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6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Bitter food, better health? [BBC Learning English 강좌]





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Could bitter foods be better for your health? Beth and Phil discuss this and teach you some useful new vocabulary.

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bacteria noun ★★★[2381]    from [레마] bacteria
[본문] [28]It includes fungi, bacteria and viruses.
[영한] 박테리아, 세균
[영영] Bacteria are very small organisms. Some bacteria can cause disease.
[굴절형] 복수형 명사
[어근]bacter(baktr); 작은 물질, small staff ⑵ ia; 병명, 속명, 나라명
[어원] 《그리스어 bakterion[diminutive of baktron] small staff
[파생] bacterial, bacterially, bacterize, bacteria

beneficial adj. ★★[3761]    from [레마] benefice 《 face
[본문] [37]So, it seems that bitter foods could be very beneficial, but they are not always the easiest foods to love.
[영한] 유익한, 이로운
[영영] Something that is beneficial helps people or improves their lives.
[유의어] advantageous, favourable
[반의어] detrimental
[구성단어] benefic + al
[어근]bene; 좋은, good, well ⑵ fic; 만들다, 하다 ⑶ ial(al); 형용사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 facere만들다, 하다
[최초 의미] helpful, advantageous, conferring benefit
[파생] beneficial, beneficially, beneficialness, benefiter, benefit

bitter adj. ★★★[3033]    from [레마] bitter
[본문] [6]Er, I'm not that keen on grapefruit - they're too bitter for me.
[영한] ① (언쟁 등이) 격렬한 ② (사람들이) 억울해 하는 ③ 쓰라린 ④ (음식 등이) 맛이 쓴 ⑤ (기상 조건이) 혹독한, 매서운
[영영] In a bitter argument or conflict, people argue very angrily or fight very fiercely.
[굴절형] 비교; bitter < bitterer < bitterest
<명사> ① 비터(쓴맛이 강한 맥주. 영국에서 아주 인기 있음) 참조 mild ② 비터즈(칵테일에 쓴 맛을 내는 술)
[어근] bitter(bite); 물다, 쓰라린, bite
[어원] 《고대 영어 biterfrom bitan; having a harsh taste, sharp, cutting; angry, full of animosity; cruel
[최초 의미] having a harsh taste, sharp, cutting; angry, full of animosity; cruel
[파생] bitterly, bitterness, embitter



bitter noun ★★★[3033]    from [레마] bitter
[본문] [40]I think people are exposed to bitters way more than they think they are, but there's this perception of bitter and negativity, both in terms of emotions and food, right?
[영한] ① 비터(쓴맛이 강한 맥주. 영국에서 아주 인기 있음) 참조 mild ② 비터즈(칵테일에 쓴 맛을 내는 술)
[영영] Bitter is a kind of beer that is light brown in colour.
[굴절형] 복수형; bitters
<형용사> ① (언쟁 등이) 격렬한 ② (사람들이) 억울해 하는 ③ 쓰라린
[어근] bitter(bite); 물다, 쓰라린, bite
[어원] 《고대 영어 biterfrom bitan; having a harsh taste, sharp, cutting; angry, full of animosity; cruel
[파생] bitterly, bitterness, embitter

bitterness noun △[10000+]    from [레마] bite
[본문] [36]Here we have tastebuds, which are the receptors on our tongue and inside our mouths that can detect flavours, like bitterness.
[영한] ① 씀, 쓴 맛 ② 신랄함, 쓰라림, 비통, 비꼼
[영영] bitter + ness
[유의어] rancour
[구성단어] bitter + ness
[어근]bitter(bite); 물다, 쓰라린, bite ⑵ ness; 성질, 상태, 정도
[어원] 《고대 영어 bitanto bite; a biting, an act of piercing with the teeth
[파생] bitterly, bitterness, embitter

