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영어구동사 & 동사숙어 Top 1,000 리스트 L





영어구동사 & 동사숙어 Top 1,000 리스트 - L

구동사 뜻(E)
lay on the line ☆ 솔직하게 말하다; 위태롭게 하다. ⑴ (idiomatic, transitive) To state strongly, clearly, and accurately
⑵ (idiomatic, transitive) To risk
lead in ⑴ (전선 등이) 통하다, (…에서) 이야기[연주]가 시작하다, (선박의) 입항 안내를 하다
⑵ (전선/전류 등을) 끌어들이다, 유도하다, [발언/연주 등]을 (…으로) 시작하다[with]
☆ to try to get information about (something)
lead to ⑴ ~로 이어지다
⑵ ∼에 이르게 하다
⑶ ∼로 이끌다
☆ to result in a particular action or event; to force or persuade somebody to take a particular action
leave aside ⑴ ~을 차치하다[제쳐놓다]
⑵ 내버려두다
☆ to not discuss or consider a particular idea or issue
leave behind ⑴ (주로 수동태로) ~을 훨씬 앞서다
⑵ (사람/장소/상태를) 영원히 떠나다[뒤로 하다]
⑶ 두고 가다, 둔 채 잊고 가다
⑷ (처자/재산/명성/기록/피해 등을) 남기고 죽다, 뒤에 남기다
⑸ 통과하다, 지나가다
⑴ to go away from a place without taking somebody/something because you have forgotten them/it
⑵ to go away from a place while the result of something you have done stays there
⑶ to leave a person or place permanently, especially in order to begin a new life
⑷ to have somebody/something remaining after your death
⑸ to make progress much faster than somebody else
let off steam ☆ 울분[열기 등]을 발산하다 ☆ 1.release energy, strong feelings, nervous tension, etc. by intense physical activity or noisy behaviour
let off stream ☆ (구어) 울분을 토하다 -
link to ☆ …와 관련시키다. -
listen for   ☆ to listen carefully to see if you can hear somebody/something
listen out for ☆ …을 들으려고 귀를 기울이다. ☆ to pay attention to sounds in order to hear (something expected)
listen to ☆ 귀를 기울이다 ⑴ to pay attention to somebody/something that you can hear
⑵ to take notice of what somebody says to you so that you follow their advice or believe them
live in ☆ (일·공부하는 장소에) 들어가 살다 ⑴ [chiefly British] to live in the place where you work; to live in another person's home
⑵ to live at the place where you work or study
⑶ to live at the place where you work or study
live on ⑴ ~을 먹고 살다
⑵ ~을 많이 먹다[주식으로 하다]
⑶ (얼마의 돈으로 기본적인 것들을 해결하며) 먹고 살다
⑷ 계속 살다[존재하다]
live through ☆ (살면서) ~을 겪다 ☆ to experience something difficult or unpleasant and survive
look after ⑴ ~을 맡다[돌보다/건사하다]
⑵ (~에게 유리하도록) ~을 살피다[돌보다]
⑶ …을 눈으로 좇다, 배웅하다
⑷ …에 주의하다, 유의하다
⑸ …을 구하다, 요구하다
⑹ …을 보살펴 주다, 감독하다
⑺ 을 죽이다
⑴ to make sure that somebody/something is safe; take care of somebody/something
⑵ to make sure that things happen to somebody's advantage
⑶ to deal with something; to be responsible for something
look ahead ☆ (~까지) (앞일을) 내다보다 ⑴ to think about what will happen in the future
⑵ often + to
look at ⑴ ~을 (자세히) 살피다[검토/진찰하다]
⑵ ~에 대해 생각[고려/검토]하다
⑶ (특정한 방식으로) ~을 보다[고려하다]
⑷ …을 보다[살피다]
⑴ to turn your eyes towards somebody/something so that you can see them/it
⑵ to examine something/somebody closely
⑶ (usually used in negative sentences or questions) to consider or be prepared to accept somebody/something
⑷ used to draw somebody's attention to somebody/something, often as an example that you want them to follow or not follow
⑸ to read something, usually quickly, without reading all the details
⑹ to think about or study something
⑺ to consider something in a particular way
⑻ (informal) (always used in the progressive tenses) be looking at somethingto have to consider or deal with something; to be faced with something
look back ☆ (과거를) 되돌아보다 ⑴ to think about something that has happened in your past
⑵ [VERB] [intr, adverb] to cast one's mind to the past
⑶ [VERB] never look back to become increasingly successful
⑷ [VERB] [mainly Britain] to pay another visit later
look back on ☆ .…을 뒤돌아보다. -
look for ⑴ 찾다, 구하다, 기대하다.
⑵ ~을 바라다[기대하다]
⑴ [look for somebody/something] to search for somebody/something, either because you have lost them/it, or because you need them/it
⑵ [look for something] to hope for something or expect something
look forward to ⑴ …을 기대하다
⑵ 즐거운 마음으로 기다리다.
☆ see LOOK
look green ☆ 창백해 보이다 -
look into ⑴ ~을 조사하다
⑵ …의 속을 들여다보다
⑶ 주의 깊게 살피다
☆ 1.to examine something or consider it carefully
look like ⑴ …할 것 같다
⑵ …인 것처럼 보이다
☆ o have an appearance that is very similar to (someone or something); to resemble (someone or something)
look on   ⑴ to watch an event or an incident without taking part in it yourself
⑵ (AmE) (with somebody) to share a book, etc. with another person in a group
⑶ to consider somebody/something in a particular way
⑷ to watch something without becoming involved in it yourself
look out ⑴ (특히 위험이 있을 때 경고하는 말로) 조심해라
⑵ (자기가 가진 물건들 중에서) ~을 찾다[찾아 보다]
⑴ to search for something from among your possessions
⑵ to try to find somebody/something or meet somebody
⑶ to try to avoid something bad happening or doing something bad
look out for   ⑴ to try to find somebody/something or meet somebody
⑵ to try to avoid something bad happening or doing something bad
look to ⑴ (개선 방안을 찾기 위해) ~을 생각해[고려해] 보다
⑵ 돌보다, 보살피다
⑶ …에 주의하다, 경계하다
⑷ 기대하다, …에 기대를 걸다.
⑴ [look to (something)] to think about or examine (something); to direct your attention to (something)
⑵ [look to (something)] usually + for
⑶ [look to (someone)] to need (someone) to do something for or give something to you; to depend or rely on (someone)
⑷ [look to (someone)] often + for
lose track of time ☆ 시간 가는 것을 잊다. ☆ to fail to stay aware of the time; to be unaware that so much time has passed


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

