in or near a city, where people could shelter for safety.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 fortress commanding a city
【pl.】 citadels
【ROOTs】 citadel(civ); citizen
citify [verb] from city < civ
【DEFINITION】 to cause to conform to or adopt the customs, habits, or dress of city people
【ROOTs】 ⑴ citi(civ); citizen ⑵ fy; make
citizen [noun] from citizen < civ
【DEFINITION】 Someone who is a citizen of a particular country is legally accepted as belonging to that country.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 inhabitant of a city or town
【pl.】 citizens 여성형; citizeness
【DERIVATIVEs】 citizenhood, citizenly, citizen
【ROOTs】 ⑴ citiz(civ); citizen ⑵ en(an); noun suffix
citizenship [noun] from citizen < civ
【DEFINITION】 If you have citizenship of a country, you are legally accepted as belonging to it.
【ROOTs】 ⑴ citiz(civ); citizen ⑵ en(an); noun suffix ⑶ ship; noun suffix
city [noun] from city < civ
【DEFINITION】 A city is a large town.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 town, city
【pl.】 cities
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cit(civ); citizen ⑵ y; suffix
civ [combining form] from civ
【ROOTs】 civ; citizen
civic [adjective] from civ
【DEFINITION】 You use civic to describe people or things that have an official status in a town or city.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 pertaining to a city or citizenship
【ROOTs】 ⑴ civ; citizen ⑵ ic; adjective suffix
civil [adjective] from civil < civ
【DEFINITION】 You use civil to describe events that happen within a country and that involve the different groups of people in it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 relating to civil law or life; pertaining to the internal affairs of a state
【DERIVATIVEs】 civility, civilly, civilness, civil
【ANTONYM】 uncivil
【ROOTs】 civil(civ); citizen
civilian [noun] from civil < civ
【DEFINITION】 In a military situation, a civilian is anyone who is not a member of the armed forces.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 judge or authority on civil law
【pl.】 civilians
【ROOTs】 ⑴ civil(civ); citizen ⑵ ian(an); noun suffix
civilisation [noun] from civil < civ
【DEFINITION】 A civilization is a human society with its own social organization and culture.
【pl.】 civilisations
【ROOTs】 ⑴ civil(civ); citizen ⑵ is(ize); verb suffix ⑶ ation; noun suffix
civility [noun] from civil < civ
【DEFINITION】 ① polite, reasonable, and respectful behavior
② polite actions and words
【PRIMARY MEANING】 status of a citizen
【pl.】 civilities
【DERIVATIVEs】 civility, civilly, civilness, civil
【ROOTs】 ⑴ civil(civ); citizen ⑵ ity; noun suffix
civilization [noun] from civil < civ
【DEFINITION】 ① the condition that exists when people have developed effective ways of organizing a society and care about art, science, etc.
② a particular well-organized and developed society
③ all the societies of the world
【pl.】 civilizations
【DERIVATIVEs】 civilizational, civilization
【ROOTs】 ⑴ civil(civ); citizen ⑵ iz(ize); verb suffix ⑶ ation; noun suffix
civilize [verb] from civilize < civ
【DEFINITION】 To civilize a person or society means to educate them and improve their way of life.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to bring out of barbarism, introduce order and civil organization among, refine and enlighten
【CONJUGATIONs】 civilized, civilized, civilizing, civilizes
【DERIVATIVEs】 civilisable, civiliser, civilizable, civilizer, civilize
【ROOTs】 ⑴ civil(civ); citizen ⑵ ize; verb suffix
civilized [adjective] from civilize < civ
【DEFINITION】 If you describe a society as civilized, you mean that it is advanced and has sensible laws and customs.
【ANTONYM】 uncivilized
【ROOTs】 ⑴ civil(civ); citizen ⑵ iz(ize); verb suffix ⑶ ed; adjective suffix
uncivil [adjective] from uncivil < civ
【DEFINITION】 lacking civility or good manners
【DERIVATIVEs】 uncivility, uncivilly, uncivilness, uncivil
【ANTONYM】 civil
【ROOTs】 ⑴ un; not ⑵ civil(civ); citizen
uncivilized [adjective] from uncivil < civ
【DEFINITION】 If you describe someone's behaviour as uncivilized, you find it unacceptable, for example because it is very cruel or very rude.
【DERIVATIVEs】 uncivilisedly, uncivilisedness, uncivilizedly, uncivilizedness, uncivilized
【ANTONYM】 civilized
【ROOTs】 ⑴ un; not ⑵ civil(civ); citizen ⑶ iz(ize); verb suffix ⑷ ed; adjective suffix
Other word list containing civ-, civil-, cit-; civilizer, civiliser, civilizable, civilisable, civilness, civilly
cite-, cit-
chart, card
chrom-, -chroous, -chroic
chron-. chrono-
chem-, chemo-, chemi-, chemico-
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cite-, cit- from Latin ciere, citare, citus
【cite-, cit-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "call, summon" from Latin "ciere, citare, citus"from PIE *keie- "to set in motion, to move to and fro" [WORD ROOT]root cite [VARIATIONS OF..
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