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Having acne 6 Minute English, BBC Learning English 강좌 [영어숙어 및 구동사]


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BBC 6 Minute English의 금주 주제인 Having acne은 개략적으로 다음의 개요를 갖고 있습니다.

여드름은 모든 연령대의 사람들에게 영향을 미치지만, 특히 10대 청소년에게 더 많이 발생합니다. 닐과 베스가 피부과 의사의 이야기를 듣고 여드름에 대한 유용한 어휘를 알려드립니다.(Acne affects people of all ages, but especially teenagers. Neil and Beth listen to a skin doctor talking about the condition and teach you some useful vocabulary.)

다음은 금주의 6 Minute English에 수록된 구동사, 숙어 등 여러 단어 어휘를 간단히 정리한 자료입니다.

able to adj
[본문] [32]I didn't have the luxury of being able to see a dermatologist when I was younger - my family just simply couldn't afford it, so I had to get through it as best I could… and you just you know tried everything over the counter et cetera.
[영한] ① 할 수 있는 ② 가능한

according to prep.
[본문] [15]Mild or moderate acne is very common in teenagers and younger adults, so according to the UK's National Health Service, what proportion of people aged 11 to 30 experience some amount of acne?
[영한] ① (진술/기록 등에) 따르면 ② (지시/합의 등에) 따라 ③ ~에 의하면
[영영] If someone says that something is true according to a particular person, book, or other source of information, they are indicating where they got their information.

add to verb
[본문] [29]At times, most teenagers are self-conscious about their looks, and having acne adds to social pressure.
[영한] ① ~을 늘리다[증가시키다] ② …에 더하다[보태다].
[영영] to increase the size, amount, number, etc. of something

arise from verb
[본문] [21]Well, we know for sure that it does tend to arise from puberty onwards, so the biggest cohort of patients is in the teenage age group.
[영한] ① …에서 발생하다[일어나다]. ② ∼에서 생기다, ∼에서 비롯되다, ~에서 기인하다


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이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.

as usual adv.
[본문] [13]And, as usual, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary too.
[영한] 늘 그렇듯이[평상시처럼]
[영영] ① in the same way as what happens most of the time or in most cases
② in the way that happens or exists most of the time or in most cases
③ sometimes used with per
[유의어] as always

as well adv.
[본문] [26]Of course, puberty involves emotional, as well as physical, changes.
[영한] ① (~뿐만 아니라/~은 물론) …도 ② 게다가, 또한, 마찬가지로
[영영] in addition to somebody/something; too

as well as conj.
[본문] [26]Of course, puberty involves emotional, as well as physical, changes.
[영한] ① …에 더하여, 게다가 ② …과 마찬가지로 잘

at the end of prep.
[본문] [18]OK, Beth, we'll find out if that's the correct answer at the end of the programme.
[영한] ~의 끝 무렵에

at times adv.
[본문] [29]at times, most teenagers are self-conscious about their looks, and having acne adds to social pressure.
[영한] 가끔은[때로는]
[영영] sometimes

because of prep.
[본문] [24]Acne tends to start during puberty, the stage in people's lives when they develop from a child into an adult because of changes in their body.
[영한] …때문에
[유의어] on account of(때문이다), due to(때문이다), owing to(때문이다), thanks to

due to prep.
[본문] [30]Acne is largely genetic, and the buildup of oil and bacteria in the pores of the skin which causes spots is due to hormones which are completely natural.
[영한] ① ] …에 기인하는, …때문에 ② ] …때문에
[유의어] because of(때문이다)

et cetera noun
[본문] [32]I didn't have the luxury of being able to see a dermatologist when I was younger - my family just simply couldn't afford it, so I had to get through it as best I could… and you just you know tried everything over the counter et cetera.
[영한] ① 기타 여러 가지[사람], 기타 등등 ② 잡동사니, 자잘한 것
[유의어] etc