chef noun ★★★[2142]    from [레마] chief 《 cap
[본문] [38]In BBC Radio 4's 'The Food Programme', presenter Leyla Kazim spoke to chef Alexina Anatole, who points out that we might be consuming more bitter food than we realise:
[영한] ① 요리사(특히 주방장) ② 쉐프
[영영] A chef is a cook in a restaurant or hotel.
[굴절형] 복수형; chefs
[어근] chef(cap); 머리, head
[어원] 《라틴어 caput〈capitis의 소유격〉 머리, 지도자, 안내자, 주요 인사, 정상, 수도
[최초 의미] head cook

chronic adj. ★★★[2419]    from [레마] chronic 《 chrono(시간)
[본문] [24]It seems they have an incredible ability to interact with our gut microbiome, suppress feelings of hunger, control glucose release and even counter chronic inflammation in the body.
[영한] ① (특히 병이) 만성적인 ② 만성 질환을 앓고 있는 ③ 지독히 안 좋은
[영영] A chronic illness or disability lasts for a very long time. Compare acute.
[반의어] acute
[어근]chron(chrono); 시간, time ⑵ ic; 형용사 어미
[최초 의미] lasting a long time
[파생] chronically, chronicity, chronic

consume verb ★★★[2186]    from [레마] consume 《 sume
[본문] [49]If something is mainstream, then it means it's ordinary and part of what most people consume - she listed chocolate and coffee as mainstream things.
[영한] ① (특히 연료/에너지/시간을) 소모하다 ② 먹다, 마시다 ③ (강렬한 감정이) 사로잡다[휩싸다] ④ (불이) 전소시키다, 휩싸다
[영영] If you consume something, you eat or drink it.
[굴절형] consumed, consumed, consuming, consumes
[어근]con(com); together ⑵ sume; 취하다, take
[최초 의미] to destroy by separating into parts which cannot be reunited, as by burning or eating; destroy the substance of, annihilate
[파생] consume, consuming, consumingly, consumption, consumptive, consumer



counter verb ★★★[3291]    from [레마] counter
[본문] [24]It seems they have an incredible ability to interact with our gut microbiome, suppress feelings of hunger, control glucose release and even counter chronic inflammation in the body.
[영한] ① 반박[논박]하다 ② (무엇의 악영향에) 대응하다
[영영] ① If you do something to counter a particular action or process, you do something which has an opposite effect to it or makes it less effective.
② If you counter something that someone has said, you say something which shows that you disagree with them or which proves that they are wrong.
[굴절형] countered, countered, countering, counters
[유의어] counteract
<부사> ~의 반대 방향에서, ~과 반대로
[어근] counter(contra); 뒤, against
[어원] 《라틴어 contra~에 대항하여

digestive adj. ☆[5105]    from [레마] digest 《 gest
[본문] [29]Microorganisms in our gut play an important role in the digestive process - they are our gut microbiome.
[영한] 소화의
[영영] You can describe things that are related to the digestion of food as digestive.
<명사> 소화(촉진)제, 정장제, 소화 비스킷
[어근]di(dis); 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ gest; 나르다, carry ⑶ ive; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 digestus[pp of digerere]
[최초 의미] of or pertaining to physiological digestion,
[파생] digest, digestion, digestive, digestively, digestiveness

episode noun ★★★★[2037]    from [레마] episode(가는 것[가기]) 《 hode(가는 것[가기])
[본문] [5]Phil, I'm going to start this episode with grapefruit - I've got some here - do you want some?
[영한] ① (사람의 인생/소설 등에서 중요하거나 재미있는) 사건[에피소드] ② (라디오/텔레비전 연속 프로의) 1회 방송분
[영영] You can refer to an event or a short period of time as an episode if you want to suggest that it is important or unusual, or has some particular quality.
[굴절형] 복수형; episodes
[유의어] incident
[어근]epi; 주위, 위 ⑵ s(eis); 안으로, into ⑶ ode(od); 길(way)
[어원] 《그리스어 hodos가는 것[가기], 다니기[놀러가기], 여행, 길, 오솔길, 도로
[최초 의미] commentary between two choric songs in a Greek tragedy

