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6 Minute English

6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - How learning to read changes lives [BBC Learning English 강좌]


Learning to read and write can change people's lives. Phil and Beth discuss this and teach you some useful vocabulary.

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accounting noun[10000+]    from [레마] account(financial) account) 《 count
[본문] [29]I couldn't even do basic accounting.
[영한] 회계 (업무)
[구성단어] account + ing
[어근]ac(ad); 향하여, to ⑵ count; 계산, count ⑶ ing; 명사 어미
[어원] 《프랑스말 acontfinancial) account, reckoning, terminal payment

adjective noun ☆[4548]    from [레마] adject 《 ject(던지다)
[본문] [64]And finally, the adjective thick is an informal word for stupid.
[영한] (문법) 형용사
[영영] An adjective is a word such as `big', `dead', or `financial' that describes a person or thing, or gives extra information about them. Adjectives usually come before nouns or after link verbs.
[굴절형] 복수형; adjectives
<형용사> ① (문법) 형용사의[적인] ② 부수적[종속적]인, [법] (소송) 절차에 관한
[어근]ad; 향하여, to ⑵ ject; 던지다, throw ⑶ ive; 형용사 어미
[최초 의미] word used to qualify, limit, or define a noun or noun-like part of speech
[파생] adjectival, adjectively, adjective

alphabet noun ★★[3461]    from [레마] alpha(알파)
[본문] [30]Until now, I've had to use my fingerprint as a signature as I was illiterate, but now I can sign my name because I can read and write the alphabet, and I'll also be able to keep an account of my expenses.
[영한] 알파벳, 자모
[영영] An alphabet is a set of letters usually presented in a fixed order which is used for writing the words of a particular language or group of languages.
[유의어] script
[어근]alphabet(alph); 알파 ⑵ alpha; alpha
[어원] 《히브리말 aleph알파
[최초 의미] letters of a language arranged in customary order
[파생] alphabetic, alphabetize, alphabet

anymore adv. ★★★[2112]    from [레마] any(하나)
[본문] [31]No one can cheat me anymore.
[영한] ① 요즘은, 최근에는 ② 지금은, 이제는
[영영] If something does not happen or is not true anymore, it has stopped happening or is no longer true.
[유의어] any longer(이제는), any more
[구성단어] any + more
[어근]an; 하나, one, an ⑵ y; 형용사 어미 ⑶ more(many); many
[어원] 《고대 영어 ænig하나, 한 개

celebration noun ★★★[2631]    from [레마] celebrate 《 celebr(잦은)
[본문] [16]Since 1967, the UN has been highlighting the importance of literacy, being able to read and write, with a day of celebration called International Literacy Day.
[영한] ① 기념[축하] 행사 ② 기념[축하](하기)
[영영] A celebration is a special enjoyable event that people organize because something pleasant has happened or because it is someone's birthday or anniversary.
[굴절형] 복수형; celebrations
[어근]celebr; 영광스런, honoured ⑵ at(ate); 동사어미 ⑶ ion; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 celebrationem[noun of action from past-participle stem of celebrare] (nominative celebratio)
[파생] celebrate, celebration, celebrative, celebrator, celebratory

charity noun ★★★[2175]    from [레마] charity
[본문] [38]Our second project takes place much closer to home - the north of England, where charity Readeasy, matches adult learners with trained volunteers for one-to-one lessons.
[영한] ① 자선[구호] 단체 ② 자선 ③ 너그러움, 관용
[영영] A charity is an organization which raises money in order to help people who are ill, disabled, or very poor.
[굴절형] 복수형; charities
[어근] charity; charity
[어원] 《라틴어 caritascostliness; esteem, affection
[최초 의미] benevolence for the poor; Christian love in its highest manifestation

