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영어구동사 & 동사숙어 Top 1,000 리스트 - S


영어구동사 & 동사숙어 Top 1,000 리스트 - s

구동사 뜻(E)
sail in ⑴ 입항하다, 운항하다
⑵ (토론 따위에) 대담하게 나서다
⑶ 욕하다, 덤벼들다, 야단치다
save up ☆ <돈을> 모으다 ☆ to keep your money instead of spending it, especially because you want to buy a particular thing
save up for ☆ …을 위해 저축하다. -
scare away   ☆ to make somebody/something leave or stay away by frightening them
screen for ☆ …의 검사를 받다. -
see as ☆ ~ 로 상상하다, 간주하다(=visualize, consider acceptable) -
seek out   ⑴ to look for and find somebody/something, especially when this means using a lot of effort
⑵ [VERB] [tr, adverb] to search hard for and find a specific person or thing
seem like ☆ … 처럼 보이다. -
sell out ☆ (콘서트·스포츠 경기 등의 표가) 다 팔리다[매진되다] ⑴ to ignore or change your principles or beliefs, especially to gain an advantage for yourself
⑵ to sell your business or a part of your business
⑶ to not be loyal to somebody
send out ⑴ (많은 사람들/장소로) ~을 보내다[발송하다]
⑵ (빛/신호/소리 등을) 내다[발하다]
⑴ to send something to a lot of different people or places
⑵ to produce something, such as light, a signal, sound, etc.
⑶ to send somebody somewhere for a particular purpose
serve with ☆ …을 송달하다(=deliver to). -
set foot on ☆ ~에 발을 들여놓다[들어서다] ☆ enter or visit a place
set for …의 준비를 하다. -
set in ☆ (비·험한 날씨·전염병 등이) (계속될 기세로) 시작하다[되다] ⑴ if bad weather, an unpleasant feeling, an illness, etc. sets in, it begins and seems likely to continue
⑵ [VERB] [intr, adverb] to become established
⑶ [VERB] (of wind) to blow or (of current) to move towards shore
set out ⑴ 출발하다[(여행을) 시작하다]
⑵ (일/과제 등에) 착수하다[나서다]
⑶ ~을 정리[진열]하다
⑷ (말/글로 조리 있게) ~을 제시하다
⑴ to leave a place and begin a journey, especially a long journey
⑵ set out to do somethingto begin to do something with a particular aim or purpose
⑶ to arrange or display something
⑷ to present ideas, facts, etc. in a clear, organized way, in speech or writing
set up ⑴ ~을 세우다[놓다]
⑵ (기계/장비를) 설치하다
⑶ (어떤 일이 있도록) 마련하다
⑷ ~을 (새로) 시작[설립]하다
⑸ (일련의 사건/과정을) 촉발[유발]시키다
⑹ (필요한 자금을) ~에게 제공하다[대 주다]
⑺ ~에게 힘[기운]이 솟게 하다
⑻ ~에게 누명을 씌우다
⑼ (~으로) 사업을 시작하다[창업하다]
⑽ 건립하다, 설립[수립]하다, 준비하다, …인 체하다, 함정에 빠뜨리다.
⑴ to provide somebody with the money they need, for example to start a business, buy a home, etc.
⑵ (informal) to trick somebody, especially by making them appear to be guilty of something that they have not done
⑶ (informal) to make somebody feel healthier, stronger, more active, etc.
⑷ (informal) (with somebody) to arrange for somebody to meet somebody so that they can have a romantic or sexual relationship
⑸ to create something or start a business, an organization, etc.
⑹ to build something or put something somewhere
⑺ to organize or arrange something; to make the arrangements for something to happen
⑻ to start a process or a series of events
⑼ to start running your own business
⑽ to make a machine, some equipment, etc. ready to use
sign up ⑴ (강좌에) 등록하다
⑵ 참가하다, 가입하다, ~에 등록하다, ~에 신청하다(for), 계약하다, (계약하여) 고용하다[되다]
⑴ to sign a document saying that you agree to work for somebody, play for their team, etc.; to persuade somebody to do this
⑵ to arrange to do a course of study by adding your name or somebody else's name to the list of people doing it
sit down   ⑴ to lower your body until you are sitting on a chair, etc.
