Plastics can be difficult to recycle, could a recently discovered enzyme help? Neil and Beth discuss this and teach you some useful vocabulary.
이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.
annually adv. ★★[4095] [레마] annual 〈 anni(년, year)
[본문] [47]Scientists in France have used LCC to develop new enzymes and by 2025 they plan to recycle 50 thousand tonnes of plastic waste annually, including strong plastics like PET, and nylon which is used to make clothes.
[영한] 일년에 한 번
[구성단어] annual + ly
[어근] ⑴ annu(anni); 하루, 년, 해 ⑵ al; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 annalis》 annus의 형용사형; 매년의
[파생] annually, annual
autumn noun ★★★[3172] [레마] autumn
[본문] [37]At least, that's what scientists used to think, until researcher, Sintawee Sulaiman, took an autumn walk in the park near her laboratory at the University of Osaka, Japan.
[영영] Autumn is the season between summer and winter when the weather becomes cooler and the leaves fall off the trees. in AM, usually use fall
[영한] 가을
[굴절형] 복수형; autumns
[어근] ⑴ autu(aug); 커지다, grow ⑵ mn; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 auctumnus》 [=autumnus]
bond noun ★★★[2115] [레마] Bond 〈 band
[본문] [36]The problem is that very few enzymes exist which can break the chemical bonds in stronger plastics like PET, the plastic used in drinks bottles.
[영영] A bond between people is a strong feeling of friendship, love, or shared beliefs and experiences that unites them.
[영한] ① 유대, 끈 ② 채권 ③ 보석금 ④ (남아프리카공화국 영어) (장기) 담보 대출(금) ⑤ 굴레, 속박 ⑥ (법적) 합의, 계약 ⑦ 접착, 접합 ⑧ (원자 간의) 결합
[굴절형] 복수형; Bonds
<동사> ① (A) to B 접착[접합/결합]시키다, 접착[접합/결합]되다 ② 유대감을[이] 형성하다[되다]
[어근] bond(band); 띠, 묶다, strip
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이말 band》 cord that binds; act of binding
[최초 의미] anything that binds, fastens, or confines
[파생] bondable, bond
breakthrough noun △[8936] [레마] break
[본문] [41]The news spread and soon scientists were predicting a major breakthrough, as William Kremer reported for BBC World Service programme, 'People Fixing The World':
[영영] A breakthrough is an important development or achievement.
[영한] ① 돌파구 ② (문제 해결의) 돌파, (난관의) 타개.
[굴절형] 복수형; breakthroughs
<형용사> 대약진의, 대발명[발견]의.
[구성단어] break + through
[어근] ⑴ break; 부수다, break ⑵ through; through
[어원] 《고대 영어 brecan》 to divide solid matter violently into parts or fragments
brittle adj. △[10000+] [레마] brittle
[본문] [29]And also, it loses a little bit of quality every time you do that, so it will become slightly more brittle.
[영한] ① 잘 부러지는 ② (기분/정서가) 불안정한 ③ (소리가) 귀에 거슬리는
[굴절형] 비교; brittle < brittler < brittlest
[어근] ⑴ brit; ⑵ t; 연결 글자 ⑶ le; 작은…; …하는 사람
[어원] 《고대 영어 brytel》 [related to brytan("to crush, pound, to break to pieces"), breotan("‘break up") ]
[최초 의미] breaking easily and suddenly,
[파생] brittlely, brittleness, brittly, brittle
compost noun △[9835] [레마] compost 〈 pose
[본문] [38]In a pile of rotting leaves, she discovered the microorganism, 'leaf-branch compost cutinase', or LCC for short.
[영영] Compost is a mixture of decayed plants and vegetable waste which is added to the soil to help plants grow.
[영한] 퇴비, 두엄
[굴절형] 복수형; composts
<동사> ① 퇴비[두엄]를 만들다 ② 퇴비를 주다, 두엄을 끼얹다
[어근] ⑴ com; together ⑵ post(pose); 두다, 놓다, put
[어원] 《라틴어 positus》 pp of ponere
[최초 의미] mixture of stewed fruits, a preserve
crack verb ★★★[2194] [레마] crack
[본문] [31]Each time plastic is recycled it gets more brittle, meaning it's easier to break or crack.
