Our brain works very hard 24 hours a day. So, what food should we eat for maximum brain health? Phil and Georgie discuss this and teach you some useful vocabulary.
우리의 뇌는 하루 24시간 아주 열심히 일합니다. 그래서 최대한의 뇌 건강을 위해 우리는 어떤 음식을 먹어야만 할까요? 필과 조지가 이것을 논의합니다. 그리고 당신에게 몇몇 쓸모있는 낱말들을 가르칩니다.
이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.
alter verb ★★★[3239] [레마] alter
[본문] [6]Food affects us more than we realise, and that's because what we eat alters our brain chemistry, changing our mood and emotions.
[영영] If something alters or if you alter it, it changes.
[영한] ① 변하다, 달라지다, 바꾸다, 고치다 ② (옷을) 고치다
[굴절형] altered, altered, altering, alters
[어근] alter; 다른 쪽, 변경, the other
[어원] 《라틴어 alter》 the other (of the two)
[파생] alter, alterability, alterable, alterably, alteration, alterative, alterer
batch noun △[10000+] [레마] batch
[본문] [35]It's not expensive and everyone's got a freezer these days so, yes, you can batch cook things, freeze them, and then use them in like a week's time or something… so I think the problem is again it's about our lifestyles, it's about the fact that we feel like we've got limited time, and therefore people are trying to cut the time down in the kitchen by cooking things that are pre-made or even worse we're just chucking it in the microwave but actually you can do fresh food in 20 minutes flat…
[영한] ① (일괄적으로 처리되는) 집단[무리] ② 한 회분 ③ 일괄, 배치
<동사> (일괄 처리를 위해) 함께 묶다
[어근] batch; 집단, batch
berry noun ☆[5525] [레마] berry
[본문] [28]Dr Achari names lots of different foods which help boost our brains, from wild caught Alaskan salmon and avocado, to berries and walnuts.
[영영] Berries are small, round fruit that grow on a bush or a tree. Some berries are edible, for example blackberries and raspberries.
[영한] ① 베리 ② (식물) 장과(漿果) ③ 말린 씨앗 ④ 야생 장미의 열매 ⑤ (물고기/새우의) 알 ⑥ 달러, [영/속어] 파운드 ⑦ 최고의 것 ⑧ 와인
[굴절형] 복수형; berries
<동사> ① (나무가) 장과를 맺다 ② 장과를 따다
[어근] berry; berry
[어원] 《고대 영어 berie》 berry, grape
[파생] berried, berryless, berrylike, berry
blogger noun △[8848] [레마] blog
[본문] [33]Well, not according to blogger Michelle Munt.
[영한] 블로거
[구성단어] blog + er
[어근] ⑴ blog; 블로그, blog ⑵ g; 연결 글자 ⑶ er; 명사 어미
[어원] 《영어 weblog》
[파생] blogger, blogging, blog
boost verb ★★★[2349] [레마] boost
[본문] [28]Dr Achari names lots of different foods which help boost our brains, from wild caught Alaskan salmon and avocado, to berries and walnuts.
[영영] If one thing boosts another, it causes it to increase, improve, or be more successful.
[영한] ① 신장시키다, 북돋우다 ② (비격식, 구식이 되어감) 훔치다
[굴절형] boosted, boosted, boosting, boosts
<명사> ① 격려, (신장시키는) 힘, 부양책 ② 증가 ③ 동력[전압] 증가
[어근] boost; boost
[어원] 《어원 미확인 boost》 뒤에서 밀어 끌어 올리거나 높이는 것
[최초 의미] to lift or raise by pushing from behind
[파생] booster, boost
breakfast verb ★★★★[1846] [레마] break
[본문] [55]Have fun cooking up your own brain boosting breakfasts and remember to join us again next time, here at 6 Minute English.
[영영] When you breakfast, you have breakfast.
[영한] 아침(밥)을 먹다
[굴절형] breakfasted, breakfasted, breakfasting, breakfasts
<명사> 아침(밥), 아침 식사
[구성단어] break + fast
[어근] ⑴ break; break ⑵ fast; 빠른, fast
[어원] 《고대 영어 brecan》 to divide solid matter violently into parts or fragments
[파생] breakfaster, breakfast
chemistry noun ★★★[3012] [레마] chemist 〈 chem(연금술의)
[본문] [6]Food affects us more than we realise, and that's because what we eat alters our brain chemistry, changing our mood and emotions.
