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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: capt-, ceive-, cept- from Latin capere, cipere, captus, capax


【capt-, ceive-, cept-】 are word -forming element
usually meaning "take, hold"
from Latin "capere, cipere, captus, capax"from PIE *kap- "to grasp"

[WORD ROOT]root capt
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] capt, cept, ceive, cop, catch, ciple, cupy, cipe, chase, ceit, cipi, cater, cable, capac, cattle
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) capere, cipere, captus, capax
[MEANING]root take, hold


  • 【Latin】 capere to take, grasp, take hold of; to receive, contain
  • 【Latin】 cipere combining form of capere; to take or seize between, to seize in passing
  • 【Latin】 captus [pp of capere]
  • 【Latin】 capax [from capere, genitive capacis] able to hold much, broad, wide, roomy; receptive, fit for


accept, acceptance, cable, capability, capable, capacious, capacity, capt, caption, captious, captivate, captive, captivity, capture, catch, cater, chase, conceit, conceive, concept, conception, contracept, contraception, cop, deceit, deceitfully, deceive, deception, deceptive, disciple, discipline, except, exception, exceptional, exceptionally, incapable, incipient, intercept, interdisciplinary, occupation, occupy, participant, participate, participation, perceive, percept, perception, receipt, receive, receiver, receptor, recipe, recipient, unacceptable

Please see Word information in detail as follows;





accept [verb] from accept < capt
【DEFINITION】 If you accept something that you have been offered, you say yes to it or agree to take it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to take what is offered; admit and agree to (a proposal, etc.),
【CONJUGATIONs】 accepted, accepted, accepting, accepts
【DERIVATIVEs】 accept, acceptance, acceptant, acceptation, accepter, acceptable
【ANTONYM】 refuse, reject, dishonor
【ROOTs】 ac(ad); to, toward cept(capt); take, hold

acceptance [noun] from accept < capt
【DEFINITION】 Acceptance of an offer or a proposal is the act of saying yes to it or agreeing to it.
【pl.】 acceptances
【DERIVATIVEs】 accept, acceptance, acceptant, acceptation, accepter, acceptable
【ROOTs】 ac(ad); to, toward cept(capt); take, hold ance; noun suffix

cable [noun] from cable
【DEFINITION】 A cable is a thick wire, or a group of wires inside a rubber or plastic covering, which is used to carry electricity or electronic signals.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 large, strong rope or chain used on a ship,
【pl.】 cables
【ROOTs】 cable(capt); take, hold

capability [noun] from capable < capt
【DEFINITION】 If you have the capability or the capabilities to do something, you have the ability or the qualities that are necessary to do it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 quality of being capable, ability to receive or power to do,
【pl.】 capabilities
【DERIVATIVEs】 capable, capableness, capably, capability
【ROOTs】 cap(capt); take, hold abil(able); adjective suffix ity; noun suffix

capable [adjective] from capable < capt
【DEFINITION】 If a person or thing is capable of doing something, they have the ability to do it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 sufficiently able, having power or capacity, qualified
【DERIVATIVEs】 capable, capableness, capably, capability
【SYNONYM】 skilled, competent
【ANTONYM】 incapable
【ROOTs】 cap(capt); take, hold able; adjective suffix

capacious [adjective] from capacity < capt
【DEFINITION】 Something that is capacious has a lot of space to put things in.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 able to contain
【DERIVATIVEs】 capacious, capaciously, capaciousness, capacity
【SYNONYM】 roomy
【ROOTs】 capt; take, hold

capacity [noun] from capacity < capt
【DEFINITION】 Your capacity for something is your ability to do it, or the amount of it that you are able to do.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 ability to contain; size, extent;
【pl.】 capacities
【DERIVATIVEs】 capacious, capaciously, capaciousness, capacity
【SYNONYM】 role
【ROOTs】 capac(capt); take, hold ity; noun suffix




capt [combining form] from capt
【DEFINITION】 to take, grasp, take hold of; to receive, contain
【ROOTs】 capt; take, hold

caption [noun] from capt
【DEFINITION】 A caption is the words printed underneath a picture or cartoon which explain what it is about.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a taking, seizure
【DERIVATIVEs】 captionless, caption
【ROOTs】 capt; take, hold ion(ation); noun suffix

captious [adjective] from capt
【PRIMARY MEANING】 apt to notice and make much of unimportant faults or flaws
【ROOTs】 capt; take, hold ouse(ous); adjective suffix

captivate [verb] from capt
【DEFINITION】 If you are captivated by someone or something, you find them fascinating and attractive.
【CONJUGATIONs】 captivated captivated captivating captivates
【DERIVATIVEs】 captivatingly, captivation, captivative, captivator, captivate
【SYNONYM】 enchant
【ROOTs】 capt; take, hold iv(ive); adjective suffix ate; suffix