[영영] ① If something hard cracks, or if you crack it, it becomes slightly damaged, with lines appearing on its surface.
② If something cracks, or if you crack it, it makes a sharp sound like the sound of a piece of wood breaking.
③ If you crack a hard part of your body, such as your knee or your head, you hurt it by accidentally hitting it hard against something.
[영한] ① 갈라지다, 금이 가다, 갈라지게[금이 가게] 하다 ② 깨지다, 부서지다, 깨뜨리다, 부수다 ③ (짧고 세게) 때리다[찧다] ④ 날카로운 소리가 나다[소리를 내다] ⑤ (목소리가) 갈라지다[잠기다] ⑥ (압박을 받아) 제 기능을 못하다[무너지다] ⑦ (문제나 난국을) 해결[타개]하다 ⑧ (범인이나 적을) 때려잡다[쳐부수다] ⑨ (특히 포도주 병의) 마개를 열다[따다] ⑩ 농담을 던지다
[굴절형] cracked, cracked, cracking, cracks
<명사> ① (무엇이 갈라져 생긴) 금 ② (좁은) 틈 ③ 찢어지는 듯한[날카로운] 소리 <형용사> 정예의, …에 뛰어난 <부사> 탁, 탕, 찰칵, 지끈, 우지직, 날카롭게
[어근] crack; crack
[어원] 《고대 영어 cracian》 날카롭게 소음을 내다, 큰 소리를 내다, 갑작스런 소리
[최초 의미] make a sharp noise, give forth a loud, abrupt sound
cutinase noun △[10000+] [레마] cutin
[본문] [38]In a pile of rotting leaves, she discovered the microorganism, 'leaf-branch compost cutinase', or LCC for short.
[영영] (biochemistry) cutin hydrolase, an enzyme that hydrolyzes cutin
[영한] 큐티나제
[구성단어] cutin + ase
[어근] ⑴ cut; 피부, hide, skin ⑵ in(ine); 명사 어미 ⑶ ase; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 cutis》 living skin
downcycling noun △[10000+] [레마] cycle 〈 cycl
[본문] [30]So, it's actually more downcycling than recycling - every time it goes through that process it gets less useful.
[영한] 다운사이클링
[구성단어] down + cycling
[어근] ⑴ down; 아래로, down ⑵ cycl(cycle); ⑶ ing; 명사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 kyklos》 원, 바퀴, 원형의 형태를 가진것, 원 운동, 사건의 주기
elephant noun ★★★[2374] [레마] elephant
[본문] [21]a) all the people on Earth b) all the cars on Earth or, c) all the elephants on Earth?
[영한] 코끼리
[굴절형] 복수형; elephants elephant
[어근] elephant; 코끼리, elephant
[어원] 《그리스어 elephas》 〈genitive elephantos〉 elephant; ivory
[최초 의미] elephant
[파생] elephantoid, elephant
enzyme noun △[10000+] [레마] enzyme
[본문] [40]She was surprised to return the next morning and find the plastic gone, eaten by the enzyme!
[영한] 효소
[굴절형] 복수형; enzymes
[어근] ⑴ en; near, at, in, on ⑵ zyme; 효모, leaven
[파생] enzymatic, enzymic, enzyme
evolve verb ★★★[2164] [레마] evolve 〈 volve
[본문] [35]Certain enzymes have evolved the ability to break down plastic into its basic building blocks, and use that to make new plastic.
[영영] When animals or plants evolve, they gradually change and develop into different forms.
[영한] ① (점진적으로) 발달[진전]하다[시키다] ② (생물) (동식물 등이) 진화하다[시키다]
[굴절형] evolved, evolved, evolving, evolves
[유의어] sort out
[어근] ⑴ e(ex); 외(外) ⑵ volve; 돌다
[어원] 《라틴어 evolvere》 ex+volvere; to unroll, roll out, roll forth, unfold
[최초 의미] to unfold, open out, expand,
[파생] evolution, evolutional, evolutionary, evolutive, evolvable, evolve, evolvement, evolver
fifty adj. ★★★[2464] [레마] five
[본문] [49]fifty thousand tonnes sounds a lot, but not as much as the 400 million tonnes of plastic waste in your question, Neil.