[영영] Chemistry is the scientific study of the structure of substances and of the way that they react with other substances.
[영한] ① 화학 ② (특정 물질의) 화학적 성질 ③ (사람 사이의) 화학 반응
[굴절형] 복수형; chemistries
[어근] ⑴ chem; 화학 ⑵ ist; …하는 사람(명사어미) ⑶ ry(ery); 성질,행위,상태
[어원] 《그리스어 khemeia》 연금술의
[최초 의미] alchemy
[파생] chemical, chemically, chemist, chemistry
chuck verb △[10000+] [레마] chuck
[본문] [35]It's not expensive and everyone's got a freezer these days so, yes, you can batch cook things, freeze them, and then use them in like a week's time or something… so I think the problem is again it's about our lifestyles, it's about the fact that we feel like we've got limited time, and therefore people are trying to cut the time down in the kitchen by cooking things that are pre-made or even worse we're just chucking it in the microwave but actually you can do fresh food in 20 minutes flat…
[영한] ① (아무렇게나) 던지다 ② ~을 그만두다[중단하다] ③ (사귀던 애인을) 떠나다 ④ 버리다
[굴절형] chucked, chucked, chucking, chucks
<명사> ① (드릴 등의) 척[물림쇠] ② 친구 ③ (소의) 어깨살
[어근] chuck(chock); 통나무, chock
clever adj. ★★★[2126] [레마] clever
[본문] [11]Humans, with an average brain weighing one-and-a-half kilos, are one of the cleverest animals, but which mammal has the biggest brain?
[영영] Someone who is clever is intelligent and able to understand things easily or plan things well.
[영한] ① 영리한, 똑똑한 ② 재주가 있는 ③ 기발한, 재치 있는 ④ 말대답[말대꾸] 하는
[굴절형] 비교; clever < cleverer < cleverest
[유의어] intelligent
[어근] clever; 똑똑한, clever
[어원] 《고대 영어 clifer》 발톰, 손; 붙잡기 전문가
[최초 의미] handy, dexterous, having special manual ability
[파생] cleverish, cleverly, cleverness, clever
collapse verb ★★★[2421] [레마] collapse 〈 lapse
[본문] [5]Has this ever happened to you: you eat a doughnut and get a sugar rush, a strong feeling of excitement and energy, only to collapse an hour later, with a headache?
[영영] If a building or other structure collapses, it falls down very suddenly.
[영한] ① 붕괴되다, 무너지다 ② (보통 의식을 잃고) 쓰러지다 ③ (특히 열심히 일한 후에) 주저앉다[드러눕다] ④ (갑자기 또는 완전히) 실패하다 ⑤ (가치가) 폭락하다[붕괴하다] ⑥ (공간을 덜 차지하도록) 접다[접히다] ⑦ (폐나 혈관이[을]) 허탈 상태가 되다[허탈 상태로 만들다]
[굴절형] collapsed, collapsed, collapsing, collapses
[유의어] break down, give way, fold up, sink(주저앉다), crumple
<명사> ① (제도사업 등의 갑작스런) 실패[붕괴] ② (건물의) 붕괴 ③ (갑자기 몸이 아파) 쓰러짐, 쇠약
[어근] ⑴ col(com); together ⑵ lapse(laps); fall
[어원] 《라틴어 labi》 [라틴어 lapsare에 의해 보강] 미끄러져 가다, 미러져 떨어지다, 미끄러지다, 침몰하다, 실패하다l; 하강하다, 황폐해지다
[파생] collapsability, collapsable, collapsibility, collapsible, collapse
complement noun ☆[5198] [레마] complement 〈 ple(채우다)
[본문] [20]And eating a balanced diet so you get the full complement of vitamins and minerals is critical.