flavour noun ★★[3398]    from [레마] flavor 《 fla
[본문] [14]How many different basic flavours can humans taste?
[영한] ① (음식술의) 풍미[맛] ② (특정한) 맛 ③ 정취, 분위기 ④ (무엇에 대한) 느낌[감(感)] ⑤ (컴퓨터) (소프트웨어의 특정한) 종류
[영영] The flavour of a food or drink is its taste.
[굴절형] 복수형; flavours
[유의어] taste, ambience
<동사> (무엇에) 맛[풍미]을 더하다[첨가하다]
[어근]flav(fla); 불꽃, 바람이 불다, blow ⑵ our(or); …하는 사람[것]
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ flavor
[어원] 《라틴어 flare불다[흩날리다], 내뿜다[뻐끔거리다]; 고무[격려]하다, 권장[장려]하다
[최초 의미] a smell, odor
[파생] flavorer, flavorless, flavorsome, flavourer, flavourless, flavoursome, flavour



fungus noun △[9359]    from [레마] fungus(a mushroom)
[본문] [28]It includes fungi, bacteria and viruses.
[영한] ① 균류, 곰팡이류 ② 균상종
[굴절형] 복수형; fungi funguses
[어근] fungus(sponge); 스펀지, 해면, sponge
[어원] 《라틴어 fungusa mushroom, fungus;
[파생] fungic, fungicidal, fungicidally, fungous, fungus, funguslike, fungus-like, fungicide

glucose noun[10000+]    from [레마] glucose
[본문] [24]It seems they have an incredible ability to interact with our gut microbiome, suppress feelings of hunger, control glucose release and even counter chronic inflammation in the body.
[영한] 포도당
[어근]gluc(glyc); 달콤한, sweet ⑵ ose; …이 많은; …당(糖)

grapefruit noun[10000+]    from [레마] fruit
[본문] [5]Phil, I'm going to start this episode with grapefruit - I've got some here - do you want some?
[영한] 그레이프프루트
[구성단어] grape + fruit
[어근]grape; grape ⑵ fruit; 과일, 유용한, fruit
[어원] 《라틴어 frui[related to fruges, from suffixed form of PIE root *bhrug-] to use, enjoy

grill verb ☆[5636]    from [레마] grill
[본문] [57]The flavour that you missed is umami, which comes from a Japanese word and refers to a savoury flavour often found in grilled meats or broths.
[영한] ① 그릴[석쇠]에 굽다 ② (특히 옥외에서) 불에 굽다 ③ 다그치다, 닦달하다
[영영] When you grill food, or when it grills, you cook it using very strong heat directly above or below it.
[굴절형] grilled grilled grilling grills
<명사> ① 그릴 ② 석쇠 ③ (그릴석쇠를 이용하여) 센 불에 바로 구운 요리
[어근] grill; 그릴, grill
[어원] 《프랑스말 graille[from Latin craticula] grill, grating, railings, fencing
[파생] griller, grill

gut noun △[8029]    from [레마] gut
[본문] [24]It seems they have an incredible ability to interact with our gut microbiome, suppress feelings of hunger, control glucose release and even counter chronic inflammation in the body.
[영한] ① 소화관 ② (특히 동물의) 내장 ③ (사람의, 특히 뚱뚱한) 배 ④ 배짱 ⑤ 직감 ⑥ 요지 ⑦ 장선(腸線), 거트
[영영] A person's or animal's guts are all the organs inside them.
[굴절형] 복수형; guts
[유의어] belly, intestine
<동사> ① (특히 화재로 건물방의) 내부[내용물]를 파괴하다 ② (요리를 하기 위해 생선동물의) 내장을 제거하다 <형용사> (이성이 아닌) 직감에 따른
[어근] gut; 소화관, 창자, gut
[어원] 《고대 영어 guttasbowels, entrails; a channel
[최초 의미] bowels, entrails; a channel,"
[파생] gutlike, gut

