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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: bal-, bel-, bol- from Greek bole, blema, ballein


【bal-, bel-, bol-】 are word -forming element
usually meaning "throw"
from Greek "bole, blema, ballein"from PIE *gwele- "to throw, reach"

[WORD ROOT]root bol
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] bol, blem, bleme, bal, bolus, bola, bolo, ball, bole
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) bole, blema, ballein
[MEANING]root throw








  • 【Greek】 bole [from ballein, from bol-] a throwing, a casting, the stroke of a missile, bolt, beam; a stroke
  • 【Greek】 ballein to throw
  • 【Greek】 blema [from ballein] wound from a missile
  • 【Latin】 ballare to dance


ametabolic, amphibole, anabolic, anabolism, astrobleme, ball, ballet, ballista, ballistic, bole, bolide, bolometer, catabolic, catabolism, devil, diabolic, diabolo, emblem, embolic, embolus, hyperbola, hyperbole, metabolic, metabolism, palaver, parabola, parle, parley, parol, parole, problem, problematic, symbol, symbolic, symbolize


Please see Word information in detail as follows;


ametabolic [adjective] from metabolic < bole
【DEFINITION】 (of certain insects) having no obvious metamorphosis
【ANTONYM】 metabolic
【ROOTs】 a; prefix meta; above, among bol; throw ic; adjective suffix

amphibole [noun] from amphibole < bole
【DEFINITION】 any of a large group of minerals consisting of the silicates of calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, and aluminium, usually in the form of long slender dark-coloured crystals. Members of the group, including hornblende, actinolite, and tremolite, are common constituents of igneous rocks
【ROOTs】 amphi(amph); both, on both sides of bole(bol); throw

anabolic [adjective] from anabolic < bole
【DEFINITION】 of or relating to anabolism
【PRIMARY MEANING】 pertaining to the process of building up
【ROOTs】 ana; prefix bol; throw ic; adjective suffix

anabolism [noun] from anabolic < bole
【DEFINITION】 a metabolic process in which complex molecules are synthesized from simpler ones with the storage of energy; constructive metabolism Compare catabolism
【PRIMARY MEANING】 constructive metabolism
【ANTONYM】 catabolism
【ROOTs】 ana; prefix bol; throw ism; noun suffix

astrobleme [noun] from astrobleme < bole
【DEFINITION】 a mark on the earth's surface, usually circular, formed by a large ancient meteorite impact
【PRIMARY MEANING】 crypto-explosion structure on Earth caused by meteorite or asteroid impact; (literally) star-wound
【ROOTs】 astro; star bleme(bol); throw

ball [noun] from ball < bole
【DEFINITION】 A ball is a round object that is used in games such as tennis, baseball, football, basketball, and cricket.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 ① round object, compact spherical body, ② dancing party, social assembly for dancing
【ROOTs】 ball(bol); throw

ballet [noun] from ball < bole
【DEFINITION】 Ballet is a type of very skilled and artistic dancing with carefully planned movements.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 theatrical, costumed dance and pantomime performance telling a story and representing characters and passions by gestures and groupings,
【pl.】 ballets
【DERIVATIVEs】 balletic, ballet
【ROOTs】 ball(bol); throw et; diminutive suffix



ballista [noun] from ball < bole
【DEFINITION】 an ancient catapult for hurling stones, etc
【PRIMARY MEANING】 ancient war engine used for throwing missiles,
【DERIVATIVEs】 ballistic, ballistically, ballista
【ROOTs】 ball(bol); throw ista; noun suffix

ballistic [adjective] from ball < bole
【DEFINITION】 Ballistic means relating to ballistics.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 pertaining to construction and use of thrown objects
【DERIVATIVEs】 ballistic, ballistically, ballista
【ROOTs】 ball(bol); throw ist(ista); - ic; adjective suffix

bole [combining form] from bole
【ROOTs】 bole(bol); throw, dance

bolide [noun] from bole
【DEFINITION】 Also called : fireball a large exceptionally bright meteor that often explodes
【ROOTs】 bol; throw ide; noun suffix

bolometer [noun] from bolometer < bole
【DEFINITION】 a sensitive instrument for measuring radiant energy by the increase in the resistance of an electrical conductor
【DERIVATIVEs】 bolometric, bolometrically, bolometry, bolometer
【ROOTs】 bolo(bol); throw meter; measure