[영한] ① 50의, 50개[사람]의 ② 50세의 ③ (막연히) 수많은
<명사> 쉰 , 오십, 50 <대명사> 오십개, 50개, 오십 명, 50사람
[어근] ⑴ fif(five); 다섯[5], five ⑵ ty; 10의 배수
[어원] 《고대 영어 fif》 five
fit verb ★★★[2089] [레마] fit
[본문] [33]And that's where the new discovery fits in.
[영영] ① If something fits, it is the right size and shape to go onto a person's body or onto a particular object.
② If you are fitted for a particular piece of clothing, you try it on so that the person who is making it can see where it needs to be altered.
③ If something fits somewhere, it can be put there or is designed to be put there.
[영한] ① (모양크기가 어떤 사람사물에) 맞다 ② (어느 장소에 들어가기에) 맞다 ③ (옷을) 가봉하다 ④ 설치[설비]하다 ⑤ (제자리에) 끼우다[맞추다] ⑥ 적절하다[들어맞다], 적절하게[들어맞게] 하다 ⑦ (특정 직장일자리에) 어울리게[적합하게] 하다
[굴절형] fitted fit, fitted fit, fitting, fits
<명사> ① 발작 ② 발작적인 기침[웃음] ③ 욱하는 감정 <형용사> ① (특히 규칙적인 운동으로 몸이) 건강한[탄탄한] ② 적합한, 알맞은, 어울리는 ③ (극단적으로) ~라도 하려 드는[할 것 같은]
[어근] fit; 알맞다, suitable, fit
[어원] 《중세 네덜란드말 vitten》 알맞다
[파생] fitful, fitly, fitness, fittable, fitting, fit
fortunately adv. ★★★[2736] [레마] fortune
[본문] [13]Plastic is a tough problem to fix, but fortunately scientists may now have found a solution.
[영영] Fortunately is used to introduce or indicate a statement about an event or situation that is good.
[영한] 다행스럽게도, 운 좋게도
[유의어] luckily, thankfully(다행스럽게도), happily
[반의어] unfortunately
[어근] ⑴ fortun(fort); 강함, 기회, chance ⑵ ate; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 fortuna》 기회, 운명, 행운
[파생] fortunate, fortunately, fortunateness, fortune
globally adv. △[8233] [레마] global 〈 globe
[본문] [25]globally less than 10 percent of all plastic gets recycled.
[영한] 전세계적으로
[어근] ⑴ glob(globe); sphere, ball ⑵ al; …한; 형용사어미 ⑶ ly; 부사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 glomus》 [related to gleba] a ball, ball of yarn
[파생] global, globally, globalize, globe
groundbreaking adj.[10000+] [레마] break
[본문] [14]In this programme, we'll be hearing about chemical recycling, a groundbreaking way of making old plastic new again.
[영한] 신기원을 이룬, 획기적인
[구성단어] ground + breaking
[어근] ⑴ ground; 바닥, ground ⑵ break; 부수다, break ⑶ ing; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 brecan》 to divide solid matter violently into parts or fragments
incinerate verb △[10000+] [레마] incinerate
[본문] [26]Some gets incinerated or burnt, and about half of all plastic waste goes straight to landfill, meaning it's buried underground.
[영영] When authorities incinerate rubbish or waste material, they burn it completely in a special container.
[영한] 소각하다
[어근] ⑴ in; into ⑵ ciner; ashes ⑶ ate; ~하게 하다(동사 어미)
[최초 의미] burn to ashes
lab noun ★★★★[2001] [레마] labor
[본문] [39]Sintawee mixed LCC with plastic and left it in her lab overnight.
[영영] A lab is the same as a laboratory.
[영한] (口) 랩, 연구[실험]실[동(棟)], 실험, (경찰의) 감식(鑑識)
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[유의어] laboratory(연구실)
[어근] lab(labor); 노동
[어원] 《라틴어 labor》 노역, 일, 노력, 작업, 고난[시련], 고통[괴로움]
[최초 의미] laboratory
laboratory noun ★★★[2533] [레마] labor
[본문] [37]At least, that's what scientists used to think, until researcher, Sintawee Sulaiman, took an autumn walk in the park near her laboratory at the University of Osaka, Japan.
[영영] A laboratory is a building or a room where scientific experiments, analyses, and research are carried out.
