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[영단어어원사전] 어근 note-, not-로 영어단어 공부하기 (라틴어 어원; notare, notus, notorius)


영어 어근 note-, not-라틴어(Latin) notare, notus, notorius에서 유래했습니다.
'글자. 표시', 'mark', 'letter', 'note'라는 기본적인 의미를 갖고 있습니다.

[어근]어근 note
[변이어근] note, noti, notori
[어원]어근 (라틴어) notare, notus, notorius
[의미]어근 글자. 표시, mark

[어근 상세 내역]

  • [Latin] notare - [from nota] to mark, note, make a note (표시하다, 적어두다, 메모를 작성하다)
  • [Latin] notus - [participle of noscere] known (알려진)
  • [Latin] notorius - [from Latin notus] well-known, commonly known (유명한, 널리 알려진)

[주요 어휘 목록] connotation, connote, notable, notably, note, notice, noticeable, notify, notion, notoriety, notorious, notoriously

[암기 기준] ★★★★(기본암기: 상위 2,050이내) ★★★(필수암기: 상위 3,265이내) ★★(권장암기: 상위 4,467이내)(추천암기: 상위 7,084이내)



【영단어어휘별 상세 정보】

connotation n.[9847] [레마] connote < note
[영영] The connotations of a particular word or name are the ideas or qualities which it makes you think of.
[영한] 함축(된 의미)
[첫뜻] a concommitant symptom;
[활용] 복수형; connotations
[파생] connotative, connotatively, connotive, connotively, connotation
[구성단어] connotate + ion
[어원] [Latin] notus [participle of noscere] known 알려진
[어근]com; 함께 ⑵ not(note); 글자. 표시, mark ⑶ ation(ion); 명사 어미

connote v.[10000+] [레마] connote < note
[영영] If a word or name connotes something, it makes you think of a particular idea or quality.
[영한] (단어가) (어떤 의미를) 함축하다
[첫뜻] to denote secondarily,
[활용] connoted connoted connoting connotes
[어원] [Latin] notus [participle of noscere] known 알려진
[어근]com; 함께 ⑵ note; 글자. 표시, mark

notable adj. ☆[5790] [레마] notable < note
[영영] Someone or something that is notable is important or interesting.
[영한] 주목할 만한, 눈에 띄는, 중요한, 유명한
[파생] notability, notable, notableness, notably, note, noteless, noter
[유의어] ess, striking
<명사> 유명[중요] 인물
[어원] [Latin] notus [participle of noscere] known 알려진
[어근]note; 기록, letter ⑵ able; 형용사 어미

notably adv. ★★[4237] [레마] notable < note
[영영] You use notably to specify an important or typical example of something that you are talking about.
[파생] notability, notable, notableness, notably, note
[유의어] especially, remarkably
[구성단어] notable + ly
[어원] [Latin] notus [participle of noscere] known 알려진
[어근]not(note); 기록, letter ⑵ abl(able); 형용사 어미 ⑶ y(ly); 부사 어미

note n. ★★★★[721] [레마] note
[영영] A note is a short letter.
[영한] ① (기억을 돕기 위한) 메모 ② (격식을 차리지 않은 짧은) 편지, 쪽지 ③ 주석, 주(註) ④ 필기, 노트, 기록 ⑤ (책시디 케이스음반 커버 등에 인쇄된) 관련 내용[정보] ⑥ 지폐 ⑦ 음, 음표 ⑧ 어조, 기색, 분위기 ⑨ (특정한 목적의) 증서, -장 ⑩ (외교상의) 문서
[첫뜻] a song, music, melody; instrumental music; a bird-song; a musical note of a definite pitch
[활용] 복수형; notes
[파생] notability, notable, notableness, notably, note, noteless, noter
[유의어] air, remark(말)
<동사> ① …에 주목[주의]하다 ② (중요하거나 흥미로운 것을) 언급하다
[어원] [Latin] notus [participle of noscere] known 알려진
[어근] note; 기록, letter

