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[BBC Learning English 강좌] How the language of menus matters - 6 Minute English 영어단어공부





BBC 영어공부 6 Minute English - 단어공부 (softca.tistory.com)

Restaurants have often used French terms to make food sound more exciting, but could this be going out of fashion? Find out more with Beth and Neil and learn some useful vocabulary.

식당은 좀더 신나는 것처럼 음식이 만들기 위해 종종 프랑스말 용어를 사용해 왔습니다. 그러나 이것은 유행에 뒤쳐져 갈 수 있습니다. 베쓰와 Neil과 함께 더 많은 것을 찾아보고 쓸모있는 낱말들을 배우십시오.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.

appealing adj. △[8639] [레마] appeal 〈 pell(밀다)
[본문] [16]Restaurants think carefully about the language they use to describe the food on their menus, trying to make it sound appealing, tasty or poetic.
[영영] Someone or something that is appealing is pleasing and attractive.
[영한] ① 매력적인, 흥미로운 반의어 unappealing ② 호소하는, 애원하는
[유의어] attractive
[반의어] unappealing
[구성단어] appeal + ing
[어근]ap(ad); 향하여, 첨가, to ⑵ peal(pell); 몰다, 밀다, drive ⑶ ing; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 appellare[iterative of appellere] to accost, address, appeal to, summon, name
[파생] appealingly, appealing

apprentice noun ☆[5113] [레마] apprentice 〈 prehend(붙잡다)
[본문] [22]To train as a classical French chef takes months as a full-time apprentice, but what is the name of the most famous cooking school teaching French haute cuisine?
[영영] An apprentice is a young person who works for someone in order to learn their skill.
[영한] 수습생, 도제
<동사> (구식) 수습생[도제]으로 삼다
[어근]ap(ad); to ⑵ prent(prehend); to seize ⑶ ice; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 apprehenderead+prehendere; take hold of, grasp
[최초 의미] one bound by legal agreement to an employer to learn a craft or trade
[파생] apprenticeship, apprentice

bleu noun △[8792] [레마] bleu
[본문] [24]a) Le Cordon bleu b) Le Cordon Rouge or, c) Le Cordon Noir?
[영한] 블르
[어근] bleu(blue); blue, 파란
[어원] 《프랑스말 bleu[from Frankish *blao] 《Middle French》《Old French》 pale, pallid, wan, light-colored; blond; discolored; blue, blue-gray

burger noun △[8505] [레마] burger
[본문] [17]Instead of hamburgers, we have 'gourmet burgers', it's 'jus' not gravy, and raspberry 'coulis' sounds a lot tastier than raspberry sauce.
[영영] A burger is a flat round mass of minced meat or vegetables, which is fried and often eaten in a bread roll. burger and chips.
[영한] ① 햄버거용 쇠고기. ② 햄버거 스테이크 , 햄버거
[굴절형] 복수형; burgers
[어근] burger(hamburger); 햄버거, hamburger
[어원] 《영어 hamburger(American English)



chef noun ★★★[2142] [레마] chief 〈 cap
[본문] [27]It's important for restaurants to describe items on the menu so diners know what to expect, and many chefs think foreign words sound more exciting.
[영영] A chef is a cook in a restaurant or hotel.
[영한] ① 요리사(특히 주방장) ② 쉐프
[굴절형] 복수형; chefs
[어근] chef(cap); 머리, head
[어원] 《라틴어 caput〈capitis의 소유격〉 머리, 지도자, 안내자, 주요 인사, 정상, 수도
[최초 의미] head cook

classically adv. △[10000+] [레마] classic 〈 class
[본문] [41]I am classically trained in French cuisine.
[영한] ① 고전적으로. ② 관행에 따라, 규범대로. ③ 고전 연구에 의하여.
[구성단어] classical + ly
[어근]class(cal); 부르다, call ⑵ ical(ic); 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 classis학급, 부서, 부대, 함대
[파생] classic, classical, classicalism, classicalist, classicality, classically, classicalness

clever adj. ★★★[2126] [레마] clever
[본문] [36]If something is pretentious, it tries to appear more important or clever than it really is.
[영영] Someone who is clever is intelligent and able to understand things easily or plan things well.
[영한] ① 영리한, 똑똑한 ② 재주가 있는 ③ 기발한, 재치 있는 ④ 말대답[말대꾸] 하는
[굴절형] 비교; clever < cleverer < cleverest
[유의어] intelligent
[어근] clever; 똑똑한, clever
[어원] 《고대 영어 clifer발톰, 손; 붙잡기 전문가
[최초 의미] handy, dexterous, having special manual ability
[파생] cleverish, cleverly, cleverness, clever

