【car】 is word -forming element
usually meaning "car, to load"
from Latin "carrus, carra, carrum, carricare"from PIE *kers- "to run"
[WORD ROOT]root car
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] car, cargo, carr, cart, charge
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) carrus, carra, carrum, carricare
[MEANING]root car, to load
- 【Latin】 carrum two-wheeled Celtic war chariot
- 【Latin】 carrus chariot; two-wheeled Celtic war chariot; wheeled vehicle
- 【Latin】 carra [plural of carrus]
- 【Latin】 carricare to load a wagon or cart
car, career, cargo, carry, cart, charge, discharge
Please see Word information in detail as follows;
car [noun] from car
【DEFINITION】 A car is a motor vehicle with room for a small number of passengers.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 wheeled vehicle
【pl.】 cars
【ROOTs】 car; car
career [noun] from career < car
【DEFINITION】 A career is the job or profession that someone does for a long period of their life.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a running (usually at full speed), a course
【pl.】 careers
【DERIVATIVEs】 careerism, careerist, career
【ROOTs】 ⑴ car; car, to load ⑵ eer; suffix
cargo [noun] from cargo < car
【DEFINITION】 The cargo of a ship or plane is the goods that it is carrying.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 freight loaded on a ship,
【pl.】 cargoes cargos
【SYNONYM】 load
【ROOTs】 cargo(car); car
carry [verb] from car
【DEFINITION】 If you carry something, you take it with you, holding it so that it does not touch the ground.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to bear or convey, take along or transport
【CONJUGATIONs】 carried, carried, carrying, carries
【DERIVATIVEs】 carriable, carry, carryable, carrier
【SYNONYM】 transport
【ROOTs】 ⑴ carr(car); car, to load ⑵ y; suffix
cart [noun] from cart < car
【DEFINITION】 A cart is an old-fashioned wooden vehicle that is used for transporting goods or people. Some carts are pulled by animals.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 two-wheeled vehicle,
【pl.】 carts
【DERIVATIVEs】 cartable, Carter, cart
【ROOTs】 cart(car); car
charge [noun] from charge < car
【DEFINITION】 A charge is an amount of money that you have to pay for a service.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a load, a weight
【pl.】 charges
【SYNONYM】 allegation
【ROOTs】 charge(car); car, to load
discharge [verb] from charge < car
【DEFINITION】 When someone is discharged from hospital, prison, or one of the armed services, they are officially allowed to leave, or told that they must leave.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to exempt, exonerate, release, free (from an obligation)
【CONJUGATIONs】 discharged discharged discharging discharges
【DERIVATIVEs】 dischargeable, discharger, discharge
【ROOTs】 ⑴ dis; prefix ⑵ charge(car); car
capt-, ceive-, cept-
cant-, cent-
cand-, cend-
calli-, calo-, cal, kal-
calc-, calcul-, cal-
cale-, cal-
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: capt-, ceive-, cept- from Latin capere, cipere, captus, capax
【capt-, ceive-, cept-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "take, hold" from Latin "capere, cipere, captus, capax"from PIE *kap- "to grasp" [WORD ROOT]root capt [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] capt, c..
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