cheat verb ★★★[2708]    from [레마] cheat 《 cad(떨어지다)
[본문] [31]No one can cheat me anymore.
[영한] ① 속이다, 사기 치다 ② (시험경기 등에서) 부정행위를 하다[속임수를 쓰다] ③ (기혼자나 오래 사귀는 연인이 있는 사람이) 바람을 피우다, 부정을 저지르다
[영영] When someone cheats, they do not obey a set of rules which they should be obeying, for example in a game or exam.
[굴절형] cheated, cheated, cheating, cheats
[유의어] double-cross, trick
<명사> ① (특히 게임에서) 속임수를 쓰는 사람[사기꾼] ② 속임수, 편법 ③ (컴퓨터) 치트
[어근]e(ex); out, 두음 탈락됨 ⑵ cheat(cad); to fall
[어원] 《라틴어 cadere떨어지다
[최초 의미] to escheat, to seize as an escheat
[파생] cheatable, cheater, cheatingly, cheat

coastal adj. ★★[4243]    from [레마] coast 《 costa
[본문] [22]The biggest reason people grow up illiterate is not going to school, and that's especially true for people living in the coastal towns of Bangladesh.
[영한] 해안[연안]의
[영영] Coastal is used to refer to things that are in the sea or on the land near a coast.
[어근]coast(costa); rib ⑵ al(ad); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 costa갈비(늑골), 측면, 쪽; 기슭(해안), 땅의 가장자리
[최초 의미] of or pertaining to a coast or shore
[파생] coastal, coastally, coastward, coastwards, coast

commute noun △[8195]    from [레마] commute 《 mut
[본문] [6]Sure, I enjoy reading - and it's also a great way to pass the time on my daily commute to work.
[영한] 통근 (거리)
[영영] A commute is the journey that you make when you commute.
<동사> ① 통근하다 ② 감형하다 ③ (금융) (지불 방식을) 대체하다
[어근]com; 함께, with ⑵ mute(mut); 변화, change
[어원] 《라틴어 commutare[com+mutare] to often change, to change altogether
[파생] commutability, commutable, commutableness, commute

deceive verb ☆[4581]    from [레마] deceive 《 capt(잡다)
[본문] [62]To cheat someone means to trick or deceive them in order to get their money or valuables.
[영한] ① 속이다, 기만하다 ② 자신을 속이다, 스스로를 기만하다 ③ 현혹하다
[영영] If you deceive someone, you make them believe something that is not true, usually in order to get some advantage for yourself.
[굴절형] deceived, deceived, deceiving, deceives
[유의어] mislead, kid, take in, delude
[어근]de; from ⑵ ceive(capt); to take
[어원] 《라틴어 deciperede+capere; to ensnare, take in, beguile, cheat
[최초 의미] mislead by false appearance or statement
[파생] deceit, deceitful, deceivability, deceivable, deceivableness, deceivably, deceive, deceiver, deceivingly, deception, deceptional, deceptive, deceptively

embarrass verb ★★[3570]    from [레마] embarrass 《 bar(빗장)
[본문] [28]My children were embarrassed that I was illiterate.
[영한] ① 당황스럽게[어색하게/쑥스럽게] 만들다 ② 곤란[난처]하게 만들다
[영영] If something or someone embarrasses you, they make you feel shy or ashamed.
[굴절형] embarrassed, embarrassed, embarrassing, embarrasses
[유의어] gravel(어리둥절하게 하다)
[어근]em(in); into, upon ⑵ bar; 막대기, 장벽, bar ⑶ r; 연결 글자 ⑷ ass; 접미어
[어원] 《라틴어 imbarrare[in+barra] to bar
[최초 의미] perplex, throw into doubt
[파생] embarrass, embarrassable, embarrassed, embarrassedly, embarrassingly, embarrassment, embarrassing

embarrassing adj. ★★★[2927]    from [레마] embarrass 《 bar(빗장)
[본문] [50]Peter had to ask his neighbours to read his letters, something he found very embarrassing.
[영한] ① 난처한, 쑥스러운 ② 당혹스러운
[영영] Something that is embarrassing makes you feel shy or ashamed.
[구성단어] embarrass + ing
[어근]em(in); into, upon ⑵ bar; bar ⑶ r; 연결 글자 ⑷ ass; 어리석은(형용사어미) ⑸ ing; 형용사/분사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 imbarrare[in+barra] to bar
[파생] embarrass, embarrassable, embarrassed, embarrassedly, embarrassingly, embarrassment, embarrassing