find out verb
[본문] [18]OK, Beth, we'll find out if that's the correct answer at the end of the programme.
[영한] ① ~의 잘못을 적발하다 ② (~에 대해) (~을) 알아내다[알게 되다] ③ (조사하여) 발견하다, 생각해 내다, (해답을) 얻어내다, (수수께끼를) 풀다 ④ …임을 알아내다, 발견하다 ⑤ …의 정체[진의]를 간파하다, (범인을) 찾아내다, (부정/죄를) 간파하다 ⑥ (죄 등이) 그 본인을 폭로하다 ⑦ (미) (친척 등을) 찾아내다 ⑧ …에 대해 진상을 알다
[영영] ① find out; to learn a fact, a piece of information, or the truth about something/somebody
② find somebody out; to discover that somebody has been dishonest or has done something wrong

for now adv.
[본문] [49]Goodbye for now!
[영한] ① 우선은, 현재로는, 당분간은 ② 이제 곧

for sure adv.
[본문] [21]Well, we know for sure that it does tend to arise from puberty onwards, so the biggest cohort of patients is in the teenage age group.
[영한] (의심할 여지없이) 확실히[틀림없이]
[영영] 1.definitely

get through verb
[본문] [32]I didn't have the luxury of being able to see a dermatologist when I was younger - my family just simply couldn't afford it, so I had to get through it as best I could… and you just you know tried everything over the counter et cetera.
[영한] ① (많은 양을) 써 버리다 ② ~을 하다[끝내다] ③ (~에게) 가 닿다[전달되다] ④ (전화로 ~와) 연락이 닿다 ⑤ (시험 등에) 합격하다[통과하다] ⑥ (정식으로) 통과하다[~을 통과시키다]
[영영] ① (to somebody) to make contact with somebody by telephone
② (to somebody) to make somebody understand or accept what you say to them, especially when you are trying to help them
③ (to somebody/something) to succeed in reaching a place or a person

going to adj
[본문] [17]I'm going to guess that it is c) 95%.
[영한] ~할 예정인

grow up verb
[본문] [20]As someone who grew up with acne she understands the impact it can have on a person's mental health, as she explains here to BBC World Service programme, The Conversation.
[영한] ① (사람이) 성장[장성]하다 ② 철이 들다(남에게 어리석은 짓을 그만두라고 말할 때 씀) ③ 서서히 생겨나다
[영영] ① when a person grows up, they become an adult
② to spend the time you are a child in a particular place or in a particular way
③ (of a person) to develop into an adult. grow up to do something

have a question verb
[본문] [14]But first I have a question for you, Beth.
[영한] ① 질문하다 ② 물어볼 게 있다

interact with verb
[본문] [28]Acne affects your confidence and how you interact with the world, so it shouldn't be trivialised, or made to seem less important than it really is.
[영한] ~와 상호 작용을 하다
[어근] pot; 냄비, 병, pot

listen to verb
[본문] [51]Neil and Beth listen to a skin doctor talking about the condition and teach you some useful vocabulary.
[영한] 귀를 기울이다
[영영] ① to pay attention to somebody/something that you can hear
② to take notice of what somebody says to you so that you follow their advice or believe them

look different verb
[본문] [11]But whatever the type of acne, looking different from others can be emotionally damaging, especially during the teenage years when our self-image and physical appearance are changing.
[영한] 닮지 않다

mental health noun
[본문] [20]As someone who grew up with acne she understands the impact it can have on a person's mental health, as she explains here to BBC World Service programme, The Conversation.
[영한] 정신 건강

of course adv.
[본문] [26]of course, puberty involves emotional, as well as physical, changes.
[영한] ① (자기 말이 사실이거나 옳음을 강조하여) 물론 ② (상대방이 하려는 일을 정중히 허락하여) 그럼(요) ③ (상대방의 말에 정중히 동의하여) 그렇지요[그렇고 말고요] ④ (지금 하는 말이 놀랄 일이 아님을, 또는 일반적으로 알려져 있거나 받아들여지는 일임을 나타내어) 물론
[영영] ① used to emphasize that what you are saying is true or correct
② used as a polite way of giving somebody permission to do something
[유의어] naturally