[영한] ① 보완물, 금상첨화격 요소 ② (필요하거나 허용되는) 전체 수[량] ③ (문법) 보어 ④ (혈청 중의) 보체(補體), 보충
[굴절형] 복수형; complements
<동사> 보완하다, (금상첨화 격으로) 덧붙이다
[어근] ⑴ com; intensive ⑵ ple(plet); to fill ⑶ ment; 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 plere》 채우다
[최초 의미] means of completing; that which completes; what is needed to complete or fill up
[파생] complemental, complementary, complementer, complete, completely, completeness, completer, completion, completive, complement
convenient adj. ★★★[2836] [레마] convene 〈 vene
[본문] [38]Although microwave ready meals are convenient, they lack many nutrients needed by the brain.
[영한] ① 편리한, 간편한 ② (~에) 가까운[접근이 편리한]
[반의어] inconvenient
[어근] ⑴ con(com); 함께, with, together ⑵ veni(vent); 오다, come, 돌다 ⑶ ent(ant); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 convenire》 [com, venire] to come together, meet together, assemble; unite, join, combine; agree with, accord; be suitable or proper to
[파생] convenience, convenient, conveniently
dolphin noun ☆[4627] [레마] dolphin
[본문] [13]a) an African elephant, b) a dolphin or, c) a sperm whale?
[영영] A dolphin is a mammal which lives in the sea and looks like a large fish with a pointed mouth.
[영한] 돌고래
[굴절형] 복수형; dolphins
[어근] dolphin; 돌고래, dolphin
[어원] 《그리스어 delphinos》 돌고래
[최초 의미] popular name of a diverse group of marine mammals, also including the porpoise (but the true dolphin has a longer and more slender snout)
doughnut noun ☆[4585] [레마] nut
[본문] [5]Has this ever happened to you: you eat a doughnut and get a sugar rush, a strong feeling of excitement and energy, only to collapse an hour later, with a headache?
[영영] A doughnut is a bread-like cake made from sweet dough that has been cooked in hot fat.
[영한] 도넛
[굴절형] 복수형; doughnuts
[유의어] donut
<동사> (국회의원이) (연설자를) 둘러싸다
[구성단어] dough + nut
[어근] ⑴ dough; 반죽, dough ⑵ nut; nut
[어원] 《고대 영어 hnutu》 견과
[최초 의미] small, spongy cake made of dough and fried in lard,
elephant noun ★★★[2374] [레마] elephant
[본문] [13]a) an African elephant, b) a dolphin or, c) a sperm whale?
[영한] 코끼리
[굴절형] 복수형; elephants elephant
[어근] elephant; 코끼리, elephant
[어원] 《그리스어 elephas》 〈genitive elephantos〉 elephant; ivory
[최초 의미] elephant
[파생] elephantoid, elephant
emphasise verb ★★★[2196] [레마] empathy 〈 path-
[본문] [39]Luckily, adding some fresh vegetables to batch cooked food means anyone can make a brain-healthy meal quickly, or in 20 minutes flat as Michelle says, using the word flat to mean 'exactly' and to emphasise that it can be done quickly.
[영영] To emphasize something means to indicate that it is particularly important or true, or to draw special attention to it.
[영한] ① (중요성을) 강조하다 ② 두드러지게 하다, 강조하다 ③ 힘주어 말하다, 역설하다
[굴절형] emphasized, emphasized, emphasizing, emphasizes
[유의어] stress(강조하다)
[구성단어] emphasis + ise
[어근] ⑴ em(en); 안에, in, into ⑵ phas(phan); 보여주다, appearance, information ⑶ ise(ize); 동사 어미
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ emphasize
[어원] 《그리스어 empatheia》 en+pathos; passion, state of emotion
[파생] emphasis, emphasize, emphatic, emphasise
excite verb ★★[3392] [레마] excite 〈 cite(부르다)
[본문] [48]OK, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned in this programme starting with sugar rush, suddenly feeling excited and full of energy after eating food which contains a lot of sugar.
[영영] If something excites you, it makes you feel very happy, eager, or enthusiastic.
