【band】 is word -forming element
usually meaning "strip, bind"
from French "bandage, bander, bande"from PIE *bhendh- "to bind"
[WORD ROOT]root band
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] band, bond, bund
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Old English) bend
[MEANING]root strip, bind
- 【French】 bande [from cognate Old Norse band] a strip
- 【Old English】 bend [from cognate Old Norse band, from Old French bande] bond, fetter, shackle, chain, that by which someone or something is bound; ribbon, ornament, chaplet, crown
- 【Old Norse】 band cord that binds; act of binding
band, bandage, bond
Please see Word information in detail as follows;
band [noun] from band
【DEFINITION】 A band is a small group of musicians who play popular music such as jazz, rock, or pop.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 ① a flat strip ② an organized group
【pl.】 bands
【ROOTs】 band; strip, bind
bandage [noun] from band
【DEFINITION】 A bandage is a long strip of cloth which is wrapped around a wounded part of someone's body to protect or support it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 strip of soft cloth or other material used in binding wounds, stopping bleeding, etc.
【SYNONYM】 strap
【ROOTs】 band; strip, bind
bond [noun] from Bond < band
【DEFINITION】 A bond between people is a strong feeling of friendship, love, or shared beliefs and experiences that unites them.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 anything that binds, fastens, or confines
【pl.】 Bonds
【DERIVATIVEs】 bondable, bond
【ROOTs】 bond(band); strip, bind
Other word list containing band; Bondage
anni-, ann-, enn-
archaeo-, archeo-, archi-, archae-, arche-
aud-, audi-, audio-
aug-, auct-
avi-, au-
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