catabolic [adjective] from catabolic < bole
【DEFINITION】 marked by or promoting metabolic activity concerned with the breakdown of complex molecules (such as proteins or lipids) and the release of energy within the organism : relating to, characterized by, or stimulating catabolism
【PRIMARY MEANING】 pertaining to or of the nature of catabolism
【DERIVATIVEs】 catabolic, catabolically, katabolic, katabolically, catabolism
【ROOTs】 cata; bol; throw ic; adjective suffix


catabolism [noun] from catabolic < bole
【DEFINITION】 a metabolic process in which complex molecules are broken down into simple ones with the release of energy; destructive metabolism Compare anabolism
【PRIMARY MEANING】 destructive metabolism
【DERIVATIVEs】 catabolic, catabolically, katabolic, katabolically, catabolism
【ANTONYM】 anabolism
【ROOTs】 cata; bol; throw ism; noun suffix

devil [noun] from devil < bole
【DEFINITION】 In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the Devil is the most powerful evil spirit.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a devil, a subordinate evil spirit afflicting humans; the Devil, a powerful spirit of evil otherwise known as Satan
【pl.】 devils
【DERIVATIVEs】 devilish, devil
【SYNONYM】 Satan, something
【ROOTs】 dia; through, across bol; throw


diabolic [adjective] from diabolic < bole
【DEFINITION】 Diabolic is used to describe things that people think are caused by or belong to the Devil.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 pertaining to the Devil; outrageously wicked, infernal
【ROOTs】 dia; through, across bol; throw ic; adjective suffix

diabolo [noun] from diabolo < bole
【DEFINITION】 a game in which one throws and catches a spinning top on a cord fastened to two sticks held in the hands
【ROOTs】 dia; bolo(bol); throw

emblem [noun] from emblem < bole
【DEFINITION】 An emblem is a design representing a country or organization.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 relief, raised ornament on vessels, etc.
【pl.】 emblems
【DERIVATIVEs】 emblematic, emblematical, emblematically, emblematize, emblem
【ROOTs】 em(en); in, into blem(bol); throw


embolic [adjective] from embolus < bole
【DEFINITION】 of or relating to an embolus or embolism
【DERIVATIVEs】 embolic, embolus
【ROOTs】 em(en); in, into bol; throw ic; adjective suffix

embolus [noun] from embolus < bole
【DEFINITION】 material, such as part of a blood clot or an air bubble, that is transported by the blood stream until it becomes lodged within a small vessel and impedes the circulation Compare thrombus
【PRIMARY MEANING】 stopper, wedge
【pl.】 emboli
【DERIVATIVEs】 embolic, embolus
【ROOTs】 em(en); in, into bolus(bol); throw

hyperbola [noun] from hyperbole < bole
【DEFINITION】 a conic section formed by a plane that cuts both bases of a cone; it consists of two branches asymptotic to two intersecting fixed lines and has two foci. Standard equation: x²/ a² -- y²/ b² = 1 where 2 a is the distance between the two intersections with the x-axis and b = a√(e² -- 1), where e is the eccentricity
【PRIMARY MEANING】 curve formed by the intersection of a plane with a double cone
【pl.】 hyperbolas hyperbole
【ROOTs】 hyper; over, beyond bola(bol); throw

hyperbole [noun] from hyperbole < bole
【DEFINITION】 If someone uses hyperbole, they say or write things that make something sound much more impressive than it really is.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 obvious exaggeration in rhetoric,
【ROOTs】 hyper; prefix bole(bol); throw

metabolic [adjective] from metabolic < bole
【DEFINITION】 Metabolic means relating to a person's or animal's metabolism.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 exhibiting or affected by metabolism
【DERIVATIVEs】 metabolism, metabolic
【ANTONYM】 ametabolic
【ROOTs】 meta; above, among bol; throw ic; adjective suffix


metabolism [noun] from metabolic < bole
【DEFINITION】 Your metabolism is the way that chemical processes in your body cause food to be used in an efficient way, for example to make new cells and to give you energy.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 the sum of the chemical changes within the body by which the protoplasm is renewed, changed, or prepared for excretion
【DERIVATIVEs】 metabolism, metabolic
【ROOTs】 meta; above, among bol; throw ism; noun suffix