hunger noun ★★★[2701]    from [레마] hunger
[본문] [24]It seems they have an incredible ability to interact with our gut microbiome, suppress feelings of hunger, control glucose release and even counter chronic inflammation in the body.
[영한] ① 굶주림, 기아 ② 배고픔 ③ (~에 대한) 갈구[갈망]
[영영] Hunger is the feeling of weakness or discomfort that you get when you need something to eat.
[유의어] starvation(굶주림)
<동사> ① 굶주리다, 배가 고프다, 시장기가 들다 ② 굶주리게 하다, 배를 곯려 …시키다 ③ 갈망[열망]하다
[어근] hunger; 배고픔, hunger
[어원] 《고대 영어 hungorunease or pain caused by lack of food, debility from lack of food, craving appetite
[최초 의미] unease or pain caused by lack of food, debility from lack of food, craving appetite
[파생] hunger, hungeringly, hungrily, hungriness, hungry



hungry adj. ★★★[2179]    from [레마] hunger
[본문] [32]This means that they stop people feeling hungry.
[영한] ① 배고픈 ② 굶주리는 ③ 굶주리는 사람들 ④ 허기지게 만드는 ⑤ (~을) 갈구[갈망]하는, (~에) 굶주린
[영영] When you are hungry, you want some food because you have not eaten for some time and have an uncomfortable or painful feeling in your stomach.
[굴절형] 비교; hungry < hungrier < hungriest
[구성단어] hunger + y
[어근]hungr(hunger); 배고픔, hunger ⑵ y; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 hungrighungry, famished
[파생] hunger, hungeringly, hungrily, hungriness, hungry

incredible adj. ★★★[2197]    from [레마] credit 《 cred(믿다)
[본문] [24]It seems they have an incredible ability to interact with our gut microbiome, suppress feelings of hunger, control glucose release and even counter chronic inflammation in the body.
[영한] ① 믿을 수 없는, 믿기 힘든 ② (너무 좋거나 커서) 믿어지지 않을 정도인
[영영] If you describe something or someone as incredible, you like them very much or are impressed by them, because they are extremely or unusually good.
[유의어] unbelievable, amazing(놀랍다), extraordinary, unbelievable(믿기 힘들다)
[반의어] credible(믿을 수 없다)
[어근]in; 아님(不) ⑵ cred; 신용, 믿다, believe ⑶ ible(able); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 credere신뢰하다, 맡기다, 믿다
[최초 의미] unbelievable, surpassing belief as to what is possible
[파생] incredibility, incredibleness, incredibly, incredible

inflammation noun △[9881]    from [레마] inflame 《 flame
[본문] [24]It seems they have an incredible ability to interact with our gut microbiome, suppress feelings of hunger, control glucose release and even counter chronic inflammation in the body.
[영한] ① (신체 부위의) 염증 ② (병리) 염증 ③ 점화(點火), 연소 ④ 격노, 흥분 ⑤ 왕성한 상태, 고양(高揚) ⑥ 염증, 화농
[구성단어] inflame + ation
[어근]in; 안(內), in, on ⑵ flam(flame); 불꽃, flame ⑶ m; 연결 글자 ⑷ ation(ion); 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 inflammarein+flammare; to set on fire, kindle
[파생] inflamer, inflamingly, inflammation, inflammatory, inflame

interact verb ★★[3442]    from [레마] interact 《 act(이끌다)
[본문] [24]It seems they have an incredible ability to interact with our gut microbiome, suppress feelings of hunger, control glucose release and even counter chronic inflammation in the body.
[영한] ① (특히 작업 중에) 소통하다[교류하다] ② 상호 작용을 하다
[영영] When people interact with each other or interact, they communicate as they work or spend time together.
[굴절형] interacted, interacted, interacting, interacts
[어근]inter; 사이, among ⑵ act(ag); 행위
[어원] 《라틴어 agere이끌다, 가다, 움직이게 맞춰 놓다, 몰고 가다, 앞으로 몰고 가다, (뭔가) 하다, 수행하다, 행동을 선동하다, 움직이도록 놔 두다
[최초 의미] act on each other, act reciprocally
[파생] interact, interaction