[영한] ① (특히 기대감으로) 흥분시키다[들뜨게 만들다] ② 흥분[초조]하게 만들다, 자극하다 ③ (특정한 감정/반응을) 불러일으키다[촉발시키다] ④ (성적으로) 흥분시키다[자극하다] ⑤ (신체 부위/조직을) 자극하다[활성화시키다]
[굴절형] excited, excited, exciting, excites
[유의어] stimulate(자극하다), arouse(흥분시키다)
[어근] ⑴ ex; out, 밖 ⑵ cite; 부르다, call
[어원] 《라틴어 citare》 소환하다, 충고하다, 부르다, 갑작스레 행동하다, 불러들이다, 깨우다, 흥분시키다
[최초 의미] to move, stir up, instigate
[파생] excitement, excite
excitement noun ★★★[2469] [레마] excite 〈 cite(부르다)
[본문] [5]Has this ever happened to you: you eat a doughnut and get a sugar rush, a strong feeling of excitement and energy, only to collapse an hour later, with a headache?
[영영] You use excitement to refer to the state of being excited, or to something that excites you.
[영한] ① 흥분, 신남 ② 흥분되는[신나는] 일
[굴절형] 복수형; excitements
[구성단어] excite + ment
[어근] ⑴ ex; out, 밖 ⑵ cite; 부르다, call ⑶ ment; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 citare》 소환하다, 충고하다, 부르다, 갑작스레 행동하다, 불러들이다, 깨우다, 흥분시키다
[파생] excitement, excite
fibre noun ★★[3721] [레마] fiber
[본문] [24]A balanced diet also includes different types of nutrients - vitamins, fibre, protein and so on.
[영영] A fibre is a thin thread of a natural or artificial substance, especially one that is used to make cloth or rope.
[영한] ① (식품의) 섬유소[질] ② 섬유 ③ (인체/목재 등의) 섬유질
[굴절형] 복수형; fibres
[유의어] roughage
[어근] fibre(fibro); 섬유(纖維), fiber
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ fiber
[어원] 《라틴어 fibra》 섬유, 필라멘트[가는 실], 내장[창자]
[최초 의미] a lobe of the liver,
fortune noun ★★★★[1961] [레마] fortune
[본문] [34]Here she is telling BBC World Service's, The Food Chain, how eating well needn't cost a fortune:
[영영] You can refer to a large sum of money as a fortune or a small fortune to emphasize how large it is.
[영한] ① (특히 사람의 삶에 영향을 미치는) 운[행운] ② 재산, 부, 거금 ③ (개인/가문/국가 등이 겪는) 성쇠[부침] ④ (사람의) 운수[미래]
[굴절형] 복수형; fortunes
[유의어] luck
<동사> ① (남에게) 재산을 주다 ② 우연히 일어나다(happen), 우연히 만나다
[어근] fortune(fort); 강함, 기회
[어원] 《라틴어 fortuna》 기회, 운명, 행운
[최초 의미] chance, luck as a force in human affairs
[파생] fortunate, fortunately, fortunateness, fortuneless, fortune
freezer noun △[10000+] [레마] freeze
[본문] [35]It's not expensive and everyone's got a freezer these days so, yes, you can batch cook things, freeze them, and then use them in like a week's time or something… so I think the problem is again it's about our lifestyles, it's about the fact that we feel like we've got limited time, and therefore people are trying to cut the time down in the kitchen by cooking things that are pre-made or even worse we're just chucking it in the microwave but actually you can do fresh food in 20 minutes flat…
[영한] 냉동고
[구성단어] freeze + er
[어근] ⑴ freez(freeze); 얼다, freeze ⑵ er; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 freosan》 얼음으로 바뀌다
headache noun ★★★[2882] [레마] ache
[본문] [5]Has this ever happened to you: you eat a doughnut and get a sugar rush, a strong feeling of excitement and energy, only to collapse an hour later, with a headache?
[영영] If you have a headache, you have a pain in your head.
[영한] ① 두통, 머리가 아픔 ② 두통[골칫]거리
[굴절형] 복수형; headaches
[유의어] head
[구성단어] head + ache
[어근] ⑴ head; 머리, head ⑵ ache; 고통, pain, ache
[어원] 《고대 영어 æce》 아픔, 고통
intelligent adj. ★★★[2188] [레마] intelligent 〈 leg(모으다, 읽다)
[본문] [27]Dr Achari says when this happens to her, she's not as sharp - as intelligent and quick to notice things, as usual.
