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[BBC Learning English 강좌] Our love of pets - 6 Minute English 영어단어공부





BBC 영어공부 6 Minute English - 단어공부 (softca.tistory.com)

Why do we keep, and love, pets? Neil and Georgie discuss this and teach you some useful vocabulary.

왜 우리는 애완동물을 갖고 사랑합니까? 닐과 조지가 이것을 토론합니다. 그리고 당신에게 몇몇 도움이 되는 낱말들을 가르칩니다.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.

admire verb ★★★[2647] [레마] admire 〈 mir(놀라운)
[본문] [33]The Victorians admired the qualities associated with dogs, qualities like self-confidence and loyalty - being strong and unchanging in support of your friends.
[영영] If you admire someone or something, you like and respect them very much.
[영한] ① 존경하다, 칭찬하다 ② 감탄하며 바라보다
[굴절형] admired, admired, admiring, admires
[어근]ad; 향하여, 첨가, to ⑵ mire(mir); 감탄, wonder
[어원] 《라틴어 mirari[mirus에서 유래] 놀라다, 존경하다
[최초 의미] regard with wonder, marvel at,
[파생] admiration, admire, admirer, admiring, admiringly, admired

based adj. ★★★[2310] [레마] base
[본문] [22]Here, Jane Hamlett, professor of history and author of a new book, The Pet Revolution, explains to BBC Radio 4 programme, Thinking Allowed, how early British attitudes to pets were based on economics:
[영영] ① used to describe the base or basis of something
② often used in combination
[영한] (…에) 근거지[본사]를 둔
[구성단어] base + ed
[어근]bas; 걷다, 기초, step ⑵ ed; …을 가진
[어원] 《그리스어 basis발맞춤, 발걸음, 걷고 서는 것, 받침대

bulldog noun △[10000+] [레마] bulldog 〈 dog
[본문] [35]Britain's relationship with pets really has changed over the years - from the manly British bulldog to funny cat videos on YouTube, it's been quite a journey!
[영한] 불독
[구성단어] bull + dog
[어근]bull; 황소, bull ⑵ dog; 개, dog
[어원] 《고대 영어 docgadog
[최초 의미] small, strong, muscular kind of dog noted for courage and ferocity

companion noun ★★★[2727] [레마] company 〈 pan
[본문] [5]It's said that your personality is reflected in your pet - an animal that you keep in your home as a companion and treat kindly.
[영영] A companion is someone who you spend time with or who you are travelling with.
[영한] ① 동반자, 동행 ② (마음 맞는) 친구[벗] ③ 동지 ④ 가정 도우미(보수를 받고 특히 노약자와 함께 살면서 보살펴 주는 여자) ⑤ (서로 한 쌍이나 한 벌을 이루는 둘 중의) 한 짝 ⑥ (특정 주제를 다룬 책의 제목에 쓰여) 안내서[지침서]
[굴절형] 복수형; companions
[어근]com; with, together ⑵ pan; 빵, bread ⑶ ion; ~상태(명사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 companio[com+panis, nominative of companio] bread fellow, messmate
[최초 의미] one who accompanies or associates with another
[파생] companionate, companionless, companion



continually adv. ★★[3812] [레마] continue 〈 ten-(잡다)
[본문] [20]Cats using Instagram and dogs on TikTok may be a strange new development, but our relationship with pets has continually changed throughout history.
[영영] continual + ly
[영한] ① 계속해서, 계속적으로, 끊임없이, 줄곧 ② 되풀이해서(repeatedly), 빈번히
[유의어] repeatedly(되풀이해서)
[구성단어] continual + ly
[어근]con(com); 함께, with ⑵ tin(ten); 잡다, hold ⑶ ual(al); 형용사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 tenere잡다, 유지하다
[파생] continual, continuality, continually, continualness, continuance, continue

disposable adj. △[9869] [레마] dispose 〈 pose
[본문] [23]First of all, on a very practical level, living standards are gradually increasing across that period, and it becomes more possible to keep pets if you have more disposable income.
[영영] A disposable product is designed to be thrown away after it has been used.
[영한] ① 사용 후 버리게 되어 있는, 일회용의 ② (금융) 이용 가능한
[어근]dis; apart ⑵ pos(pose); to put, place ⑶ able; 가능한/형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 posituspp of ponere
[최초 의미] that may be done without
[파생] disposability, disposableness, disposable