keen adj. ★★★[2145]    from [레마] keen
[본문] [6]Er, I'm not that keen on grapefruit - they're too bitter for me.
[영한] ① 간절히 …하고 싶은, …을 열망하는 ② (활동사상 등에) 열정적인[열렬한] ③ ~을 아주 좋아하는, ~에 대단히 관심이 많은 ④ 명민한, 이해가 빠른 ⑤ 강한, 깊은 ⑥ 예민한, 예리한 ⑦ 치열한 ⑧ (가격을 올리지 않아서) 경쟁력이 있는 ⑨ (문예체) 살을 에는 듯한 ⑩ (문예체) 날카로운, 예리한
[영영] If you are keen on doing something, you very much want to do it. If you are keen that something should happen, you very much want it to happen.
[굴절형] 비교; keen < keener < keenest
[유의어] eager, competitive, sharp(예민하다), eager(열심이다), avid(열심이다), acute
[어근] keen; 간걸한, 날카로운, keen
[어원] 《고대 영어 cene대담한, 용감한, 겁이 없는
[최초 의미] bold, brave, fearless
[파생] keener, keenly, keenness, keen



mainstream adj. ★★★[2342]    from [레마] stream
[본문] [41]Bitterness is generally an undesirable trait, but there are so many very very mainstream bitter things.
[영한] 주류의, 정통파의
<명사> (사상견해 등의) 주류[대세] <동사> ① (특정한 사상견해를) 주류에 편입시키다 ② (정신적신체적) 장애아를 일반 학교에 합류시키다
[구성단어] main + stream
[어근]main; 가장 큰, main ⑵ stream; 개울, stream
[어원] 《고대 영어 streama course of water

microbiome noun △[8992]    from [레마] biome 《 bio
[본문] [24]It seems they have an incredible ability to interact with our gut microbiome, suppress feelings of hunger, control glucose release and even counter chronic inflammation in the body.
[영한] ① (생명과학) 마이크로바이옴, 인체 내 미생물 생태계 ② (사람 몸안의) 미생물 무리
[영영] ① a community of microorganisms (such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses) that inhabit a particular environment and especially the collection of microorganisms living in or on the human body
② the collective genomes of microorganisms inhabiting a particular environment and especially the human body
[구성단어] micro + biome
[어근]micro; 적은, small ⑵ bi(bio); 생명, life ⑶ ome(oma); 종(腫), 류(瘤)

microorganism noun[10000+]    from [레마] organ(기구[장기])
[본문] [27]A microbiome is a collection of microorganisms that can be found in a particular part of the body.
[영한] 미생물
[굴절형] 복수형; microorganisms
[유의어] microbe(미생물)
[구성단어] micro + organism
[어근]micro; 적은, small ⑵ organ; 일하다, work ⑶ ism; 이념, 주의
[어원] 《라틴어 organum기구, 장기[기관], 악기

negativity noun[10000+]    from [레마] negate 《 neg
[본문] [40]I think people are exposed to bitters way more than they think they are, but there's this perception of bitter and negativity, both in terms of emotions and food, right?
[영한] 부정적[비관적] 성향, 소극성
[구성단어] negative + ity
[어근]neg; 부정(否定), not ⑵ at(ate); 동사 어미 ⑶ iv(ive); 형용사어미 ⑷ ity; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 negatus[past participle of negare] denied
[파생] negate, negation, negatively, negativeness, negativity, negative