[영영] A person or animal that is intelligent has the ability to think, understand, and learn things quickly and well.
[영한] ① 총명한, 똑똑한 반의어 unintelligent ② (동물 등이) 지능이 있는 ③ (컴퓨터) (컴퓨터/프로그램 등이) 지능적인(정보를 저장하여 새로운 상황에 이용할 수 있는)
[유의어] clever
[어근] ⑴ intel(inter); between ⑵ lig(lect); 모으다, choose ⑶ ent(ant); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 legere》 선택하다, 모으다, 획득하다, 고르다, 읽다, 뜻하다
[파생] intelligence, intelligential, intelligently, intelligent
kilo noun △[8604] [레마] kilo
[본문] [11]Humans, with an average brain weighing one-and-a-half kilos, are one of the cleverest animals, but which mammal has the biggest brain?
[영한] 킬로
[굴절형] 복수형; kilos
[Full] kilogram
[어근] kilo; 천((1000))
[어원] 《그리스어 khilioi》 thousand
[최초 의미] one thousand
leafy adj. ☆[5452] [레마] leaf
[본문] [23]Remember the 'Rainbow Rule' - eat foods of many different colours with lots of leafy greens.
[영영] Leafy trees and plants have lots of leaves on them.
[영한] ① 잎이 무성한 ② (호감) (장소가) 녹음이 우거진, 나무가 많은 ③ 무성한 나뭇잎[나무]이 이루는
[굴절형] 비교; leafy < leafier < leafiest
[어근] ⑴ leaf; 잎, leaf ⑵ y; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 leaf》 [from Proto-Germanic *lauba- ] leaf of a plant, foliage; page of a book, sheet of paper
[파생] leaf, leafiness, leafless, leaflessness, leaflike, leafy
lifestyle noun △[7964] [레마] style
[본문] [35]It's not expensive and everyone's got a freezer these days so, yes, you can batch cook things, freeze them, and then use them in like a week's time or something… so I think the problem is again it's about our lifestyles, it's about the fact that we feel like we've got limited time, and therefore people are trying to cut the time down in the kitchen by cooking things that are pre-made or even worse we're just chucking it in the microwave but actually you can do fresh food in 20 minutes flat…
[영영] The lifestyle of a particular person or group of people is the living conditions, behaviour, and habits that are typical of them or are chosen by them.
[영한] 생활 방식
[굴절형] 복수형; lifestyles
<형용사> 라이프스타일과 관련한
[구성단어] life + style
[어근] ⑴ life(live); 살다, live ⑵ style; 방식, 스타일, style
[어원] 《라틴어 stilus》 stake, instrument for writing, manner of writing, mode of expression
luckily adv. ☆[4614] [레마] luck
[본문] [39]luckily, adding some fresh vegetables to batch cooked food means anyone can make a brain-healthy meal quickly, or in 20 minutes flat as Michelle says, using the word flat to mean 'exactly' and to emphasise that it can be done quickly.
[영영] You add luckily to a statement to indicate that it is good that a particular thing happened or is the case because otherwise the situation would have been difficult or unpleasant.
[영한] ① 운 좋게 ② 다행히도
[유의어] fortunately
[반의어] unluckily
[구성단어] lucky + ly
[어근] ⑴ luck; luck, 행운 ⑵ I(y); 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《중세 네덜란드말 luc》 행복, 좋은 행운
[파생] luck, luckily, luckiness, lucky
mammal noun ☆[4843] [레마] mamm
[본문] [11]Humans, with an average brain weighing one-and-a-half kilos, are one of the cleverest animals, but which mammal has the biggest brain?
[영영] Mammals are animals such as humans, dogs, lions, and whales. In general, female mammals give birth to babies rather than laying eggs, and feed their young with milk.
[영한] 포유동물
[굴절형] 복수형; mammals
[어근] ⑴ mamm; 엄마, 가슴, mother ⑵ al; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 mamma》 유방, 여성의 가슴
[최초 의미] an animal of the class Mammalia; an animal that suckles its young
[파생] Mammalian, mammal-like, mammary, mammal
maximum adj. ★★★[2978] [레마] maximum 〈 maxim
[본문] [58]So, what food should we eat for maximum brain health?