economics noun ★★★[2551] [레마] economy 〈 eco
[본문] [22]Here, Jane Hamlett, professor of history and author of a new book, The Pet Revolution, explains to BBC Radio 4 programme, Thinking Allowed, how early British attitudes to pets were based on economics:
[영영] Economics is the study of the way in which money, industry, and trade are organized in a society.
[영한] ① 경제학 ② (어떤 산업 분야/사회의) 자본 환경[조건]
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[어근]eco; house ⑵ nom; 법칙 ⑶ ics; …학(學), …활동
[어원] 《그리스어 oikos집, 거주지, 주택
[파생] economic, economics, economy

elephant noun ★★★[2870] [레마] elephant
[본문] [29]And by the Victorian era, this included new and exotic pets such as tigers, lions, monkeys and elephants which were shipped back from around the British empire.
[영한] 코끼리
[굴절형] 복수형; elephants elephant
[어근] elephant; 코끼리, elephant
[어원] 《그리스어 elephas〈genitive elephantos〉 elephant; ivory
[최초 의미] elephant
[파생] elephantoid, elephant

empire noun ★★★[2686] [레마] empire 〈 pare(준비시키다)
[본문] [29]And by the Victorian era, this included new and exotic pets such as tigers, lions, monkeys and elephants which were shipped back from around the British empire.
[영영] An empire is a number of individual nations that are all controlled by the government or ruler of one particular country.
[영한] ① 제국 ② 기업 왕국, 거대 기업
[어근]em(en); 안에 두다, in, 하게하다 ⑵ pire(pare); 준비, order
[어원] 《라틴어 imperium[from imperare《[in+parare》] a rule, a command; authority, control, power; supreme power, sole dominion; military authority; a dominion, realm
[최초 의미] territory subject to an emperor's rule;
[파생] emperor, empire, imperialize, imperially, imperialness, imperial



enthusiastic adj. ★★★[2874] [레마] enthuse 〈 theo-
[본문] [6]'Dog people' are supposed to be friendly, enthusiastic and loyal, whereas 'cat people' are introverted, proud and sensitive.
[영영] If you are enthusiastic about something, you show how much you like or enjoy it by the way that you behave and talk.
[영한] 열렬한, 열광적인
[어근]en(in); 안(內), in, on ⑵ thus(theo); 신(神), god ⑶ iastic(istic); 형용사 어미
[최초 의미] pertaining to possession by a deity
[파생] enthuse, enthusiasm, enthusiastic, enthusiastically

era noun ★★★[2233] [레마] era
[본문] [29]And by the Victorian era, this included new and exotic pets such as tigers, lions, monkeys and elephants which were shipped back from around the British empire.
[영영] You can refer to a period of history or a long period of time as an era when you want to draw attention to a particular feature or quality that it has.
[영한] ① (특정한 성격/사건에 의해 다른 시대들과 구별되는) 시대 ② (지리) (지질시대의 한 부분을 나타내는) 대(代)
[어근] era; 시대, era
[어원] 《라틴어 eraan era or epoch from which time is reckoned
[최초 의미] an era or epoch from which time is reckoned

exotic adj. ★★★[2725] [레마] exotic
[본문] [29]And by the Victorian era, this included new and exotic pets such as tigers, lions, monkeys and elephants which were shipped back from around the British empire.
[영영] Something that is exotic is unusual and interesting, usually because it comes from or is related to a distant country.
[영한] (특히 열대 지방에 있는) 외국의, 이국적인
[어근]exo; 야외, 외국, outside ⑵ tic(ic); 형용사어미
[어원] 《그리스어 exotikosforeign
[최초 의미] belonging to another country
[파생] exotically, exoticism, exoticness, exotic

feminine adj. ☆[4764] [레마] feminine
[본문] [34]While dogs were considered strong and manly, cats were feminine and weak, so for the Victorians, dogs really fitted the bill, an idiom meaning they were suitable for a particular purpose.
[영영] Feminine qualities and things relate to or are considered typical of women, in contrast to men.
[영한] ① 여성스러운, 여자 같은, 여성의 ② (문법) (단어가) 여성을 가리키는 ③ (문법) (일부 언어에서 명사대명사형용사가) 여성에 속하는
<명사> ① (명사대명사형용사의) 여성 ② 여성형 단어[어형]
[어근]femin; 여성, women ⑵ ine; …성질의
[어원] 《라틴어 feminawoman, female; she who suckles
[최초 의미] of the female sex
[파생] femininely, feminize, feminine