noticeable adj. ★★[4299]    from [레마] notice 《 note
[본문] [51]If something has a degree of something, then it has at least a small, but noticeable amount of it.
[영한] 뚜렷한, 현저한, 분명한
[영영] Something that is noticeable is very obvious, so that it is easy to see, hear, or recognize.
[유의어] marked, prominent
[구성단어] notice + able
[어근]noti(note); 알다, know ⑵ ce; ~하기(추상명사어미) ⑶ able; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 notitiaa being known, celebrity, fame, knowledge
[파생] notice, noticeability, noticeable, noticeably, notify

perception noun ★★★[2134]    from [레마] percept 《 capt(잡다)
[본문] [39]I think it's a real perception issue with it.
[영한] ① (격식 또는 전문 용어) 지각, 자각 ② 통찰력 ③ 인식(하여 갖게 된 생각)
[영영] Your perception of something is the way that you think about it or the impression you have of it.
[굴절형] 복수형; perceptions
[유의어] insight
[어근]per; 통하다(through) ⑵ cept(capt); 쥐다, take ⑶ ion; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 capere취하다, 잡다, 제어하다, 받다, 포함하다
[최초 의미] understanding, a taking cognizance
[파생] perceivability, perceivable, perceivably, perceive, perceiver, perception, perceptional, perceptive, perceptual



podcast noun △[8058]    from [레마] cast(던지다)
[본문] [12]That should give you a taste of what's coming up, but before that, if you want to learn vocabulary to talk about world events - search for our News Review podcast - we look at vocabulary about a major news story every week.
[영한] 팟캐스트
[영영] an audio file similar to a radio broadcast, which can be downloaded and listened to on a computer, mp3 player, mobile phone, etc
[굴절형] 복수형; podcasts
[구성단어] ipod + cast
[어근]pod; 아이패드, iPod ⑵ cast; 던지다, cast, throw
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이말 kastato throw

presenter noun △[8005]    from [레마] present 《 pres(앞에 있다)
[본문] [38]In BBC Radio 4's 'The Food Programme', presenter Leyla Kazim spoke to chef Alexina Anatole, who points out that we might be consuming more bitter food than we realise:
[영한] ① (라디오/텔레비전 프로 각 부분의) 진행자[사회자] ② (특정 주제에 대한) 발표자 ③ (시상식에서) 시상하는 사람
[영영] A radio or television presenter is a person who introduces the items in a particular programme. in AM, usually use host, anchor
[굴절형] 복수형; presenters
[구성단어] present + er
[어근]present(pres); 앞에 있다, be before ⑵ er; ~하는 사람(명사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 present
[최초 의미] one who presents

realise verb ★★★[2378]    from [레마] realize 《 real(실제의)
[본문] [38]In BBC Radio 4's 'The Food Programme', presenter Leyla Kazim spoke to chef Alexina Anatole, who points out that we might be consuming more bitter food than we realise:
[영한] ① 깨닫다, 알아차리다, 인식[자각]하다 ② (목표 등을) 실현[달성]하다 ③ (수동형으로 쓰여) (우려 등이) 현실이 되다[실제로 발생하다] ④ (자산을) 실현하다[현금화하다] ⑤ (상품 등이) (특정한 금액에) 팔리다 ⑥ (글로 된 정보/지시 등에 기반하여 음향/연극/디자인 등을) 실현하다[만들어 내다]
[굴절형] realised, realised, realising, realises
[유의어] make, convert
[구성단어] real + ize
[어근]real; 사실, real ⑵ ise(ize); 동사 어미
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ realize
[어원] 《라틴어 realis실제의, 사물 그 자체인
[파생] real, realisable, realisably, realisation, realiser, reality, realizable, realizably, realization, realize, realizer, really, realness, realise