⑵ (and do something) to give time and attention to something in order to try to solve a problem or achieve something
⑶ (with somebody) to meet with somebody to discuss something
⑷ to help or persuade somebody to sit down either for a rest or to discuss something
slide away ☆ 슬며시 떠나가다 -
slow down ⑴ 느긋해지다
⑵ 을 늦추다
⑶ (기력이) 쇠해지다
⑷ (노동자가) 태업하다
⑴ to go, or to make somebody/something go, at a slower speed
⑵ to be less active or develop more slowly; to make somebody/something do this
smell of   ☆ to have the smell of something
snack on   ☆ to eat small amounts of food between or instead of meals
sound like ☆ ~처럼 들리다 ⑴ to seem to be something when heard
⑵ to have a sound that is like the sound of (something else)
⑶ to have a voice that is like the voice of (someone else)
⑷ to say something that is like what is commonly said by (someone else)
sound out   ⑴ to try to discover somebody's views, opinions, etc. on something, especially in an indirect way
⑵ [VERB] to question (someone) in order to discover (opinions, facts, etc)
speak of ⑴ (이 있음)을 증명하다
⑵ …에 대해 말하다.
☆ to be evidence of something; to suggest something
speak on ☆ 이야기를 계속하다 -
speak out ☆ (~에 반대하는 뜻을) 공개적으로 말하다[밝히다] 참조 outspoken ☆ 1.to say what you think clearly and publicly, often criticizing or opposing somebody/something, in a way that needs courage
speak up ☆ 더 크게 말하다(보통 명령문으로 쓰임) ⑴ used to ask somebody to speak louder
⑵ to say what you think clearly and freely, especially to support or defend somebody/something
specialise in ☆ ~을 전문으로 하다 -
speed up   ⑴ to start to move or happen faster; to make something do this
⑵ ?to move or happen faster; to make something move or happen faster
spice up ⑴ 더 좋아 보이도록 꾸미다. 양념치다. 풍미를 더하다,양념을 첨가하다
⑵ ~을 다채롭게 하다
⑶ 어울리도록 하다
⑴ To enhance the flavor of something by adding spice to it.
⑵ (transitive, informal) To make more exotic, fun or extravagant.
spy on ☆ ~을 염탐하다[몰래 감시하다] -
stand a chance ☆ (~을 할) 가능성이 있다 ☆ (not) have a chance (of doing something)
stand for ⑴ (진행형으로는 쓰이지 않음) (약어나 상징물이) ~을 나타내다[의미하다]
⑵ ~을 지지[옹호]하다
⑶ ~을 허용하지[그냥 넘어가지] 않다
⑷ …을 상징하다, …을 의미하다, …을 대표하다, …을 옹호[찬성]하다, …에 입후보하다, …을 용납하다
⑴ to be a shorter form of something
⑵ to support something; to be in favour of something
stand to ⑴ 활동 부서에 배치되어 있다, 적의 공격에 대비하여 대기하다
⑵ 를 고수하다
⑶ 를 고집하다, …을 주장하다
⑷ (해사) …을 향해 출항[출범]하다
start off ⑴ 움직이기 시작하다
⑵ (어떤 일이[을]) 시작되다[시작하다]
⑶ (…하는 것으로) 시작하다[처음에는 …이다]
⑷ ~에게 (~을 하기) 시작하게 하다
⑸ ~가 (~을) 시작하도록 하다[돕다/이끌다]
⑴ ( start off doing something) [+ adv/prep/adj] to begin happening in a particular way; to begin doing something in a particular way
⑵ [+adv/prep] to begin to move or travel
⑶ ( start somebody off doing something)) (on something) to help somebody begin an activity, an exercise, a job, etc.
⑷ ( start somebody off doing something) to make somebody react in a particular way or begin doing something
⑸ [VERB] [adverb] [intr] to set out on a journey
⑹ [VERB] to be or make the first step in an activity; initiate
⑺ [VERB] [tr] to cause (a person) to act or do something, such as to laugh, to tell stories, etc
start out   ⑴ to begin a journey
⑵ to begin in a particular way, especially in business or work
⑶ [VERB] [intr, adverb] to set out on a journey
⑷ [VERB] to take the first steps, as in life, one's career, etc
⑸ [VERB] to take the first actions in an activity in a particular way or specified aim
start up ☆ 시작되다[시동이 걸리다]/~을 시작하다[시동을 걸다] 참조 start-up ⑴ to start operating; to make something start operating
⑵ (in something) to start operating or trading; to establish a business
start with ☆ …와 함께 출발하다. -
stay away   ☆ to not go near somebody/something dangerous or unpleasant; to have nothing to do with somebody/something
stay up   ⑴ if something stays up, it remains in a standing or higher position where it has been put, built, etc.