fit verb ★★★[2068] [레마] fit
[본문] [32]In the Victorian era, dogs were very much the top pet, and you can see that the values that were often associated with dogs, so loyalty, trustfulness and, steadfastness… all of these qualities were also celebrated by the Victorians of key parts of the Victorian manly character, so dogs really fitted the bill.
[영영] ① If something fits, it is the right size and shape to go onto a person's body or onto a particular object.
② If you are fitted for a particular piece of clothing, you try it on so that the person who is making it can see where it needs to be altered.
③ If something fits somewhere, it can be put there or is designed to be put there.
[영한] ① (모양크기가 어떤 사람사물에) 맞다 ② (어느 장소에 들어가기에) 맞다 ③ (옷을) 가봉하다 ④ 설치[설비]하다 ⑤ (제자리에) 끼우다[맞추다] ⑥ 적절하다[들어맞다], 적절하게[들어맞게] 하다 ⑦ (특정 직장일자리에) 어울리게[적합하게] 하다
[굴절형] fitted fit, fitted fit, fitting, fits
<명사> ① 발작 ② 발작적인 기침[웃음] ③ 욱하는 감정 <형용사> ① (특히 규칙적인 운동으로 몸이) 건강한[탄탄한] ② 적합한, 알맞은, 어울리는 ③ (극단적으로) ~라도 하려 드는[할 것 같은]
[어근] fit; 알맞다, suitable, fit
[어원] 《중세 네덜란드말 vitten알맞다
[파생] fitful, fitly, fitness, fittable, fitting, fit

goldfish noun ☆[5463] [레마] fish
[본문] [10]Whether you're a 'dog person', a 'cat person', or have a goldfish, hamster or parrot for a pet, the British are well known as a nation of animal lovers.
[영영] Goldfish are small gold or orange fish which are often kept as pets.
[영한] 금붕어
[굴절형] 복수형; goldfish goldfishes
[구성단어] gold + fish
[어근]gold; 금, gold ⑵ fish; 물고기. fish
[어원] 《고대 영어 fisca fish

gradually adv. ★★★★[1834] [레마] grade
[본문] [21]In the 1800s, people started using the word 'pet' to describe the emotional connection they felt to a special animal, and gradually it became normal to keep pets indoors.
[영영] If something changes or is done gradually, it changes or is done in small stages over a long period of time, rather than suddenly.
[영한] 서서히
[어근]gradu(gress); 나아가다, step ⑵ al; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 gradi[gressus의 과거문사] (걸어서) 움직이다, 걷다
[파생] gradually, gradualness, gradual

hamster noun △[9332] [레마] hamster
[본문] [10]Whether you're a 'dog person', a 'cat person', or have a goldfish, hamster or parrot for a pet, the British are well known as a nation of animal lovers.
[영영] A hamster is a small furry animal which is similar to a mouse, and which is often kept as a pet.
[영한] 햄스터
[굴절형] 복수형; hamsters
[어근] hamster; 햄스터, hamster
[어원] 《중세 고지 독일어 hamastrahamster
[최초 의미] hamster

idiom noun ☆[4551] [레마] idiom
[본문] [34]While dogs were considered strong and manly, cats were feminine and weak, so for the Victorians, dogs really fitted the bill, an idiom meaning they were suitable for a particular purpose.
[영영] A particular idiom is a particular style of something such as music, dance, or architecture.
[영한] ① 관용구, 숙어 ② (특정 시기/지역에서 특정인들이 쓰는) 언어[어법] ③ (특정 개인/단체/시대/지역의) 표현 양식
[굴절형] 복수형; idioms
[어근]idi; 자신의, 기이한, own ⑵ om(oma); 명사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 idiospersonal, private, one’s own, peculiar
[최초 의미] form of speech peculiar to a people or place
[파생] idiomatic, idiomatical, idiomatically, idiomaticalness, idiom