captive [adjective] from capt
【DEFINITION】 A captive person or animal is being kept imprisoned or enclosed.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 made prisoner, enslaved
【ANTONYM】 free
【ROOTs】 capt; take, hold ive; adjective suffix

captivity [noun] from capt
【DEFINITION】 Captivity is the state of being kept imprisoned or enclosed.
【pl.】 captivities
【ROOTs】 capt; take, hold ive; adjective suffix

capture [verb] from capt
【DEFINITION】 If you capture someone or something, you catch them, especially in a war.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 take or seize by force or stratagem
【CONJUGATIONs】 captured, captured, capturing, captures
【DERIVATIVEs】 capturer, capture
【SYNONYM】 catch
【ROOTs】 capt; take, hold ure; noun suffix

catch [verb] from catch < capt
【DEFINITION】 If you catch a person or animal, you capture them after chasing them, or by using a trap, net, or other device.
【CONJUGATIONs】 caught, caught, catching, catches
【DERIVATIVEs】 catchable, catch
【SYNONYM】 capture, go down with
【ROOTs】 catch(capt); take, hold

cater [verb] from cater < capt
【DEFINITION】 In British English, to cater for a group of people means to provide all the things that they need or want. In American English, you say you cater to a person or group of people.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 provide food for,
【CONJUGATIONs】 catered, catered, catering, caters
【DERIVATIVEs】 cateringly, cater
【ROOTs】 cater(capt); take, hold




chase [verb] from chase < capt
【DEFINITION】 If you chase someone, or chase after them, you run after them or follow them quickly in order to catch or reach them.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to hunt; to cause to go away; put to flight,
【CONJUGATIONs】 chased chased chasing chases
【DERIVATIVEs】 chaseable, chase
【ROOTs】 chase(capt); take, hold

conceit [noun] from concept < capt
【DEFINITION】 Conceit is very great pride in your abilities or achievements that other people feel is too great.
【pl.】 conceits
【DERIVATIVEs】 conceit, conceive, conceiver, conception
【SYNONYM】 metaphor
【ROOTs】 ceive(capt); take, hold

conceive [verb] from concept < capt
【DEFINITION】 If you cannot conceive of something, you cannot imagine it or believe it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 take (seed) into the womb, become pregnant
【CONJUGATIONs】 conceived, conceived, conceiving, conceives
【DERIVATIVEs】 conceit, conceive, conceiver, conception, conceptional, conceptive
【ROOTs】 con(com); together, with ceive(capt); take, hold

concept [noun] from concept < capt
【DEFINITION】 A concept is an idea or abstract principle.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a general notion, the immediate object of a thought
【pl.】 concepts
【ROOTs】 con(com); together, with cept(capt); take, hold

conception [noun] from concept < capt
【pl.】 conceptions
【DERIVATIVEs】 conceit, conceive, conceiver, conception, conceptional, conceptive
【ROOTs】 con(com); together, with cept(capt); take, hold ion(ation); noun suffix

contracept [verb] from contracept < capt
【CONJUGATIONs】 contracepted contracepted contracepting contracepts
【ROOTs】 contro(contra); against, contrary cept(capt); take, hold

contraception [noun] from contracept < capt
【DEFINITION】 Contraception refers to methods of preventing pregnancy.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 birth control, prevention of conception in the womb
【SYNONYM】 birth control
【ROOTs】 contro(contra); against, contrary cept(capt); take, hold ion(ation); noun suffix

cop [noun] from capt
【DEFINITION】 A cop is a policeman or policewoman.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 policeman,
【ROOTs】 cop(capt); take, hold

deceit [noun] from deceive < capt
【DEFINITION】 Deceit is behaviour that is deliberately intended to make people believe something which is not true.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 trickery, treachery, lying
【pl.】 deceits
【DERIVATIVEs】 deceit, deceitful, deceitfully, deceitfulness, deceivability, deceivable, deceivableness, deceivably, deceive, deceiver, deceivingly, deception, deceptive
【SYNONYM】 deception
【ROOTs】 de; down, under ceit(capt); take, hold

deceitfully [adverb] from deceive < capt
【DERIVATIVEs】 deceitful, deceitfully, deceitfulness, deceit
【ROOTs】 de; down, under ceit(capt); take, hold ful; suffix ly; suffix






deceive [verb] from deceive < capt
【DEFINITION】 If you deceive someone, you make them believe something that is not true, usually in order to get some advantage for yourself.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 mislead by false appearance or statement
【CONJUGATIONs】 deceived, deceived, deceiving, deceives
【DERIVATIVEs】 deceit, deceitful, deceivability, deceivable, deceivableness, deceivably, deceive, deceiver, deceivingly, deception, deceptional, deceptive, deceptively
【SYNONYM】 mislead, kid, take in, delude
【ROOTs】 de; down, under ceive(capt); take, hold

