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Meet a real Willy Wonka 6 Minute English 영어단어공부 [BBC Learning English 강좌]


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Mmm, delicious. Hear a real-life chocolate maker talking about her job! Neil and Beth teach you some useful vocabulary.

음 맛 있습니다. 그녀의 일을 이야기하는 실제의 삶에서 초콜릿을 만드는 사람이 대해 들어 보십시오. 닐과 베스가 당신에게 몇몇의 도움이 되는 어휘들을 가르칩니다.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.


  • 어근을 클릭하면 같은 어근을 같는 다른 단어들을 볼 수 있습니다.(정리가 된 경우)
  • Lemma(레마)란 같은 뿌리의 단어 중 철자수가 가장 작은 단어를 말합니다. 어근과 다른 것은 레마는 사용 중인 단어입니다. 어근과 함께 공부하면 단어 공부에 큰 보탬이 됩니다..

advertise verb ★★★[2772]    from [레마] advert(ad+vertere) 《 vert(회전하다)
[본문] [39]If consumer demand is strong, Fazer starts to advertise and promote their new chocolate bar before it hits the shelves - an idiom meaning that it becomes available for people to buy in the shops.
[영한] ① (상품이나 서비스를) 광고하다 ② (행사/일자리 등을) 광고하다 ③ (자신을) 알리다[광고하다] 유의어 publicize
[영영] If you advertise something such as a product, an event, or a job, you tell people about it in newspapers, on television, or on posters in order to encourage them to buy the product, go to the event, or apply for the job.
[굴절형] advertised, advertised, advertising, advertises
[유의어] publicize
[어근]ad; 향하여, 첨가, to ⑵ vert(verse); 돌다 ⑶ ise(ize); …(의 상태)로 만들다
[어원] 《라틴어 adverteread+vertere; turn towards
[최초 의미] to take notice of
[파생] advertisable, advertisement, advertiser, advertizer, advertise

availability noun ★★[4134]    from [레마] avail 《 val(가치)
[본문] [38]Usually this only happens when there is enough consumer demand - a measurement of how much customers want to buy something based on factors like its price and availability.
[영한] ① 유효성, 유용성, 효용, (입수) 가능성 ② (선거 후보자의) 당선 가능성 ③ 이용할 수 있는 사람[것]
[굴절형] 복수형; availabilities
[구성단어] available + ity
[어근]a(ad); to ⑵ vail(val); to be strong ⑶ abil(able); 할 수 있는, able ⑷ ity; 명사어미
[어원] 《프랑스말 avaloir[a+valoir]
[파생] availability, available, availableness, availably, avail

best-selling adj. △[9487]    from [레마] sell
[본문] [17]So, my question for you, Neil, is this: what is Britain's best-selling chocolate bar?
[영한] (책/레코드/작가 등이) 베스트셀러의
[구성단어] best + selling
[어원] 《고대 영어 sellanto give, furnish, supply, lend; surrender, give up; deliver to; promise

blueberry noun △[10000+]    from [레마] berry
[본문] [41]Some of Helle's biggest successes have been her blueberry Truffle and the heart-shaped Geisha bar she invented.
[영한] 블루베리
[굴절형] 복수형; blueberries
[구성단어] blue + berry
[어근]blue; blue, 파란 ⑵ berry; berry
[어원] 《고대 영어 berieberry, grape


brilliant adj. ★★★[2267]    from [레마] brilli
[본문] [28]So I think there is a brilliant amount of ideas… then it is just that OK, when is the right time to actually develop and launch certain type of products, when there is a consumer demand?
[영한] ① 훌륭한, 멋진 ② 아주 성공적인, 눈부신 ③ (재능이) 뛰어난, 우수한 ④ (빛/색깔이) 아주 밝은[선명한], 눈부신 ⑤ 아주 좋은, 멋진
[유의어] fantastic, sparkling, vibrant
<명사> ① 브릴리언트 컷 ② (인쇄) 최소형 활자
[어근]brilli; brilliant ⑵ ant; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 beryllus[from Greek berullos] beryl, precious stone
[최초 의미] sparkling with light or luster,
[파생] brilliance, brilliancy, brilliantly, brilliant