embarrassment noun ★★[3839]    from [레마] embarrass 《 bar(빗장)
[본문] [44]Can you imagine the embarrassment?
[영한] ① 어색함, 쑥스러움 ② 곤란한[난처한] 상황 ③ (다른 사람을) 곤란하게 하는 사람, 골칫거리
[영영] Embarrassment is the feeling you have when you are embarrassed.
[굴절형] 복수형; embarrassments
[구성단어] embarrass + ment
[어근]em(in); into, upon ⑵ bar; 막대기, 장벽, bar ⑶ r; 연결 글자 ⑷ ass; 접미사 ⑸ ment; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 imbarrare[in+barra] to bar
[최초 의미] state of being impeded, obstructed, or entangled
[파생] embarrass, embarrassable, embarrassed, embarrassedly, embarrassment, embarrassing

everyday adj. ★★★[2152]    from [레마] everyday 《 day
[본문] [7]But reading isn't just a nice thing to do - it's an essential skill, something you need for everyday activities, whether that's finding out the news by reading a newspaper or buying groceries by reading the labels.
[영한] 일상적인, 매일의
[영영] You use everyday to describe something which happens or is used every day, or forms a regular and basic part of your life, so it is not especially interesting or unusual.
[유의어] plain
<명사> 일상 생활.
[구성단어] every + day
[어근]every; 모두, every ⑵ day; 하루, day
[어원] 《영어 everyday[every+day]
[파생] everydayness, everyday

exclude verb ★★[3870]    from [레마] exclude 《 clude(닫다)
[본문] [10]That's a huge number of people excluded from doing basic day-to-day things.
[영한] ① 제외[배제]하다 ② (가입/출입을) 거부[차단]하다 ③ (가능성을) 배제[제외]하다
[영영] If you exclude someone from a place or activity, you prevent them from entering it or taking part in it.
[굴절형] excluded, excluded, excluding, excludes
[유의어] rule out(배제하다), leave out
[반의어] include(제외하다)
[어근]ex; out ⑵ clude; 닫다, shut
[어원] 《라틴어 claudere닫다, 문을 닫다, 봉쇄하다, 접근하지 못하게 하다, 끝내다, 가두다, 에워싸다, 국한시키다
[최초 의미] keep out, shut out, hinder
[파생] excludable, exclude, excluder, excludible, exclusion, exclusionary, exclusionist, exclusive, exclusively, exclusiveness, exclusivity

fingerprint noun[10000+]    from [레마] print(to press)
[본문] [30]Until now, I've had to use my fingerprint as a signature as I was illiterate, but now I can sign my name because I can read and write the alphabet, and I'll also be able to keep an account of my expenses.
[영한] 지문
[구성단어] finger + print
[어근]finger; 손가락, finger ⑵ print(press); 누르다, press
[어원] 《라틴어 premere누르다, (교분 따위가) 굳게 유지되다, 덮다, 붐비다, 꾹 누르다[압축하다]

flood verb ★★★[2257]    from [레마] flood
[본문] [23]Because these towns flood regularly, families are always on the move, making it hard for children to get an education.
[영한] ① 물에 잠기다[잠기게 하다], 침수되다[시키다] ② 범람하다[시키다] ③ 쇄도[폭주]하다, 물밀듯이 밀려들다 ④ ~에게 ~을 대량으로 보내다 ⑤ ~에 (~이) 마구 넘치다[범람하다], 넘쳐나게[범람하게] 하다 ⑥ (감정생각이) (갑자기 강하게) 밀려들다 ⑦ (빛색채가) (갑자기) 가득 들어오다[채우다] ⑧ (시동이 안 걸릴 정도로) 기름이[을] 가득 차다[채우다]
[영영] If something such as a river or a burst pipe floods an area that is usually dry or if the area floods, it becomes covered with water.
[굴절형] flooded flooded flooding floods
[유의어] pour, overwhelm
<명사> ① 홍수 ② 쇄도, 폭주, 홍수
[어근] flood; 홍수, flood
[어원] 《고대 영어 floda flowing of water, tide, an overflowing of land by water, a deluge, Noah's Flood; mass of water, river, sea, wave
[최초 의미] to overflow
[파생] floodable, flooder, floodless, floodlike, flood

