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[BBC Learning English 강좌] Less salt, better health - 6 Minute English 영어단어공부


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Are we all eating too much salt? Neil and Georgie teach you some useful vocabulary.

우리 모두는 너무 많이 소금을 먹고 있나요? 닐과 죠지가 당신에게 몇몇의 도움이 되는 어휘를 가르칩니다.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.


  • 어근을 클릭하면 같은 어근을 같는 다른 단어들을 볼 수 있습니다.(정리가 된 경우)
  • Lemma(레마)란 같은 뿌리의 단어 중 철자수가 가장 작은 단어를 말합니다. 어근과 다른 것은 레마는 사용 중인 단어입니다. 어근과 함께 공부하면 단어 공부에 큰 보탬이 됩니다..

adjective adj. ☆[4515]    from [레마] adject 《 ject(던지다)
[본문] [59]And finally, the adjective premature describes something which happens too soon or before the proper time.
[영한] ① (문법) 형용사의[적인] ② 부수적[종속적]인, [법] (소송) 절차에 관한
<명사> (문법) 형용사
[어근]ad; 향하여, to ⑵ ject; 던지다, throw ⑶ ive; 형용사 어미
[파생] adjectival, adjectively, adjective

besides prep. ★★★[2330]    from [레마] beside(by the side of) 《 side
[본문] [30]besides improving its flavour, salt can be used to preserve food, to stop it from going bad.
[영한] … 외에
[영영] Besides something or beside something means in addition to it.
<부사> ① 게다가, 뿐만 아니라 ② 또(한)
[구성단어] beside + s
[어근]be; 과도함, by, about ⑵ side; 옆면, side ⑶ s; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 be sidan[from be-+sidan] by the side of

bitter adj. ★★★[2305]    from [레마] bitter
[본문] [7]Yes… and er, sour, bitter
[영한] ① (언쟁 등이) 격렬한 ② (사람들이) 억울해 하는 ③ 쓰라린 ④ (음식 등이) 맛이 쓴 ⑤ (기상 조건이) 혹독한, 매서운
[영영] In a bitter argument or conflict, people argue very angrily or fight very fiercely.
[굴절형] 비교; bitter < bitterer < bitterest
<명사> ① 비터(쓴맛이 강한 맥주. 영국에서 아주 인기 있음) 참조 mild ② 비터즈(칵테일에 쓴 맛을 내는 술)
[어근] bitter(bite); 물다, 쓰라린, bite
[어원] 《고대 영어 biterfrom bitan; having a harsh taste, sharp, cutting; angry, full of animosity; cruel
[최초 의미] having a harsh taste, sharp, cutting; angry, full of animosity; cruel
[파생] bitterly, bitterness, embitter

butter noun ★★★★[2057]    from [레마] butter
[본문] [33]They even did it with dairy products, foods which are made from milk, such as cheese and butter.
[영한] 버터
[영영] Butter is a soft yellow substance made from cream. You spread it on bread or use it in cooking.
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
<동사> 버터를 바르다
[어근] butter; 버터, butter
[어원] 《고대 영어 butere[loan-word from Latin butyrum] butter, the fatty part of milk
[최초 의미] butter
[파생] butter, butterless, buttery, butt

calmly adv. ★★[3874]    from [레마] calm(열[햇볕]) 《 caust
[본문] [45]She uses two idioms: take a step back,which means to temporarily withdraw from a situation in order to think about it more calmly, and look at the bigger picture - to consider the overall meaning of something, not just the details.
[영한] 고요히, 침착하게, 태연하게
[영영] You can use calmly to emphasize that someone is behaving in a very controlled or ordinary way in a frightening or unusual situation.
[어근]calm(caust); 태우다, 타다, burn ⑵ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 kauma[from kaiein] heat (of the day)
[파생] calmly, calm

