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영어 구동사 & 동사 숙어 Top 1,000 리스트 R





영어구동사 & 동사 숙어 Top 1,000 리스트 - r

구동사 뜻(E)
rain off ☆ 우천으로 취소하다 ☆ (idiomatic,transitive) to cancel (an event) due to excessive rain
reach for ⑴ 손을 뻗다
⑵ 잡으려고 손을 내밀다
⑶ ...쪽으로 손을 뻗치다
⑷ …에 도달하려고 애쓰다
⑸ …을 얻으려고 노력하다
⑴ reach for (someone or something) - to move your hand in order to get or touch (someone or something)
⑵ reach for (something) - to try hard to achieve or succeed at (something) see also reach for the moon at MOON1 reach for the stars at STAR1
reach out to ☆ ~에게 관심을 보이다[접근하다] ⑴ to show somebody that you are interested in them and/or want to help them; to try to get people's interest or attention
⑵ (especially North American English) to contact somebody in order to get help
read about ☆ …에 대해 읽다. -
read from ☆ (책·신문 등에서 문구를) 여기저기 읽어주다, 큰 소리로 띄엄띄엄 골라서 읽다 -
refer to ⑴ ~을 나타내다[~와 관련 있다]
⑵ (정보를 알아내기 위해) …을 보다[… 에게 문의하다]
⑶ (도움/조언/결정을 받을 수 있도록) ~을 ~에게 보내다[~에게 ~을 참조하게 하다]
⑷ (… 에 대해) 언급하다[거론하다/들먹이다/말하다]
⑸ .…에 돌리다
⑹ 회부하다
⑺ …에 조회하다, ~을 참고하다
⑻ …에 적용되다
⑴ (as something) to mention or talk about somebody/something
⑵ to describe or be connected to somebody/something
⑶ to send somebody/something to a different place or person in order to get help, advice or a decision
⑷ to look at something for information
refer to as ⑴ …을 …이라고 부르다
⑵ …라고 언급하다.
reflect on ☆ ~을 반성하다, 되돌아보다 ☆ to make somebody have a particular opinion of somebody/something
relate to ⑴ ~와 관련되다, ~에 대해 언급하다
⑵ ~을 이해하다[~에 공감하다]
⑴ to feel that you can understand a person, a situation, something that somebody does or feels, etc. and have sympathy with them/it
⑵ to be connected to somebody/something; to refer to somebody/something
rely on ⑴ ~에 의지[의존]하다, ~을 필요로 하다
⑵ ~을 믿다[신뢰하다]
⑴ to need or depend on somebody/something
⑵ to trust or have confidence in somebody/something
remind about ☆ …을 생각나게 하다. -
remind of ⑴ (유사한 점 때문에) ~에게 ~을 생각[연상]하게 하다
⑵ …을 생각나게 하다.
⑶ 연상시키다
⑴ if somebody/something reminds you of somebody/something, they make you think of somebody/something because they are similar
⑵ if somebody/something reminds you of somebody/something else, they make you remember or think about the other person, place, thing, etc. because they are similar in some way
result in ☆ (결과적으로) ~을 낳다[야기하다] 유의어 lead to ☆ to have a particular effect; to make something happen
rhyme with ☆ 운이 맞다 -
roll up ⑴ (손잡이를 돌려서) ~을 올리다[닫다]
⑵ 모습을 드러내다[도착하다]
⑴ to move (something) up especially by turning a handle
⑵ to fold up the ends of (something, such as a shirt sleeve or pants leg) to make it shorter
⑶ [informal] to arrive at a place in a vehicle
⑷ [British] used to invite people to gather around to see a show or to buy things
rule out ⑴ (가능하거나 적절하지 않다고) ~을 배제하다
⑵ (…하지 못하도록) ~을 제외시키다
⑴ [VERB] [tr, adverb] to dismiss from consideration
⑵ if somebody rules somebody else out, they decide that it is not possible for them to have done something or to do something, or that they are not suitable for something
⑶ if something rules somebody out, it makes it impossible for somebody to have done something or to do something, or makes them not suitable for something
⑷ if somebody rules something out, they decide that it is not possible, or that it cannot or should not happen
⑸ if something rules something out, it makes it impossible for something to happen, or makes something not suitable for a particular purpose
run away   ⑴ to move quickly away from somebody/a place; to escape from somebody/a place
⑵ to leave the place where you are living or staying suddenly and secretly because you are unhappy
run into ⑴ (여행/이동 중에 좋지 않은 기상 상태를) 만나다
⑵ (곤경 등을) 만나다[겪다]
⑶ (어떤 수준/양에) 이르다[달하다]
⑷ ~를[와] 우연히 만나다[마주치다]
⑸ ~을[에] 들이받다[충돌하다]
⑹ 뛰어들어가다, …와 충돌하다, …와 우연히 만나다, 합계 …이 되다.
⑴ to meet or enter an area of bad weather while travelling
⑵ to experience difficulties or problems
⑶ to reach a particular level or amount
⑷ 4. if things run into each other, or something runs into something else, they join so that they can only be separated with difficulty
⑸ to meet somebody by chance
⑹ to accidentally crash into somebody/something; to make a vehicle do this
run off with ☆ ~을 훔쳐 달아나다 -
run out   -
run through ⑴ ~ 속으로 (빠르게) 퍼지다[번지다]
⑵ ~에 가득하다[넘치다]
⑶ ~을 빨리[급히] 살펴보다
⑷ ~을 연기[연습]하다
⑸ (돈을) 낭비하다[다 써 버리다]
⑹ ~을 칼[검]로 찔러[베어] 죽이다
⑴ to be present in every part of something
⑵ to discuss, examine or read something quickly
⑶ to perform, act or practise something
⑷ (informal) to use up or spend money carelessly
⑸ if a feeling runs through somebody/something, it passes quickly through them/it
run to ⑴ (치수/양이) ~에 달하다
⑵ (부정문으로 쓰여) (돈이) ~을 하기에 충분하지 않다
⑶ (돈이) 충분한 금액에 달하다, 여유가 있다, …에게 있어 충분하다, …을 위한 충분한 돈을 가지다
⑷ …에게 도움을 구하다
⑸ …에 달하다
⑹ …까지 계속하다.
⑴ run to something 1. to reach the amount, or size mentioned, especially a large one
⑵ run to something 2.(BrE) (often used in negative sentences and with) if a person or their money can run to something, they have enough money to pay for it
⑶ run to something 3. if your taste or your mind, etc. runs to something, you enjoy it or can do it
⑷ run to somebody 1.to go to somebody for help, advice, protection, etc.


[main] | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