bucket noun ★★[3405]    from [레마] bucket
[본문] [8]Ah yes, I remember the story of Charlie bucket - the poor kid whose luck turns around when he wins a Golden Ticket to the local chocolate factory.
[영한] ① 양동이, 들통 ② 버킷(크레인 등의 끝에 달린 양동이같이 생긴 것) ③ 한 양동이(의 양) ④ 많은 양
[영영] A bucket is a round metal or plastic container with a handle attached to its sides. Buckets are often used for holding and carrying water.
[굴절형] 복수형; buckets
<동사> ① 버킷으로 (물을) 긷다[나르다, 붓다] ② (말/자동차를) 난폭하게 몰다 ③ 엉터리 증권 중매소에서 거래하다
[어근] bucket; 양동이, bucket
[어원] 《프랑스말 buquetbucket, pail
[최초 의미] pail or open vessel for drawing and carrying water and other liquids,
[파생] bucketeer, bucketer, bucket

cocoa noun △[10000+]    from [레마] cocoa
[본문] [16]Helle is responsible for buying the cocoa beans used to make chocolate, and coming up with ideas for new chocolate products to sell.
[영한] ① 코코아 가루 ② 코코아 ③ 코코아 한 잔
[어근] cocoa; cocoa
[어원] 《멕시코 스페인말 cacauatlcocoa seed

confectionary adj.[10000+]    from [레마] confect 《 fact(만들다)
[본문] [15]Helle is head of research and development at Fazer, a confectionary company in Finland which has been making and selling chocolate for over 130 years.
[영한] 사탕 과자의, 과자 제조[판매]의
[구성단어] confection + ary
[어근]con(com); 함께, with, together ⑵ fect(fac); 만들다, 하다 ⑶ ion; 동작·결과·상태 ⑷ ary; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 facere만들다, 하다

delicious adj. ★★[3423]    from [레마] delicious 《 lic(유혹하다(꾀다))
[본문] [57]Mmm, delicious.
[영한] ① 아주 맛있는, 냄새가 좋은[구수한] ② (문예체) 아주 기분 좋은
[영영] Food that is delicious has a very pleasant taste.
[유의어] yummy
<명사> 딜리셔스
[어근]de; away ⑵ lic; lure, entice, 꾀다 ⑶ ious(ous); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 lacere유혹하다(꾀다), 유도(유인)하다, 속이다
[최초 의미] delightful to the senses, pleasing in the highest degree
[파생] delicacy, delicate, delicious, deliciously, deliciousness

exciting adj. ★★★★[1889]    from [레마] excite 《 cite(부르다)
[본문] [23]Just like Willy Wonka, Helle and her team think up new and exciting chocolate products.
[영한] 신나는, 흥미진진한, 흥분하게 하는
[유의어] vibrant
[구성단어] excite + ing
[어근]ex; out ⑵ cit(cite); 부르다, call ⑶ ing; 현재진행/형용사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 citare소환하다, 충고하다, 부르다, 갑작스레 행동하다, 불러들이다, 깨우다, 흥분시키다
[파생] excitingly, exciting

favourite noun ★★★[2372]    from [레마] favor
[본문] [7]But one book in particular is many people's favourite - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
[영한] ① (동일한 종류의 다른 사람[것]들보다) 좋아하는 사람[것] ② 특별한 귀염[사랑]을 받는 사람 ③ 우승 후보 ④ (특정 직장지위를 차지할) 가능성이 큰 사람
[영영] If you describe one person as the favourite of another, you mean that the second person likes the first person a lot and treats them with special kindness.
[굴절형] 복수형; favourites
[유의어] pet
<형용사> (동일한 종류의 다른 것들보다) 좋아하는
[구성단어] favour
[어근]favour(favor); 호의, favor ⑵ ite; 명사/형용사
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ favorite
[어원] 《라틴어 favoremnominative favor; good will, inclination, partiality, support
[최초 의미] person or thing regarded with especial liking; a person who gains dominant influence over a superior