confuse verb ★★★[2238] [레마] confuse 〈 fuse(붓다)
[본문] [43]People would be very confused, they would ask me, 'Oh, what is this brunoise?
[영영] If you confuse two things, you get them mixed up, so that you think one of them is the other one.
[영한] ① (사람을) 혼란시키다 ② A와 B를 혼동하다 ③ (주제를) 혼란스럽게 만들다
[굴절형] confused, confused, confusing, confuses
[유의어] mix up(혼동하다)
[어근]con(com); together ⑵ fuse(fus); 붓다, 녹이다, pour
[어원] 《라틴어 confunderecom+fundere; to confuse, jumble together, bring into disorder; disconcert, perple
[최초 의미] mix or mingle things or ideas so as to render the elements indistinguishable
[파생] confusability, confusable, confusion, confuse

cooking noun ★★★[2199] [레마] cook
[본문] [18]Many of the words used to describe gourmet food - that's food which is higher-quality and more sophisticated than usual - are French, coming from a country with a long tradition of high-level cooking called haute cuisine.
[영영] Cooking is food which has been cooked.
[영한] ① 요리, 음식 준비 ② (특정한 방식으로 만든) 요리
<형용사> 요리용의
[어근]cook(coc); cook, 요리하다 ⑵ ing; 현재분사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 coquere[(from PIE root *pekw-("to cook, ripen")] to cook; to prepare food, ripen, digest, turn over in the mind

cuisine noun △[8791] [레마] cuisine
[본문] [18]Many of the words used to describe gourmet food - that's food which is higher-quality and more sophisticated than usual - are French, coming from a country with a long tradition of high-level cooking called haute cuisine.
[영한] ① 요리법 ② (보통 비싼 식당의) 요리
[어근]cuis(coc); cook, 요리하다 ⑵ ine; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 coquere[(from PIE root *pekw-("to cook, ripen")] to cook; to prepare food, ripen, digest, turn over in the mind
[최초 의미] manner or style of cooking,



culinary adj. △[8374] [레마] culinary
[본문] [62]The famous culinary arts school, Le Cordon Bleu, first opened its doors in Paris is 1895.
[영영] Culinary means concerned with cooking.
[영한] 요리[음식]의
[어근]culin(coc); 요리하다, cook ⑵ ary; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 culinacoquere의 변형; 부엌, 조리용 난로, 식품
[최초 의미] of the kitchen;
[파생] culinarily, culinary

curiosity noun ★★★[2799] [레마] curious 〈 cure
[본문] [55]She has now started using English and her native Brazilian Portuguese on the menu and is pleased with the results - customers don't feel confused, and their curiosity about the Brazilian dishes starts a conversation with the waiter.
[영영] Curiosity is a desire to know about something.
[영한] ① 호기심 ② 진기한 것
[굴절형] 복수형; curiosities
[어근]curi(cur); 보살피다 ⑵ os(ous); …이 많은, …성(性)의 ⑶ ity; ~한 상태, 성격
[어원] 《라틴어 curare~을 돌보다, ~에 주의하다
[최초 의미] careful attention to detail
[파생] curiosity, curious, curiously, curiousness

decoration noun ★★[3815] [레마] decor
[본문] [33]Many restaurants use French names in menus because they sound fancy, an adjective meaning special or unusual, with lots of decoration.
[영영] The decoration of a room is its furniture, wallpaper, and ornaments.
[영한] ① (특별한 행사를 기념하기 위한) 장식품 ② (무늬 등의) 장식 ③ 장식 (양식) ④ 도배[실내장식] (작업) ⑤ 훈장
[굴절형] 복수형; decorations
[구성단어] decorate + ion
[어근]decor; ornament ⑵ at(ate); 동사 어미 ⑶ ion; 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 decorareto decorate, adorn, embellish, beautify
[최초 의미] the covering of blemishes with cosmetics
[파생] decorate, decoration, decorative, decoratively, decorativeness

decorative adj. ★★[4060] [레마] decor
[본문] [64]The adjective, fancy, means special, unusual, and decorative.
[영영] Something that is decorative is intended to look pretty or attractive.
[영한] (물건이나 건물이) 장식이 된, 장식용의
[어근]decor; 장식, ornament ⑵ ative; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 decorareto decorate, adorn, embellish, beautify
[파생] decorate, decoration, decorative, decoratively, decorativeness

