【cata-, cath-, cat-】 are word -forming element
usually meaning "down, against, back"
from Greek "kata"
[WORD ROOT]root cata
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cat, cata, cath
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) kata
[MEANING]root down, against, back
- 【Greek】 kata down; against, back
catabolic, catabolism, catacomb, catalogue, catalysis, catalyst, catastrophe, catastrophic, catatonia, cathode, cation
Please see Word information in detail as follows;
catabolic [adjective] from catabolic < bole
【DEFINITION】 marked by or promoting metabolic activity concerned with the breakdown of complex molecules (such as proteins or lipids) and the release of energy within the organism : relating to, characterized by, or stimulating catabolism
【PRIMARY MEANING】 pertaining to or of the nature of catabolism
【DERIVATIVEs】 catabolic, catabolically, katabolic, katabolically, catabolism
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cata; ⑵ bol; throw ⑶ ic; adjective suffix
catabolism [noun] from catabolic < bole
【DEFINITION】 a metabolic process in which complex molecules are broken down into simple ones with the release of energy; destructive metabolism Compare anabolism
【PRIMARY MEANING】 destructive metabolism
【DERIVATIVEs】 catabolic, catabolically, katabolic, katabolically, catabolism
【ANTONYM】 anabolism
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cata; ⑵ bol; throw ⑶ ism; noun suffix
catacomb [noun] from catacomb
【DEFINITION】 Catacombs are ancient underground passages and rooms, especially under a city, where people used to be buried.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 underground burial place
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cata; ⑵ tomb; -
catalogue [noun] from catalogue
【DEFINITION】 A catalogue is a list of things such as the goods you can buy from a particular company, the objects in a museum, or the books in a library.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a list of separate items, an itemized enumeration
【DERIVATIVEs】 cataloguer, cataloguist, catalogue
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cata; ⑵ logue(log); word, discourse
catalysis [noun] from catalysis < lyse
【DEFINITION】 Catalysis is the speeding up of a chemical reaction by adding a catalyst to it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 dissolution,
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cata; ⑵ ly(lyse); - ⑶ sis; -
catalyst [noun] from catalysis < lyse
【DEFINITION】 You can describe a person or thing that causes a change or event to happen as a catalyst.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 substance which speeds a chemical reaction but itself remains unchanged
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cata; ⑵ ly(lyse); - ⑶ st(sis); -
catastrophe [noun] from catastrophe < strophe
【DEFINITION】 A catastrophe is an unexpected event that causes great suffering or damage.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 reversal of what is expected
【pl.】 catastrophes
【DERIVATIVEs】 catastrophic, catastrophically, catastrophe
【SYNONYM】 disaster
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cata; ⑵ streph(strophe); turn
catastrophic [adjective] from catastrophe < strophe
【DEFINITION】 Something that is catastrophic involves or causes a sudden terrible disaster.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 pertaining to or of the nature of a catastrophe
【DERIVATIVEs】 catastrophic, catastrophically, catastrophe
【SYNONYM】 disastrous
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cata; ⑵ stroph(strophe); turn ⑶ ic; adjective suffix
catatonia [noun] from catatonia
【DEFINITION】 a state of muscular rigidity and stupor, sometimes found in schizophrenia
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cata; ⑵ tone; stretch, a sound ⑶ ial(al); suffix
cathode [noun] from cathode
【DEFINITION】 A cathode is the negative electrode in a cell such as a battery. Compare anode.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 negative pole of an electric current
【DERIVATIVEs】 cathodal, cathodic, cathodical, cathode
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cat(cata); ⑵ hode(od); way
cation [noun] from cation
【DEFINITION】 a positively charged ion; an ion that is attracted to the cathode during electrolysis Compare anion
【PRIMARY MEANING】 going down
【DERIVATIVEs】 cationic, cation
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cat(cata); ⑵ ion(ation); noun suffix
Other word list containing cata-, cath-, cat-; catalog, catarrhine
carbo-, carb-
capt-, ceive-, cept-
cant-, cent-
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cast- from Latin castrare, castigatus, castus, carere, castrum
【cast-】 is word -forming element usually meaning "cut, pure " from Latin "castrare, castigatus, castus, carere, castrum" [WORD ROOT]root cast [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] casti, chaste, caste, cest, cast..