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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: agog- from Greek agein, agogos, agon, agogon


【agog】 is word -forming element
usually meaning "guiding, struggle, trial"
from Greek "agein, agogos, agon, agogon"




[WORD ROOT]root agog
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] agog, agon, agogue, egy, ant
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) agein, agogos, agon, agogon
[MEANING]root guiding, struggle, trial


  • 【Greek】 agein to lead; put in motion, move; assemble, bring together; contest
  • 【Greek】 agogos [from agein] leader; guide; leading, drawing forth
  • 【Greek】 agon from agein] assembly, mass of people brought together; a contest; any struggle or trial
  • 【Greek】 agogon

[LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] agogue, agon, agonist, agonistic, agonize, agony, antagonistic, demagogue, demagogy, emmenagogue, pedagogue, pedagogy, pedant, pedantic, protagonist, strategy, synagogue




Please see Word information in detail as follows;

agogue [combining form]
【DEFINITION】 leader; guide; leading, drawing forth
【ROOTs】 agogue(agog); guiding, struggle, trial

agon [noun]
【DEFINITION】 (in ancient Greece) a festival at which competitors contended for prizes. Among the best known were the Olympic, Pythian, Nemean, and Isthmian Games
【PRIMARY MEANING】 contest for a prize
【pl, agones】
【ROOTs】 agon(agog); struggle, trial

agonist [noun]
【DEFINITION】 any muscle that is opposed in action by another muscle Compare antagonist (sense 2)
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a hero (attacked in the play by an antagonist)
【ROOTs】 agon(agog); guiding, struggle, trial ist; noun suffix

agonistic [adjective]
【DEFINITION】 striving for effect; strained
【PRIMARY MEANING】 pertaining to an agonist
【ROOTs】 agon(agog); guiding, struggle, trial istic; adjective suffix

agonize [verb]
【DEFINITION】 If you agonize over something, you feel very anxious about it and spend a long time thinking about it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 struggle; exercise, suffer
【DERIVATIVEs】 agonize, agony
【ROOTs】 agon(agog); guiding, struggle, trial ize; verb suffix

agony [noun]
【DEFINITION】 Agony is great physical or mental pain.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 mental suffering
【pl, agonies】
【DERIVATIVEs】 agonize, agony
【ROOTs】 agon(agog); guiding, struggle, trial y; noun suffix




antagonistic [adjective]
【DEFINITION】 If a person is antagonistic to someone or something, they show hatred or dislike towards them.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 acting in opposition
【DERIVATIVEs】 antagonistically, antagonistic
【SYNONYM】 hostile
【ROOTs】 ant(anti); against agon(agog); guiding, struggle, trial istic; adjective suffix

demagogue [noun]
【DEFINITION】 If you say that someone such as a politician is a demagogue you are criticizing them because you think they try to win people's support by appealing to their emotions rather than using reasonable arguments.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 an unprincipled popular orator or leader; one who seeks to obtain political power by pandering to the prejudices, wishes, ignorance, and passions of the people or a part of them
【ROOTs】 dem(demo); people agogue(agog); guiding, struggle, trial

demagogy [noun]
【DEFINITION】 You can refer to a method of political rule as demagogy if you disapprove of it because you think it involves appealing to people's emotions rather than using reasonable arguments.
【ROOTs】 dem(demo); people agog; guiding, struggle, trial y; noun suffix

emmenagogue [noun]
【DEFINITION】 a drug or agent that increases menstrual flow
【PRIMARY MEANING】 an agent that promotes the menstrual discharge
【ROOTs】 em(en); in, into, within meno; month agogue(agog); drawing forth

pedagogue [noun]
【DEFINITION】 If you describe someone as a pedagogue, you mean that they like to teach people things in a firm way as if they know more than anyone else.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 schoolmaster, teacher
【DERIVATIVEs】 pedagogic, pedagogical, pedagogically, pedagogism, pedagoguism, pedagogue
【ROOTs】 ped(paed); child agogue(agog); guide


pedant [noun]
【DEFINITION】 If you say that someone is a pedant, you mean that they are too concerned with unimportant details or traditional rules, especially in connection with academic subjects.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 schoolmaster
【DERIVATIVEs】 pedantic, pedantically, pedant
【ROOTs】 ped(paed); child ant(agog); guiding, struggle, trial

pedantic [adjective]
【DEFINITION】 If you think someone is pedantic, you mean that they are too concerned with unimportant details or traditional rules, especially in connection with academic subjects.
【DERIVATIVEs】 pedantic, pedantically, pedant
【ROOTs】 paed; child ant(agog); guiding, struggle ic; adjective suffix

protagonist [noun]
【DEFINITION】 Someone who is a protagonist of an idea or movement is a supporter of it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 principal character in a story, drama, etc.
【DERIVATIVEs】 protagonism, protagonist
【SYNONYM】 champion
【ROOTs】 prot(proto); first, earliest form of, foremost agon(agog); guiding, struggle, trial ist; noun suffix

strategy [noun]
【DEFINITION】 A strategy is a general plan or set of plans intended to achieve something, especially over a long period.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 art of a general
【pl, strategies】
【DERIVATIVEs】 strategic, strategical, strategically, strategist, strategy
【ROOTs】 strat; army egy(agog); guiding, struggle, trial

synagogue [noun]
【DEFINITION】 A synagogue is a building where Jewish people meet to worship or to study their religion.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 the regular public worship of the Jews
【pl, synagogues】
【DERIVATIVEs】 synagogal, synagogical, synagogue
【ROOTs】 syn; with, together agogue(agog); guiding, struggle, trial

Other word list containing agog; antagonize, antagonist, antagonism




arch, archi, archy
arc-, arch-

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