friendship noun ★★★[2842]    from [레마] friend(friend)
[본문] [24]The friendship Project teaches reading and writing to groups of Bangladeshi women and girls.
[영한] ① 교우 관계 ② 우정, 친선
[영영] A friendship is a relationship between two or more friends.
[굴절형] 복수형; friendships
[구성단어] friend + ship
[어근]friend; 친구, friend ⑵ ship; 상태
[어원] 《고대 영어 freond[from Proto-Germanic *frijojands] friend, lover; one attached to another by feelings of personal regard and preference
[최초 의미] friendship, mutual liking and regard
[파생] befriend, friend, friendless, friendlessness, friendly, friendship

grocery noun ★★[4008]    from [레마] grocer 《 gross(전체[전부]의)
[본문] [7]But reading isn't just a nice thing to do - it's an essential skill, something you need for everyday activities, whether that's finding out the news by reading a newspaper or buying groceries by reading the labels.
[영한] ① store) 식료품 잡화점 ② 식료품 및 잡화
[영영] A grocery or a grocery store is a grocer's shop.
[굴절형] 복수형; groceries
[어근]groc(gross); 전체[전부]의, gross ⑵ ery; 성질,행위,상태
[어원] 《라틴어 grossarius[Late Latin grossus] wholesaler, dealer in quantity
[최초 의미] goods sold by a grocer;

handwriting noun △[8840]    from [레마] hand
[본문] [32]Before the Friendship Project, Rashida couldn't write her signature - her name written in her own handwriting.
[영한] ① 육필, 친필 ② (개인의) 필적 ③ 손으로 쓰기, 육필(肉筆), 필적, 필치, 서풍(書風) ④ 손으로 쓴 것, 필사한 것
[유의어] manuscript(필사한 것), writing
[구성단어] hand + writing
[어근]hand; 손, hand ⑵ writ(write); 쓰다, write ⑶ ing; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 hond사람의 손; 옆면, 부분, 방향; 힘[능력], 통제, 소유

highlight verb ★★★[2212]    from [레마] light( [=leht] (엥글로어語) 빛나는)
[본문] [16]Since 1967, the UN has been highlighting the importance of literacy, being able to read and write, with a day of celebration called International Literacy Day.
[영한] ① (특히 사람들이 더 많은 관심을 기울이도록) 강조하다 ② (텍스트컴퓨터 화면 등에) 하이라이트[강조] 표시를 하다 ③ (머리카락 일부를 더 밝은 색으로) 부분 염색하다
[영영] If someone or something highlights a point or problem, they emphasize it or make you think about it.
[굴절형] highlighted, highlighted, highlighting, highlights
[유의어] spotlight
<명사> ① 하이라이트, 가장 좋은[흥미로운] 부분 ② (머리의) 부분 염색한 부분 ③ (그림사진의) 하이라이트[밝은/연한 부분]
[구성단어] high + light
[어근]high; 높은, high ⑵ light; 빛, 가벼운, light
[어원] 《고대 영어 leoht⑴ [=leht] (엥글로어語) 빛나는, 밝은, 아름다운, 빛이 나는, 많은 빛을 갖는; ⑵ 무겁지 않은, 실제 무게가 거의 없는, 무게가 가벼운, 가볍게 만들어진; 하기 쉬운 , 사소한; 빠르고 민첩한