[영한] 실험실 참조 language laboratory
[굴절형] 복수형; laboratories
[유의어] lab(연구실)
[어근] ⑴ labor; 노동 ⑵ at(ate); 접미어 ⑶ ory; 부속의,곳(소,所)
[어원] 《라틴어 labor》 노역, 일, 노력, 작업, 고난[시련], 고통[괴로움]
[최초 의미] room or building set apart for scientific experiments
[파생] laboratorial, laboratory
landfill noun △[8485] [레마] land
[본문] [26]Some gets incinerated or burnt, and about half of all plastic waste goes straight to landfill, meaning it's buried underground.
[영영] Landfill is a method of getting rid of very large amounts of rubbish by burying it in a large deep hole.
[영한] ① 쓰레기 매립지 ② (대규모) 쓰레기 매립 ③ 매립 쓰레기
[굴절형] 복수형; landfills
[구성단어] land + fill
[어근] ⑴ land; 땅, land ⑵ fill(full); 가득한, full
[어원] 《고대 영어 land》 [lond] ground, soil
LCC abbr.[10000+]
[본문] [38]In a pile of rotting leaves, she discovered the microorganism, 'leaf-branch compost cutinase', or LCC for short.
[영한] 낙엽퇴비쿠티나제
[Full] leaf-branch compost cutinase
mechanical adj. ★★[3078] [레마] machine
[본문] [28]So, there is a mechanical process where some plastics can be sort of melted down and remoulded into a new shape or a new form, but not all plastics can go through that process at all.
[영영] A mechanical device has parts that move when it is working, often using power from an engine or from electricity.
[영한] ① 기계로 작동되는 ② 기계[엔진]와 관련된 ③ (사람의 행동이) 기계적인 유의어 routine ④ 역학의 ⑤ (사람이) 기계에 밝은, 기계를 잘 아는
[유의어] routine, mechanic
<명사> ① 기계적인 부분[구조], 기구(機構), [pl.] = MECHANICS, = MECHANICAL BANK ② (인쇄) (사진 촬영용) OK지(紙)
[구성단어] mechan + ical
[어근] ⑴ mechan; 기계, 장치, machine ⑵ ical(ic); …의, 와 같은(것)
[어원] 《그리스어 mekhane》 장치, 도구, 기계, (또한) 교묘한 장치, 교활함[간계]
[최초 의미] of or pertaining to tools and their use
[파생] machinability, machinable, machine, machineable, machineless, machine-like, mechanical, mechanicalism, mechanically, mechanicalness, mechanize
melt verb ★★★[2269] [레마] melt
[본문] [28]So, there is a mechanical process where some plastics can be sort of melted down and remoulded into a new shape or a new form, but not all plastics can go through that process at all.
[영영] When a solid substance melts or when you melt it, it changes to a liquid, usually because it has been heated.
[영한] ① (열 때문에 액체가 되도록) 녹다[녹이다] ② (감정 등이) 녹다[누그러지다], 녹이다, 누그러뜨리다
[굴절형] melted melted melting melts
<명사> 용해, 용해 작용, 용해물, 용해량
[어근] melt; 녹다, melt
[어원] 《고대 영어 meltan》 become liquid through heat
[최초 의미] become liquid through heat
[파생] meltability, meltable, melter, meltingly, meltingness, melt
microorganism noun[10000+] [레마] organ
[본문] [38]In a pile of rotting leaves, she discovered the microorganism, 'leaf-branch compost cutinase', or LCC for short.
[영한] 미생물
[유의어] microbe(미생물)
[구성단어] micro + organism
[어근] ⑴ micro; 적은, small ⑵ organ; 일하다, work ⑶ ism; 이념, 주의
[어원] 《라틴어 organum》 기구, 장기[기관], 악기
microparticle noun[10000+] [레마] particle 〈 part(나누다)
[본문] [7]And now microparticles of plastic have even been found… can you guess where, Beth?
[영한] ① 미립자 ② 먼지 조각
[구성단어] micro + particle
[어근] ⑴ micro; 적은, small ⑵ parti(part); 나누다, 부분, part ⑶ cle(cule); 소(小), 작은 …
[어원] 《고대 영어 partycle》
mount noun ★★★[2624] [레마] mount
[본문] [11]At the top of mount Everest!
