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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: bas- bat-, ba- from Greek basis, bema, bematos, bates, bathron, bainein



【bas- bat-, ba-】 are word -forming element
usually meaning "step, foundation, to go, walk"
from Greek "basis, bema, bematos, bates, bathron, bainein"

[WORD ROOT]root bas
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] bas, bat, base, betes, basis, bass
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) basis, bema, bematos, bates, bathron, bainein
[MEANING]root step, foundation, to go, walk


  • 【Greek】 basis [from bainein] a stepping, a step, that on which one steps or stands, pedestal
  • 【Greek】 bema
  • 【Greek】 bematos
  • 【Greek】 bates [from -batos] one that goes, one that treads (in some manner), one that is based
  • 【Greek】 bathron
  • 【Greek】 bainein to go, walk, step
  • 【Latin】 basis [from bainein] a stepping, a step, that on which one steps or stands, pedestal
  • 【Latin】 bassus short, low


acrobat, acrobatic, aerobatic, anabasis, anabatic, base, based, baseless, basement, basic, basically, basis, bass, diabetes, diabetic

Please see Word information in detail as follows;






acrobat [noun] from acrobat < acro
【DEFINITION】 An acrobat is an entertainer who performs difficult physical acts such as jumping and balancing, especially in a circus.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 tightrope-walker
【pl.】 acrobats
【DERIVATIVEs】 acrobatic, acrobatically, acrobat
【ROOTs】 acr; height, summit, tip bat(bas); step, foundation

acrobatic [adjective] from acrobat < acro
【DEFINITION】 An acrobatic movement or display involves difficult physical acts such as jumping and balancing, especially in a circus.
【DERIVATIVEs】 acrobatic, acrobatically, acrobat
【ROOTs】 acr; ic; adjective suffix bat(bas); step, foundation

aerobatic [adjective] from acrobat < acro
【DERIVATIVEs】 aerobatic, anabasis
【ROOTs】 aero; air, mist, atmosphere bat(bas); step, foundation ic; adjective suffix

anabasis [noun] from anabasis < base
【DEFINITION】 the march of Cyrus the Younger and his Greek mercenaries from Sardis to Cunaxa in Babylonia in 401 bc, described by Xenophon in his Anabasis Compare katabasis
【PRIMARY MEANING】 military expedition; a going up (from the coast),
【DERIVATIVEs】 aerobatic, anabasis
【ROOTs】 ana; up, again basis(bas); step, foundation

anabatic [adjective] from anabasis < base
【DEFINITION】 (of air currents) rising upwards, esp up slopes Compare katabatic
【ROOTs】 ana; up, again bat(bas); step, foundation ic; adjective suffix

base [noun] from base
【DEFINITION】 The base of something is its lowest edge or part.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 bottom of anything considered as its support, foundation, pedestal
【pl.】 bases
【DERIVATIVEs】 basal, base, basely, baseness, basic, basically, basis
【SYNONYM】 basis
【ROOTs】 base(bas); step, foundation

based [adjective] from base
【ROOTs】 bas; step, foundation ed; adjective suffix






baseless [adjective] from base
【DEFINITION】 If you describe an accusation, rumour, or report as baseless, you mean that it is not true and is not based on facts.
【DERIVATIVEs】 baselessly, baselessness, baseless
【SYNONYM】 unfounded
【ROOTs】 base(bas); step, foundation less; without

basement [noun] from base
【DEFINITION】 The basement of a building is a floor built partly or completely below ground level.
【ROOTs】 base(bas); step, foundation ment; noun suffix

basic [adjective] from base
【DEFINITION】 You use basic to describe things, activities, and principles that are very important or necessary, and on which others depend.
【DERIVATIVEs】 basal, base, basely, baseness, basic, basically, basis
【SYNONYM】 ultimate, fundamental
【ROOTs】 bas; step, foundation ic; adjective suffix

basically [adverb] from base
【DEFINITION】 You use basically for emphasis when you are stating an opinion, or when you are making an important statement about something.
【DERIVATIVEs】 base, basic, basically, basis
【SYNONYM】 essentially, fundamentally
【ROOTs】 bas; step, foundation ical(ic); adjective suffix ly; suffix

basis [noun] from base
【DEFINITION】 If something is done on a particular basis, it is done according to that method, system, or principle.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 bottom or foundation
【DERIVATIVEs】 base, basic, basically, basis
【SYNONYM】 base
【ROOTs】 basis(bas); step, foundation

bass [noun] from bass
【DEFINITION】 A bass is a man with a very deep singing voice.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 ① freshwater fish ② lowest part of a harmonized musical composition
【pl.】 basses
【ROOTs】 bass(bas); low

diabetes [noun] from diabetes < base
【DEFINITION】 Diabetes is a medical condition in which someone has too much sugar in their blood.
【ROOTs】 dia; through, across betes(bas); to pass through,

diabetic [noun] from diabetes < base
【DEFINITION】 ① A diabetic is a person who suffers from diabetes.
② having or connected with diabetes
【pl.】 diabetics
【ROOTs】 dia; through, across bet(bas); to pass through, ic; adjective suffix





Other word list containing bas- bat-, ba-; adiabatic, antiparabema, basidiocarp, basidioma, basidiomycete, basidiospore, basidium, basion, basionym, basophilic, bema, catabasis, catabatic, diabase, diabatic, dibasic, hyperbaton, hypobasis, katabasis, katabatic, monobasic, polybasic, stereobate, stylobate, tribasic


anni-, ann-, enn-
archaeo-, archeo-, archi-, archae-, arche-
aud-, audi-, audio-
aug-, auct-
avi-, au-


[영어어원사전] 어근 apt로 영어단어 공부하기 (라틴어 어원; aptus)

영어 어근 apt-는라틴어 aptus에서 유래했습니다. '적당히', 'fit', '적당하다', 'apt', 'suited', 'proper'라는 기본적인 의미를 갖고 있습니다. [어근]어근 apt [변이어근] apt, ept, atti, apti [어원]어근 (라..


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