consume verb ★★★[2156]
[본문] [19]The reason it's difficult to know how much salt you consume is that it's hidden in food, especially processed food.
[영한] ① (특히 연료/에너지/시간을) 소모하다 ② 먹다, 마시다 ③ (강렬한 감정이) 사로잡다[휩싸다] ④ (불이) 전소시키다, 휩싸다
[영영] If you consume something, you eat or drink it.
[굴절형] consumed, consumed, consuming, consumes
[어근]con(com); together ⑵ sume; 취하다, take
[최초 의미] to destroy by separating into parts which cannot be reunited, as by burning or eating; destroy the substance of, annihilate
[파생] consume, consuming, consumingly, consumption, consumptive, consumer

culturally adv.[10000+]    from [레마] culture 《 cult(돌보다)
[본문] [43]I think you just gotta take a step back, and look at the bigger picture, like arguing whether it should be 5g or 6g… The issue is that around the world, salt intakes are very high, contributing to high blood pressure, contributing to premature strokes, premature mortality, and we need to address it in a way that's culturally appropriate for each country.
[영한] ① 교양으로서, 문화적으로 ② 경작상(으로), 재배상(으로)
[구성단어] cultural + ly
[어근]cult; to till, cultivate ⑵ ur(ure); 명사 어미 ⑶ al; 형용사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 culturapp of colere; a cultivating, agriculture; care, culture, an honoring
[파생] cultural, culturally, culture

dairy adj. ★★[3616]    from [레마] dairy
[본문] [29]And even the milk products, the dairy products, are also very much salty for the same reasons.
[영한] ① 유제품의 ② 낙농(업)의
[영영] Dairy is used to refer to foods such as butter and cheese that are made from milk.
<명사> ① 낙농장, 버터치즈 제조소 ② 유제품 회사 ③ (뉴질랜드 영어) 구멍가게
[어근]dai(dough); 반죽, dough ⑵ ry(ery); 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 dag[from Proto-Germanic *daigaz] dough

dilute verb △[8986]    from [레마] dilution
[본문] [36]When we eat too much salt, the body dilutes it by retaining water.
[영한] ① 희석하다, 묽게 하다 ② (효과 등을) 희석시키다[약화시키다]
[영영] If a liquid is diluted or dilutes, it is added to or mixes with water or another liquid, and becomes weaker.
[굴절형] diluted, diluted, diluting, dilutes
[유의어] water down(희석하다)
<형용사> (액체가) 희석된
[어근]di(dis); apart ⑵ lute(lut); wash
[어원] 《라틴어 dilueredis+luere; dissolve, wash away, dilute
[최초 의미] to weaken, remove the strength or force of
[파생] dilute, dilutee, diluter, dilutive, dilutor, dilution

enhance verb ★★★[2255]    from [레마] enhance
[본문] [9]Everyone knows that salt makes food taste better by enhancing the flavours of the ingredients.
[영한] (좋은 점/가치/지위를) 높이다[향상시키다]
[영영] To enhance something means to improve its value, quality, or attractiveness.
[굴절형] enhanced, enhanced, enhancing, enhances
[어근] enhance; enhance
[어원] 《프랑스말 enhauciermake greater, make higher or louder; fatten, foster; raise in esteem
[최초 의미] to raise, make higher
[파생] enhancement, enhancer, enhancive, enhance

everyday adj. ★★★[2142]    from [레마] everyday 《 day
[본문] [20]So, which of the following everyday foods do you think contains most salt?
[영한] 일상적인, 매일의
[영영] You use everyday to describe something which happens or is used every day, or forms a regular and basic part of your life, so it is not especially interesting or unusual.
[유의어] plain
<명사> 일상 생활.
[구성단어] every + day
[어근]every; 모두, every ⑵ day; 하루, day
[어원] 《영어 everyday[every+day]
[파생] everydayness, everyday

flavour noun ★★[3345]    from [레마] flavor 《 fla
[본문] [9]Everyone knows that salt makes food taste better by enhancing the flavours of the ingredients.
[영한] ① (음식술의) 풍미[맛] ② (특정한) 맛 ③ 정취, 분위기 ④ (무엇에 대한) 느낌[감(感)] ⑤ (컴퓨터) (소프트웨어의 특정한) 종류
[영영] The flavour of a food or drink is its taste.
[굴절형] 복수형; flavours
[유의어] taste, ambience
<동사> (무엇에) 맛[풍미]을 더하다[첨가하다]
[어근]flav(fla); 불꽃, 바람이 불다, blow ⑵ our(or); …하는 사람[것]
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ flavor
[어원] 《라틴어 flare불다[흩날리다], 내뿜다[뻐끔거리다]; 고무[격려]하다, 권장[장려]하다
[최초 의미] a smell, odor
[파생] flavorer, flavorless, flavorsome, flavourer, flavourless, flavoursome, flavour

