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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: circum from Latin circum



【circum】 is word -forming element
usually meaning "around, about"
from Latin "circum"

[WORD ROOT]root circum
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] circu, circum
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) circum
[MEANING]root around, about




  • 【Latin】 circum around, round


circuit, circumcise, circumference, circumnavigate, circumscribe, circumspect, circumstance, circumvent

Please see Word information in detail as follows;

circuit [noun] from circuit < it-
【DEFINITION】 An electrical circuit is a complete route which an electric current can flow around.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a circumference; a periphery, a line going around (an area), whether circular or not; a circular or circuitous course
【pl.】 circuits
【DERIVATIVEs】 circuital, circuitous, circuit
【ROOTs】 circu(circum); prefix it; go

circumcise [verb] from circumcise < cide
【DEFINITION】 If a boy or man is circumcised, the loose skin at the end of his penis is cut off.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to cut off the foreskin
【CONJUGATIONs】 circumcised, circumcised, circumcising, circumcises
【DERIVATIVEs】 circumciser, circumcise
【ROOTs】 circum; prefix cise(cide); cut, a killing

circumference [noun] from circumference < fer
【DEFINITION】 The circumference of a circle, place, or round object is the distance around its edge.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 line that bounds a circle
【pl.】 circumferences
【DERIVATIVEs】 circumferential, circumferentially, circumference
【ROOTs】 circum; around, about fer; bear, carry ence(ance); noun suffix

circumnavigate [verb] from navigate < navy
【DEFINITION】 If someone circumnavigates the world or an island, they sail all the way around it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to sail round, pass round by water
【CONJUGATIONs】 circumnavigated, circumnavigated, circumnavigating, circumnavigates
【DERIVATIVEs】 circumnavigable, circumnavigation, circumnavigator, circumnavigate
【ROOTs】 circum; round, around nav; ship ig(ag); to go, drive, move ate; suffix

circumscribe [verb] from circumscribe < scribe
【DEFINITION】 If someone's power or freedom is circumscribed, it is limited or restricted.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to encompass; confine, restrain, mark out bounds or limits for
【CONJUGATIONs】 circumscribed circumscribed circumscribing circumscribes
【DERIVATIVEs】 circumscribable, circumscriber, circumscribe
【SYNONYM】 restrict
【ROOTs】 circum; prefix scribe(scrib); write

circumspect [adjective] from circumspect
【DEFINITION】 If you are circumspect, you are cautious in what you do and say and do not take risks.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 cautious, wary; looking about on all sides
【SYNONYM】 cautious
【ROOTs】 circum; prefix spect(spec); look, see

circumstance [noun] from stance < st-
【DEFINITION】 The circumstances of a particular situation are the conditions which affect what happens.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a fact related to another fact and modifying it without affecting its essential nature
【pl.】 circumstances
【DERIVATIVEs】 circumstantial, circumstantiate, circumstance
【ROOTs】 circum; prefix st; condition, stand ance; noun suffix

circumvent [verb] from circumvent < vene
【DEFINITION】 If someone circumvents a rule or restriction, they avoid having to obey the rule or restriction, in a clever and perhaps dishonest way.
【CONJUGATIONs】 circumvented, circumvented, circumventing, circumvents
【DERIVATIVEs】 circumventer, circumvention, circumventive, circumventor, circumvent
【ROOTs】 circum; prefix vent; come



Other word list containing circum; circumlocution


chart, card
chrom-, -chroous, -chroic
chron-. chrono-
chem-, chemo-, chemi-, chemico-
cer-, cern-, cert-
center-, centri-, centr-


ENGLISH ROOT WORD: chart, card from Greek khartes

【chart, card】 are word -forming element usually meaning "paper, chart, card, map" from Greek "khartes" [WORD ROOT]root chart [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] chart, cartoon, carton, card [ETYMOLOGY]root (Gre..


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