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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cosm from Greek kosmos


【cosm】 is word -forming element
usually meaning "universe, order"
from Greek "kosmos"

[WORD ROOT]root cosm
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cosm, cosmo, cosmos
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) kosmos
[MEANING]root universe, order


  • 【Greek】 kosmos order, good order, orderly arrangement


cosmology, cosmonaut, cosmopolitan, cosmopolite, Cosmos


Please see Word information in detail as follows;

cosmology [noun] from cosmology < Cosmos
【DEFINITION】 the scientific study of the origin and structure of the universe
【PRIMARY MEANING】 general science or theory of the material universe as an ordered whole,
【DERIVATIVEs】 cosmologic, cosmological, cosmologically, cosmologist, cosmology
【ROOTs】 cosmo(cosm); universe logy(log); noun suffix

cosmonaut [noun] from cosmonaut < naut
【DEFINITION】 an astronaut in the space program of Russia or the former Soviet Union
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a Russian astronaut,
【Etymology】 [Latin] cosmologia [from Greek kosmos+-logia] the branch of metaphysics which discusses the ultimate philosophical problems relating to the existence of the universe
【ROOTs】 cosmo(cosm); universe naut; ship

cosmopolitan [adjective] from cosmopolite < polis
【DEFINITION】 ① showing an interest in different cultures, ideas, etc.
② having people from many different parts of the world
【DERIVATIVEs】 cosmopolitanism, cosmopolitanize, cosmopolitanly, cosmopolite, cosmopolitan
【COMPOSITION】 cosmopolite + an
【ROOTs】 cosmo(cosm); universe polit(polis); city an; noun suffix

cosmopolite [noun] from cosmopolite < polis
【DEFINITION】 ① a cosmopolitan person
② another term for cosmopolitan
【PRIMARY MEANING】 man of the world; citizen of the world, one who is cosmopolitan in ideas or life,
【DERIVATIVEs】 cosmopolitanism, cosmopolitanize, cosmopolitanly, cosmopolite, cosmopolitan
【Etymology】 [Greek] kosmopolites [kosmos+polites] citizen of the world
【ROOTs】 cosmo(cosm); universe polite(polis); city

Cosmos [noun] from Cosmos
【DEFINITION】 ① (the cosmos) the universe especially when it is understood as an ordered system
② a tall plant that has usually white, pink, or red flowers
【PRIMARY MEANING】 the universe, the world
【pl.】 cosmos cosmoses
【DERIVATIVEs】 cosmic, Cosmos
【Etymology】 [Greek] kosmopolites [kosmos+polites] citizen of the world
【ROOTs】 cosmos(cosm); universe


Other word list containing cosm; microcosm, cosmic, cosmogeny, cosmogony


corp-, corpor-
coron-, coroll-
cord-, cor-
contra-, contro-
concil-, counsil-
cogn-, cognit-
cline, clin-


ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cohort from Latin cohortem, cohors, cohort, cortina, cortem, cors

【cohort】 is word -forming element usually meaning "cohort, enclosure" from Latin "cohortem, cohors, cohort, cortina, cortem, cors" [WORD ROOT]root cohort [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cohort, court, curta..




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