decrease verb ★★★[2268] [레마] decrease 〈 cresc
[본문] [28]But according to linguist, Dr Keri Matwick, the use of French is decreasing.
[영영] When something decreases or when you decrease it, it becomes less in quantity, size, or intensity.
[영한] (크기/수 등이) 줄다[감소하다], 줄이다[감소시키다]
[굴절형] decreased, decreased, decreasing, decreases
[유의어] diminish, wane
[반의어] increase
<명사> 감소, 하락
[어근]de; from, away ⑵ crease(cresc); 커지다, grow, rise
[어원] 《라틴어 decrescerede+crescere;
[최초 의미] become less, be diminished gradually
[파생] decreasing, decreasingly, decrease



delicious adj. ★★[3423] [레마] delicious 〈 lic
[본문] [15]It's a strange fact but the same dish described using different words can make it sound more delicious, more exotic and more desirable.
[영영] Food that is delicious has a very pleasant taste.
[영한] ① 아주 맛있는, 냄새가 좋은[구수한] ② (문예체) 아주 기분 좋은
[유의어] yummy
<명사> 딜리셔스
[어근]de; away ⑵ lic; lure, entice, 꾀다 ⑶ ious(ous); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 lacere유혹하다(꾀다), 유도(유인)하다, 속이다
[최초 의미] delightful to the senses, pleasing in the highest degree
[파생] delicacy, delicate, delicious, deliciously, deliciousness

desirable adj. ★★[3642] [레마] desire 〈 sider
[본문] [15]It's a strange fact but the same dish described using different words can make it sound more delicious, more exotic and more desirable.
[영영] Something that is desirable is worth having or doing because it is useful, necessary, or popular.
[영한] ① 바람직한, 호감 가는, 가치 있는 ② (사람이) 성적 매력이 있는, 섹시한
[반의어] undesirable
[어근]de; from ⑵ sir(sider); Star ⑶ able; ~가능한(형용사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 desiderare목마르다, 바라다; 요구하다, 예상하다
[최초 의미] worthy to be desired, fit to excite a wish to possess
[파생] desirability, desirableness, desirably, desirable

diner noun △[8429] [레마] dine
[본문] [27]It's important for restaurants to describe items on the menu so diners know what to expect, and many chefs think foreign words sound more exciting.
[영영] A diner is a small cheap restaurant that is open all day.
[영한] ① (특히 식당에서) 식사하는 사람[손님] ② (보통 음식 값이 싼) 작은 식당
[굴절형] 복수형; diners
[구성단어] dine + er
[어근]din(dine); 식사, dine ⑵ er; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 disjejunare[dis+jejunare] to break one's fast

excited adj. △[10000+] [레마] excite 〈 cite(부르다)
[본문] [38]If something turns you off, it makes you stop feeling interested or excited.
[영한] ① 신이 난, 들뜬, 흥분한 ② 흥분한, 초조한 ③ (성적으로) 흥분한
[유의어] aroused
[구성단어] excite + ed
[어근]ex; out, 밖 ⑵ cit(cite); 부르다, call ⑶ ed; 아님(不, 無), not
[어원] 《라틴어 citare소환하다, 충고하다, 부르다, 갑작스레 행동하다, 불러들이다, 깨우다, 흥분시키다
[파생] excitedly, excitedness, excited

exciting adj. ★★★★[1889] [레마] excite 〈 cite(부르다)
[본문] [27]It's important for restaurants to describe items on the menu so diners know what to expect, and many chefs think foreign words sound more exciting.
[영한] 신나는, 흥미진진한, 흥분하게 하는
[유의어] vibrant
[구성단어] excite + ing
[어근]ex; out ⑵ cit(cite); 부르다, call ⑶ ing; 현재진행/형용사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 citare소환하다, 충고하다, 부르다, 갑작스레 행동하다, 불러들이다, 깨우다, 흥분시키다
[파생] excitingly, exciting