flop noun △[10000+]    from [레마] flop
[본문] [33]Can you tell us about any flops where you just feel like we, chocolate eaters, just weren't ready for it?
[영한] (영화연극파티 등의) 실패작
[영영] If something is a flop, it is completely unsuccessful.
[굴절형] 복수형; flops
[반의어] hit
<동사> ① (너무 지쳐서) 털썩 주저앉다[드러눕다] ② [자동사][+ adv. / prep.] <묵직한 것이 제멋대로 떨어지거나 움직이거나 달려 있음을 나타냄> ③ 완전히 실패하다
[어근] flop(flap); 덮개[뒤집다], flap, flip
[최초 의미] act of flopping; any action that produces the sound 'flop;' the sound itself,

fudge noun △[10000+]    from [레마] fudge
[본문] [9]The factory is run by the mysterious Willy Wonka who invents all kinds of sweets and chocolates for the children to try - everything from strawberry-coated fudge to marshmallow pillows.
[영한] ① 퍼지 ② 임시방편
[어근] fudge; fudge
[어원] 《고대 영어 fegan

idiom noun ☆[4550]    from [레마] idiom
[본문] [39]If consumer demand is strong, Fazer starts to advertise and promote their new chocolate bar before it hits the shelves - an idiom meaning that it becomes available for people to buy in the shops.
[영한] ① 관용구, 숙어 ② (특정 시기/지역에서 특정인들이 쓰는) 언어[어법] ③ (특정 개인/단체/시대/지역의) 표현 양식
[영영] A particular idiom is a particular style of something such as music, dance, or architecture.
[굴절형] 복수형; idioms
[어근]idi; 자신의, 기이한, own ⑵ om(oma); 종(腫), 류(瘤)
[어원] 《그리스어 idiospersonal, private, one’s own, peculiar
[최초 의미] form of speech peculiar to a people or place
[파생] idiomatic, idiomatical, idiomatically, idiomaticalness, idiom

invent verb ★★★[2135]    from [레마] invent 《 vene
[본문] [37]After they invent a new chocolate bar, Helle's team carefully choose the best time to launch it - to introduce the new product to the public.
[영한] ① 발명하다 ② (사실이 아닌 것을) 지어내다[날조하다]
[영영] If you invent something such as a machine or process, you are the first person to think of it or make it.
[굴절형] invented, invented, inventing, invents
[유의어] think up
[어근]in; in, on ⑵ vent; to come
[어원] 《라틴어 inventuspp of invenire;
[최초 의미] to find, discover (obsolete)
[파생] invent, inventable, inventible, invention, inventional, inventionless, inventive

invention noun ★★★[2494]    from [레마] invent 《 vene
[본문] [43]Flop or not, Helle thinks she has one of the best jobs in the world, even if she doesn't get to eat as much of her chocolate inventions as Willy Wonka.
[영한] ① 발명품 ② 발명 ③ (사실이 아닌 것을) 지어냄[날조], 지어낸[날조된] 이야기 ④ 창의력, 독창성
[영영] An invention is a machine, device, or system that has been invented by someone.
[굴절형] 복수형; inventions
[구성단어] invent + ion
[어근]in; in, on ⑵ vent; to come ⑶ ion; 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 inventuspp of invenire;
[최초 의미] finding or discovering of something
[파생] invent, inventable, inventible, invention, inventional, inventionless, inventive

