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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: bene-, ben- from Latin bene



【bene-, ben-】 are word -forming element
usually meaning "good, well"
from Latin "bene"

[WORD ROOT]root bene
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) bene
[MEANING]root good, well


  • 【Latin】 bene well


benedict, benediction, benefaction, benefactor, benefic, benefice, beneficial, beneficiary, benefit, benevolence, benevolent, benign

Please see Word information in detail as follows;



benedict [noun] from benedict < dict
【DEFINITION】 Saint. ?480--?547 ad, Italian monk: founded the Benedictine order at Monte Cassino in Italy in about 540 ad. His Regula Monachorum became the basis of the rule of all Western Christian monastic orders. Feast day: July 11 or March 14
【PRIMARY MEANING】 newly married man
【ROOTs】 bene; good, well dict(dic); say, speak

benediction [noun] from benedict < dict
【DEFINITION】 A benediction is a kind of Christian prayer.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a blessing
【pl.】 benedictions
【DERIVATIVEs】 benedictory, benediction
【ROOTs】 bene; good, well dict(dic); say, speak ion(ation); noun suffix

benefaction [noun] from benefactor < fact
【DEFINITION】 the act of doing good, esp by giving a donation to charity
【pl.】 benefactions
【ROOTs】 bene; good, well fact(fac); do, make ion(ation); noun suffix

benefactor [noun] from benefactor < fact
【DEFINITION】 A benefactor is a person who helps a person or organization by giving them money.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 one who confers a benefit, a kindly helper,
【pl.】 benefactors
【ROOTs】 bene; good, well fact(fac); do, make or; noun suffix

benefic [adjective] from benefice < face
【DEFINITION】 a rare word for beneficent
【ROOTs】 bene; good, well fy; do, make

benefice [noun] from benefice < face
【DEFINITION】 an endowed Church office yielding an income to its holder; a Church living
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a church living, church office endowed with a revenue
【SYNONYM】 living
【ROOTs】 bene; good, well fice(fac); do, make





beneficial [adjective] from benefice < face
【DEFINITION】 Something that is beneficial helps people or improves their lives.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 helpful, advantageous, conferring benefit
【DERIVATIVEs】 beneficial, beneficially, beneficialness, benefiter, benefit
【SYNONYM】 advantageous, favourable
【ANTONYM】 detrimental
【ROOTs】 bene; good, well fical(fic); do, make al; suffix

beneficiary [noun] from benefice < face
【DEFINITION】 Someone who is a beneficiary of something is helped by it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 one who receives profits or advantages
【pl.】 beneficiaries
【ROOTs】 bene; good, well fici(fac); do, make ary; suffix

benefit [noun] from benefice < face
【DEFINITION】 The benefit of something is the help that you get from it or the advantage that results from it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 good or noble deed; helpful or friendly action
【pl.】 benefits
【DERIVATIVEs】 beneficial, beneficially, beneficialness, benefiter, benefit
【SYNONYM】 value
【ROOTs】 bene; good, well fit(fac); do, make

benevolence [noun] from benevolent < volunt
【PRIMARY MEANING】 disposition to do good
【DERIVATIVEs】 benevolence, benevolently, benevolentness, benevolent
【ROOTs】 bene; good, well vol; will ence(ance); noun suffix

benevolent [adjective] from benevolent < volunt
【DEFINITION】 If you describe a person in authority as benevolent, you mean that they are kind and fair.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 wishing to do good, well-disposed, kindly
【DERIVATIVEs】 benevolence, benevolently, benevolentness, benevolent
【ANTONYM】 malevolent
【ROOTs】 bene; good, well vol; will ent(ant); suffix

benign [adjective] from benign < genus
【DEFINITION】 You use benign to describe someone who is kind, gentle, and harmless.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 kind, benign, merciful, gracious
【DERIVATIVEs】 benignly, benignness, benign
【ANTONYM】 malignant
【ROOTs】 beni(bene); good, well gn(gener); birth, beget





Other word list containing bene-, ben-; beneficence, benignant, benignity



batt-, bat-
anni-, ann-, enn-
bas- bat-, ba-
archaeo-, archeo-, archi-, archae-, arche-
bel-, belli-


[영어어원사전] 어근 batt-로 영어단어 공부하기 (라틴어 어원; battalia, batuere, battuere, batre)

영어 어근 bat- 는라틴어 batuere, battuere, batre에서 유래했습니다. '타도', 'beat', '타도하다', '치다', 'strike'라는 기본적인 의미를 갖고 있습니다. [어근]어근 batt [변이어근] batt, bate, battalion,..


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