remarkable adj. ★★★[2297]    from [레마] remark 《 mark(경계)
[본문] [23]New research has found a remarkable link between bitter foods and our health.
[영한] 놀랄 만한, 놀라운, 주목할 만한
[영영] Someone or something that is remarkable is unusual or special in a way that makes people notice them and be surprised or impressed.
[유의어] astonishing, wonderful, tremendous, uncommon
[반의어] unremarkable
<명사> 주목해야 할 것[사건]. ??bil/i/ty, remarkable/ness 명사
[구성단어] remark + able
[어근]re; 다시 ⑵ mark; sign, landmark ⑶ able; 접미사
[어원] 《고대 영어 mearc경계, 한계, 표식, 경계표
[파생] remarkability, remarkable, remarkableness, remarkably, remarker, remark

salty adj. ★★[3937]    from [레마] salt
[본문] [19]Hmmm, I can think of bitter, sweet, salty and sour - so I'm going to go with four.
[영한] ① 소금이 든, 짠, 짭짤한 ② (구식) (말/유머가) (때로 약간 저속하기도 하지만) 재미있는
[영영] Something that is salty contains salt or tastes of salt.
[굴절형] 비교; salty < saltier < saltiest
[어근]salt; 소금, salt ⑵ y; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 sealt(noun) salt
[파생] saline, saltily, saltiness, saltish, saltless, saltlike, saltness, salty, salt



savoury adj. △[10000+]    from [레마] savor
[본문] [57]The flavour that you missed is umami, which comes from a Japanese word and refers to a savoury flavour often found in grilled meats or broths.
[영한] ① 짭짤한, 짭짜름한 ② 맛있는, 냄새 좋은
[영영] Savoury food has a salty or spicy flavour rather than a sweet one.
<명사> 짭짤한 음식
[어근]savour(savor); 맛, savor, taste ⑵ y; 형용사 어미
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ savory
[어원] 《라틴어 sapornominative of saporem; ; taste
[최초 의미] pleasing in taste or smell

shame noun ★★★[2209]    from [레마] shame
[본문] [7]Oh, that's a shame, because this episode is all about bitter food.
[영한] ① (자기가 한 짓에 대해 갖는) 수치심[창피/(남)부끄러움] ② 창피 ③ 애석한[딱한/아쉬운] 일 ④ 망신, 수치
[영영] Shame is an uncomfortable feeling that you get when you have done something wrong or embarrassing, or when someone close to you has.
[굴절형] 복수형; shames
[유의어] pity(애석한 일), disgrace(수치)
<동사> ① 창피스럽게[부끄럽게] 하다 ② 망신시키다 <감탄사> (남아프리카공화국 영어)
[어근] shame; 수치심, shame
[어원] 《고대 영어 sceomufeeling of guilt or disgrace; confusion caused by shame; disgrace, dishonor, insult, loss of esteem or reputation; shameful circumstance, what brings disgrace; modesty; private parts
[최초 의미] feeling of guilt or disgrace; confusion caused by shame
[파생] shamable, shame, shameable, shameful, shamelessly, shamelessness, shameless

sour adj. ★★[3959]    from [레마] sour
[본문] [19]Hmmm, I can think of bitter, sweet, salty and sour - so I'm going to go with four.
[영한] ① (맛이) 신, 시큼한 ② (특히 우유가) 상한 ③ (사람이) 뚱한, 시큰둥한, 심술궂은
[영영] Something that is sour has a sharp, unpleasant taste like the taste of a lemon.
[굴절형] 비교; sour < sourer < sourest
[유의어] acid(시다)
[반의어] sweet(시큼하다)
<동사> ① (관계태도사람들 등이) 안 좋아지다, 틀어지다, 안 좋아지게[틀어지게] 만들다 ② (우유가[를]) 상하다[상하게 하다] ③ ) 불쾌하게 하다, (성질을) 비뚤어지게 하다
[어근] sour; sour, 시다, 시큼하다
[어원] 《고대 영어 sursour, tart, acid, fermented
[최초 의미] sour, tart, acid, fermented
[파생] sourish, sourly, sourness, sour