maker noun ★★★[2328]    from [레마] make
[본문] [22]With over 6,000 employees, Fazer is Finland's largest chocolate maker.
[영한] ① …을 만드는[생산하는] 사람[회사/기계] ② 조물주, 신 ③ 메이커, 제조업체
[영영] The maker of a product is the firm that manufactures it.
[굴절형] 복수형; makers
[유의어] manufacturer(제조자)
[구성단어] make + er
[어근]mak(make); 만들다, make, match ⑵ er; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 macian⑴만들다; ⑵존재하게 하다, 형태나 특성을 주다, 존재를 가져오다; 건설하다, 하다, 저작[창작]하다, 생산하다; 준비하다, 마련하다, 야기하다; 행동하다, 공정하게 하다, 변환하다

Mars noun ☆[4552]    from [레마] Mars
[본문] [19]a) KitKat b) Snickers or, c) Mars?
[영한] 화성
[영영] ① Also called : the Red Planet the fourth planet from the sun, having a reddish-orange surface with numerous dark patches and two white polar caps. It has a thin atmosphere, mainly carbon dioxide, and low surface temperatures.
② the alchemical name for iron
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[어근] Mars; Mars
[어원] 《라틴어 Mars로마의 전쟁의 신
[파생] martial, martialism, martialist, martially, martialness, Martian, Mars

marshmallow noun △[10000+]    from [레마] mallow
[본문] [9]The factory is run by the mysterious Willy Wonka who invents all kinds of sweets and chocolates for the children to try - everything from strawberry-coated fudge to marshmallow pillows.
[영한] 마시멜로(씹으면 쫄깃쫄깃한 과자)
[영영] a soft, white, sweet food made of sugar and eggs
[굴절형] 복수형; marshmallows
[구성단어] marsh + mallow
[어근]marsh; 습지, marsh ⑵ mallow; mallow
[어원] 《라틴어 malvamallows
[파생] marshmallowy, marshmallow

measurement noun ★★★[2887]    from [레마] measure 《 mens(측량)
[본문] [38]Usually this only happens when there is enough consumer demand - a measurement of how much customers want to buy something based on factors like its price and availability.
[영한] ① 측정, 측량 ② (무엇의) 치수[크기/길이/양]
[굴절형] 복수형; measurements
[구성단어] measure + ment
[어근]meas(mens); 측량, measure ⑵ ure; 명사 어미 ⑶ ment; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 mensus[metiri의 과거분사]
[파생] measurement, measurer, measure

mysterious adj. ★★★[2510]    from [레마] mystery 《 myst
[본문] [9]The factory is run by the mysterious Willy Wonka who invents all kinds of sweets and chocolates for the children to try - everything from strawberry-coated fudge to marshmallow pillows.
[영한] ① 이해[설명]하기 힘든, 기이한, 불가사의한 ② (특히 사람이 알려진 것이 많지 않아서) 신비한, 신비에 싸인 ③ (사람이 무엇에 대해) 말을 많이 하지 않는, 비밀스러운
[영영] Someone or something that is mysterious is strange and is not known about or understood.
[유의어] enigmatic(신비에 싸이다), cryptic(수수께끼 같다)
[어근]myst; 비밀, 신비, secret ⑵ eri(ery); 명사어미 ⑶ ous; 형용사어미
[어원] 《그리스어 mysterionfrom mystes; secret rite or doctrine (known and practiced by certain initiated persons only), consisting of purifications, sacrificial offerings, processions, songs, etc.
[파생] mysterious, mysteriously, mysteriousness, mystery

pillow noun ★★[3532]    from [레마] pillow
[본문] [9]The factory is run by the mysterious Willy Wonka who invents all kinds of sweets and chocolates for the children to try - everything from strawberry-coated fudge to marshmallow pillows.
[영한] ① 베개 ② 쿠션, 등받침, 방석
[영영] A pillow is a rectangular cushion which you rest your head on when you are in bed.
[굴절형] 복수형; pillows
[어근] pillow; pillow
[어원] 《라틴어 pulvinuslittle cushion, small pillow
[최초 의미] pillow
[파생] pillowy, pillow