illiteracy noun △[10000+]    from [레마] letter 《 liter-
[본문] [15]I mentioned a recent UN report on the high numbers of people unable to read and write, but illiteracy is not a new problem.
[영한] ① 문맹, 무식, (넓은 의미로) 무학(無學), 무교양 illiteracy rate ② (무식해서) 잘못 말하기[쓰기]
[영영] ① the state of not knowing how to read or write
② the state of not having knowledge about a particular subject
③ a mistake that is made in the use of language; an illiterate statement or expression
[굴절형] 복수형; illiteracies
[반의어] literacy
[구성단어] illiterate + cy
[어근]il(in); 아님(不), not ⑵ liter; 문자, letter ⑶ a(ate); 형용사 어미 ⑷ cy; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 litera=littera;
[최초 의미] inability to read and write,

illiterate adj. ☆[6097]    from [레마] letter 《 liter-
[본문] [8]And that's why I was shocked by a recent UN report estimating that around the world over 700 million adults are illiterate, which means they can't read or write.
[영한] ① (사람이) 글을 (읽거나 쓸 줄) 모르는, 문맹의 ② (서류편지가) (많이 배우지 못한 사람이 쓴 듯) 제대로 작성되지 않은 ③ (특정 분야에 대해) 잘 모르는
[반의어] literate
[구성단어] in + literate
[어근]il(in); 아님(不), not ⑵ liter; 문자, letter ⑶ ate; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 illiteratus[in-+literatus] unlearned, unlettered, ignorant; without culture, inelegant
[최초 의미] uneducated, unable to read and write

informal adj. ★★★[2285]    from [레마] formal(모양[형상]) 《 form(모양[형상])
[본문] [64]And finally, the adjective thick is an informal word for stupid.
[영한] ① 격식에 얽매이지 않는, 허물없는, 편안한 ② (옷이) 평상복의 ③ (언어가) 일상어의, 일상적인
[영영] Informal speech or behaviour is relaxed and friendly rather than serious, very correct, or official.
[유의어] casual
[반의어] formal
<명사> (정장을 하지 않는 편한) 댄스 파티. informal/ly 부사비공식[약식]으로.
[구성단어] in + formal
[어근]in; not ⑵ form; 형태, shape ⑶ al; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 forma모양[형상]
[최초 의미] lacking form; not in accordance with the rules of formal logic,
[파생] informality, informally, informal

learner noun △[9126]    from [레마] learn
[본문] [38]Our second project takes place much closer to home - the north of England, where charity Readeasy, matches adult learners with trained volunteers for one-to-one lessons.
[영한] ① 학습자 ② 자동차 운전 교습생
[영영] A learner is someone who is learning about a particular subject or how to do something.
[굴절형] 복수형; learners
[구성단어] learn + er
[어근]learn; 배우다, learn ⑵ er; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 leornianto get knowledge, be cultivated; study, read, think about
[파생] learn, learnable, learned, learner

literacy noun ☆[5737]    from [레마] liter-
[본문] [16]Since 1967, the UN has been highlighting the importance of literacy, being able to read and write, with a day of celebration called International literacy Day.
[영한] 글을 읽고 쓸 줄 아는 능력
[영영] Literacy is the ability to read and write.
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[반의어] illiteracy
[구성단어] literate + cy
[어근]liter; 문자, letter ⑵ acy(cy); 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 littera문자, 쓰는 것, 문서, 기록
[최초 의미] ability to read and write,

literate adj. △[10000+]    from [레마] letter 《 liter-
[본문] [53]He's literate and is reading his way through the Harry Potter books.
[영한] 글을 읽고 쓸 줄 아는
[영영] Someone who is literate is able to read and write.
[반의어] illiterate
<명사> ① 쓰고 읽을 수 있는 사람. ② 학문이 있는 사람. ③ 학위 없이 성직 취임을 허가받은 사람.
[어근]liter; 문자, letter ⑵ ate; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 litera=littera;
[최초 의미] educated, instructed, having knowledge of letters,
[파생] letterer, literal, literate, literately, letter

