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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: celebr from Latin celebratus, celebrare, celeber


【celebr】 is word -forming element
usually meaning "honoured, frequented"
from Latin "celebratus, celebrare, celeber"

[WORD ROOT]root celebr
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] celeb, celebr
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) celebratus, celebrare, celeber
[MEANING]root honoured, frequented




  • 【Latin】 celebratus [past participle of celebrare] much-frequented; kept solemn; famous; (originally) to frequent in great numbers
  • 【Latin】 celebrare [from celeber] assemble to honor; to publish; sing praises of; practice often; to frequent in great numbers
  • 【Latin】 celeber frequented, populous, crowded


celeb, celebr, celebrate, celebration, celebrity

Please see Word information in detail as follows;

celeb [noun] from celebr
【DEFINITION】 A celeb is the same as a celebrity.
【SYNONYM】 celebrity
【ROOTs】 celeb(celebr); honoured, frequented

celebr [combining form] from celebr
【ROOTs】 celebr; honoured, frequented

celebrate [verb] from celebrate < celebr
【DEFINITION】 If you celebrate, you do something enjoyable because of a special occasion or to mark someone's success.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to perform publicly with appropriate rites
【CONJUGATIONs】 celebrated, celebrated, celebrating, celebrates
【DERIVATIVEs】 celebrate, celebration, celebrative, celebrator, celebratory
【ROOTs】 celebr; honoured, frequented ate; verb suffix

celebration [noun] from celebrate < celebr
【DEFINITION】 A celebration is a special enjoyable event that people organize because something pleasant has happened or because it is someone's birthday or anniversary.
【pl.】 celebrations
【DERIVATIVEs】 celebrate, celebration, celebrative, celebrator, celebratory
【ROOTs】 celebr; honoured, frequented at(ate); verb suffix ion; noun suffix

celebrity [noun] from celebr
【DEFINITION】 A celebrity is someone who is famous, especially in areas of entertainment such as films, music, writing, or sport.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 solemn rite or ceremony
【pl.】 celebrities
【SYNONYM】 fame, celeb, personality
【ROOTs】 celebr; honoured, frequented ity; noun suffix


Other word list containing celebr; celebrator, celebratory, celebrative


cede-, cess-
caus, cuse
caust-, calm-
cata-, cath-, cat-
carbo-, carb-
capt-, ceive-, cept-


ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cel- from Latin cella, celare, clam

【cel-】 is word -forming element usually meaning "hide, small room" from Latin "cella, celare, clam" [WORD ROOT]root cel [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] ceil, ceal, cel, cell, clan, cult, cland [ETYMOLOGY]ro..


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