이번주 BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English가 다룬 문법 관련 이슈 는 관계대명사(10), 동명사(3), 동사(2), it(2) 등이였습니다. 그 외에 동사의 시제·모습(tense-aspect), 명사, 법조동사, 부정사, 종속접속사 등이 각각 1 건씩 다루어졌습니다.
[본문] [05] It's said that your personality is reflected in your pet - an animal that you keep in your home as a companion and treat kindly.
[설명] 『that you keep in ~』의 that은 관계대명사 입니다. 격은 목적격이고, 선행(명)사는 {an animal}입니다. 한정용법입니다.
[본문] [09] I want a pet that's friendly and loves me, not a lazy cat that sits around all day waiting for food.
[설명] 『that's friendly』의 that은 관계대명사입니다. 격은 주격이고, 선행(명)사는 'a pet'입니다. 『that sits around ~』의 that도 같은 쓰임법이면 선행명사는 cat입니다.
[본문] [14] Nowadays thanks to the internet, modern pets are getting online.
[설명] 「get online」의 get은 2형식 글짜임을 만드는 연결동사입니다. '상태의 변화'를 나타내는 become 갈래의 이어주기를 합니다. '인터넷에 접속하다'의 뜻
[본문] [21] In the 1800s, people started using the word 'pet' to describe the emotional connection they felt to a special animal, and gradually it became normal to keep pets indoors.
In the 1800s, people started using the word 'pet' to describe the emotional connection {which/that} they felt to a special animal, and gradually it became normal to keep pets indoors.
[설명] ⑴ 『started using the word 'pet'』은 동사+V-ing 구문으로 'using ~'은 동명사(구)입니다. 동명사의 문장성분은 목적어입니다.
⑵ 「the word」와 「'pet'」는 동격입니다.
⑶ 『to describe the ~』는 to부정사의 부사적용법(목적)입니다. '~하기 위하여'의 뜻을 나타냅니다.
⑷ 선행(명)사 'the emotional connection' 뒤에 목적격 관계대명사 which 또는 that이 간추려져 빠져 있습니다.
⑸ 『it became normal to ~』는 「it to 진(眞)·주어」 글짜임입니다. it는 가짜(假)·주어, 진(眞)·주어는 「to keep pets ~」 부정사(구)입니다.
[본문] [23] First of all, on a very practical level, living standards are gradually increasing across that period, and it becomes more possible to keep pets if you have more disposable income.
[설명] 『it becomes more possible to ~』는 「it to 진(眞)·주어」 글짜임입니다. it는 가짜(假)·주어, 진(眞)·주어는 「to keep pets~」 부정사(구)입니다.
[본문] [24] But I think in British culture, in the 19th century in particular, home and family are increasingly celebrated, and keeping a pet becomes a way of bringing animals into your home life, and also really expressing what it means to be part of the family - animals become part of that.
[설명] ⑴ 『keeping a pet』는 동명사(구)입니다. 문장성분은 주어입니다.
⑵ 『bringing animals ~』와 『expressing what ~』이 and로 이어진 동명사(구)로 전치사 〈of〉의 목적어입니다.
[본문] [26] Living standards, which are also known as 'the standard of living', refer to the level of material comfort people live in.
Living standards, which are also known as 'the standard of living', refer to the level of material comfort {which/that} people live in.
[설명] ⑴ 『which are also known ~』의 which는 주격의 비제한적 관계대명사입니다. 선행(명)사는 'Living standards'입니다. 콤마를 둘러싼 삽입절의 꼴을 갖고, 선행(명)사에 정보를 보탭니다.
⑵ 선행사 'material comfort' 뒤에 목적격 관계대명사 which 또는 that이 간추려져 빠져 있습니다.
[참조 Blog 링크]☞ 관계대명사의 비제한적용법(Non-restrictive use, Non defining relative clauses)
[참조 링크]☞ What are embedded clauses?
[본문] [27] It's connected to their disposable income, the money left over to spend on things you want, after paying tax and other living expenses.
It's connected to their disposable income, the money left over to spend on things {which/that} you want, after paying tax and other living expenses.
[설명] 선행(명)사 things 뒤에 목적격 관계대명사 which 또는 that이 간추려져 빠져 있습니다.
[본문] [28] In other words, as people got richer, they had more money to spend on luxury items, including pets.
[설명] 「got richer」의 get은 2형식 글짜임을 만드는 연결동사입니다. '상태의 변화'를 나타내는 become 갈래의 이어주기를 합니다.
[본문] [29] And by the Victorian era, this included new and exotic pets such as tigers, lions, monkeys and elephants which were shipped back from around the British empire.
[설명] 『which were shipped ~』의 which는 주격의 관계대명사입니다. 선행명사 'tigers, lions, monkeys and elephants'의 뜻을 묶어 주는 한정용법입니다.
[본문] [31] It was also the Victorians who first described Britain as a nation of dog lovers, a phrase they used to reflect the idea they had of themselves, as Professor Jane Hamlett explained to BBC Radio 4 programme, Thinking Allowed:
It was also the Victorians who first described Britain as a nation of dog lovers, a phrase they used to reflect the idea {which/that} they had of themselves, as Professor Jane Hamlett explained to BBC Radio 4 programme, Thinking Allowed:
[설명] ⑴ 『who first described ~』의 who는 한정용법 주격의 관계대명사입니다. 선행(명)사는 'the Victorians'입니다.
⑵ 『used to reflect the idea ~』의 (서)법조동사 「used to」는 비교적 장기간에 걸친 과거의 상습적인 동작을 표현합니다.
⑶ 선행(명)사 'the idea' 뒤에 목적격 관계대명사 which 또는 that이 간추려져 빠져 있습니다.
[본문] [34] While dogs were considered strong and manly, cats were feminine and weak, so for the Victorians, dogs really fitted the bill, an idiom meaning they were suitable for a particular purpose.
[설명] 『While dogs were considered ~』의 while은 주절과 비교 또는 대조를 이루는 종속절을 이끕니다.
[본문] [35] Britain's relationship with pets really has changed over the years - from the manly British Bulldog to funny cat videos on YouTube, it's been quite a journey!
[설명] 『has changed』는 현재-완료 시제-모습[현재 시제+완료 애스펙트(相)]입니다. 현재까지의 '계속되는 상황'을 나타냅니다.
[본문] [40] Anyway, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned in this programme about the love the British have for their pets - animals you keep in your home as a companion and treat kindly.
Anyway, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned in this programme about the love {which/that} the British have for their pets - animals {which/that} you keep in your home as a companion and treat kindly.
[설명] 선행(명)사 'the love' 뒤에 목적격 관계대명사 which 또는 that이 간추려져 빠져 있습니다. 선행(명)사 'animals' 뒤에도 목적격 관계대명사 which 또는 that이 간추려져 빠져 있습니다.
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