March noun ★★★[3047]    from [레마] March 《 Mars
[본문] [19]a) the 8th of March b) the 8th of June or, c) the 8th of September?
[영한] 3월
[영영] March is the third month of the year in the Western calendar.
[굴절형] 복수형; Marches
[어근] March(Mars); 화성, 3월, Mars
[어원] 《라틴어 Martius[from Mars] sacred to the god Mars; pertaining to the planet Mars, (month) of Mars

maths noun △[8073]    from [레마] mathematic 《 mathem(과학)
[본문] [25]They also teach numeracy which means the ability to do basic maths like counting and adding up.
[영한] 수학
[Full] mathematics
[어근] maths(mathem); 배우다, 지식, learn
[어원] 《라틴어 mathematica

neighbour noun ★★★[2813]    from [레마] neighbor(one who dwells nearby) 《 near(가까이)
[본문] [50]Peter had to ask his neighbours to read his letters, something he found very embarrassing.
[영한] ① 이웃 (사람) ② 이웃 나라 ③ 옆에 있는 사람[것] ④ (문예체) (모든 다른 사람을 가리키는) 이웃
[영영] Your neighbour is someone who lives near you.
[굴절형] 복수형; neighbours 복수소유격; neighbours' 소유격; neighbour's
[어근]nei(near); 가까운, near, sufficient ⑵ ghbour(gebur); 거주자, dweller, inhabitant
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ neighbor
[어원] 《고대 영어 neah가까이, 가까운
[최초 의미] one who lives near another,
[파생] neighboring, neighborless, neighbouring, neighbourless, neighbor, neighbour

numeracy noun △[9981]    from [레마] numer
[본문] [25]They also teach numeracy which means the ability to do basic maths like counting and adding up.
[영한] (기본적인) 산술 능력, 수리 감각
[영영] Numeracy is the ability to do arithmetic.
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[어근]numer; 숫자, number ⑵ acy(cy); 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 numerusa number, quantity

recap verb △[7975]    from [레마] cap(머리)
[본문] [58]OK, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned from this programme, starting with illiterate meaning unable to read and write.
[영한] 개요를 말하다
[영영] You can say that you are going to recap when you want to draw people's attention to the fact that you are going to repeat the main points of an explanation, argument, or description, as a summary of it.
[굴절형] recapped, recapped, recapping, recaps
[유의어] recapitulate
<명사> ① 요점의 되풀이, 요약, 개요 ② (생물) 발생 반복 ③ (음악) 재현부
[어근]re; again ⑵ cap; 머리, head
[어원] 《라틴어 caput〈capitis의 소유격〉 머리, 지도자, 안내자, 주요 인사, 정상, 수도
[최초 의미] put a cap on again
[파생] recappable, recap

september noun ★★★[2899]    from [레마] september
[본문] [19]a) the 8th of March b) the 8th of June or, c) the 8th of september?
[영한] 9월
[영영] September is the ninth month of the year in the Western calendar.
[굴절형] 복수형; Septembers
[어근]septem(sept); 일곱, 7, seven ⑵ ber; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 September[septem+ber]

signature noun △[9185]    from [레마] sign
[본문] [30]Until now, I've had to use my fingerprint as a signature as I was illiterate, but now I can sign my name because I can read and write the alphabet, and I'll also be able to keep an account of my expenses.
[영한] ① 서명 ② 서명(하기) ③ 특징
[구성단어] signate + ure
[어근]sign; 흔적, 자국, sign ⑵ at(ate); 형용사 어미 ⑶ ure; 행위
[어원] 《라틴어 signumidentifying mark, token, indication, symbol; proof; military standard, ensign; a signal, an omen; sign in the heavens, constellation
[파생] sign, signable, signatory, signature

stupid adj. ★★★★[1918]    from [레마] stupid
[본문] [46]Nothing worked so as far as I'm concerned, I'm thick, I'm stupid, I'm just one of those people - it's never gonna work for me.
[영한] ① (행동판단 등이) 어리석은 ② (사람이) (우)둔한, 멍청한, 바보 같은 ③ (짜증이 나서 하는 말로) 빌어먹을
[영영] If you say that someone or something is stupid, you mean that they show a lack of good judgment or intelligence and they are not at all sensible.
[굴절형] 비교; stupid < stupider < stupidest
[유의어] foolish(어리석다), silly(어리석다), foolish(바보 같다), dull
<명사> 바보
[어근]stup; 놀라움, wonder ⑵ id; 접미어
[어원] 《라틴어 stupidus[from stupere] amazed, confounded; dull, foolish, (literally) struck senseless
[최초 의미] mentally slow, lacking ordinary activity of mind, dull, inane,
[파생] stupefy, stupidity, stupidly, stupidness, stupor, stupid

