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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: curr from Latin currens, currere, cursus


【curr】 is word-forming element
usually meaning "run, course"

from Latin "currens, currere, cursus"

from PIE *kers

[WORD ROOT]root curr
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] curr, cour, curs, course, corrid, curri
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) currens, currere, cursus
[MEANING]root run, course


  • 【Latin】 currens pp of currere
  • 【Latin】 currere to run
  • 【Latin】 cursus [from curs- past participle stem of currere] a running; a journey; direction, track navigated by a ship; flow of a stream


corridor, course, cryptocurrency, curr, currency, current, currently, curriculum, cursive, cursor, cursory, discourse, excursion, incur, intercourse, occur, precursor, recur, recurring

Please see Word information in detail as follows;



corridor [noun] from curr
【DEFINITION】 A corridor is a long passage in a building or train, with doors and rooms on one or both sides.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 continuous path around a fortification,
【SYNONYM】 hall, passage, passageway
【Etymology】 [Latin] currere to run
【ROOTs】 corrid(curr); run, course or; noun suffix

course [noun] from course < curr
【DEFINITION】 If something happens in the course of a particular period of time, it happens during that period of time.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 onward movement, motion forward, a running in a prescribed direction or over a prescribed distance; path or distance prescribed for a race, a race-course
【pl.】 courses
【Etymology】 [Latin] cursus [from curs- past participle stem of currere] a running; a journey; direction, track navigated by a ship; flow of a stream
【ROOTs】 course(curr); run, course

cryptocurrency [noun] from currency < curr
【DEFINITION】 a digital currency in which transactions are verified and records maintained by a decentralized system using cryptography, rather than by a centralized authority
【pl.】 cryptocurrencies
【COMPOSITION】 crypto + currency
【Etymology】 [Latin] currere to run
【ROOTs】 crypto(crypt); hide, hidden cur(curr); run, course ency(ance); noun suffix

curr [combining form] from curr
【Etymology】 [Latin] currere to run
【ROOTs】 curr; run, course

currency [noun] from currency < curr
【DEFINITION】 The money used in a particular country is referred to as its currency.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 condition of flowing(obsolete)
【pl.】 currencies
【DERIVATIVEs】 currency, current, currently, currentness
【Etymology】 [Latin] currere to run
【ROOTs】 curr; run, course ency(ance); noun suffix

current [adjective] from current < curr
【DEFINITION】 Current means happening, being used, or being done at the present time.
【DERIVATIVEs】 currency, current, currently, currentness
【SYNONYM】 prevailing
【Etymology】 [Latin] currere to run
【ROOTs】 curr; run, course ent(ant); adjective suffix

currently [adverb] from current < curr
【DEFINITION】 current + ly
【DERIVATIVEs】 currency, current, currently, currentness
【SYNONYM】 presently
【Etymology】 [Latin] currere to run
【ROOTs】 curr; run, course ent(ant); adjective suffix ly; adverb suffix

curriculum [noun] from curr
【DEFINITION】 A curriculum is all the different courses of study that are taught in a school, college, or university.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a course, especially a fixed course of study at a college, university, or school
【Etymology】 [Latin] curriculum [from currere] a running, course, career
【ROOTs】 curri(curr); run, course culum(cule); diminutive suffix

cursive [adjective] from cursor < curr
【DEFINITION】 of or relating to handwriting in which letters are formed and joined in a rapid flowing style
【DERIVATIVEs】 cursively, cursiveness, cursive
【Etymology】 [Latin] cursus [from curs- past participle stem of currere] a running; a journey; direction, track navigated by a ship; flow of a stream
【ROOTs】 curs(curr); run, course ive; adjective suffix

cursor [noun] from cursor < curr
【DEFINITION】 On a computer screen, the cursor is a small shape that indicates where anything that is typed by the user will appear.
【Etymology】 [Latin] cursor [from curs-, past-participle stem of currere] runner, (also) errand-boy
【ROOTs】 curs(curr); run, course or; noun suffix