⑵ to not go to bed
stay with ⑴ (남)의 집에서 머물다
⑵ (일 따위)를 계속하다, (물건)을 계속 쓰다
⑶ (일)에 열중하다
⑷ (싫어도) 계속 경청하다
⑴ [stay with (someone)] If something from the past stays with you, you remember it and it continues to influence or affect you in some way.
⑵ [stay with (something)] to continue using or doing (something)
⑶ [stay with (someone)] to go or make progress at the same rate as (someone); to keep even with (someone) in a race, competition, etc.
stem from ☆ …에서 기인하다, 유래하다 ☆ to be caused by something; to be the result of something
step back   ⑴ to try to think calmly about a situation in which you have been closely involved, as if you are not involved in it
⑵ to feel as if you have moved backwards to an earlier period of history
step down   ☆ to leave an important job or position in order to let somebody else take your place
step out of ☆ …에서 나오다. -
step outside ☆ (미국·속어) (싸우기 위해) 밖으로 나가다, 자리를 뜨다 -
stick up for ☆ [구어] …을 변호하다, 옹호하다(defend); [권리 따위]를 지키다 ⑴ If you stick up for a person or a principle, you support or defend them forcefully.
⑵ [informal] to defend (someone) against attack or criticism
⑶ to support or defend somebody, yourself or something, when they are being criticized
stick with ⑴ ~의 곁에 머물다
⑵ ~을 계속하다
⑶ …와 함께 있다.
⑴ (stick with somebody) (informal) to stay physically close to somebody
⑵ (stick with somebody) (informal) to remain in somebody's memory
⑶ (stick with something) to continue to do something in spite of difficulties
⑷ (stick with something) to continue doing or using something and not want to change
stink up   ⑴ (transitive, informal) To cause to stink.
⑵ (transitive, figuratively, informal) To perform very badly in (a place).
stress out ☆ 스트레스를 받다 ☆ to make somebody very anxious and tired so that they are unable to relax
strike up ⑴ (밴드/오케스트라 등이) (~을) 연주하기 시작하다
⑵ (~와) (대화/관계 등을) 시작하다[트다]
⑴ to begin a friendship, a relationship, a conversation, etc. with somebody
⑵ [VERB] [adverb] (of a band, orchestra, etc) to begin to play or sing
⑶ [VERB] [tr] to bring about; cause to begin
⑷ [VERB] [tr] to emboss (patterns, etc) on (metal)
strip away ⑴ (막 같은 것을) 벗겨 내다
⑵ (사실이 아닌 것/불필요한 것을) 벗겨 내다[제거하다]
⑴ to completely remove a layer of something that is covering something else
⑵ to remove anything that is not true and necessary to reveal what somebody/something is really like
strip off   ⑴ to remove a layer of something
⑵ if you strip off, or strip something off, you take off all or nearly all your clothes
struggle on ☆ 계속 분투하다[몸부림치다] ☆ to manage to continue in spite of great difficulties
struggle with ☆ ~로 고심하다 -
stuff face   ☆ To eat excessively.
stumble upon   -
subscribe to ⑴ ~을 구독, 신청하다
⑵ 동의[지지]하다
suck at   -
suck in   ⑴ [VERB] [adverb] [tr] to attract by using an inexorable force, inducement, etc
⑵ [VERB] to draw in (one's breath) sharply
⑶ [VERB] [tr, slang] to deceive or defraud
⑷ 【suck somebody in =suck somebody into something】 to gradually involve somebody in an activity, a situation, etc., especially one that they do not at first want to be involved in
suck into   ☆ to gradually involve somebody in an activity, a situation, etc., especially one that they do not at first want to be involved in
suck up   -
sum up ⑴ ~을 압축해서 보여주다[묘사하다]
⑵ ~에 대해 파악[판단]하다
⑶ 요약하다
⑴ to describe or show the most typical characteristics of somebody/something, especially in a few words
⑵ (as somebody/something) to decide or express what you think about somebody/something
⑶ to give the main points of something in a few words
switch off ☆ 신경을 끄다 ⑴ to stop an electrical device, a machine or an engine working by pressing a switch, a button, etc.
⑵ to stop giving your attention to somebody or something


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