indoors adv. ★★★[3032] [레마] door
[본문] [21]In the 1800s, people started using the word 'pet' to describe the emotional connection they felt to a special animal, and gradually it became normal to keep pets indoors.
[영영] If something happens indoors, it happens inside a building.
[영한] 실내에서, 실내로
[반의어] outdoors, outdoors(옥외에서)
[구성단어] indoor + s
[어근]in(en); 안에, in, into ⑵ door; 문, gate, door ⑶ s; 부사어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 duru(fem, plural dura) door, gate, wicket
[파생] indoors, indoor

introverted adj. △[10000+] [레마] introvert 〈 vert(회전하다)
[본문] [6]'Dog people' are supposed to be friendly, enthusiastic and loyal, whereas 'cat people' are introverted, proud and sensitive.
[영한] 내성[내향]적인
[구성단어] introvert + ed
[어근]intro; to the inside ⑵ vert(verse); turn ⑶ ed; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 vertere돌다[회전하다], 뒤로 돌다[역회전하다], 돌려지다[반환되다], 전환하다, 변환하다,, 번역하다, 변경되다
[파생] introverted, introvert

keypad noun △[10000+] [레마] keypad 〈 pad
[본문] [39]What I still don't understand is how they get their paws on the keypad!
[영한] 키패드
[구성단어] key + pad
[어근]key; key ⑵ pad; 패드, pad
[어원] 《남부 독일말 pad발바닥

kindly adv. ★★[4134] [레마] kind 〈 kin
[본문] [5]It's said that your personality is reflected in your pet - an animal that you keep in your home as a companion and treat kindly.
[영영] If someone kindly does something for you, they act in a thoughtful and helpful way.
[영한] ① 친절[다정]하게 ② (구식, 격식) 〈특히 짜증이 나서 부탁을 하거나 말할 때 씀〉
[구성단어] kind + ly
[어근]kind(kin); 혈연, family ⑵ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 gecynd[cynn의 관련어] 종류, 본성, 인종
[파생] kindly, kindness, kind

lazy adj. ★★★[2703] [레마] lazy
[본문] [9]I want a pet that's friendly and loves me, not a lazy cat that sits around all day waiting for food.
[영영] If someone is lazy, they do not want to work or make any effort to do anything.
[영한] ① 게으른 ② 느긋한, 여유로운 ③ 성의가 부족해 보이는, 태만한 ④ (문예체) 느릿느릿 움직이는
[굴절형] 비교; lazy < lazier < laziest
[유의어] idle, torpid
[어근] lazy; 게으른, lazy
[어원] 《남부 독일말 lasichaverse to labor, action, or effort
[최초 의미] averse to labor, action, or effort
[파생] lazily, laziness, lazy



lion noun ★★★[2749] [레마] lion
[본문] [29]And by the Victorian era, this included new and exotic pets such as tigers, lions, monkeys and elephants which were shipped back from around the British empire.
[영영] A lion is a large wild member of the cat family that is found in Africa. Lions have yellowish fur, and male lions have long hair on their head and neck.
[영한] 사자
[굴절형] 복수형; lions 소유격; lion's
[어근] lion; 사자, lion
[어원] 《그리스어 leon(genitive leontos) lion
[최초 의미] lion
[파생] lionize, lionlike, lion

lover noun ★★★[2593] [레마] love
[본문] [10]Whether you're a 'dog person', a 'cat person', or have a goldfish, hamster or parrot for a pet, the British are well known as a nation of animal lovers.
[영한] ① (부부가 아니면서 성관계를 갖는) 정부[애인/연인] ② …을 좋아하는[즐기는] 사람, …애호가
[굴절형] 복수형; lovers
[구성단어] love + er
[어근]lov(love); 사랑, love ⑵ er; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 lufu사람의 느낌; 낭만적인 성적인 매력; 애정; 우정; 신의 사랑; 관념 또는 인격화로서의 사랑
[파생] loverless, loverly, lover

loyal adj. ★★[4444] [레마] loyal 〈 leg(법)
[본문] [6]'Dog people' are supposed to be friendly, enthusiastic and loyal, whereas 'cat people' are introverted, proud and sensitive.
[영영] Someone who is loyal remains firm in their friendship or support for a person or thing.
[영한] 충실한, 충성스러운
[유의어] true, faithful
[반의어] disloyal
[어근]loy(leg); 법률, law ⑵ al; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 legalem
[파생] loyal, loyalism, loyally, loyalness, loyalty