cursory [adjective] from cursor < curr
【DEFINITION】 A cursory glance or examination is a brief one in which you do not pay much attention to detail.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 hasty, slight, superficial, careless
【DERIVATIVEs】 cursorily, cursoriness, cursory
【SYNONYM】 brief, perfunctory
【Etymology】 [Latin] cursor [from curs-, past-participle stem of currere] runner, (also) errand-boy
【ROOTs】 curs(curr); run, course or; noun suffix y; suffix

discourse [noun] from course < curr
【DEFINITION】 Discourse is spoken or written communication between people, especially serious discussion of a particular subject.
【pl.】 discourses
【DERIVATIVEs】 discourser, discourse
【Etymology】 [Latin] cursus [from curs- past participle stem of currere] a running; a journey; direction, track navigated by a ship; flow of a stream
【ROOTs】 dis; away, spart, apart course(curr); run, course

excursion [noun] from cursor < curr
【DEFINITION】 You can refer to a short journey as an excursion, especially if it is made for pleasure or enjoyment.
【DERIVATIVEs】 excursionist, excursion
【Etymology】 [Latin] excurrere [ex+currere] run out, run forth, hasten forward; project, extend
【ROOTs】 ex; out, out of, forth curs(curr); run, course ation(ion); noun suffix

incur [verb] from incur < curr
【DEFINITION】 If you incur something unpleasant, it happens to you because of something you have done.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 bring (an undesirable consequence) upon oneself;
【CONJUGATIONs】 incurred incurred incurring incurs
【DERIVATIVEs】 incurrable, incurrence, incur
【Etymology】 [Latin] currere to run
【ROOTs】 in(en); upon cur(curr); run, course

intercourse [noun] from course < curr
【DEFINITION】 Intercourse is the act of having sex.
【COMPOSITION】 inter + course
【Etymology】 [Latin] cursus [from curs- past participle stem of currere] a running; a journey; direction, track navigated by a ship; flow of a stream
【ROOTs】 inter; among, between course(curr); run, course

occur [verb] from occur < curr
【DEFINITION】 When something occurs, it happens.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 meet, meet in argument,
【CONJUGATIONs】 occurred, occurred, occurring, occurs
【DERIVATIVEs】 occur, occurrence
【SYNONYM】 arise
【Etymology】 [Latin] occurrere [ob+currere] run to meet, run against, befall, present itself
【ROOTs】 oc(ob); against, toward, (to cur(curr); run, course

precursor [noun] from cursor < curr
【DEFINITION】 A precursor of something is a similar thing that happened or existed before it, often something which led to the existence or development of that thing.
【SYNONYM】 forerunner
【COMPOSITION】 pre + cursor
【Etymology】 [Latin] cursor [from curs-, past-participle stem of currere] runner, (also) errand-boy
【ROOTs】 pre; before, previous curs(curr); run, course or; noun suffix

recur [verb] from recur < curr
【DEFINITION】 If something recurs, it happens more than once.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to recover from illness or suffering
【CONJUGATIONs】 recurred recurred recurring recurs
【Etymology】 [Latin] recurrere [re-+currere] to return, run back, hasten back
【ROOTs】 re; prefix cur(curr); run, course

recurring [adjective] from recur < curr
【DEFINITION】 recur + ing
【COMPOSITION】 recur + ing
【Etymology】 [Latin] recurrere [re-+currere] to return, run back, hasten back
【ROOTs】 re; prefix curr; run, course ing; suffix


Other word list containing curr; concource, concur, concurrent, courier, recursion, recursive, succor


col-, cult-
crit-, crisi


ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cur from Latin curare, cura

【cur】 is word-forming element usually meaning "care, take care of" from Latin "curare, cura" [WORD ROOT]root cur [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cur, cure, curi, curio [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) curare, cura [MEANING]root care, take care of 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTY




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