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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: coron-, coroll- from Latin corona, coronare, corolla




【coron-, coroll-】 are word -forming element
usually meaning "crown"
from Latin "corona, coronare, corolla"

[WORD ROOT]root coron
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] coron, corona, crown, coroll
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) corona, coronare, corolla
[MEANING]root crown, garland, wreath




  • 【Latin】 corona wreath; a crown, a garland
  • 【Latin】 coronare [from corona] to furnish with a crown, to crown


corolla, corollary, corona, coronal, coronary, coronate, coronation, coronavirus, coronet, crown

Please see Word information in detail as follows;

corolla [noun] from corolla < corona
【DEFINITION】 the petals of a flower collectively, forming an inner floral envelope Compare calyx
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a small crown
【DERIVATIVEs】 corolla, corollary
【ROOTs】 coroll(coron); crown le; diminutive

corollary [noun] from corolla < corona
【DEFINITION】 A corollary of something is an idea, argument, or fact that results directly from it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a proposition inadvertently proved in proving another
【pl.】 corollaries
【DERIVATIVEs】 corolla, corollary
【ROOTs】 coroll(coron); crown ary; noun suffix

corona [noun] from corona
【DEFINITION】 The sun's corona is its outer atmosphere.
【pl.】 coronas coronae
【DERIVATIVEs】 coronal, coronary, corona
【ROOTs】 corona(coron); crown

coronal [noun] from corona
【DEFINITION】 a circlet for the head; crown
【DERIVATIVEs】 coronal, coronary, corona
【Etymology】 [Latin] corona wreath; a crown, a garland
【ROOTs】 coron; crown al; suffix

coronary [adjective] from corona
【DEFINITION】 Coronary means belonging or relating to the heart.
【DERIVATIVEs】 coronal, coronary, corona
【Etymology】 [Latin] corona wreath; a crown, a garland
【ROOTs】 coron; crown ary; suffix


coronate [verb] from coronate < corona
【DEFINITION】 crown sence I1
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to form into a carbonate,
【CONJUGATIONs】 coronated coronated coronating coronates
【DERIVATIVEs】 coronation, coronate
【Etymology】 [Latin] corona wreath; a crown, a garland
【ROOTs】 coron; crown ate; suffix

coronation [noun] from coronate < corona
【DEFINITION】 A coronation is the ceremony at which a king or queen is crowned.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 act or ceremony of investing (a sovereign) with a crown,
【DERIVATIVEs】 coronation, coronate
【Etymology】 [Latin] coronatus [pp, of coronare]
【ROOTs】 coron; crown ation(ion); noun suffix

coronavirus [noun] from virus
【DEFINITION】 a type of airborne virus accounting for 10-30% of all colds
【pl.】 coronaviruses
【COMPOSITION】 corona + virus
【Etymology】 [Latin] coronatus [pp, of coronare]
【ROOTs】 corona(coron); crown virus; poison, venom

coronet [noun] from corona
【DEFINITION】 A coronet is a small crown.
【ROOTs】 coron; crown et; diminutive

crown [noun] from crown < corona
【DEFINITION】 ① a decorative object that is shaped like a circle and worn on the head of a king or queen for special ceremonies
② a similar object worn by someone who is not an actual king or queen
③ c.a ring of leaves or flowers worn on the head of someone who has won a game, contest, or award
【PRIMARY MEANING】 royal crown, ornament for the head as a symbol of sovereignty
【pl.】 crowns
【DERIVATIVEs】 crownless, crown
【Etymology】 [Latin] corona wreath; a crown, a garland
【ROOTs】 crown(coron); crown


Other word list containing coron-, coroll-; coroner, coroniform, Coronilla, incoronate


cord-, cor-
contra-, contro-
concil-, counsil-
cogn-, cognit-
cline, clin-
civ-, civil-, cit-


ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cord- from Latin cordis, cor

【cord-】 is word -forming element usually meaning "heart, mind" from Latin "cordis, cor"from PIE *kerd- "heart" [WORD ROOT]root cord [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cord, cordi, cour, core [ETYMOLOGY]root (L..




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