ENGLISH ROOT WORD : arch-, archi-, archy- from Greek arkhein, arkhon, arkhe
【arch, archi, archy】 are word -forming element usually meaning "lead, rule, beginning,…" from Greek "arkhein, arkhon, arkhe" [WORD ROOT]root arch [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] arch, archi, archon, archy, arky [ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) arkhein, arkhon, arkhe [MEANING]root lead, rule, beginning,… 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Greek】 arkhein be the first; to begin, begin from or with, make preparation for; ..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: ante- from Latin ante, anti
【ante】 is word -forming element usually meaning "before, in front of, prior to" from Latin "ante, anti" [WORD ROOT]root ante [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] am, an, ance, anci, ant, ante, anti [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) ante, anti [MEANING]root before, in front of, prior to 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 ante before, in front of, against 【Latin】 anti [old form of ante] [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] ancestor,..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: agog- from Greek agein, agogos, agon, agogon
【agog】 is word -forming element usually meaning "guiding, struggle, trial" from Greek "agein, agogos, agon, agogon" [WORD ROOT]root agog [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] agog, agon, agogue, egy, ant [ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) agein, agogos, agon, agogon [MEANING]root guiding, struggle, trial 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Greek】 agein to lead; put in motion, move; assemble, bring together; contest 【Greek】 ago..
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