exclusive adj. ★★[3713] [레마] exclude 〈 clude(닫다)
[본문] [68]And finally, the adjective posh means fashionable, smart, expensive and exclusive.
[영영] If you describe something as exclusive, you mean that it is limited to people who have a lot of money or who belong to a high social class, and is therefore not available to everyone.
[영한] ① 독점적인, 전용의 ② (집단사회 등이) 배타적인, 특권층의 ③ (아무나 이용할 수 없는) 고가의[고급의] ④ (논리적으로 상호) 배타적인 ⑤ ~을 제외하고
[반의어] inclusive
<명사> (신문잡지의) 독점 기사
[구성단어] exclude + Ive
[어근]ex; out ⑵ clus(clude); 닫다, shut ⑶ ive; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 claudere닫다, 문을 닫다, 봉쇄하다, 접근하지 못하게 하다, 끝내다, 가두다, 에워싸다, 국한시키다
[최초 의미] so as to exclude
[파생] excludable, exclude, excluder, excludible, exclusion, exclusionary, exclusionist, exclusive, exclusively, exclusiveness, exclusivity



exotic adj. ★★★[2657] [레마] exotic
[본문] [15]It's a strange fact but the same dish described using different words can make it sound more delicious, more exotic and more desirable.
[영영] Something that is exotic is unusual and interesting, usually because it comes from or is related to a distant country.
[영한] (특히 열대 지방에 있는) 외국의, 이국적인
[어근]exo; 야외, 외국, outside ⑵ tic(ic); 형용사어미
[어원] 《그리스어 exotikosforeign
[최초 의미] belonging to another country
[파생] exotically, exoticism, exoticness, exotic

fancy adj. ★★★[2666] [레마] fancy 〈 phene
[본문] [33]Many restaurants use French names in menus because they sound fancy, an adjective meaning special or unusual, with lots of decoration.
[영영] ① If you describe something as fancy, you mean that it is special, unusual, or elaborate, for example because it has a lot of decoration.
② If you describe something as fancy, you mean that it is very expensive or of very high quality, and you often dislike it because of this.
[영한] ① (흔히 필요 이상으로) 복잡한 ② (특히 작은 물건들이) 장식이 많은, 색깔이 화려한 ③ (생활 방식 등이) 값비싼[고급의] ④ (음식이) 품질 높은, 일류의
[굴절형] 비교; fancy < fancier < fanciest
[반의어] simple
<명사> ① 공상, 상상 ② 바람, 욕망 ③ 팬시 케이크 <동사> ① 원하다, …하고 싶다 ② (성적으로) 끌리다[반하다] ③ 자만심에 차 있다 <감탄사> 예문 발음듣기 반복듣기
[어근]fan(phan); 신(神), 보이다 ⑵ cy; 명사어미
[어원] 《그리스어 phantasia[from phantazesthai] power of imagination; appearance, image, perception
[파생] fanciful, fancily, fanciness, fancy

fashionable adj. ★★★[2543] [레마] fashion 〈 fact(만들다)
[본문] [54]Caroline thinks French makes her cooking sound too posh, too fashionable, expensive and not available to everyone.
[영한] ① 유행하는, 유행을 따른 ② 부유층이 애용하는
[반의어] unfashionable
<명사> 유행을 좇는 사람, 상류 사회의 사람
[구성단어] fashion + able
[어근]fash(fac); 만들다, 하다, make ⑵ ion; 명사어미 ⑶ able; 할 수 있는
[어원] 《라틴어 factiofrom facere; a making or doing, a preparing

fried adj. △[10000+]
[본문] [5]Would you like some fried chicken and chips with gravy, Beth?
[영한] 기름에 튀긴 , 프라이한, 프라이 요리의, [속어] 술[마약]에 취한
[구성단어] fry + ed
[어근]fri(fry); 굽다, fry ⑵ ed; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 frigereto roast or fry

gourmetfood noun[10000+] [레마] gourmetfood
[본문] [30]Yeah, there are studies that show that because it sounds fancier, you know, therefore… French food has long been considered the gourmetfood, and it was popular.
[영한] 고급식료품
[구성단어] gourmet + food

gravy noun △[10000+] [레마] gravy
[본문] [5]Would you like some fried chicken and chips with gravy, Beth?
[영한] ① 그레이비 ② 뜻밖에 얻는 것(특히 돈), 횡재
[굴절형] 복수형; gravies
[어근] gravy(gran); 곡물, grain
[어원] 《라틴어 granum씨, 곡물, 작은 (씨)알맹이



hamburger noun ☆[4997] [레마] burger
[본문] [17]Instead of hamburgers, we have 'gourmet burgers', it's 'jus' not gravy, and raspberry 'coulis' sounds a lot tastier than raspberry sauce.
[영영] A hamburger is minced meat which has been shaped into a flat circle. Hamburgers are fried or grilled and then eaten, often in a bread roll.
[영한] ① 햄버거 ② 상호참조 mince
[굴절형] 복수형; hamburgers
[구성단어] Ham + burger
[어근] hamburger; 햄버거, hamburger
[어원] 《독일어 Hamburg
[최초 의미] native of Hamburg.