[영영] Mount is used as part of the name of a mountain.
[영한] ① (약어:Mt) Mount [현대 영어에서는 장소명에만 쓰임] 산 ② (격식 또는 문예체) (사람이 타는) 말 ③ (전시품을 세우거나 붙이는) 판 ④ (물건을 세우거나 받치는 데 쓰는) 대, (사진 등의) 대지
<동사> ① (…을 조직하여) 시작하다 ② (서서히) 증가하다 ③ 올라가다
[어근] mount(mont); 오르다, 산, mountain
[어원] 《라틴어 mons》 산
[파생] mountable, mounter, mount
overnight adv. ★★[3902] [레마] night
[본문] [39]Sintawee mixed LCC with plastic and left it in her lab overnight.
[영한] ① 밤사이에, 하룻밤 동안 ② 하룻밤 사이에, 갑자기, 빨리
<명사> ① 하룻밤 여행[숙박], (하룻밤의) 외박 허가증. ② 전날 밤. ③ 간단한 일. <동사> 하룻밤을 지내다 <형용사> ① 야간의, 하룻밤 동안의 ② 하룻밤 사이의, 갑작스러운
[구성단어] over + night
[어근] ⑴ over; 너무, over ⑵ night; 밤, night
[어원] 《고대 영어 niht》 (dative) (Anglo-Saxon) the dark part of a day; the night as a unit of time; darkness; (also) absence of spiritual illumination, moral darkness, ignorance
percent noun ★★[3380] [레마] percent 〈 cent
[본문] [25]Globally less than 10 percent of all plastic gets recycled.
[영영] You use per cent to talk about amounts. For example, if an amount is 10 per cent (10%) of a larger amount, it is equal to 10 hundredths of the larger amount.
[영한] ① 퍼센트, 백분 ② 백분율, 비율 ③ (몇 ,) 이율의 공채[채권]
[굴절형] 복수형 명사
[어근] ⑴ per; by ⑵ cent; 백(100)
[어원] 《라틴어 per centum》 by the hundred
PET abbr.[10000+] [레마] PET
[본문] [36]The problem is that very few enzymes exist which can break the chemical bonds in stronger plastics like PET, the plastic used in drinks bottles.
[영한] 페트
[Full] polyethylene terephthalate
pile noun ★★★[2289] [레마] pile
[본문] [38]In a pile of rotting leaves, she discovered the microorganism, 'leaf-branch compost cutinase', or LCC for short.
[영영] A pile of things is a mass of them that is high in the middle and has sloping sides.
[영한] ① (위로 차곡차곡) 포개[쌓아] 놓은 것, 더미 ② (둥그렇게 수북이 쌓여 있는) 무더기[더미] ③ 많은 ~, ~ 무더기[더미] ④ (융단/벨벳 같은 천 윗부분에 짧게 나 있는) 털 ⑤ (건물/다리 등을 지탱하기 위해 박는) 말뚝 ⑥ 웅장한 건물
[굴절형] 복수형; piles
[유의어] heap
<동사> ① (물건을 차곡차곡) 쌓다[포개다] ② (…에 ~을) 쌓다[집어 얹다/넣다] ③ 우르르 가다
[어근] pile(pill); pillar, ball, mass, heap
[어원] 《라틴어 pila》 돌 장벽, 기둥, 교각
[최초 의미] ① mass, heap ② heavy pointed beam ③ soft, raised surface upon cloth
pole noun ★★★[2389] [레마] pole
[본문] [10]at the North pole?
[영영] ① A pole is a long thin piece of wood or metal, used especially for supporting things.
② The earth's poles are the two opposite ends of its axis, its most northern and southern points.
③ The two poles of a range of qualities, opinions, or beliefs are the completely opposite qualities, opinions, or beliefs at either end of the range.
[영한] 막대기, 기둥, 장대
[굴절형] 복수형; poles
<동사> (강바닥에 장대 끝을 박고) 장대로 배를 밀고 가다
[어근] pole(pal); 말뜩, stake
[어원] 《고대 영어 pal》 [from Latin palus ] stake, pole, post
[최초 의미] stake, staff
[파생] polar, polarity, polarize, pole
recycle verb △[8026] [레마] recycle 〈 cycl
[본문] [25]Globally less than 10 percent of all plastic gets recycled.