globally adv. △[8798]    from [레마] global(a ball) 《 globe(a ball)
[본문] [39]globally, governments are fighting this health risk in different ways.
[영한] 전세계적으로
[어근]glob(globe); sphere, ball ⑵ al; …한; 형용사어미 ⑶ ly; 부사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 glomus[related to gleba] a ball, ball of yarn
[파생] global, globally, globalize, globe

gram noun △[10000+]    from [레마] gram
[본문] [44]Instead of arguing over grams of salt, Professor Collins thinks we should take a step back and look at the bigger picture.
[영한] ① (약어:g, gm) 그램(질량의 단위. 1000분의 1킬로그램) ② (''문서'', ''도해''의 뜻)
[영영] A gram is a unit of weight. One thousand grams are equal to one kilogram.
[굴절형] 복수형; grams
[어근] gram; 무게, weight
[어원] 《그리스어 gramma⑴작은 무게; ⑵[graphein으로 부터 유래] 알파벳 글자, 쓰여진 것; 그려진 것; 그림, 도화; 써진 것, 글자, 알파벳 글자, 쓰여진 글자, 글의 조각, (복수로) 편지, 종이[신문], 어떤 종류의 문서, 학습,
[최초 의미] gramme, metric unit of weight

herb noun △[10000+]    from [레마] herb
[본문] [48]And if you don't like your food unsalted, try adding herbs and spices instead.
[영한] ① 허브, 약초, 향초 ② 초본(草本)
[영영] A herb is a plant whose leaves are used in cooking to add flavour to food, or as a medicine.
[굴절형] 복수형; herbs
[어근] herb; 플, grass
[어원] 《라틴어 herbaa plant, grass, an herb; herbage, turf, weeds
[최초 의미] non-woody plant,
[파생] herbaceous, herbal, herblike, herb

idiom noun ☆[4517]    from [레마] idiom
[본문] [58]The idiom 'to look at the bigger picture' means to consider the overall meaning of something rather than the specific details.
[영한] ① 관용구, 숙어 ② (특정 시기/지역에서 특정인들이 쓰는) 언어[어법] ③ (특정 개인/단체/시대/지역의) 표현 양식
[영영] A particular idiom is a particular style of something such as music, dance, or architecture.
[굴절형] 복수형; idioms
[어근]idi; 자신의, 기이한, own ⑵ om(oma); 종(腫), 류(瘤)
[어원] 《그리스어 idiospersonal, private, one’s own, peculiar
[최초 의미] form of speech peculiar to a people or place
[파생] idiomatic, idiomatical, idiomatically, idiomaticalness, idiom

intake noun ☆[5083]    from [레마] intake 《 take(to take)
[본문] [12]The World Health Organisation, or WHO, recommends a daily salt intake of less than 5g, about the same as a teaspoon.
[영한] ① 섭취(량) ② (특정 기간 동안 학교/직종 등에 들어오는) 입학[채용 등] 인원 수 ③ (기계의) 흡입[유입]구 ④ 받아[끌어]들임, (특히 숨을) 들이쉬기
[영영] Your intake of a particular kind of food, drink, or air is the amount that you eat, drink, or breathe in.
[굴절형] 복수형; intakes
[구성단어] in + take
[어근]in(en); 안에 두다, in, 하게하다 ⑵ take; 취하다, take
[어원] 《고대 영어 tacan[from Old Norse taka] to take, seize
[최초 의미] place where water is taken into a channel or pipe