[영영] You use maximum to describe an amount which is the largest that is possible, allowed, or required.
[영한] [명사 앞에만 씀] (크기빠르기 등이) 최고[최대]의
[반의어] minimum
<명사> (약어:max) (양규모속도 등의) 최고[최대]
[어근] ⑴ maxim; 최고 ⑵ um; 하나, 단수
[어원] 《라틴어 maximus》 가장 큰
[최초 의미] greatest, at the maximum
[파생] maximal, maximation, maximisation, maximiser, maximization, maximize, maximizer, maximumly, maximum
microwave noun △[8316] [레마] wave
[본문] [35]It's not expensive and everyone's got a freezer these days so, yes, you can batch cook things, freeze them, and then use them in like a week's time or something… so I think the problem is again it's about our lifestyles, it's about the fact that we feel like we've got limited time, and therefore people are trying to cut the time down in the kitchen by cooking things that are pre-made or even worse we're just chucking it in the microwave but actually you can do fresh food in 20 minutes flat…
[영한] ① 전자레인지 ② 마이크로파, 극초단파
[구성단어] micro + wave
[어근] ⑴ micro; 적은, small ⑵ wave; 파도, 흔들다, wave
[어원] 《의사 게르만말 wab-》 [from PIE *webh-] to move to and fro; to weave
mineral noun ★★★[2883] [레마] mineral 〈 mine
[본문] [20]And eating a balanced diet so you get the full complement of vitamins and minerals is critical.
[영영] A mineral is a substance such as tin, salt, or sulphur that is formed naturally in rocks and in the earth. Minerals are also found in small quantities in food and drink.
[영한] ① 광물(질), 무기물, 미네랄 ② 탄산음료
[굴절형] 복수형; minerals
[어근] ⑴ miner(mine); mine, 캐다 ⑵ al; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 minerale》 [noun use of neuter of mineralis] something mined
[최초 의미] substance obtained by mining
[파생] mineralize, mineral
nutrient noun ★★[3413] [레마] nutri
[본문] [24]A balanced diet also includes different types of nutrients - vitamins, fibre, protein and so on.
[영영] Nutrients are substances that help plants and animals to grow.
[영한] 영양소, 영양분
[굴절형] 복수형; nutrients
<형용사> 영양이 되는
[어근] ⑴ nutri; to nourish ⑵ ent(ant); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 nutrire》 [*nutri가 어원] 영양분을 주다, 젖을 먹이다, 먹이다, 아이를 맡아 기르다, 부양하다, 보호하다
[최초 의미] a nutritious substance
[파생] nutrition, nutritional, nutritionally, nutritionary, nutritionist, nutritious, nutritive, nutrient
nutritionist noun △[10000+] [레마] nutrition 〈 nutri
[본문] [17]nutritionist, Dr Reeta Achari, does.
[영한] 영양학자, 영양사
[굴절형] 복수형; nutritionists
[구성단어] nutrition + ist
[어근] ⑴ nutrit(nutri); to nourish, suckle, feed ⑵ ion; 명사어미 ⑶ ist; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 nutrire》 [*nutri가 어원] 영양분을 주다, 젖을 먹이다, 먹이다, 아이를 맡아 기르다, 부양하다, 보호하다
[파생] nutrition, nutritional, nutritionally, nutritionary, nutritionist, nutritious, nutritive, nutrient
percent noun ★★[3380] [레마] percent 〈 cent
[본문] [16]Now, did you know that despite making up only 2 percent of our total weight, our brain uses 20 percent of the body's energy?
[영영] You use per cent to talk about amounts. For example, if an amount is 10 per cent (10%) of a larger amount, it is equal to 10 hundredths of the larger amount.
[영한] ① 퍼센트, 백분 ② 백분율, 비율 ③ (몇 ,) 이율의 공채[채권]
[굴절형] 복수형 명사
[어근] ⑴ per; by ⑵ cent; 백(100)
[어원] 《라틴어 per centum》 by the hundred
proper adj. ★★★★[2033] [레마] proper
[본문] [22]Number one on Dr Achari's list of brain foods is a regular and balanced diet, a diet containing the proper types and amounts of food needed to stay healthy.