[영영] If you recycle things that have already been used, such as bottles or sheets of paper, you process them so that they can be used again.
[영한] ① (폐품을) 재활용[재생]하다 ② (같은 생각/방법/농담 등을) 다시 이용하다[재사용하다]
[굴절형] recycled, recycled, recycling, recycles
[구성단어] re + cycle
[어근] ⑴ re; again ⑵ cycle; cycle
[어원] 《그리스어 kyklos》 원, 바퀴, 원형의 형태를 가진것, 원 운동, 사건의 주기
[파생] recyclable, recycleable, recycler, recycle
recycling noun △[8110] [레마] recycle 〈 cycl
[본문] [32]As a result, what we call recycling is actually downcycling, creating recycled products which are less valuable and of lower quality than the original waste product.
[영영] recycle + ing
[영한] 재활용, 재생 이용, 재순환 (작용)
[구성단어] re + cycling
[어근] ⑴ re; again ⑵ cycl(cycle); cycle ⑶ ing; 진행형/형용사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 kyklos》 원, 바퀴, 원형의 형태를 가진것, 원 운동, 사건의 주기
remould verb △[10000+]
[본문] [28]So, there is a mechanical process where some plastics can be sort of melted down and remoulded into a new shape or a new form, but not all plastics can go through that process at all.
[영영] To remould something such as an idea or an economy means to change it so that it has a new structure or is based on new principles.
[영한] (생각/시스템 등을) 변경하다
[굴절형] remoulded remoulded remoulding remoulds
[구성단어] re + mold
[어근] ⑴ re; 다시, 반대로 ⑵ mou(mode); 양식, 측량, measure ⑶ ld(ule); 작은, small, little
[어원] 《라틴어 modus》 측정, 범위, 수량; 적절한 박자, 리듬, 노래; 방법, 방식, 패션, 스타일; 분위기
resulting adj.[10000+] [레마] result 〈 sali(뛰다)
[본문] [57]Downcycling is recycling but in such a way that the resulting product is less valuable or of lower quality than the original.
[영한] 결과로 초래된
[구성단어] result + ing
[어근] ⑴ re; 다시, 반대로, again ⑵ sult(sali); 점프, jump ⑶ ing; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 resultare》 re+saltare; to result
rot verb △[10000+] [레마] rot
[본문] [38]In a pile of rotting leaves, she discovered the microorganism, 'leaf-branch compost cutinase', or LCC for short.
[영영] When food, wood, or another substance rots, or when something rots it, it becomes softer and is gradually destroyed.
[영한] (자연스럽게 서서히) 썩다[부식/부패하다], 썩히다, 부식[부패]시키다
[굴절형] rotted, rotted, rotting, rots
[유의어] decompose(썩다), decay
<명사> ① 썩음, 부식, 부패 ② 상황 악화 ③ (구식,) 헛소리, 말도 안 되는 소리
[어근] rot; 썩다, rot
[어원] 《고대 영어 rotian》 to rot
[최초 의미] to decay, putrefy, undergo natural decomposition
[파생] rot, rottenly, rotten
rubbish noun ★★★[2596] [레마] rubbish
[본문] [55]Landfill is a method of dealing with rubbish by burying it in large holes in the ground.
[영영] Rubbish consists of unwanted things or waste material such as used paper, empty tins and bottles, and waste food. in AM, usually use garbage, trash
[영한] ① 쓰레기 ② (질이) 형편없는 것, 쓰레기 (같은 것) ③ 헛소리, 말도 안 되는 소리[생각]
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[유의어] nonsense, rot, pants, garbage
<동사> 헐뜯다, 혹평하다 <형용사> 형편없는, 쓰레기 같은 <감탄사> 쓸데없이, 시시해
[어근] rubbish; 쓰레기, rubbish
[어원] 《프랑스말 rubbous》 [perhaps related to Old French robe, from Middle Latin rubbosa]
[최초 의미] rubble
[파생] rubbishing, rubbishy, rubbish
seaside noun ☆[4837] [레마] side 〈 relate
[본문] [17]Visit the country or seaside and you'll soon see evidence of plastic waste.
[영영] You can refer to an area that is close to the sea, especially one where people go for their holidays, as the seaside.