liquid noun ★★★[2379]    from [레마] liquid 《 liqu
[본문] [37]And as a result, the heart works harder to pump liquid around the body.
[영한] 액체
[영영] A liquid is a substance which is not solid but which flows and can be poured, for example water.
[굴절형] 복수형; liquids
<형용사> ① 액체 형태의, 액상의 ② (금융) 현금화하기 쉬운, 유동적인 ③ (문예체) 맑은, 물 같은
[어근]liqu; 유동, 흐르는, flow ⑵ id; 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 liquere흐르는
[최초 의미] sound of a liquid consonant
[파생] liquidity, liquidize, liquidly, liquidness, liquid

livestock noun △[8610]    from [레마] livestock
[본문] [55]Nomads are people who travel from one place to another, often with animal livestock, rather than living in one place all the time.
[영한] 가축
[영영] farm animals (such as cows, horses, and pigs) that are kept, raised, and used by people
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[구성단어] live + stock

mortality noun ★★[3933]    from [레마] mortal
[본문] [43]I think you just gotta take a step back, and look at the bigger picture, like arguing whether it should be 5g or 6g… The issue is that around the world, salt intakes are very high, contributing to high blood pressure, contributing to premature strokes, premature mortality, and we need to address it in a way that's culturally appropriate for each country.
[영한] ① 언젠가는 죽어야 함, 죽음을 피할 수 없음, 필사 ② (특정 기간/상황에서의) 사망자 수[사망률] ③ 사망
[영영] The mortality in a particular place or situation is the number of people who die.
[굴절형] 복수형; mortalities
[어근]mort; 죽음, death ⑵ al; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ity; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 mortalis[from mors] subject to death, mortal, of a mortal, human
[파생] mortality, mortally, mortal

nomad noun[10000+]    from [레마] nomad
[본문] [28]We consume lots of salt, which is due to historical heritage, because when we were nomads, for centuries and centuries we travelled and wandered across the steppes, and here, we had to carry lots of meat which could be preserved only adding salt.
[영한] 유목민
[굴절형] 복수형; nomads
[어근] nomad; 유목, 떠돌이
[어원] 《그리스어 nomas(genitive nomados, plural nomades) roaming, roving, wandering
[최초 의미] a wanderer, one of a tribe of people who have no fixed abode,
[파생] nomadic, nomadism, nomadize, nomad

nutrition noun ★★[4743]    from [레마] nutrition(영양분을 주다) 《 nutri
[본문] [41]Clare Collins is professor of nutrition at the University of Newcastle in Australia.
[영한] 영양
[영영] Nutrition is the process of taking food into the body and absorbing the nutrients in those foods.
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[어근]nutrit(nutri); to nourish, suckle, feed ⑵ ion; 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 nutrire[*nutri가 어원] 영양분을 주다, 젖을 먹이다, 먹이다, 아이를 맡아 기르다, 부양하다, 보호하다
[최초 의미] act or process by which organisms absorb their proper food into their systems and build it into living tissue
[파생] nutrition, nutritional, nutritionally, nutritionary, nutritionist, nutritious, nutritiously, nutritiousness, nutritive, nutrient

overconsumption noun △[10000+]    from [레마] consume 《 sume(취하다[갖다])
[본문] [46]Yes, the problem remains that overconsumption of salt is causing premature health problems, problems which are happening sooner than they should.
[영한] ① 과소비 ② 소비과잉
[구성단어] over + consumption
[어근]over; 너무, over ⑵ con(com); together ⑶ sumpt(sume); 취하다, take ⑷ ion; 명사 어미

pasta noun △[8906]    from [레마] pasta 《 paste
[본문] [22]a) meat b) bread or, c) pasta?
[영한] 파스타
[영영] Pasta is a type of food made from a mixture of flour, eggs, and water that is formed into different shapes and then boiled. Spaghetti, macaroni, and noodles are types of pasta.
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[어근] pasta; 반죽,페이스트리
[어원] 《그리스어 pastabarley porridge

