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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cane from Greek kanna, kanne, kanon 【cane】 is word -forming element usually meaning "reed, rod" from Greek "kanna, kanne, kanon" [WORD ROOT]root cane [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cane, chan, cann, cany, canon [ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) kanna, kanne, kanon [MEANING]root reed, rod 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Greek】 kanna reed 【Greek】 kanne reed 【Greek】 kanon rule; any straight rod or bar; standard of excellence, [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] can,..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cand-, cend- from Latin candere 【cand-, cend-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "glowing, iridescent; to shine, glow" from Latin "candere" [WORD ROOT]root cand [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cand, cendi [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) candere [MEANING]root glowing, iridescent; to shine, glow 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 candere to shine, glow, be on fire [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] cand, candid, candidate, candle, incendiary Pleas..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: camp from Latin campus, campania 【camp】 is word -forming element usually meaning "field" from Latin "campus, campania" [WORD ROOT]root camp [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] camp, campaign, campus, cham, champ [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) campus, campania [MEANING]root field 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 campus field (of combat); level ground; flat land, field 【Latin】 campania level country [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] camp, campaign, campaig..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: calli-, calo-, cal, kal- from Greek kalos, kallos, kallistos 【calli-, calo-, cal, kal-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "beauty" from Greek "kalos, kallos, kallistos" [WORD ROOT]root calli [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] calli, callisto, calo, kal [ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) kalos, kallos, kallistos [MEANING]root beauty 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Greek】 kalos beautiful, beauteous, noble, good 【Greek】 kallos beauty 【Greek】 kallistos [superlative of kalos] ..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: calc-, calcul-, cal- from Latin calx, calcis, calculus, calculare 【calc-, calcul-, cal-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "lime, limestone, reckon, compute" from Latin "calx, calcis, calculus, calculare" [WORD ROOT]root calc [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cal, calc, calcitr, calco, calcul, chalk [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) calx, calcis, calculus, calculare [MEANING]root lime, limestone, reckon, compute 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Greek】 khalix pebble, limestone..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cal-, calend-, class- from Latin calare, classis, calendarium 【cal-, calend-, class-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "call" from Latin "calare, classis, calendarium" [WORD ROOT]root cal [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cil, jure, calends, class, classi, cill [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) calare, classis, calendarium [MEANING]root call 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 calare to announce, summon; to call (to arms) 【Latin】 calendarium account book 【Latin】 clas..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cad-, cas-, cid- from Latin cadere, casus 【cad-, cas-, cid-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "fall" from Latin "cadere, casus" [WORD ROOT]root cad [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cad, cid, chast, cas, cide, cheat, cay, case, chute [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) cadere, casus [MEANING]root fall 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 cadere to fall 【Latin】 casus [pp of cadere] a chance, occasion, opportunity; accident, mishap; a falling, [LIST OF..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: broad from Old English brad 【broad】 is word -forming element usually meaning "wide, not narrow" from Old English "brad" [WORD ROOT]root broad [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] broad [ETYMOLOGY]root (Old English) brad [MEANING]root wide, not narrow 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Old English】 brad wide, not narrow [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] abroad, broad, broadcast, broadly Please see Word information in detail as follows; abroad [adverb] f..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: brev- from Latin brevis, breve, breviare 【brev-】 is word -forming element usually meaning "short (time), brief" from Latin "brevis, breve, breviare" [WORD ROOT]root brev [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] brev, brief, breb, bridg, brevi [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) brevis, breve, breviare [MEANING]root short (time), brief 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 brevis short, low, little, shallow, 【Latin】 breve genitive brevis; note, dispatch 【Latin】 brevi..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: bal-, bel-, bol- from Greek bole, blema, ballein 【bal-, bel-, bol-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "throw" from Greek "bole, blema, ballein"from PIE *gwele- "to throw, reach" [WORD ROOT]root bol [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] bol, blem, bleme, bal, bolus, bola, bolo, ball, bole [ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) bole, blema, ballein [MEANING]root throw 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Greek】 bole [from ballein, from bol-] a throwing, a casting, the strok..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: bibli-, bibl- from Greek biblion 【bibli-, bibl-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "book, paper, scroll" from Greek "biblion" [WORD ROOT]root biblio [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] bible, bibli, biblio [ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) biblion [MEANING]root book, paper, scroll 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Greek】 biblion paper, scroll; a book as a division of a larger work [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] Bible, biblio, biblioclast, bibliographic, ..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: bio from Greek bioun, bios, biotos, biotikos, biosis 【bio】 is word -forming element usually meaning "life" from Greek "bioun, bios, biotos, biotikos, biosis"from PIE *gwei- "to live" [WORD ROOT]root bio [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] bio, bios, biot [ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) bioun, bios, biotos, biotikos, biosis [MEANING]root life 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Greek】 bios life 【Greek】 biotikos pertaining to life 【Greek】 bioun 【Greek】 biotos 【Greek】 biosis [..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: band from Old English bend 【band】 is word -forming element usually meaning "strip, bind" from French "bandage, bander, bande"from PIE *bhendh- "to bind" [WORD ROOT]root band [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] band, bond, bund [ETYMOLOGY]root (Old English) bend [MEANING]root strip, bind 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【French】 bande [from cognate Old Norse band] a strip 【Old English】 bend [from cognate Old Norse band, from Old French ban..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: bib- from Latin bibere, bibulus 【bib-】 is word -forming element usually meaning "drink" from Latin "bibere, bibulus"from PIE *po(i)- "to drink" [WORD ROOT]root bib [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] bib, bever, bibb, bibul, bibe [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) bibere, bibulus [MEANING]root drink 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 bibere to drink 【Latin】 bibulus drinking readily, given to drink [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] beer, bever, beverage, bib, ..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: bi from Latin bi, bis, bini, bi- 【bi】 is word -forming element usually meaning "two, twice" from Latin "bi, bis, bini, bi-" [WORD ROOT]root bi [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] bi, bine, bis, ba [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) bi, bis, bini, bi- [MEANING]root two, twice 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 bi twice 【Latin】 bis twice 【Latin】 bini [from bis, from bi-] two by two 【Latin】 bi- [=bi] twice, double [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] balance, bi, bi..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: bene-, ben- from Latin bene 【bene-, ben-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "good, well" from Latin "bene" [WORD ROOT]root bene [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] bene, beni [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) bene [MEANING]root good, well 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 bene well [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] benedict, benediction, benefaction, benefactor, benefic, benefice, beneficial, beneficiary, benefit, benevolence, benevolent, benign..