[영한] (특히 사람들이 휴가 등을 위해 찾는) 해변[바닷가]
<형용사> 해안[해변]의, 바닷가의
[구성단어] sea + side
[어근] ⑴ sea; 바다, sea ⑵ side; 옆면, side
[어원] 《고대 영어 side》 flanks of a person, the long part or aspect of anything; left or right part of the body
snap verb ★★★[2612] [레마] snap
[본문] [56]The adjective brittle means easily broken or snapped.
[영한] ① (off) 딱[툭] (하고) 부러뜨리다[끊다], 딱[툭] (하고) 부러지다[끊어지다] ② OPEN/CLOSE/MOVE INTO POSITION | 〈찰칵/딸까닥/탁 하는 소리를 내며 재빨리 움직이거나 움직이게 하는 것을 나타냄〉 ③ (보통 화난 목소리로) 딱딱거리다[톡 쏘다] ④ (동물이) 물려고 하다 ⑤ 사진을 찍다 ⑥ (감정 등이) 한 순간에 무너지다[갑자기 폭발하다] ⑦ (옷을) 똑딱단추로 잠그다
<명사> ① (특히 무엇이 닫히거나 부러질 때 나는) 찰칵[딸까닥/탁/똑] 하는 소리 ② 스냅 사진 ③ 스냅
[어근] snap; snap
[어원] 《남부 독일말 snappen》 to snap
[최초 의미] make a quick bite
stable adj. ★★★★[1947] [레마] stable 〈 st-(서다)
[본문] [43]LCC showed promise in breaking down PET plastic, but it needed a lot more work to become stable and effective.
[영영] If something is stable, it is not likely to change or come to an end suddenly.
[영한] ① 안정된, 안정적인 ② (사람이) 차분한, 안정된 ③ (물질의 상태가) 안정된
[굴절형] 비교; stable < stabler < stablest
[유의어] steady(안정적이다), balanced, secure
<명사> ① 마구간 ② 말 훈련소 ③ (한 사람이 소유하거나 훈련시키는) 경주마들 <동사> (말을 마구간에) 넣다[두다]
[어근] ⑴ st; 상태, stand ⑵ able; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 stabilis》 firm, steadfast, stable, fixed
[최초 의미] trustworthy, reliable
[파생] stabile, stabilisation, stability, stabilization, stabilize, stable, stablelike, stableness, stably, stabilise
tonne noun ★★[3409] [레마] ton 〈 tun
[본문] [18]According to the UN, around 400 million tonnes of new plastic is produced every year, much of it going to waste.
[영영] A tonne is a metric unit of weight that is equal to 1000 kilograms.
[영한] 톤(무게의 단위. 1 000킬로그램에 해당)
[굴절형] 복수형; tonnes
[어근] tonne(tun); (큰)술통, 톤, ton
[어원] 《고대 영어 tunne》 (큰) 통, 술통, 나무 통
[최초 의미] ton
underground adj. ★★★[2771] [레마] ground
[본문] [26]Some gets incinerated or burnt, and about half of all plastic waste goes straight to landfill, meaning it's buried underground.
[영영] Underground groups and activities are secret because their purpose is to oppose the government and they are illegal.
[영한] ① 지하의 ② (특히 반체제 활동을 하는) 지하의
<명사> ① 지하철 ② (특히 정부에 반대하는) 지하 조직 <부사> ① 지하에 ② (경찰정부 등을 피해) 지하로
[구성단어] under + ground
[어근] ⑴ under; 아래, under ⑵ ground; ground
[어원] 《고대 영어 grund》 bottom; foundation; surface of the earth; abyss, Hell
valuable adj. ★★★★[1867] [레마] value 〈 val(가치)
[본문] [32]As a result, what we call recycling is actually downcycling, creating recycled products which are less valuable and of lower quality than the original waste product.
[영한] ① 소중한, 귀중한 ② 가치가 큰, 값비싼
[반의어] valueless(가치가 크다), worthless(값비싸다)
<명사> 귀중품
[구성단어] value + able
[어근] ⑴ valu(val); Strong ⑵ able; 할 수 있는(형용사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 valere》 잘되다, 가치가 있다; 강하다
[파생] valuable, valuableness, valuably, valuate, valuer, value
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