pinch noun ☆[4553]    from [레마] pinch
[본문] [10]There's even a phrase you'll see in many recipes - 'add a pinch of salt'.
[영한] ① 꼬집기 ② 자밤
[영영] A pinch of an ingredient such as salt is the amount of it that you can hold between your thumb and your first finger.
<동사> ① (손가락으로) 꼬집다 ② (엄지와 다른 손가락으로) 꼭 집다, (두 물체 사이에) 죄다[끼다] ③ (신발 등이) 너무 끼다[꽉 죄어 아프게 하다]
[어근] pinch(punct); 찌르다, point
[최초 의미] critical juncture

premature adj. △[10000+]    from [레마] mature
[본문] [43]I think you just gotta take a step back, and look at the bigger picture, like arguing whether it should be 5g or 6g… The issue is that around the world, salt intakes are very high, contributing to high blood pressure, contributing to premature strokes, premature mortality, and we need to address it in a way that's culturally appropriate for each country.
[영한] ① 정상[예상]보다 이른 ② (출산/아기가) 조산의, 조산아의 ③ 너무 이른, 시기상조의
[영영] ① happening too soon or earlier than usual
② born before the normal time
[구성단어] pre + mature
[어근]pre; 앞(先), before ⑵ mature; 익은, mature
[어원] 《라틴어 praematurus[from prae+maturus] early ripe
[최초 의미] ripe; existing or done before the proper or usual time, arriving too early at maturity
[파생] prematurely, prematureness, prematurity, premature

proper adj. ★★★★[2019]    from [레마] proper
[본문] [59]And finally, the adjective premature describes something which happens too soon or before the proper time.
[영한] ① 적절한, 제대로 된 ② (수준 등이) 제대로 된, 참된 ③ (사회적/도덕적으로) 올바른[정당한/제대로 된] ④ 엄밀한 의미의 ⑤ 완전한 ⑥ …고유의
[영영] You use proper to describe things that you consider to be real and satisfactory rather than inadequate in some way.
[반의어] improper, improper(부당하다)
<명사> (그리스도교) [종종 P~] (특정한 날/시간에 정해진) 의식, 예배식, 기도 <부사> ① 아주, 완전히 ② 올바르게, 품위 있게
[어근] proper(propri); one’s own
[어원] 《라틴어 pro privo[pro+privus] for the individual, in particular
[최초 의미] adapted to some purpose, fit, apt; commendable, excellent
[파생] properly, properness, propriety, proper

pump verb ★★[3559]    from [레마] pump
[본문] [37]And as a result, the heart works harder to pump liquid around the body.
[영한] ① (물공기 등을 펌프로) 퍼 올리다[퍼내다] ② (액체가) (거세게) 솟구치다[쏟아지다] ③ (아래위안팎으로 빠르게) 흔들다[움직이다] ④ (아래위안팎으로 빠르게) 흔들리다[움직이다] ⑤ 질문을 퍼붓다
[영영] To pump a liquid or gas in a particular direction means to force it to flow in that direction using a pump.
[굴절형] pumped pumped pumping pumps
<명사> ① 펌프 ② (英) 상호참조 plimsoll ③ (특히 美) 상호참조 court shoe
[어근] pump; pump
[어원] 《중세 네덜란드말 pompewater conduit, pipe
[파생] pumpable, pump

recap verb △[8529]    from [레마] cap(머리)
[본문] [54]OK, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned in this programme starting with the verb 'to preserve food', meaning to do something to stop it rotting so it can be eaten later.
[영한] 개요를 말하다
[영영] You can say that you are going to recap when you want to draw people's attention to the fact that you are going to repeat the main points of an explanation, argument, or description, as a summary of it.
[굴절형] recapped, recapped, recapping, recaps
[유의어] recapitulate
<명사> ① 요점의 되풀이, 요약, 개요 ② (생물) 발생 반복 ③ (음악) 재현부
[어근]re; again ⑵ cap; 머리, head
[어원] 《라틴어 caput〈capitis의 소유격〉 머리, 지도자, 안내자, 주요 인사, 정상, 수도
[최초 의미] put a cap on again
[파생] recappable, recap

