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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: caus, cuse from Latin causa



【caus, cuse】 are word -forming element
usually meaning "cause, motive"
from Latin "causa"

[WORD ROOT]root caus
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] caus, cuse, cause
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) causa
[MEANING]root cause, motive


  • 【Latin】 causa a cause; a reason; interest; judicial process, lawsuit


accusation, accuse, because, causal, causality, causation, causative, cause, causing, excuse, recuse, ruse





Please see Word information in detail as follows;

accusation [noun] from accuse < cause
【DEFINITION】 If you make an accusation against someone, you criticize them or express the belief that they have done something wrong.
【pl.】 accusations
【DERIVATIVEs】 accusation, accusatory, accuse, accuser, accusing, accusingly
【SYNONYM】 allegation
【ROOTs】 ac(ad); to, toward cus(caus); cause, motive ation; noun suffix

accuse [verb] from accuse < cause
【DEFINITION】 If you accuse someone of doing something wrong or dishonest, you say or tell them that you believe that they did it.
【CONJUGATIONs】 accused, accused, accusing, accuses
【DERIVATIVEs】 accusation, accusatory, accuse, accuser, accusing, accusingly
【ROOTs】 ac(ad); to, toward cuse(caus); cause, motive

because [conjuction] from because < cause
【DEFINITION】 You use because when stating the reason for something.
【SYNONYM】 cos, cause
【ROOTs】 be(bi); - cause(caus); cause, motive

causal [adjective] from cause
【DEFINITION】 If there is a causal relationship between two things, one thing is responsible for causing the other thing.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 expressing a cause
【DERIVATIVEs】 causability, causable, causal, causally, causative, causeless, causer, causality, cause
【ROOTs】 caus; cause, motive al; suffix

causality [noun] from cause
【DEFINITION】 Causality is the relationship of cause and effect.
【pl.】 causalities
【DERIVATIVEs】 causal, causally, causality, cause
【SYNONYM】 causation
【ROOTs】 caus; cause, motive al; suffix ity; noun suffix

causation [noun] from cause
【DEFINITION】 The causation of something, usually something bad, is the factors that have caused it.
【SYNONYM】 causality
【ROOTs】 caus; cause, motive at(ate); suffix ion(ation); noun suffix

causative [adjective] from cause
【DEFINITION】 Causative factors are ones which are responsible for causing something.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 effective as a cause or agent
【DERIVATIVEs】 causability, causable, causal, causative, causatively, causativeness, causativity, causeless, causer, cause
【ROOTs】 caus; cause, motive at(ate); suffix ive; adjective suffix

cause [noun] from cause
【DEFINITION】 The cause of an event, usually a bad event, is the thing that makes it happen.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 reason or motive for a decision, grounds for action; motive
【pl.】 causes
【DERIVATIVEs】 causability, causable, causal, causally, causative, causatively, causativeness, causativity, causeless, causer, causality, cause
【ROOTs】 cause(caus); a reason

causing [suffix] from cause
【SYNONYM】 vicious, savage
【ROOTs】 caus; a reason ing; adjective suffix



excuse [verb] from excuse < cause
【DEFINITION】 To excuse someone or excuse their behaviour means to provide reasons for their actions, especially when other people disapprove of these actions.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 attempt to clear (someone) from blame, find excuses for
【CONJUGATIONs】 excused, excused, excusing, excuses
【DERIVATIVEs】 excusable, excusableness, excusably, excusatory, excuse
【SYNONYM】 justify, pardon
【ROOTs】 ex; out, out of cuse(caus); cause, motive

recuse [verb] from recuse < cause
【DEFINITION】 to remove from participation in a court case due to potential prejudice or partiality
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to reject another's authority as prejudiced
【ROOTs】 caus; cause, motive

ruse [noun] from recuse < cause
【DEFINITION】 A ruse is an action or plan which is intended to deceive someone.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 dodging movements of a hunted animal;
【SYNONYM】 trick
【ROOTs】 re; again, behind caus; cause, motive


cata-, cath-, cat-
carbo-, carb-
capt-, ceive-, cept-
cant-, cent-


ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cata-, cath-, cat- from Greek kata

【cata-, cath-, cat-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "down, against, back" from Greek "kata" [WORD ROOT]root cata [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cat, cata, cath [ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) kata [MEAN..


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