[영영] You use proper to describe things that you consider to be real and satisfactory rather than inadequate in some way.
[영한] ① 적절한, 제대로 된 ② (수준 등이) 제대로 된, 참된 ③ (사회적/도덕적으로) 올바른[정당한/제대로 된] ④ 엄밀한 의미의 ⑤ 완전한 ⑥ …고유의
[반의어] improper, improper(부당하다)
<명사> (그리스도교) [종종 P~] (특정한 날/시간에 정해진) 의식, 예배식, 기도 <부사> ① 아주, 완전히 ② 올바르게, 품위 있게
[어근] proper(propri); one’s own
[어원] 《라틴어 pro privo》 [pro+privus] for the individual, in particular
[최초 의미] adapted to some purpose, fit, apt; commendable, excellent
[파생] properly, properness, propriety, proper
protein noun ★★★[2228] [레마] proto
[본문] [21]If you go low in something and one day if you just, you know, don't eat any protein for a day or - for me in my situation, if I don't eat any vegetables - I know the next day I'm not as sharp.
[영영] Protein is a substance found in food and drink such as meat, eggs, and milk. You need protein in order to grow and be healthy.
[영한] 단백질
[굴절형] 복수형; proteins
[어근] ⑴ prote(proto); 최초의(first) ⑵ in(ine); …성질의 것(명사어미)
[어원] 《그리스어 protos》 first
rainbow noun ☆[5070] [레마] bow
[본문] [23]Remember the 'rainbow Rule' - eat foods of many different colours with lots of leafy greens.
[영영] A rainbow is an arch of different colours that you can sometimes see in the sky when it is raining.
[영한] 무지개
<동사> ① 무지개 모양으로[다채롭게] 하다 ② 무지개처럼[다채롭게] 보이다 <형용사> 다민족[인종]의, 7색의, 가지각색의, 다채로운
[구성단어] rain + bow
[어근] ⑴ rain; 비, rain ⑵ bow; 절하다, bow
[어원] 《고대 영어 bugan》 [suggested by Low German bucht] to bend
realise verb ★★★[2378] [레마] realize 〈 real(실제의)
[본문] [6]Food affects us more than we realise, and that's because what we eat alters our brain chemistry, changing our mood and emotions.
[영한] ① 깨닫다, 알아차리다, 인식[자각]하다 ② (목표 등을) 실현[달성]하다 ③ (수동형으로 쓰여) (우려 등이) 현실이 되다[실제로 발생하다] ④ (자산을) 실현하다[현금화하다] ⑤ (상품 등이) (특정한 금액에) 팔리다 ⑥ (글로 된 정보/지시 등에 기반하여 음향/연극/디자인 등을) 실현하다[만들어 내다]
[굴절형] realised, realised, realising, realises
[유의어] make, convert
[구성단어] real + ize
[어근] ⑴ real; 사실, real ⑵ ise(ize); 동사 어미
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ realize
[어원] 《라틴어 realis》 실제의, 사물 그 자체인
[파생] real, realisable, realisably, realisation, realiser, reality, realizable, realizably, realization, realize, realizer, really, realness, realise
salmon noun △[9594] [레마] salmon
[본문] [28]Dr Achari names lots of different foods which help boost our brains, from wild caught Alaskan salmon and avocado, to berries and walnuts.
[영영] A salmon is a large silver-coloured fish.
[영한] 연어
[굴절형] 복수형; salmons salmon
<형용사> 연어의, 연어 살빛의
[어근] ⑴ sal(sali); 점프, jump, leap ⑵ mon(mony); 접미어
[어원] 《고대 영어 læx》
[파생] salmonlike, salmon
sharp adj. ★★★★[1842] [레마] sharp
[본문] [21]If you go low in something and one day if you just, you know, don't eat any protein for a day or - for me in my situation, if I don't eat any vegetables - I know the next day I'm not as sharp.
[영영] A sharp point or edge is very thin and can cut through things very easily. A sharp knife, tool, or other object has a point or edge of this kind.