recommendation noun ★★★[2672]    from [레마] commend 《 mand(명령)
[본문] [42]Here, she explains more about these salt recommendations to BBC World Service programme, 'The Food Chain':
[영한] ① 권고 ② 추천 ③ 추천장[서]
[영영] The recommendations of a person or a committee are their suggestions or advice on what is the best thing to do.
[굴절형] 복수형; recommendations
[유의어] testimonial
[어근]re; an intensive prefix ⑵ com; together ⑶ mend(mand); 명령, commit ⑷ ation(ion); 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 commendare[com+mandare] to commit to one's care, commend
[파생] recommend, recommendable, recommendation, recommendatory, recommender

reevaluate verb[10000+]    from [레마] valuate 《 val(가치)
[본문] [57]If you take a step back, you temporarily remove yourself from a situation in order to reevaluate it.
[영한] 재평가하다, 다시 고려하다
[구성단어] re + evaluate
[어근]re; 다시, 반대로, again ⑵ e(ex); 밖으로, out ⑶ valu(val); 힘, strong ⑷ ate; 부여하다, …의 특질을 가진
[어원] 《라틴어 valere잘되다, 가치가 있다; 강하다

retain verb ★★★★[2854]    from [레마] retain 《 ten-(잡다)
[본문] [36]When we eat too much salt, the body dilutes it by retaining water.
[영한] ① (계속) 유지[보유]하다 ② (계속) 함유[간직]하다 ③ (변호사 등과 지속적인 관계를) 유지하다
[영영] To retain something means to continue to have that thing.
[굴절형] retained, retained, retaining, retains
[유의어] preserve(유지하다), hang onto(달라붙다)
[어근]re; 다시, 반대로, again ⑵ tain(ten); 잡다, hold
[어원] 《라틴어 tenere잡다, 유지하다
[파생] retainability, retainable, retainment, retention, retentive, retain

rot verb △[10000+]    from [레마] rot
[본문] [54]OK, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned in this programme starting with the verb 'to preserve food', meaning to do something to stop it rotting so it can be eaten later.
[영한] (자연스럽게 서서히) 썩다[부식/부패하다], 썩히다, 부식[부패]시키다
[영영] When food, wood, or another substance rots, or when something rots it, it becomes softer and is gradually destroyed.
[굴절형] rotted, rotted, rotting, rots
[유의어] decompose(썩다), decay
<명사> ① 썩음, 부식, 부패 ② 상황 악화 ③ (구식,) 헛소리, 말도 안 되는 소리
[어근] rot; 썩다, rot
[어원] 《고대 영어 rotianto rot
[최초 의미] to decay, putrefy, undergo natural decomposition
[파생] rot, rottenly, rotten

salty adj. ★★[3872]    from [레마] salt
[본문] [8]And salty!
[영한] ① 소금이 든, 짠, 짭짤한 ② (구식) (말/유머가) (때로 약간 저속하기도 하지만) 재미있는
[영영] Something that is salty contains salt or tastes of salt.
[굴절형] 비교; salty < saltier < saltiest
[어근]salt; 소금, salt ⑵ y; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 sealt(noun) salt
[파생] saline, saltily, saltiness, saltish, saltless, saltlike, saltness, salty, salt

sour adj. ★★[3783]    from [레마] sour
[본문] [7]Yes… and er, sour, bitter…
[영한] ① (맛이) 신, 시큼한 ② (특히 우유가) 상한 ③ (사람이) 뚱한, 시큰둥한, 심술궂은
[영영] Something that is sour has a sharp, unpleasant taste like the taste of a lemon.
[굴절형] 비교; sour < sourer < sourest
[유의어] acid(시다)
[반의어] sweet(시큼하다)
<동사> ① (관계태도사람들 등이) 안 좋아지다, 틀어지다, 안 좋아지게[틀어지게] 만들다 ② (우유가[를]) 상하다[상하게 하다] ③ ) 불쾌하게 하다, (성질을) 비뚤어지게 하다
[어근] sour; sour, 시다, 시큼하다
[어원] 《고대 영어 sursour, tart, acid, fermented
[최초 의미] sour, tart, acid, fermented
[파생] sourish, sourly, sourness, sour