deception [noun] from deceive < capt
【pl.】 deceptions
【DERIVATIVEs】 deceit, deceivability, deceivable, deceivableness, deceivably, deceive, deceiver, deceivingly, deception, deceptional, deceptive, deceptively
【SYNONYM】 deceit
【ROOTs】 de; down, under cept(capt); take, hold ion(ation); noun suffix

deceptive [verb] from deceive < capt
【DERIVATIVEs】 deceit, deceivability, deceivable, deceivableness, deceivably, deceive, deceiver, deceivingly, deception, deceptional, deceptive, deceptively
【SYNONYM】 misleading
【ROOTs】 de; down, under cept(capt); take, hold ive; adjective suffix

disciple [noun] from disciple
【DEFINITION】 If you are someone's disciple, you are influenced by their teachings and try to follow their example.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 one who follows another for the purpose of learning
【pl.】 Disciples
【DERIVATIVEs】 discipleship, discipular, disciple
【SYNONYM】 follower
【ROOTs】 dis; away, spart ciple(capt); take, hold

discipline [noun] from disciple
【DEFINITION】 Discipline is the practice of making people obey rules or standards of behaviour, and punishing them when they do not.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 penitential chastisement; punishment for the sake of correction
【pl.】 disciplines
【DERIVATIVEs】 disciplinable, disciplinal, disciplinary, discipliner, disciplinarian, discipline
【ROOTs】 dis; away, spart cipl(capt); take, hold ine; noun suffix

except [preposition] from except < capt
【DEFINITION】 You use except to introduce the only thing or person that a statement does not apply to, or a fact that prevents a statement from being completely true.
【DERIVATIVEs】 except, exceptable, exceptional, exception
【SYNONYM】 apart from
【ROOTs】 ex; out, out of cept(capt); take, hold

exception [noun] from except < capt
【DEFINITION】 An exception is a particular thing, person, or situation that is not included in a general statement, judgment, or rule.
【pl.】 exceptions
【DERIVATIVEs】 except, exceptable, exceptional, exceptionality, exceptionally, exceptionalness, exception
【SYNONYM】 exclusion
【ROOTs】 ex; out, out of cept(capt); take, hold ion(ation); noun suffix

exceptional [adjective] from except < capt
【DEFINITION】 You use exceptional to describe someone or something that has a particular quality, usually a good quality, to an unusually high degree.
【DERIVATIVEs】 except, exceptional, exceptionality, exceptionally, exceptionalness, exception
【SYNONYM】 outstanding, special
【ANTONYM】 unexceptional
【ROOTs】 ex; out, out of cept(capt); take, hold ion(ation); noun suffix al; to, toward

exceptionally [adverb] from except < capt
【DEFINITION】 exceptional + ly
【DERIVATIVEs】 exceptional, exceptionality, exceptionally, exceptionalness, exception
【SYNONYM】 exceedingly
【ROOTs】 ex; out, out of ly; adverb suffix cept(capt); take, hold ion(ation); noun suffix al; adjective suffix



incapable [adjective] from capable < capt
【DERIVATIVEs】 incapability, incapableness, incapably, incapable
【ANTONYM】 capable
【ROOTs】 in; prefix cap(capt); take, hold able; adjective suffix

incipient [adjective] from incipient
【DEFINITION】 An incipient situation or quality is one that is starting to happen or develop.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 beginning, commencing
【DERIVATIVEs】 incipience, incipiency, incipiently, incipient
【ROOTs】 in(en); in, into cipi(capt); take, hold ent(ant); suffix

intercept [verb] from intercept
【DEFINITION】 If you intercept someone or something that is travelling from one place to another, you stop them before they get to their destination.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to cut off
【CONJUGATIONs】 intercepted intercepted intercepting intercepts
【DERIVATIVEs】 interceptive, intercept
【SYNONYM】 head off
【ROOTs】 inter; among, between cept(capt); take, hold

interdisciplinary [adjective] from disciple
【DEFINITION】 Interdisciplinary means involving more than one academic subject.
【ROOTs】 inter; among, between dis; away, spart cipl(capt); take, hold in(ine); noun suffix ary; adjective suffix

occupation [noun] from occupy < capt
【DEFINITION】 Your occupation is your job or profession.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 fact of holding or possessing
【pl.】 occupations
【DERIVATIVEs】 occupation, occupational, occupationless, occupiable, occupy
【SYNONYM】 calling
【ROOTs】 oc(ob); against, toward cup(capt); take, hold ation; noun suffix