loyalty noun ★★[4074] [레마] loyal 〈 leg(법)
[본문] [32]In the Victorian era, dogs were very much the top pet, and you can see that the values that were often associated with dogs, so loyalty, trustfulness and, steadfastness… all of these qualities were also celebrated by the Victorians of key parts of the Victorian manly character, so dogs really fitted the bill.
[영영] Loyalty is the quality of staying firm in your friendship or support for someone or something.
[영한] ① 충실, 충성 ② 충성심
[굴절형] 복수형; loyalties
[어근]loy(leg); 법률, law ⑵ al; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ty(ity); 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 legalem
[파생] loyal, loyalism, loyally, loyalness, loyalty

luxury noun ★★[3664] [레마] luxury
[본문] [28]In other words, as people got richer, they had more money to spend on luxury items, including pets.
[영영] Luxury is very great comfort, especially among beautiful and expensive surroundings.
[영한] ① 호화로움, 사치 ② 사치(품) ③ 드문 호사
[굴절형] 복수형; luxuries
[유의어] indulgence(드문 호사), extravagance(사치)
<형용사> 사치(품)의, 고급(품)의
[어근]luxur(luxuri); 초과, 낭비, excess ⑵ y; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 luxus초과, 낭비
[최초 의미] sexual intercourse
[파생] luxuriate, luxurious, luxuriously, luxuriousness, luxury



manly adj. △[10000+] [레마] manly 〈 man
[본문] [32]In the Victorian era, dogs were very much the top pet, and you can see that the values that were often associated with dogs, so loyalty, trustfulness and, steadfastness… all of these qualities were also celebrated by the Victorians of key parts of the Victorian manly character, so dogs really fitted the bill.
[영영] If you describe a man's behaviour or appearance as manly, you approve of it because it shows qualities that are considered typical of a man, such as strength or courage.
[영한] (흔히 호감) 남자다운
[굴절형] 비교; manly < manlier < manliest
[어근]man; 사람, 인간, person ⑵ ly; 부사/형용사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 mann인간, 남자[또는 여자] 사람, 용감한 사람, 영웅
[파생] manful, manlike, manliness, manly, mannish, man

monkey noun ★★★[2614] [레마] monkey
[본문] [29]And by the Victorian era, this included new and exotic pets such as tigers, lions, monkeys and elephants which were shipped back from around the British empire.
[영영] A monkey is an animal with a long tail which lives in hot countries and climbs trees.
[영한] ① 원숭이 ② 장난꾸러기 (아이) ③ (속어) 500 파운드
[굴절형] 복수형; monkeys
<동사> 흉내내다, 조롱하다
[어근] monkey; 원숭이, monkey
[어원] 《중세 저지 독일어 monekemonkey
[최초 의미] monkey
[파생] monkeyish, monkey

nowadays adv. ★★[3386] [레마] day
[본문] [14]nowadays thanks to the internet, modern pets are getting online.
[영영] Nowadays means at the present time, in contrast with the past.
[영한] 요즘에는
[유의어] today
<명사> 오늘날, 현대, 요즈음
[어근]now; 지금, now ⑵ a; on ⑶ day; ⑷ s; 소유격 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 dægday
[최초 의미] in these times, at the present,

parrot noun △[10000+] [레마] parrot
[본문] [10]Whether you're a 'dog person', a 'cat person', or have a goldfish, hamster or parrot for a pet, the British are well known as a nation of animal lovers.
[영영] A parrot is a tropical bird with a curved beak and brightly-coloured or grey feathers. Parrots can be kept as pets. Some parrots are able to copy what people say.
[영한] 앵무새
[굴절형] 복수형; parrots
<동사> (의미는 생각하지도 않고) 앵무새처럼 흉내내다
[어근] parrot; 앵무새, parrot
[어원] 《프랑스말 perrot[diminutive of the male given name Pierrer]
[파생] parrotry, parroty, parrot