spice noun ★★[3727]    from [레마] spice
[본문] [48]And if you don't like your food unsalted, try adding herbs and spices instead.
[영한] ① 양념, 향신료 ② 흥취, 묘미
[영영] A spice is a part of a plant, or a powder made from that part, which you put in food to give it flavour. Cinnamon, ginger, and paprika are spices.
[굴절형] 복수형; spices
<동사> ① 양념[향신료]를 치다[곁들이다] ② 흥취[묘미]를 더하다
[어근] spice(speci); 종류, 부류
[어원] 《라틴어 species[연관어 specere] 종류, 부류, 외관
[최초 의미] something added to food or drink to enhance the flavor, vegetable substance aromatic or pungent to the taste
[파생] spicer, spicily, spiciness, spicy, spice

steppe noun[10000+]    from [레마] steppe
[본문] [28]We consume lots of salt, which is due to historical heritage, because when we were nomads, for centuries and centuries we travelled and wandered across the steppes, and here, we had to carry lots of meat which could be preserved only adding salt.
[영한] (특히 유럽 동남부/시베리아의) 스텝 지대
[어근] steppe; steppe
[어원] 《러시아말 stepflat grassy plain

stroke noun ★★★[2413]    from [레마] strike
[본문] [43]I think you just gotta take a step back, and look at the bigger picture, like arguing whether it should be 5g or 6g… The issue is that around the world, salt intakes are very high, contributing to high blood pressure, contributing to premature strokes, premature mortality, and we need to address it in a way that's culturally appropriate for each country.
[영한] ① (공을 치는) 타법[타격], 스트로크 ② 치기, 때리기 ③ (수영조정에서 팔노를) 젓기, 스트로크 ④ 수영법 ⑤ 정조수(조정(漕艇)에서 속도나 방향을 조정하는 사람) ⑥ (손으로) 쓰다듬기, 어루만지기 ⑦ (글씨나 그림의) 획 ⑧ (''한 차례의 성공적인 행동일''을 가리킴) ⑨ (시계나 종이) 치는[울리는] 소리 ⑩ 뇌졸중
[영영] If someone has a stroke, a blood vessel in their brain bursts or becomes blocked, which may kill them or make them unable to move one side of their body.
[굴절형] 복수형; strokes
<동사> ① (동물의 털을) 쓰다듬다 ② (사람의 머리 등을) 쓰다듬다[어루만지다] ③ (무엇을 부드럽게 이동시키거나 움직임을 나타냄)
[어근] stroke(strike); 치다, strike
[어원] 《고대 영어 strac[past tense of strican] stroke
[최초 의미] act of striking
[파생] strike, strikeless, stroke

teaspoon noun ★★[4342]    from [레마] teaspoon 《 spoon
[본문] [12]The World Health Organisation, or WHO, recommends a daily salt intake of less than 5g, about the same as a teaspoon.
[영한] ① 찻숟가락 ② (약어:tsp) 찻숟가락
[영영] A teaspoon is a small spoon that you use to put sugar into tea or coffee.
[구성단어] tea + spoon
[어근]tea; tea ⑵ spoon; spoon
[어원] 《고대 영어 sponchip, sliver, shaving, splinter of wood

temporarily adv. ★★[4057]    from [레마] temporal 《 temp(시간)
[본문] [45]She uses two idioms: take a step back,which means to temporarily withdraw from a situation in order to think about it more calmly, and look at the bigger picture - to consider the overall meaning of something, not just the details.
[영한] 일시적으로, 임시로
[영영] temporary + ly
[구성단어] temporary + ly
[어근]tempor(temp); 시간, time ⑵ ari(ary); 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 tempus⑴time, ⑵temple of the head, side of the forehead
[파생] temporarily, temporariness, temporize, temporary

traditionally adv. ★★★[2299]    from [레마] tradition 《 trad
[본문] [31]traditionally, people in Kazakhstan were nomads, they travelled from place to place with their animals, rather than living in one place all the time.
[영한] 전통적으로
[구성단어] traditional + ly
[어근]tradit(trad); 넘다, deliver ⑵ ion; 명사어미 ⑶ al(ad); 형용사어미 ⑷ ly; 부사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 tradere배달하다, 넘겨주다
[파생] tradition, traditional, traditionality, traditionally

