【cohort】 is word -forming element
usually meaning "cohort, enclosure"
from Latin "cohortem, cohors, cohort, cortina, cortem, cors"
[WORD ROOT]root cohort
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cohort, court, curtain
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) cohortem, cohors, cohort, cortina, cortem, cors
[MEANING]root cohort, enclosure, retinue
- 【Latin】 cohortem (nominative cohors) enclosure, courtyard
- 【Latin】 cohors [nominative of cohortem, com+hortus] enclosure, yard, retinue
- 【Latin】 cortina [from Latin cohort-, cohors] curtain; round vessel, cauldron; little court
- 【Latin】 cortem [accusative of cors] enclosure, courtyard
- 【Latin】 cors [earlier cohors] court
cohort, court, courteous, courtesy, curtain, discourteous
Please see Word information in detail as follows;
cohort [combining form] from cohort
【DEFINITION】 enclosure, yard, retinue
【ROOTs】 cohort; garden
court [noun] from court < cohort
【DEFINITION】 ① A court is a place where legal matters are decided by a judge and jury or by a magistrate.
② You can refer to the people in a court, especially the judge, jury, or magistrates, as a court.
③ A court is an area in which you play a game such as tennis, basketball, badminton, or squash.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 formal assembly held by a sovereign
【pl.】 courts
【DERIVATIVEs】 courtly, court
【Etymology】 [Latin] cohors [nominative of cohortem, com+hortus] enclosure, yard, retinue
【ROOTs】 court(cohort); cohort, enclosure
courteous [adjective] from courteous < cohort
【DEFINITION】 Someone who is courteous is polite and respectful to other people.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 having elegant manners, well-bred, polite, urbane,
【DERIVATIVEs】 courteous, courteously, courteousness, courtesy
【SYNONYM】 polite
【ANTONYM】 discourteous
【Etymology】 [Latin] cohors [nominative of cohortem, com+hortus] enclosure, yard, retinue
【ROOTs】 ⑴ court(cohort); cohort, enclosure ⑵ eous(ous); adjective suffix
courtesy [noun] from courteous < cohort
【DEFINITION】 Courtesy is politeness, respect, and consideration for others.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 courtly ideals; chivalry, chivalrous conduct; elegance of manners, politeness,
【pl.】 courtesies
【DERIVATIVEs】 courteous, courteously, courteousness, courtesy
【ROOTs】 ⑴ court(cohort); cohort, enclosure ⑵ esy(cy); noun suffix
curtain [noun] from curtain < cohort
【DEFINITION】 Curtains are large pieces of material which you hang from the top of a window.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 hanging screen of textile fabric used to close an opening or shut out light, enclose a bed, or decorate an altar
【pl.】 curtains
【Etymology】 [Latin] cohors [nominative of cohortem, com+hortus] enclosure, yard, retinue
【ROOTs】 curtain(cohort); cohort, enclosure
discourteous [adjective] from courteous < cohort
【DEFINITION】 rude or impolite; not showing good manners opposite COURTEOUS
【SYNONYM】 impolite
【ANTONYM】 courteous
【Etymology】 [Latin] cohortem (nominative cohors) enclosure, courtyard
【ROOTs】 ⑴ dis; prefix ⑵ court(cohort); garden ⑶ eous(ous); adjective suffix
Other word list containing cohort; antecourt, cortege, courtesan, courtier, curtilage, Curtis, discourtesy, frontcourt
cogn-, cognit-
cline, clin-
civ-, civil-, cit-
clar-, clari
cite-, cit-
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: celebr from Latin celebratus, celebrare, celeber
【celebr】 is word -forming element usually meaning "honoured, frequented" from Latin "celebratus, celebrare, celeber" [WORD ROOT]root celebr [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] celeb, celebr [ETYMOLOGY]root (Lat..
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