suppress verb ★★[3548]    from [레마] suppress 《 press(누르다)
[본문] [24]It seems they have an incredible ability to interact with our gut microbiome, suppress feelings of hunger, control glucose release and even counter chronic inflammation in the body.
[영한] ① (정부/통치자 등이) 진압하다 ② (인쇄/발표 등을) 금하다, (정보 등을) 숨기다 ③ (감정/감정 표현을) 참다[억누르다] ④ 억제하다
[영영] If someone in authority suppresses an activity, they prevent it from continuing, by using force or making it illegal.
[굴절형] suppressed, suppressed, suppressing, suppresses
[유의어] quash, keep a lid on(억제하다), repress
[어근]sup(sub); under ⑵ press; 누르다, press
[어원] 《라틴어 supprimerepress down, stop, hold back, check, stifle
[최초 의미] be burdensome; put down by force or authority
[파생] suppresser, suppressible, suppression, suppressive, suppress

tastebud noun △[10000+]    from [레마] bud
[본문] [25]Could bitter be the answer at the tip of our tastebuds?
[영한] ① (혀의) 맛봉오리 ② (혀의 상피(上皮) 세포 속에 있는) 미각구(味覺球), 미뢰(味?)
[굴절형] 복수형; tastebuds
[구성단어] taste + bud
[어근]taste(tact); 접하다, touch ⑵ bud; 꽃봉우리, 싹, bud
[어원] 《중세 영어 buddebud, seed pod



topical adj. ☆[4560]    from [레마] topic(from topos) 《 topo(장소)
[본문] [66]Remember to join us again next time for more topical discussion and useful vocabulary, here at 6 Minute English.
[영한] ① 시사(時事)와 관련된 ② (의학) (사람 몸의) 국부[국소]의
[영영] Topical is used to describe something that concerns or relates to events that are happening at the present time.
<명사> ① (우표) 주제별 수집 ② 뉴스 영화.
[어근]top(topo); place, location ⑵ ic; 형용사어미 ⑶ al; 형용사어미
[어원] 《그리스어 ta topikafrom topos; matters matters concerning topoi; commonplaces
[최초 의미] pertaining to a place
[파생] topical, topicality, topically, topic

trait noun ★★★[2779]    from [레마] trait 《 tract(끌다)
[본문] [41]Bitterness is generally an undesirable trait, but there are so many very very mainstream bitter things.
[영한] ① (성격상의) 특성 ② 일필(一筆), 붓글씨 솜씨 ③ …기미, 기운, 조금 ④ 얼굴 생김새, 이목구비, 인상 ⑤ 형질
[영영] A trait is a particular characteristic, quality, or tendency that someone or something has.
[굴절형] 복수형; traits
[어근] trait(tract); 끌다, draw, pull
[어원] 《라틴어 tractus도면, 자국[트랙], 과정[코스], 인출
[최초 의미] shot, missiles; a stroke in drawing, a short line

umami noun △[10000+]    from [레마] umami
[본문] [57]The flavour that you missed is umami, which comes from a Japanese word and refers to a savoury flavour often found in grilled meats or broths.
[영한] 우마미, 감칠맛
[어근] umami; umami
[어원] 《일본어 umamisavoriness, flavor

undesirable adj. ☆[5542]    from [레마] desire(목마르다) 《 sider
[본문] [41]Bitterness is generally an undesirable trait, but there are so many very very mainstream bitter things.
[영한] 원하지 않는, 달갑지 않은, 바람직하지 않은
[영영] If you describe something or someone as undesirable, you think they will have harmful effects.
[반의어] desirable
<명사> 바람직하지 못한 사람(특히 위험인물범죄자)
[어근]un; 아님(不,無), not ⑵ de; from ⑶ sir(sider); 별, star, 천체 ⑷ able; 접미사
[어원] 《라틴어 desiderare목마르다, 바라다; 요구하다, 예상하다
[파생] undesirability, undesirableness, undesirably, undesirable

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