happening noun ☆[4640] [레마] happen 〈 hap(기회)
[본문] [47]Yes, yes, I had that happening.
[영한] ① (흔히 이상한) 일[사건] ② (계획에 없던 예술적) 행위[공연] ③ 마약
<형용사> 최신 유행의, 근사한, 인기 있는
[구성단어] happen + ing
[어근]happ(hap); 우연한, chance ⑵ en; 만들다 ⑶ ing; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 hæppan우연히 움직이다, 미끄러지다

haute adj. △[10000+] [레마] haute
[본문] [18]Many of the words used to describe gourmet food - that's food which is higher-quality and more sophisticated than usual - are French, coming from a country with a long tradition of high-level cooking called haute cuisine.
[영한] 고급의(high-class), 상류(사회)의
[어근] haute; 높은, high, haute
[어원] 《프랑스말 haute[fem, of haut ] high

hungry adj. ★★★[2179] [레마] hunger
[본문] [56]Hmm, all this talk of food is making me hungry, Neil.
[영영] When you are hungry, you want some food because you have not eaten for some time and have an uncomfortable or painful feeling in your stomach.
[영한] ① 배고픈 ② 굶주리는 ③ 굶주리는 사람들 ④ 허기지게 만드는 ⑤ (~을) 갈구[갈망]하는, (~에) 굶주린
[굴절형] 비교; hungry < hungrier < hungriest
[구성단어] hunger + y
[어근]hungr(hunger); 배고픔, hunger ⑵ y; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 hungrighungry, famished
[파생] hunger, hungeringly, hungrily, hungriness, hungry

insult verb ★★[3485] [레마] insult 〈 sali(뛰다)
[본문] [67]If you say something sarcastic, you mock and insult something by saying the opposite of what you mean.
[영영] If someone insults you, they say or do something that is rude or offensive.
[영한] ① 모욕하다 ② 욕보이다, …에게 무례한 짓을 하다
[유의어] abuse, slight
<명사> ① 모욕(적 언동), 무례 ② (의학) 손상, 상해
[어근]in(en); on, upon ⑵ sult(sali); 점프, jump
[어원] 《라틴어 insultarein+saltare; to assail, to make a sudden leap upon
[최초 의미] triumph over in an arrogant way
[파생] insulter, insult

jus noun △[10000+] [레마] jus
[본문] [10]But, maybe you'd like some organic poulet roti in a tender meat jus with frites?
[영한] (보통 육즙으로 만든) 묽은 소스
[어근] jus(juice); 즙[주스], juice
[어원] 《프랑스말 jus[from Latin ius] juice, sap, liquid

linguist noun ☆[4794] [레마] linguist 〈 lingua
[본문] [28]But according to linguist, Dr Keri Matwick, the use of French is decreasing.
[영영] A linguist is someone who is good at speaking or learning foreign languages.
[영한] ① 수개 국어에 능통한 사람, 언어에 능한 사람 ② 언어학자
[굴절형] 복수형; linguists
[어근]lingu; 혀, 언어 ⑵ ist; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 lingua[어원은 Old Latin dingua] 언어, 혀
[최초 의미] a master of languages;
[파생] linguist, linguister, linguistically, linguistic



menu noun ★★★[2428] [레마] menu 〈 min
[본문] [16]Restaurants think carefully about the language they use to describe the food on their menus, trying to make it sound appealing, tasty or poetic.
[영영] In a restaurant or cafe or at a formal meal, the menu is a list of the food and drinks that are available.
[영한] ① (식당/식사의) 메뉴 ② (컴퓨터) (화면의) 메뉴
[굴절형] 복수형; menus
[어근] menu(min); small
[어원] 《라틴어 minutus[past participle of minuere] small, (literally) made smaller
[최초 의미] detailed list of dishes to be served at a banquet or meal