unsalted adj.[10000+]    from [레마] salt
[본문] [48]And if you don't like your food unsalted, try adding herbs and spices instead.
[영한] (특히 음식이) 소금을 넣지 않은, 무염(無鹽)의
[구성단어] un + salted
[어근]un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ salt; 소금, salt ⑶ ed; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 sealt(noun) salt

verb noun △[8548]    from [레마] verb
[본문] [54]OK, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned in this programme starting with the verb 'to preserve food', meaning to do something to stop it rotting so it can be eaten later.
[영한] (문법) 동사
[영영] A verb is a word such as `sing', `feel', or `die' which is used with a subject to say what someone or something does or what happens to them, or to give information about them.
[굴절형] 복수형; verbs
[어근] verb; 단어
[어원] 《라틴어 verbumword
[최초 의미] a word that asserts or declares; that part of speech of which the office is predication, and which, either alone or with various modifiers or adjuncts, combines with a subject to make a sentence
[파생] verbal, verbless, verb

vocabulary noun ★★[3324]    from [레마] voc
[본문] [16]And, as usual, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary as well.
[영한] ① (개인이 아는/사용하는) 어휘 ② (특정 언어의 모든) 어휘 ③ (특정 주제에 관련된) 용어 ④ 어휘 목록(특히 외국어 학습 교재 속에 의미와 함께 제시된 것)
[영영] Your vocabulary is the total number of words you know in a particular language.
[굴절형] 복수형; vocabularies
[어근]vocabul(voc); 소리, voice ⑵ ary; 부속의
[어원] 《라틴어 vocare[related to vox] to call
[최초 의미] list of words with explanations
[파생] vocabularied, vocabulary

wander verb ★★★[2398]    from [레마] wander
[본문] [28]We consume lots of salt, which is due to historical heritage, because when we were nomads, for centuries and centuries we travelled and wandered across the steppes, and here, we had to carry lots of meat which could be preserved only adding salt.
[영한] ① (이리저리 천천히) 거닐다, 돌아다니다, 헤매다 ② (있어야 할 곳에서) 다른 데로 가다, (일행들로부터) 떨어져 나가다 ③ (사람의 마음생각이) 다른 데로 팔리다[흐르다], 산만해지다 ④ (사람의 시선이) (다른 데로) 쏠리다[팔리다] ⑤ (도로강이) 굽이지다
[영영] If you wander in a place, you walk around there in a casual way, often without intending to go in any particular direction.
[굴절형] wandered, wandered, wandering, wanders
[유의어] drift, stray
<명사> (잠깐 동안 이리저리) 거닐기[걷기]
[어근] wander; 거닐다, wander
[어원] 《고대 영어 wandrianmove about aimlessly, wander
[파생] wanderer, wandering, wanderingly, wander

withdraw verb ★★★[3239]    from [레마] draw
[본문] [45]She uses two idioms: take a step back,which means to temporarily withdraw from a situation in order to think about it more calmly, and look at the bigger picture - to consider the overall meaning of something, not just the details.
[영한] ① (뒤로) 물러나다, 철수하다, 빼내다, 철수시키다 ② (제공 등을) 중단[취소/철회]하다 ③ (활동/조직에서) 탈퇴[기권]하다, 탈퇴[기권]시키다 ④ (계좌에서 돈을) 인출하다 ⑤ (앞서 한 말/주장 등을) 취소[철회]하다 ⑥ (사람들과 어울리지 않고 자기 안으로) 침잠하다[틀어박히다]
[영영] If you withdraw something from a place, you remove it or take it away.
[굴절형] withdrew, withdrawn, withdrawing, withdraws
[유의어] pull out, retract, draw, pull back
[구성단어] with + draw
[어근]with; 반(反) 역(逆) ⑵ draw; 끌다, draw
[어원] 《라틴어 retrahereto retract.
[파생] withdrawable, withdrawal, withdrawer, withdraw

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6 Minute English는 BBC Learning English 사이트에서 매주 출간하는 무료 영어 교육 콘텐츠이며 오디오 파일과 대본(Script) 파일을 제공합니다.