occupy [verb] from occupy < capt
【DEFINITION】 The people who occupy a building or a place are the people who live or work there.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to take possession of and retain or keep; to take up space or room or time; employ (someone)
【CONJUGATIONs】 occupied, occupied, occupying, occupies
【DERIVATIVEs】 occupation, occupational, occupationless, occupiable, occupy
【SYNONYM】 hold, take up
【ROOTs】 oc(ob); against, toward cupy(capt); take, hold

participant [noun] from participate
【DEFINITION】 The participants in an activity are the people who take part in it.
【pl.】 participants
【DERIVATIVEs】 participant, participate, participation, participator, participatory
【ROOTs】 parti(part); divide, part cip(capt); take, hold ant; suffix

participate [verb] from participate
【DEFINITION】 If you participate in an activity, you take part in it.
【CONJUGATIONs】 participated, participated, participating, participates
【DERIVATIVEs】 participant, participate, participation, participator, participatory
【SYNONYM】 take part
【ROOTs】 parti(part); divide, part cip(capt); take, hold ate; suffix

participation [noun] from participate
【DERIVATIVEs】 participant, participate, participation, participator, participatory
【SYNONYM】 involvement
【ROOTs】 cip(capt); take, hold at(ate); suffix ion(ation); noun suffix

perceive [verb] from percept < capt
【DEFINITION】 If you perceive something, you see, notice, or realize it, especially when it is not obvious.
【CONJUGATIONs】 perceived, perceived, perceiving, perceives
【DERIVATIVEs】 perceivability, perceivable, perceivably, perceive, perceiver, perception, perceptional, perceptive, perceptual
【ROOTs】 per; thoroughly, utterly ceive(capt); take, hold



percept [noun] from percept < capt
【DEFINITION】 a concept that depends on recognition by the senses, such as sight, of some external object or phenomenon
【PRIMARY MEANING】 immediate object in perception
【ROOTs】 per; thoroughly, utterly cept(capt); take, hold

perception [noun] from percept < capt
【DEFINITION】 Your perception of something is the way that you think about it or the impression you have of it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 understanding, a taking cognizance
【pl.】 perceptions
【DERIVATIVEs】 perceivability, perceivable, perceivably, perceive, perceiver, perception, perceptional, perceptive, perceptual
【SYNONYM】 insight
【ROOTs】 per; thoroughly, utterly cept(capt); take, hold ion(ation); noun suffix

receipt [noun] from receive < capt
【DEFINITION】 A receipt is a piece of paper that you get from someone as proof that they have received money or goods from you. In British English a receipt is a piece of paper that you get in a shop when you buy something, but in American English the more usual term for this is sales slip.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 act of receiving;
【pl.】 receipts
【DERIVATIVEs】 receipt, receive, reception, receptive
【ROOTs】 re; again, behind cept(capt); take, hold

receive [verb] from receive < capt
【DEFINITION】 When you receive something, you get it after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.
【CONJUGATIONs】 received, received, receiving, receives
【DERIVATIVEs】 receipt, receive, reception, receptive
【ROOTs】 re; again, behind ceive(capt); take, hold

receiver [noun] from receive < capt
【DEFINITION】 A telephone's receiver is the part that you hold near to your ear and speak into.
【SYNONYM】 telephone
【ROOTs】 re; again, behind ceiv(capt); take, hold er; noun suffix

receptor [noun] from receive < capt
【DEFINITION】 Receptors are nerve endings in your body which react to changes and stimuli and make your body respond in a particular way.
【ROOTs】 re; again, behind cept(capt); take, hold or; noun suffix

recipe [noun] from recipe < capt
【DEFINITION】 A recipe is a list of ingredients and a set of instructions that tell you how to cook something.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 medical prescription
【pl.】 recipes
【SYNONYM】 formula
【ROOTs】 re; again, behind cipe(capt); take, hold

recipient [noun] from receive < capt
【DEFINITION】 The recipient of something is the person who receives it.
【pl.】 recipients
【ROOTs】 re; again, behind cipi(capt); take, hold ent(ant); suffix

unacceptable [adjective] from accept < capt
【DEFINITION】 If you describe something as unacceptable, you strongly disapprove of it or object to it and feel that it should not be allowed to continue.
【DERIVATIVEs】 unacceptability, unacceptably, unacceptable
【SYNONYM】 unsatisfactory
【ANTONYM】 acceptable
【ROOTs】 un; not ac(ad); to, toward cept(capt); take, hold able; adjective suffix





Other word list containing capt-, ceive-, cept-; captor, catcher, forceps


cant-, cent-
cand-, cend-
calli-, calo-, cal, kal-
calc-, calcul-, cal-
cale-, cal-
cal-, calend-, class-


ENGLISH ROOT WORD: caps from Latin capsa, capere

【caps】 is word -forming element usually meaning "box, case, chest" from Latin "capsa, capere" [WORD ROOT]root caps [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] caps, case, cash, cass [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) capsa, caper..


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