paw noun △[10000+] [레마] paw
[본문] [39]What I still don't understand is how they get their paws on the keypad!
[영영] The paws of an animal such as a cat, dog, or bear are its feet, which have claws for gripping things and soft pads for walking on.
[영한] ① (동물의 발톱이 달린) 발 ② (사람의) 손
<동사> ① (동물이) 발로 긁다[건드리다] ② (때로 유머) (성적 의도를 갖고 함부로) 손을 대다[건드리다]
[어근] paw; paw
[어원] 《프랑스말 powepaw, fist
[최초 의미] hand or foot of an animal which has nails or claws

percent noun ★★[3360] [레마] percent 〈 cent
[본문] [15]So what percent of dogs and cats in the UK do you think have their own social media profile?
[영영] You use per cent to talk about amounts. For example, if an amount is 10 per cent (10%) of a larger amount, it is equal to 10 hundredths of the larger amount.
[영한] ① 퍼센트, 백분 ② 백분율, 비율 ③ (몇 ,) 이율의 공채[채권]
[굴절형] 복수형 명사
[어근]per; by ⑵ cent; 백(100)
[어원] 《라틴어 per centumby the hundred



pet noun ★★★[2183] [레마] pet
[본문] [5]It's said that your personality is reflected in your pet - an animal that you keep in your home as a companion and treat kindly.
[영영] A pet is an animal that you keep in your home to give you company and pleasure.
[영한] ① 애완동물 ② (특히 다른 사람들이 볼 때 불공평할 정도로) 총애를 받는 사람 ③ (英, 비격식) 〈상대방에게 애정다정함을 담아 말을 할 때 씀〉
[굴절형] 복수형; pets
[유의어] favourite
<동사> ① (동물아이를 다정하게) 어루만지다[쓰다듬다] ② (두 사람이) 애무하다 <형용사> (사람이) 특별한 관심[애정]을 갖는
[어근] pet; 애완 동물, pet
[어원] 《스코트랜드말 pet애완 동물; 가축이나 애완용으로 길들인 동물
[최초 의미] ① domesticated or tamed animal kept as a favorite ② fit of peevishness, offense or ill-humor at feeling slighted
[파생] petter, pet

profile noun ★★★[2422] [레마] profile 〈 fil(가닥[실])
[본문] [15]So what percent of dogs and cats in the UK do you think have their own social media profile?
[영영] Your profile is the outline of your face as it is seen when someone is looking at you from the side.
[영한] ① 옆얼굴(의 윤곽), (얼굴의) 옆모습 ② 개요(서) ③ 인지도, (대중의) 관심 ④ 윤곽
<동사> 개요[프로필]를 알려 주다[작성하다]
[어근]pro; 앞, before, 찬성 ⑵ file(fil); 가닥, thread
[어원] 《이태리말 profilare[pro+filare] to draw in outline
[최초 의미] a drawing of the outline of anything
[파생] profilist, profile

raven noun[10000+] [레마] raven
[본문] [30]Even the famous Victorian writer, Charles Dickens, owned a pet raven.
[영한] 큰까마귀
[어근] raven; 큰까마귀, raven
[어원] 《고대 영어 ræfen

revolution noun ★★★★[1810] [레마] revolve 〈 volve
[본문] [22]Here, Jane Hamlett, professor of history and author of a new book, The Pet revolution, explains to BBC Radio 4 programme, Thinking Allowed, how early British attitudes to pets were based on economics:
[영영] A revolution is a successful attempt by a large group of people to change the political system of their country by force.
[영한] ① (정치적인) 혁명 ② (사회 제도/조직 등의) 혁명[변혁] ③ (특히 행성의) 공전 ④ (축을 중심으로 한) 회전
[굴절형] 복수형; revolutions
[어근]re; back ⑵ volut(volve); 돌다, roll ⑶ ion; 명사어미
[최초 의미] course, revolution (of celestial bodies)
[파생] revolt, revolted, revolter, revolution, revolutionarily, revolutionary, revolutioniser, revolutionize, revolutionizer, revolvable, revolvably, revolve