mock verb ☆[4718] [레마] mock
[본문] [67]If you say something sarcastic, you mock and insult something by saying the opposite of what you mean.
[영영] If someone mocks you, they show or pretend that they think you are foolish or inferior, for example by saying something funny about you, or by imitating your behaviour.
[영한] ① (특히 흉내를 내며) 놀리다[조롱하다] ② 무시[경시]하다
[굴절형] mocked, mocked, mocking, mocks
[유의어] make fun of, deride, scoff
<명사> (영국에서 공식 시험 전에 치는) 모의고사 <형용사> ① 거짓된, 가짜의 ② 모의의
[어근] mock; 놀리다, mock
[어원] 《프랑스말 mocquer[Perhaps from Vulgar Latin *muccare or from Middle Dutch mocken "to mumble" or Middle Low German mucken] deride, jeer
[최초 의미] make fun of
[파생] mockable, mocker, mockery, mockingly, mock, mocking

oily adj. △[10000+] [레마] oil
[본문] [8]It's too oily for me.
[영한] ① 기름기가 함유된, 기름기가 덮인[발린] ② 기름 같은, 기름 맛[냄새]이 나는 ③ 번지르르한, 알랑거리는 듯한
[유의어] obsequious
[구성단어] oil + y
[어근]oil; 올리브[오일/나무], 기름, oil ⑵ y; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 elaiaolive tree, olive
[파생] oil, oilily, oiliness, oil-like, oily

organic adj. ★★★[2471] [레마] organ
[본문] [10]But, maybe you'd like some organic poulet roti in a tender meat jus with frites?
[영영] Organic methods of farming and gardening use only natural animal and plant products to help the plants or animals grow and be healthy, rather than using chemicals.
[영한] ① (식품/농법 등이) 유기농의, 화학 비료를 쓰지 않는 ② 유기체[생물]에서 나온[만들어진], 유기의 ③ (인체) 장기[기관]의 ④ 유기적인 ⑤ 서서히[저절로] 생기는, 자연스러운
[반의어] inorganic
[구성단어] organ + ic
[어근]organ; 시행하다, 도구 기구 ⑵ ic; …의, 와 같은(것)
[어원] 《라틴어 organum기구, 장기[기관], 악기
[최초 의미] serving as a means or instrument
[파생] organ, organic, organically, organisable, organisation, organizable, organization, organize, organise

poetic adj. ☆[4904] [레마] poet
[본문] [16]Restaurants think carefully about the language they use to describe the food on their menus, trying to make it sound appealing, tasty or poetic.
[영영] Something that is poetic is very beautiful and expresses emotions in a sensitive or moving way.
[영한] ① 시의 ② (호감) 시적인
[유의어] lyrical
[구성단어] poet + ic
[어근]poet(poie); make, create ⑵ ic; 형용사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 poetapoet
[파생] poem, poet, poetic, poetical, poetically, poeticize, poetize, poetry

posh adj. △[9510] [레마] posh
[본문] [51]I wanna eat food, I don't wanna eat names, posh names, you know.
[영한] ① (값 비싸고) 우아한, 화려한 ② 상류층의, 상류층 특유의
[굴절형] 비교; posh < posher < poshest
[유의어] stylish
<동사> 멋내다, 모양을 내다 <부사> 상류 계급답게.
[어원] 《어원 미확인 posh
[파생] poshness, posh



presenter noun △[8005] [레마] present 〈 pres(앞에 있다)
[본문] [29]Here, Keri explains why to Ruth Alexander, presenter of BBC World Service programme, The Food Chain:
[영영] A radio or television presenter is a person who introduces the items in a particular programme. in AM, usually use host, anchor
[영한] ① (라디오/텔레비전 프로 각 부분의) 진행자[사회자] ② (특정 주제에 대한) 발표자 ③ (시상식에서) 시상하는 사람
[굴절형] 복수형; presenters
[구성단어] present + er
[어근]present(pres); 앞에 있다, be before ⑵ er; ~하는 사람(명사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 present
[최초 의미] one who presents

pretentious adj. △[10000+] [레마] pretend 〈 tend(길게 하다)
[본문] [31]But I would say in now there's a tendency to not use French because it sounds pretentious.
[영한] 허세 부리는, 가식적인
[구성단어] pretense + ous
[어근]pre; 앞(先), before ⑵ tent(tend); 뻗치다, 잡아당기다, stretch ⑶ ious(ous); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 praetendereprae+tendere; stretch in front, put forward, allege
[파생] pretense, pretension, pretentious, pretend

