영어구동사 & 동사숙어 Top 1,000 리스트 - h
구동사 | 뜻 | 뜻(E) |
hang on | ⑴ 꽉 붙잡다 ⑵ (남에게 하는 말로) 잠깐 (기다려[멈춰 봐]) ⑶ (무슨 일을) 기다리다 ⑷ (전화를 걸어와 누구를 찾는 사람에게 하는 말로) 잠깐 기다리세요 ⑸ (역경에도) 계속 버티다 ⑹ ~에 달려 있다 ⑺ ~를 비난하다 |
⑴ hang something on somebody to blame somebody for something, often unfairly ⑵ 1.(to somebody/something) to hold somebody/something firmly ⑶ 2.(BrE,informal) used to ask somebody to wait for a short time ⑷ 3.(BrE hang about) (informal) used to tell somebody to stop what they are doing or saying, because you have just realized something, or because you do not understand something ⑸ 4. to continue doing something even when the situation is difficult ⑹ 5. to wait for something to happen ⑺ to depend on something |
hang out | ☆ (…에서) 많은 시간을 보내다 참조 관련 명사는 hang-out | ⑴ [VERB] [adverb] to suspend, be suspended, or lean, esp from an opening, as for display or airing ⑵ [VERB] [intr, informal] to live at or frequent a place ⑶ [VERB] [(intr, foll by with)informal] to frequent the company (of someone) ⑷ [VERB] [slang] to relax completely in an unassuming way (esp in the phrase let it all hang out) ⑸ [VERB] [intr, US, informal] to act or speak freely, in an open, cooperative, or indiscreet manner ⑹ [+adv/prep] to spend a lot of time in a place or with a person or a group of people ⑺ to spend time relaxing, doing very little ⑻ to attach things that you have washed to a piece of string or rope outside so that they can dry; to attach something such as a flag outside a window or in a street |
hang out with | ☆ …와 시간을 보내다. | - |
have a look at | ☆ …을 한 번 슬쩍 보다[일별하다] | - |
have answer | ☆ 답을 하다 | - |
have guess | ☆ 추축히다 | - |
have in | - | |
have in common | ☆ have the same interests, characteristics or experience as somebody | |
have on | ⑴ ~을 입고[쓰고/신고/매고 등] 있다 ⑵ (장치를) 켜 둔 채로 두다 ⑶ (계획/일 등이) 잡혀[예정되어] 있다 ⑷ (보통 농담을 믿도록) 속이다[농담하다] ⑸ (수동태로는 안 씀, 진행형으로는 쓰이지 않음) ~에 대해 (특히 범죄와 관련된) 약점을 쥐고 있다 ⑹ …의 약점을 잡고 있다 ⑺ 입다 |
⑴ (not used in the progressive tenses) to be wearing something ⑵ to have a piece of electrical equipment switched on ⑶ to have something planned or arranged ⑷ (usually used in the progressive tenses) to joke with somebody by pretending something is true when it is not ⑸ have information about somebody which is proof of their criminal activities or which would make them embarrassed if you told other people |
head for | - | |
head off | ⑴ (앞을 가로막아) ~의 진로[도주로]를 차단하다 ⑵ ~을 방해[방지]하다 ⑶ …을 막다, 저지하다, …을 회피하다. |
⑴ [VERB] [tr, adverb] to intercept and force to change direction ⑵ to leave a place to go somewhere else or do something else ⑶ to prevent something; to stop somebody from doing something |
hear about | ☆ …에 관해서 (상세한 이야기·꾸지람 등을) 듣다 | ☆ to be told news or information about somebody/something |
hear of | ☆ (소문 등으로) ~에 대해 듣다 | ⑴ to have news of somebody/something ⑵ to know about somebody/something because you have been told about them/it |
hearing about | - | |
heat up | ⑴ 뜨거워지다[따뜻해지다] | ☆ to become warm or hot; to make something warm or hot |
help in | ⑴ 도와서 들여보내[태워, 입혀] 주다 ⑵ …을 돕다. |
- |
help out | ☆ to help somebody in order to make things easier for them, for example by doing some of their work or by giving them money | |
help with | ☆ …을 돕다. | - |
hold back | ⑴ to stop yourself from expressing or showing how you feel ⑵ to not tell somebody something that you wish to keep secret ⑶ to keep something such as money to use later ⑷ to prevent somebody/something from moving forward or from entering or leaving a place ⑸ to prevent the progress or development of somebody/something ⑹ to hesitate, or to make somebody hesitate |
hold on | ⑴ (명령문 형태로 쓰여) 기다려[멈춰] ⑵ (곤경/위험을) 견뎌[참아] 내다 ⑶ (전화상으로 상대방에게 하는 말로) 기다려라 |
⑴ (informal) used to ask somebody to wait or stop for a short time ⑵ to survive in a difficult or dangerous situation; to continue doing something although it is difficult ⑶ to hold something/somebody tightly; to not let go of something/somebody ⑷ to keep something in position so that it cannot fall off |
hold up | ⑴ (쓰러지지 않도록) ~을 떠받치다 ⑵ (~의 흐름[진행]을) 지연시키다[방해하다] ⑶ (하나의 예로서) ~을 들다[제시하다] ⑷ 견디다 ⑸ (은행/상점 등을) 총기를 들이대고 강탈하다 |
⑴ to raise somebody/something in the air ⑵ to support somebody/something and prevent it/them from falling ⑶ to block or delay the progress of somebody/something ⑷ 4.to rob a person, a bank, a shop/store, etc. using a gun Have they caught the people who held up the bank? v+adv+n,v+n/pron+adv 4:v+adv+n,v+pron+adv,v+n+adv ⑸ 1.to remain healthy, in good condition or working effectively, especially when there are difficulties Sales have held up well, in spite of economic difficulties. How did your tent hold up in the storm? ⑹ 2.if an idea, an argument, etc. holds up, it remains strong when you analyse it carefully I don't think his argument really holds up. v+adv |
hone in on | ☆ to give all your attention to something |

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