recap verb △[7975]    from [레마] cap(머리)
[본문] [48]OK, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned in this programme starting with a dream, something you really want to happen but is not likely to, and the related idiom, a dream come true, when what you really want to happen actually does.
[영한] 개요를 말하다
[영영] You can say that you are going to recap when you want to draw people's attention to the fact that you are going to repeat the main points of an explanation, argument, or description, as a summary of it.
[굴절형] recapped, recapped, recapping, recaps
[유의어] recapitulate
<명사> ① 요점의 되풀이, 요약, 개요 ② (생물) 발생 반복 ③ (음악) 재현부
[어근]re; again ⑵ cap; 머리, head
[어원] 《라틴어 caput〈capitis의 소유격〉 머리, 지도자, 안내자, 주요 인사, 정상, 수도
[최초 의미] put a cap on again
[파생] recappable, recap

shelf noun ★★★★[2062]    from [레마] shelf
[본문] [29]How does it feel when you've developed a new product, a new taste, and it's on the shelves and people are going for it?
[영한] ① 선반, 시렁, 책꽂이, (책장의) 칸 ② (지리) (선반 모양의 지층)
[영영] A shelf is a flat piece of wood, metal, or glass which is attached to a wall or to the sides of a cupboard. Shelves are used for keeping things on.
[굴절형] 복수형; shelves
[어근] shelf; 선반, shelf
[어원] 《중세 저지 독일어 schelfshelf, set of shelves
[최초 의미] ① shelf, set of shelves ② sandbank
[파생] shelflike, shelve, shelf, shelving

thirty num. ★★★★[1978]    from [레마] three
[본문] [6]Before his death in 1990, Roald Dahl wrote over thirty children's books, including bestsellers like Matilda and The BFG.
[영한] 30, 서른
[영영] When you talk about the thirties, you are referring to numbers between 30 and 39. For example, if you are in your thirties, you are aged between 30 and 39. If the temperature is in the thirties, the temperature is between 30 and 39 degrees.
[굴절형] 복수형; thirties
[어근]thir(three); 셋(3), three ⑵ ty; 명/형용사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 þritigthirty
[파생] thirtyish, thirty

truffle noun[10000+]    from [레마] truffle
[본문] [41]Some of Helle's biggest successes have been her Blueberry truffle and the heart-shaped Geisha bar she invented.
[영한] ① 송로 ② 트뤼플
[어근] truffle(tuber); 혹, 뾰루지

unsuccessful adj. △[10000+]    from [레마] success 《 cede(가다)
[본문] [42]But sometimes the new chocolate bar she thinks up is a flop, completely unsuccessful or a failure.
[영한] 성공하지 못한
[영영] Something that is unsuccessful does not achieve what it was intended to achieve.
[반의어] successful(성공하지 못하다)
[구성단어] un + successful
[어근]un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ suc(sub); sub ⑶ cess(cede); go ⑷ ful; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 successus[noun use of past participle of succedere] an advance, a coming up; a good result, happy outcome
[파생] unsuccessfully, unsuccessfulness, unsuccessful

vocabulary noun ★★[3372]    from [레마] voc
[본문] [13]And, as usual, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary too.
[영한] ① (개인이 아는/사용하는) 어휘 ② (특정 언어의 모든) 어휘 ③ (특정 주제에 관련된) 용어 ④ 어휘 목록(특히 외국어 학습 교재 속에 의미와 함께 제시된 것)
[영영] Your vocabulary is the total number of words you know in a particular language.
[굴절형] 복수형; vocabularies
[어근]vocabul(voc); 소리, voice ⑵ ary; 부속의
[어원] 《라틴어 vocare[related to vox] to call
[최초 의미] list of words with explanations
[파생] vocabularied, vocabulary

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