[영한] ① (칼날 등이) 날카로운, 뾰족한, 예리한 ② (특히 변화가) 급격한 ③ 선명한, 뚜렷한, 분명한 ④ (사람이나 그의 정신눈길 등이) 예리한, 날카로운 ⑤ (사람이나 그의 말이) 날카로운, 신랄한 ⑥ (소리가) 날카로운 ⑦ (감각감정이) 날카로운, 격렬한 ⑧ (커브 등이) 급격한[급한] ⑨ (맛냄새가) 톡 쏘는 듯한 ⑩ (바람추위 등이) 얼얼한[매서운/모진]
[굴절형] 비교; sharp < sharper < sharpest
[유의어] intense, keen(예민하다), steep
[반의어] blunt, flat
<명사> ① (음악) 반음 높은 음 ② (의학) 날카로운[뾰족한] 것 <부사> ① (하루 중의 특정 시간을 나타내는 표현 뒤에 쓰여) 정각 ② 급히 좌/우회전을 하는 ③ (정확한 음보다) 높게
[어근] sharp; sharp
[어원] 《고대 영어 scearp》 having a cutting edge; pointed; intellectually acute, active, shrewd; keen (of senses); severe; biting, bitter (of tastes)
[파생] sharpen, sharply, sharpness, sharp
sperm noun △[10000+] [레마] sperm
[본문] [13]a) an African elephant, b) a dolphin or, c) a sperm whale?
[영영] A sperm is a cell which is produced in the sex organs of a male animal and can enter a female animal's egg and fertilize it.
[영한] ① 정자(精子) ② 정액
[굴절형] 복수형; sperms
[유의어] semen
[어근] sperm; 종(種), 정액
[어원] 《그리스어 sperma》 [from speirein] seed, semen
[최초 의미] male seminal fluid,
superfood noun △[8355] [레마] food
[본문] [32]It sounds like these superfoods are just for the super-rich!
[영한] 슈퍼푸드
[굴절형] 복수형; superfoods
[구성단어] super + food
[어근] ⑴ super; 위, over, beyond ⑵ food; food
[어원] 《고대 영어 foda》 food, nourishment; fuel
total adj. ★★★[2097] [레마] total
[본문] [16]Now, did you know that despite making up only 2 percent of our total weight, our brain uses 20 percent of the body's energy?
[영영] The total number or cost of something is the number or cost that you get when you add together or count all the parts in it.
[영한] ① 총, 전체의 ② 완전한, 전면적인
[유의어] complete
<명사> 합계, 총수[총점/총액] <동사> ① 합계[총] …이 되다 ② (up) 합계를 내다 ③ (자동차를) 수리하지 않는 편이 나을 정도로 파손하다
[어근] ⑴ tot; all, whole ⑵ al; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 totus》 all, all at once, the whole, entire, altogether
[파생] totality, totalize, totally, total
vitamin noun ★★★[2335] [레마] vital
[본문] [20]And eating a balanced diet so you get the full complement of vitamins and minerals is critical.
[영영] Vitamins are substances that you need in order to remain healthy, which are found in food or can be eaten in the form of pills.
[영한] 비타민
[굴절형] 복수형; vitamins
[어근] ⑴ vit; 삶, life ⑵ amin(amine); (화학)아민
[어원] 《라틴어 vita》 [related to vivere] life
[최초 의미] vitamine
[파생] vitaminic, vitaminize, vitamin
walnut noun[10000+] [레마] nut
[본문] [28]Dr Achari names lots of different foods which help boost our brains, from wild caught Alaskan salmon and avocado, to berries and walnuts.
[영한] ① 호두 ② 호두나무 ③ 호두나무(목재)
[어근] ⑴ wal; 이방의, foreign ⑵ nut; 견과, nut
[어원] 《고대 영어 hnutu》 견과
whale noun ★★[3468] [레마] whale
[본문] [13]a) an African elephant, b) a dolphin or, c) a sperm whale?
[영영] Whales are very large mammals that live in the sea.
[영한] 고래
[굴절형] 복수형; whales whale
<동사> 고래잡이에 종사하다
[어근] whale; whale
[어원] 《고대 영어 hwæl》 whale
[최초 의미] animals of the mammalian order Cetacea
[파생] whalelike, whale
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