palaver [noun] from palaver
【DEFINITION】 Palaver is unnecessary fuss and bother about the way something is done. We don't want all that palaver, do we?
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a long talk, a conference, a tedious discussion,
【SYNONYM】 fuss
【ROOTs】 para; near, beside bola(bol); throw

parabola [noun] from parabola < bole
【DEFINITION】 A parabola is a type of curve such as the path of something that is thrown up into the air and comes down in a different place.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a curve commonly defined as the intersection of a cone with a plane parallel with its side,
【ROOTs】 para; near, beside bola(bol); throw

parle [noun] from parle
【DEFINITION】 archaic
【SYNONYM】 parley
【ROOTs】 para; near, beside bola(bol); throw


parley [noun] from parle
【DEFINITION】 ① a conference for discussion of points in dispute
② a conference with an enemy
【PRIMARY MEANING】 conference, conversation, speech
【SYNONYM】 parle
【ROOTs】 para; near, beside bola(bol); throw

parol [noun] from parol
【DEFINITION】 (formerly) the pleadings in an action when presented by word of mouth
【ROOTs】 para; near, beside bola(bol); throw

parole [noun] from parole
【DEFINITION】 If a prisoner is given parole, he or she is released before the official end of their prison sentence and has to promise to behave well.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 word of honor; promise by a prisoner of war not to escape if allowed to go about at liberty, or not to take up arms again if allowed to return home
【DERIVATIVEs】 parolable, parolee, parole
【ROOTs】 para; near, beside bola(bol); throw

problem [noun] from problem < bole
【DEFINITION】 A problem is a situation that is unsatisfactory and causes difficulties for people.
【pl.】 problems
【DERIVATIVEs】 problematic, problematically, problem
【ROOTs】 pro; before, forth blem(bol); throw

problematic [adjective] from problem < bole
【DEFINITION】 Something that is problematic involves problems and difficulties.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 doubtful, questionable
【DERIVATIVEs】 problematic, problematically, problem
【ANTONYM】 unproblematic
【ROOTs】 pro; before, forth blem(bol); throw atic; suffix


symbol [noun] from symbol < bole
【DEFINITION】 Something that is a symbol of a society or an aspect of life seems to represent it because it is very typical of it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 creed, summary, religious belief
【pl.】 symbols
【DERIVATIVEs】 symbol, symbolic, symbolically, symbolicalness, symbolisation, symbolization, symbolize, symbolizer
【ROOTs】 sym(syn); with, together bol; throw

symbolic [adjective] from symbol < bole
【DEFINITION】 If you describe an event, action, or procedure as symbolic, you mean that it represents an important change, although it has little practical effect.
【DERIVATIVEs】 symbol, symbolic, symbolically, symbolicalness, symbolisation, symbolization, symbolize, symbolizer
【ROOTs】 sym(syn); with, together bol; throw ic; adjective suffix

symbolize [verb] from symbol < bole
【DEFINITION】 If one thing symbolizes another, it is used or regarded as a symbol of it. The fall of the Berlin Wall symbolised the end of the Cold War between East and West.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 represent by a symbol; be a symbol of,
【CONJUGATIONs】 symbolized, symbolized, symbolizing, symbolizes
【DERIVATIVEs】 symbol, symbolic, symbolically, symbolicalness, symbolisation, symbolization, symbolize, symbolizer
【SYNONYM】 represent, symbol, stand for
【ROOTs】 sym(syn); with, together bol; throw ize; verb suffix

Other word list containing bal-, bel-, bol-; parable, amphibolous, ametabolism, amphibolic, amphibolite, amphiboly, ballism, ballistospore, belomancy, belonephobia, emblematic, embolism, embolismic, embolize, embolon, emboly, hemiballismus, holometabolism, hyperbolic, hyperboloid, metabolite, metabolize, parabolic, paraboloid, symbolism, symbolist, symbology, taurobolium, thromboembolism


bibli-, bibl-
batt-, bat-
bene-, ben-
anni-, ann-, enn-


ENGLISH ROOT WORD: bio from Greek bioun, bios, biotos, biotikos, biosis

【bio】 is word -forming element usually meaning "life" from Greek "bioun, bios, biotos, biotikos, biosis"from PIE *gwei- "to live" [WORD ROOT]root bio [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] bio, bios, biot [ETYMOLO..


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