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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: batt-, bat- from Latin battalia, batuere, battuere, batre 【batt-, bat-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "beat, strike" from Latin "battalia, batuere, battuere, batre" [WORD ROOT]root batt [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] batt, bate, battalion, batter [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) battalia, batuere, battuere, batre [MEANING]root beat, strike 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 batuere [=battuere] to beat, to strike 【Latin】 battuere to beat, to strike 【Latin】..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: bas- bat-, ba- from Greek basis, bema, bematos, bates, bathron, bainein 【bas- bat-, ba-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "step, foundation, to go, walk" from Greek "basis, bema, bematos, bates, bathron, bainein" [WORD ROOT]root bas [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] bas, bat, base, betes, basis, bass [ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) basis, bema, bematos, bates, bathron, bainein [MEANING]root step, foundation, to go, walk 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Greek】 basis [from bainein..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: art from Latin ars, artis, artitus, artire 【art】 is word -forming element usually meaning "art, skill" from Latin "ars, artis, artitus, artire" [WORD ROOT]root art [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] art, arte, arti, artis, ert [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) ars, artis, artitus, artire [MEANING]root art, skill 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 ars genitive artis; art 【Latin】 artis art 【Latin】 artitus skilled 【Latin】 artire to instruct in the arts [LIST O..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: archaeo-, archeo-, archi-, archae-, arche- from Greek arkhaios 【archaeo-, archeo-, archi-, archae-, arche-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "ancient" from Greek "arkhaios" [WORD ROOT]root archaeo [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] archaeo, archeo [ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) arkhaios [MEANING]root ancient 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Greek】 arkhaios from arkhe; ancient, old-fashioned, antiquated, primitive [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] archaeo, archaeology, archaic, arc..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: anni-, ann-, enn- from Latin annusm -ennialis 【anni-, ann-, enn-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "year, yearly" from Latin "annusm -ennialis" [WORD ROOT]root anni [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] anni, annu, anna, enni, ennium [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) annusm -ennialis [MEANING]root year, yearly 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 annus year [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] anni, anniversary, annual, annually, biennial, centennial, ennial, millennial..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: apt- from Latin aptus, apere 【apt-】 is word -forming element usually meaning "apt, fit, suited, proper" from Latin "aptus, apere" [WORD ROOT]root apt [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] apt, ept, atti, apti [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) aptus, apere [MEANING]root apt, fit, suited, proper 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 aptus [pp of apere] joined, fitted; fit, suited, proper, appropriate 【Latin】 apere to attach, join, tie to [LIST OF ENGL..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: anim- from Latin anima 【anim-】 is word -forming element usually meaning "breath, life, soul, spirit" from Latin "anima" [WORD ROOT]root anim [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] anim, enim, anime [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) anima [MEANING]root breath, life, soul, spirit 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 anima breath, soul; a current of air [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] animal, animate, animation, anime, unanimous Please see Word informatio..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: academ- from Greek Akademos, Akademeia 【academ-】 is word -forming element usually meaning "academic, academy" from Greek "Akademos, Akademeia" [WORD ROOT]root academ [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] academ [ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) Akademos, Akademeia [MEANING]root academic, academy 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Greek】 Akademos the hero after whom Plato's garden was named 【Greek】 Akademeia [from Akademos] The Academy; the grove of Akademos [LIST..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: bell- from Latin bella, bellus 【bell-】 is word -forming element usually meaning "pretty, handsome, charming" from Latin "bella, bellus" [WORD ROOT]root bell [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] bell, beaut, bellar, belle [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) bella, bellus [MEANING]root pretty, handsome, charming 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 bella [fem, of bellus] beautiful, fair 【Latin】 bellus pretty, handsome, charming; beautiful, fair [LIST OF..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: bel-, belli- from Latin bellona, bellare 【bel-, belli-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "war" from Latin "bellona, bellare, bellum, belli, bellicus" [WORD ROOT]root bel [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] bel, bellic, bellum [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) bellona, bellare, bellum, belli, bellicus [MEANING]root war 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 bellona 【Latin】 bellare wage war 【Latin】 bellum [from Old Latin duellum, dvellum] war 【Latin】 be..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: avi-, au- from Latin avis 【avi-, au-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "bird" from Latin "avis" [WORD ROOT]root avi [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] au, avi [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) avis [MEANING]root bird 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 avis bird [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] auspex, auspice, auspicious, avian, aviary, aviate, aviation, aviator, aviatrix, avionics Please see Word information in detail as follows; auspex [no..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: auto- from Greek autos 【auto】 is word -forming element usually meaning "self, same" from Greek "autos" [WORD ROOT]root auto [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] auto [ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) autos [MEANING]root self, same 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Greek】 autos self [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] autarch, autarchy, autarky, authentic, authenticate, autism, autistic, autobiography, autocracy, autocrat, autodyne, autograph, automate, autom..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: aug-, auct- from Latin augur, auctor, auctio, auctus, augere 【aug-, auct-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "increase, grow, enlarger" from Latin "augere, auctor, auctio, auctus" [WORD ROOT]root aug [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] aug, auct, auth, aux, augur, auxili [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) augere, auctor, auctio, auctus [MEANING]root increase, grow, enlarger 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 auctor promoter, producer, father, progenitor; builder, found..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: aud-, audi-, audio- from Latin auditus, audire 【aud-, audi-, audio-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "hear, sound , hearing, listening" from Latin "auditus, audire" [WORD ROOT]root aud [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] aud, audi, audio, audit [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) auditus, audire [MEANING]root hear, sound , hearing, listening 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 auditus pp of audire; a hearing, a listening 【Latin】 audire to hear [LIST OF EN..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: astro- from Greek aster, astron, astro 【astro-】 is word -forming element usually meaning "star, heavenly body, space, space travel" from Greek "aster, astron, astro" [WORD ROOT]root astro [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] astro, aster [ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) aster, astron, astro [MEANING]root star, heavenly body, space, space travel 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Greek】 aster star 【Greek】 astron [accusative singular of astro] star 【Greek】 astro ..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: arc-, arch- from Latin arcus 【arc-, arch-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "arc" from Latin "arcus" [WORD ROOT]root arc [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] arc, arch [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) arcus [MEANING]root arc 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 arcus bow [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] arc, arch, arched, archer, archeress, archerfish, archery Please see Word information in detail as follows; arc [noun] 【DEFINITION】 An arc is a sm..