notice n. ★★★★[763] [레마] notice < note
[영영] A notice is a written announcement in a place where everyone can read it.
[영한] ① 신경씀, 주목, 알아챔 ② (보통 공공장소에 붙이는) 공고문[안내문] ③ 안내판, 표지판 ④ (신문잡지에 싣는 짤막한) 안내문[광고문] ⑤ (회의교회 예배 등의 시작 또는 끝 부분에 간단히 하는) 공지[통지] 사항 ⑥ (앞으로 있을 일을 미리) 알림, 통지, 예고, 경고 ⑦ 사직서, 해고 통보[통지서], (퇴거계약 해지) 통지서 ⑧ (신문잡지에 실리는 책연극 등에 대한) 단평
[첫뜻] information, knowledge, intelligence
[활용] 복수형; notices
[파생] notice, noticeability, noticeable, noticeably, notification, notifier, notify
<동사> ① …을 의식하다[(보거나 듣고) 알다] ② 주목하다, 관심을 기울이다
[어원] [Latin] notitia a being known, celebrity, fame, knowledge
[어근]noti(note); 알다, know ⑵ ce; ~하기(추상명사어미)

noticeable adj. ★★[4236] [레마] notice < note
[영영] Something that is noticeable is very obvious, so that it is easy to see, hear, or recognize.
[파생] notice, noticeability, noticeable, noticeably, notify
[유의어] marked, prominent
[구성단어] notice + able
[어원] [Latin] notitia a being known, celebrity, fame, knowledge
[어근]noti(note); 알다, know ⑵ ce; ~하기(추상명사어미) ⑶ able; 형용사 어미




notify v. ☆[5797] [레마] notify < note
[영영] If you notify someone of something, you officially inform them about it.
[영한] (공식적으로) 알리다[통고/통지하다]
[첫뜻] to make (something) known, to tell,
[활용] notified notified notifying notifies
[파생] notice, noticeable, notification, notifier, notify
[유의어] inform
[어원] [Latin] notus [participle of noscere] known 알려진
[어근]noti(note); 알다, know ⑵ fy; 접미사

notion n. ★★★[3234] [레마] note
[영영] A notion is an idea or belief about something.
[영한] 개념, 관념, 생각
[활용] 복수형; notions
[파생] notional, notionless, notion
[어원] [Latin] notus [participle of noscere] known 알려진
[어근]not(note); 알다 ⑵ ion; 명사 어미

notoriety n.[10000+] [레마] notorious < note
[영영] To achieve notoriety means to become well-known for something bad.
[첫뜻] state or character of being unfavorably known,
[활용] 불가산(不加算) 명사
[파생] notoriety, notoriously, notoriousness, notorious
[어원] [Latin] notus [participle of noscere] known 알려진
[어근]notori(note); 글자. 표시, mark ⑵ ety(ity); 명사 어미

notorious adj. ☆[5112] [레마] notorious < note
[영영] To be notorious means to be well-known for something bad.
[영한] 악명 높은
[첫뜻] publicly known and spoken of
[파생] notoriety, notoriously, notoriousness, notorious
[유의어] infamous
[어원] [Latin] notorius [from Latin notus] well-known, commonly known 유명한, 널리 알려진
[어근]notori(note); 알다, know ⑵ ous; ~한(형용사어미)

notoriously adv.[10000+] [레마] notorious < note
[영한] 악명 높게, 주지의 사실로서
[파생] notoriety, notoriously, notoriousness, notorious
[어원] [Latin] notorius [from Latin notus] well-known, commonly known 유명한, 널리 알려진
[어근]notori(note); well-known ⑵ ous; ~한(형용사어미) ⑶ ly; 부사어미





[그외 note-, not-이(가) 들어가 있는 어휘 목록] noter, noteless, denote, notional, notionality, notableness, notability, notifier, notification

【다른 어근 보기】

nom- , -nomy  
nomen-, nomin-  


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