once again adv.
[본문] [48]once again our six minutes are up, but remember to join us again next time for more trending topics and useful vocabulary, here at 6 Minute English.
[영한] 한 번 더, 또 다시

or so adv.
[본문] [22]However a proportion of patients up to 20 or so percent - certainly in females - it will persist well into the 30s, 40s - much longer than people often give it credit for {it}.
[영한] `…쯤, …정도,…가량

over the counter adj.
[본문] [32]I didn't have the luxury of being able to see a dermatologist when I was younger - my family just simply couldn't afford it, so I had to get through it as best I could… and you just you know tried everything over the counter et cetera.
[영한] (특히 약이) 처방전[특별 허가] 없이

pretty much adv.
[본문] [33]I just felt if I could help people with something that has been such a bane of my life and having that inside experience as well so I would often tell my patients, pretty much anything I recommend to them, I've tried it myself, I can tell them, it works…
[영한] 거의[거의 완전히]
[영영] almost; just about

refer to verb
[본문] [47]And finally, the idiom, the bane of my life refers to a source of persistent unhappiness or misfortune.
[영한] ① ~을 나타내다[~와 관련 있다] ② (정보를 알아내기 위해) …을 보다[… 에게 문의하다] ③ (도움/조언/결정을 받을 수 있도록) ~을 ~에게 보내다[~에게 ~을 참조하게 하다] ④ (… 에 대해) 언급하다[거론하다/들먹이다/말하다] ⑤ .…에 돌리다 ⑥ 회부하다 ⑦ …에 조회하다, ~을 참고하다 ⑧ …에 적용되다
[영영] ① (as something) to mention or talk about somebody/something
② to describe or be connected to somebody/something
③ to send somebody/something to a different place or person in order to get help, advice or a decision
[유의어] look, consult, attribute, mention

release into verb
[본문] [25]Hormones such as testosterone which are released into the body during puberty often cause acne to appear.
[영한] ~를[을] 방출하다, ~을[를] 풀어주다

remind of verb
[본문] [40]Which reminds me of my question, Beth - what proportion of 11 to 30 year-olds get acne to some extent?
[영한] ① (유사한 점 때문에) ~에게 ~을 생각[연상]하게 하다 ② …을 생각나게 하다. ③ 연상시키다
[영영] ① if somebody/something reminds you of somebody/something, they make you think of somebody/something because they are similar
② if somebody/something reminds you of somebody/something else, they make you remember or think about the other person, place, thing, etc. because they are similar in some way

stage of life noun
[본문] [42]OK, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned, starting with puberty, the stage of life when a person changes from a child to an adult.
[영한] ① 삶의 단계 ② 생명 단계

struggle with verb
[본문] [6]But the pursuit of perfect skin can make life difficult for people who struggle with skin conditions.
[영한] ① ~로 고심하다 ② ~와 싸우다, ~와 투쟁하다, ~와 분쟁하다 ③ ~로 힘들어 하다

such as prep.
[본문] [25]Hormones such as testosterone which are released into the body during puberty often cause acne to appear.
[영한] ① 예를 들어 (…와 같은) ② …와 같은
[영영] ① for example
② of a kind that; like

talk about verb
[본문] [51]Neil and Beth listen to a skin doctor talking about the condition and teach you some useful vocabulary.
[영한] ① …에 대해 이야기하다. ② (강조의 뜻으로) …하기란[…하기가 말도 못한다]
[영영] ① used to emphasize something
② to discuss
③ used informally and often ironically to add emphasis to a statement

to some extent adv.
[본문] [40]Which reminds me of my question, Beth - what proportion of 11 to 30 year-olds get acne to some extent?
[영한] 얼마간, 어느 정도까지, 다소
[유의어] to a certain extent

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