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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cal-, calend-, class- from Latin calare, classis, calendarium




【cal-, calend-, class-】 are word -forming element
usually meaning "call"
from Latin "calare, classis, calendarium"









[WORD ROOT]root cal
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cil, jure, calends, class, classi, cill
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) calare, classis, calendarium
[MEANING]root call


  • 【Latin】 calare to announce, summon; to call (to arms)
  • 【Latin】 calendarium account book
  • 【Latin】 classis a class, a division; army, fleet


calendar, calendric, calends, class, classic, classical, classification, classify, council, councillor, councilor, intercalate

Please see Word information in detail as follows;

calendar [noun] from calendar
【DEFINITION】 A calendar is a chart or device which displays the date and the day of the week, and often the whole of a particular year divided up into months, weeks, and days.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 the year as divided systematically into days and months
【pl.】 calendars
【DERIVATIVEs】 calendric, calendrical, calendar
【ROOTs】 calend(cal); call, cry ar; noun suffix

calendric [adjective] from calendar
【DEFINITION】 of, relating to, characteristic of, or used in a calendar
【DERIVATIVEs】 calendric, calendrical, calendar
【ROOTs】 calend(cal); call, cry r(ar); suffix ic; adjective suffix

calends [noun] from calendar
【DEFINITION】 the first day of each month in the ancient Roman calendar
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a day as reckoned back from the first of the following month
【pl.】 [PL]
【ROOTs】 calends(cal); call, cry

class [noun] from class
【DEFINITION】 A class is a group of pupils or students who are taught together.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 group of students
【pl.】 classes
【DERIVATIVEs】 classable, classer, classifiable, classification, classifier, classify, class
【SYNONYM】 sort, category
【ROOTs】 class(cal); call, cry

classic [adjective] from classic < class
【DEFINITION】 A classic example of a thing or situation has all the features which you expect such a thing or situation to have.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 of or belonging to the highest class; approved as a model
【DERIVATIVEs】 classic, classical, classicalism, classicalist, classicality, classically, classicalness, classicize
【ROOTs】 class(cal); call, cry ic; adjective suffix

classical [adjective] from classic < class
【DEFINITION】 You use classical to describe something that is traditional in form, style, or content.
【DERIVATIVEs】 classic, classical, classicalism, classicalist, classicality, classically, classicalness, classicize
【ROOTs】 classi(cal); call, cry ical(ic); adjective suffix






classification [noun] from class
【DEFINITION】 A classification is a division or category in a system which divides things into groups or types.
【pl.】 classifications
【DERIVATIVEs】 classifiable, classification, classificational, classificatory, classifier, classify, class
【ROOTs】 classi(cal); call, cry fication; noun suffix

classify [verb] from class
【DEFINITION】 To classify things means to divide them into groups or types so that things with similar characteristics are in the same group.
【CONJUGATIONs】 classified, classified, classifying, classifies
【DERIVATIVEs】 classable, classer, classifiable, classification, classificational, classificatory, classifier, classify, class
【ROOTs】 classi(cal); call, cry fy; do, make

council [noun] from council
【DEFINITION】 A council is a group of people who are elected to govern a local area such as a city or, in Britain, a county.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 assembly of persons for consultation, deliberation or advice
【pl.】 councils
【ROOTs】 coun(com); together, with, completely cil(cal); call, cry, shout

councillor [noun] from council
【DEFINITION】 A councillor is a member of a local council.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a member of a council
【pl.】 councillors
【DERIVATIVEs】 councillorship, councilorship, councillor
【ROOTs】 coun(com); together, with, completely cill(cal); call, cry, shout or; noun suffix

councilor [noun] from council
【DEFINITION】 a variant US spelling of councillor
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a member of a council
【ROOTs】 coun(com); together, with cil(cal); call, cry or; noun suffix

intercalate [verb] from intercalate
【DEFINITION】 to insert (one or more days) into the calendar
【ROOTs】 inter; among, between cal; call, cry ate; suffix






Other word list containing cal-, calend-, class-; nomenclature


cad-, cas-, cid-
bal-, bel-, bol-
bibli-, bibl-
batt-, bat-

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