swindle verb ☆[6085]    from [레마] swindle
[본문] [35]This means no-one can cheat her, can trick or swindle her into taking her money.
[영한] 사취하다, 사기치다
[영영] If someone swindles a person or an organization, they deceive them in order to get something valuable from them, especially money.
[굴절형] swindled swindled swindling swindles
<명사> 사취, 사기
[어근] swindle(swindl); 사기꾼, swindler
[어원] 《독일어 Schwindlergiddy person, extravagant speculator, cheat
[파생] swindleable, swindler, swindle

trick verb ★★★[2125]    from [레마] trick
[본문] [35]This means no-one can cheat her, can trick or swindle her into taking her money.
[영한] ① 속이다, 잔꾀를 부리다, 한 방 먹이다 ② (사람을) 속여서 …시키다 ③ 기대를 어기다, 배신하다, 등지다 ④ 잔뜩 꾸미다, 모양내다 ⑤ (문장(紋章)을) 선화(線畵)로 그리다 ⑥ 남을 속이다 ⑦ 장난치다, 농락하다 ⑧ 요술을 부리다, 곡예를 하다 ⑨ 매춘(행위)을 하다, 성교하다 ⑩ 밀고하다
[영영] If someone tricks you, they deceive you, often in order to make you do something.
[굴절형] tricked, tricked, tricking, tricks
[유의어] cheat
<명사> ① 속임수, (골탕을 먹이기 위한) 장난[농담] ② 혼란스러운 것 ③ (사람들을 즐겁게 하는) 마술 <형용사> ① (속임수를 이용한) 교묘한 ② (몸의 일부가) 말을 잘 안 듣는, 문제가 있는
[어근] trick; 속임수, trick
[어원] 《라틴어 tricae복잡함, 당혹감, 방해, 장난감, 속임수, 짜증, 하찮은 것, 허튼 수작, 뒤섞여 있는 어려움
[최초 의미] deceive by trickery
[파생] tricker, trickily, trickiness, trickish, trickless, tricky, trick

unintelligent adj. △[10000+]    from [레마] intelligent 《 leg(모으다, 읽다)
[본문] [51]He thought he was thick - stupid and unintelligent.
[영한] 영리하지 못한, 우둔한
[구성단어] un + intelligent
[어근]un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ intel(inter); 사이, 상호, among ⑶ lig(lect); 모으다, choose ⑷ ent(ant); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 legere선택하다, 모으다, 획득하다, 고르다, 읽다, 뜻하다

valuables noun △[10000+]    from [레마] value 《 val(가치)
[본문] [62]To cheat someone means to trick or deceive them in order to get their money or valuables.
[영한] 귀중품
[영영] Valuables are things that you own that are worth a lot of money, especially small objects such as jewellery.
[굴절형] 복수형 명사
[구성단어] valuable + s
[어근]valu(val); Strong ⑵ able; 할 수 있는(형용사어미) ⑶ s; 복수 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 valere잘되다, 가치가 있다; 강하다

vocabulary noun ★★[3372]    from [레마] voc
[본문] [13]And, as usual, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary as well.
[영한] ① (개인이 아는/사용하는) 어휘 ② (특정 언어의 모든) 어휘 ③ (특정 주제에 관련된) 용어 ④ 어휘 목록(특히 외국어 학습 교재 속에 의미와 함께 제시된 것)
[영영] Your vocabulary is the total number of words you know in a particular language.
[굴절형] 복수형; vocabularies
[어근]vocabul(voc); 소리, voice ⑵ ary; 부속의
[어원] 《라틴어 vocare[related to vox] to call
[최초 의미] list of words with explanations
[파생] vocabularied, vocabulary

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