sensitive adj. ★★★★[1879] [레마] sensitive 〈 sent(느끼다)
[본문] [6]'Dog people' are supposed to be friendly, enthusiastic and loyal, whereas 'cat people' are introverted, proud and sensitive.
[영영] If you are sensitive to other people's needs, problems, or feelings, you show understanding and awareness of them.
[영한] ① (남의 기분을 헤아리는 데) 세심한 ② (예술적으로) 감성 있는 ③ (사람이) 예민한[민감한] (그래서 상처를 잘 받는) ④ (정보/주제 등이) 민감한[신중을 요하는] ⑤ (추위/빛/식품 등에) 민감한 ⑥ (변화에) 민감한
[반의어] insensitive
[어근]sens(sent); 느낌, feel ⑵ it; 연결 글자 ⑶ ive; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 sentire인지하다, 느끼다, 알다, 생각하다
[최초 의미] having the function of sensation
[파생] sense, sensible, sensitive, sensitively, sensitiveness, sensitivity, sensory, sensual



steadfastness noun △[10000+] [레마] steadfast 〈 stead
[본문] [32]In the Victorian era, dogs were very much the top pet, and you can see that the values that were often associated with dogs, so loyalty, trustfulness and, steadfastness… all of these qualities were also celebrated by the Victorians of key parts of the Victorian manly character, so dogs really fitted the bill.
[영한] 견고함, 착실(성).
[구성단어] steadfast + ness
[어근]stead; 어느 곳, 꾸준함, standing ⑵ fast; 빠른, fast ⑶ ness; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 stedeplace, position; standing, firmness, stability, fixity
[파생] steadfastly, steadfastness, stedfastly, stedfastness, steadfast

suitable adj. ★★★[2797] [레마] suit 〈 sequ(계속)
[본문] [34]While dogs were considered strong and manly, cats were feminine and weak, so for the Victorians, dogs really fitted the bill, an idiom meaning they were suitable for a particular purpose.
[영영] Someone or something that is suitable for a particular purpose or occasion is right or acceptable for it.
[영한] 적합한, 적절한, 알맞은
[반의어] unsuitable
[어근]suit(sequ); to follow ⑵ able; ~할 수 있는(형용사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 sequere[sequi에서 유래] 따르다
[파생] suitability, suitable, suitableness, suitably, suit

tiger noun △[8917] [레마] tiger
[본문] [29]And by the Victorian era, this included new and exotic pets such as tigers, lions, monkeys and elephants which were shipped back from around the British empire.
[영영] A tiger is a large fierce animal belonging to the cat family. Tigers are orange with black stripes.
[영한] 호랑이
[굴절형] 복수형; tigers
[어근] tiger; 호랑이, tiger
[어원] 《그리스어 tigris[akin to Old Persian tigra-] tiger

trustfulness noun △[10000+] [레마] trust 〈 true
[본문] [32]In the Victorian era, dogs were very much the top pet, and you can see that the values that were often associated with dogs, so loyalty, trustfulness and, steadfastness… all of these qualities were also celebrated by the Victorians of key parts of the Victorian manly character, so dogs really fitted the bill.
[영한] 신뢰함, 믿기 쉬움.
[구성단어] trustful + ness
[어근]trust(true); 참[진실], true ⑵ ful; 가치, 값어치 ⑶ ness; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이말 traust도움[지원], 신뢰[자신감], 보호, 지원

unchanging adj. △[10000+]
[본문] [33]The Victorians admired the qualities associated with dogs, qualities like self-confidence and loyalty - being strong and unchanging in support of your friends.
[영영] Something that is unchanging always stays the same.
[영한] 늘 변치 않는, 불변의
[구성단어] un + changing
[어근]un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ chang(change); 교환, barter ⑶ ing; 형용사 어미
[파생] unchangingly, unchangingness, unchanging

vocabulary noun ★★[3352] [레마] voc
[본문] [12]In this programme, we'll be hearing how our relationship with pets has changed over the centuries, and, as usual, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary as well.
[영영] Your vocabulary is the total number of words you know in a particular language.
[영한] ① (개인이 아는/사용하는) 어휘 ② (특정 언어의 모든) 어휘 ③ (특정 주제에 관련된) 용어 ④ 어휘 목록(특히 외국어 학습 교재 속에 의미와 함께 제시된 것)
[굴절형] 복수형; vocabularies
[어근]vocabul(voc); 소리, voice ⑵ ary; 부속의
[어원] 《라틴어 vocare[related to vox] to call
[최초 의미] list of words with explanations
[파생] vocabularied, vocabulary

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