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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: auto- from Greek autos


【auto】 is word -forming element
usually meaning "self, same"
from Greek "autos"

[WORD ROOT]root auto
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) autos
[MEANING]root self, same


  • 【Greek】 autos self


autarch, autarchy, autarky, authentic, authenticate, autism, autistic, autobiography, autocracy, autocrat, autodyne, autograph, automate, automatic, automation, automatism, automaton, automobile, autonomy





Please see Word information in detail as follows;

autarch [noun] from autarch < arch-
【DEFINITION】 autocrat
【SYNONYM】 autocrat
【ROOTs】 aut(auto); self, same arch; lead, rule, beginning

autarchy [noun] from autarch < arch-
【DEFINITION】 ① unlimited rule; autocracy
② self-government; self-rule
③ a variant spelling (now rare) of autarky
【PRIMARY MEANING】 absolute sovereignty
【pl.】 autarchies
【DERIVATIVEs】 autarchic, autarchical, autarchy
【ROOTs】 aut(auto); self, same arch; lead, rule, beginning y; noun suffix

autarky [noun] from autarky < arch-
【DEFINITION】 (esp of a political unit) a system or policy of economic self-sufficiency aimed at removing the need for imports
【PRIMARY MEANING】 self-sufficiency
【pl.】 autarkies
【ROOTs】 aut(auto); self, same arky(arch); lead, rule, beginning

authentic [adjective] from authentic < auto
【DEFINITION】 An authentic person, object, or emotion is genuine.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 authoritative, duly authorized
【DERIVATIVEs】 authentically, authenticate, authentication, authenticator, authenticity, authentic
【SYNONYM】 genuine
【ANTONYM】 inauthentic
【ROOTs】 aut(auto); self, same hent; doer, being ic; adjective suffix

authenticate [verb] from authentic < auto
【DEFINITION】 If you authenticate something, you state officially that it is genuine after examining it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 verify, establish the credibility of
【CONJUGATIONs】 authenticated authenticated authenticating authenticates
【DERIVATIVEs】 authentically, authenticate, authentication, authenticator, authenticity, authentic
【ROOTs】 aut(auto); self, same hent; doer, being ic; adjective suffix ate; verb suffix

autism [noun] from auto
【DEFINITION】 Autism is a mental disorder that affects children, particularly their ability to relate to other people.
【DERIVATIVEs】 autistic, autism
【ROOTs】 auto; self, same ism; noun suffix





autistic [adjective] from auto
【DEFINITION】 An autistic person suffers from autism.
【DERIVATIVEs】 autistic, autism
【ROOTs】 auto; self, same

autobiography [noun] from biograph < graph
【DEFINITION】 Your autobiography is an account of your life, which you write yourself.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a memoir of a person written by himself
【pl.】 autobiographies
【DERIVATIVEs】 autobiographer, autobiography
【ROOTs】 auto; self, same bio; life graph; draw, write y; noun suffix

autocracy [noun] from autocracy < auto
【DEFINITION】 Autocracy is government or control by one person who has complete power.
【pl.】 autocracies
【DERIVATIVEs】 autocracy, autocrat, autocratic
【ROOTs】 auto; self, same cracy; rule, authority, government

autocrat [noun] from autocracy < auto
【DEFINITION】 An autocrat is a person in authority who has complete power.
【pl.】 autocrats
【DERIVATIVEs】 autocracy, autocrat, autocratic
【SYNONYM】 despot, autarch
【ROOTs】 auto; self, same crat(cracy); rule, authority

autodyne [noun] from dyne < dyna
【DEFINITION】 ① denoting or relating to an electrical circuit in which the same elements and valves are used as oscillator and detector
② The autodyne circuit was an improvement to radio signal amplification using the De Forest Audion vacuum tube amplifier.
【ROOTs】 auto; self, same dyne(dyna); power

autograph [noun] from autograph < graph
【DEFINITION】 An autograph is the signature of someone famous which is specially written for a fan to keep.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a person's signature
【pl.】 autographs
【DERIVATIVEs】 autographic, autographical, autographically, autograph
【ROOTs】 auto; self, same graph; draw, write





automate [verb] from automate < auto
【DEFINITION】 To automate a factory, office, or industrial process means to put in machines which can do the work instead of people.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to convert to automatic operation,
【CONJUGATIONs】 automated, automated, automating, automates
【DERIVATIVEs】 automatable, automate
【ROOTs】 auto; self, same mate(mat); thinking, animated

automatic [adjective] from automate < auto
【DEFINITION】 An automatic machine or device is one which has controls that enable it to perform a task without needing to be constantly operated by a person. Automatic methods and processes involve the use of such machines.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 self-acting, moving or acting on its own
【DERIVATIVEs】 automatically, automaticity, automatism, automatist, automatize, automatic
【SYNONYM】 instinctive
【ROOTs】 auto; self, same mat; thinking, animated ic; adjective suffix

automation [noun] from automate < auto
【DEFINITION】 ① the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically
② the state of being operated automatically
③ automatically controlled operation of an apparatus, process, or system by mechanical or electronic devices that take the place of human labor
【ROOTs】 auto; self, same mat; thinking, animated ion(ation); noun suffix

automatism [noun] from automate < auto
【DEFINITION】 the state or quality of being automatic; mechanical or involuntary action
【DERIVATIVEs】 automatically, automaticity, automatism, automatist, automatize, automatic
【ROOTs】 auto; self, same mat; thinking, animated ic; adjective suffix ism; noun suffix

automaton [noun] from automate < auto
【DEFINITION】 If you say that someone is an automaton, you are critical of them because they behave as if they are so tired or bored that they do things without thinking.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a self-acting machine; a living being acting mechanically
【pl.】 automatons automata
【DERIVATIVEs】 automatous, automaton
【SYNONYM】 robot
【ROOTs】 auto; self, same maton(mat); thinking, animated





automobile [noun] from mobile < move
【DEFINITION】 An automobile is a car.
【pl.】 automobiles
【DERIVATIVEs】 automobilist, automobile
【ROOTs】 auto; self, same mob; move, motion ile; noun suffix

autonomy [noun] from autonomy < auto
【DEFINITION】 Autonomy is the control or government of a country, organization, or group by itself rather than by others
【PRIMARY MEANING】 autonomous condition, power or right of self-government
【pl.】 autonomies
【DERIVATIVEs】 autonomist, autonomy
【SYNONYM】 independence
【ROOTs】 auto; self, same nomy; law, system of laws

Other word list containing auto; autarchism

aug-, auct-
aud-, audi-, audio-
arc-, arch-
arch, archi, archy


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