profitable adj. ☆[4820] [레마] profit 〈 feat
[본문] [19]But how does the language used to describe food affect our psychology, and help restaurants make menus which are both tempting and profitable?
[영영] A profitable organization or practice makes a profit.
[영한] ① 수익성이 있는[있을 것 같은] ② 이득이 되는, 유익한
[유의어] rewarding, economic
[어근]pro; 앞(before), 찬성 ⑵ fit(fac); 만들다, 하다 ⑶ able; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 proficerepro+ficere; accomplish, make progress; be useful, do good; have success, profit
[최초 의미] yielding benefit, useful,
[파생] profitability, profitable, profitableness, profitably, profiter, profitless, profit

psychology noun ★★★[2167] [레마] psychology 〈 psycho(영혼)
[본문] [19]But how does the language used to describe food affect our psychology, and help restaurants make menus which are both tempting and profitable?
[영영] Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and the reasons for people's behaviour.
[영한] ① 심리학 ② 심리 ③ 심리 작용[작전]
[굴절형] 복수형; psychologies
[어근]psycho(psych); breath, spirit, soul ⑵ logy(log); study of
[어원] 《라틴어 psychologia
[최초 의미] study of the soul
[파생] psychological, psychologically, psychologist, psychology

raspberry noun △[10000+] [레마] raspberry
[본문] [17]Instead of hamburgers, we have 'gourmet burgers', it's 'jus' not gravy, and raspberry 'coulis' sounds a lot tastier than raspberry sauce.
[영한] ① 산딸기 ② 혀를 입술 사이로 진동시키며 내는 야유 소리
[굴절형] 복수형; raspberries
[어근]rasp; 산딸기 ⑵ berry; berry



roti noun △[10000+] [레마] roti
[본문] [10]But, maybe you'd like some organic poulet roti in a tender meat jus with frites?
[영한] ① 로티 ② 빵
[어근] roti; 로티, 빵, roti
[어원] 《힌디말(語) roti

sarcastic adj. ☆[4608] [레마] sarcasm 〈 sarc
[본문] [45]They would definitely avoid the dishes, or they would be sarcastic as well about it, you know.
[영영] Someone who is sarcastic says or does the opposite of what they really mean in order to mock or insult someone.
[영한] 빈정대는, 비꼬는
[유의어] acid(신랄하다)
[구성단어] sarcasm + tic
[어근]sarc; 살, flesh ⑵ astic(ic); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《프랑스말 sarcastique[from sarcasme]
[최초 의미] of sarcasm
[파생] sarcasm, sarcastically, sarcastic

sauce noun ★★★[2941] [레마] sauce
[본문] [17]Instead of hamburgers, we have 'gourmet burgers', it's 'jus' not gravy, and raspberry 'coulis' sounds a lot tastier than raspberry sauce.
[영영] A sauce is a thick liquid which is served with other food.
[영한] ① 소스 ② 건방진 말[행동]
[굴절형] 복수형; sauces
[유의어] cheek
[어근] sauce(sal); 소금, salt
[어원] 《라틴어 salereto salt
[최초 의미] things salted, salt food
[파생] sauceless, saucy, sauce

sophisticated adj. ★★★[2653] [레마] sophist 〈 soph(학습된)
[본문] [18]Many of the words used to describe gourmet food - that's food which is higher-quality and more sophisticated than usual - are French, coming from a country with a long tradition of high-level cooking called haute cuisine.
[영영] A sophisticated machine, device, or method is more advanced or complex than others.
[영한] ① 세련된, 교양 있는 ② (기계/시스템 등이) 정교한, 복잡한 ③ (사람이) 지적인, 수준 높은
[반의어] unsophisticated(지적이다)
[구성단어] sophisticate + ed
[어근]soph; learned; clever ⑵ ist; 사람 ⑶ ic; 형용사어미 ⑷ ate; 명사어미 ⑸ d(ed); 과거분사어미
[어원] 《그리스어 sophos손기술이 뛰어난, 공예에 정교한, 일상의 삶의 문제에 영리한, 슬기로운, 과학에 숙련된, 학습된, 너무 영리한
[파생] sophisticate, sophisticatedly, sophistication, sophisticator, sophisticated

tasty adj. △[8269] [레마] taste 〈 tax
[본문] [16]Restaurants think carefully about the language they use to describe the food on their menus, trying to make it sound appealing, tasty or poetic.
[영영] If you say that food, especially savoury food, is tasty, you mean that it has a fairly strong and pleasant flavour which makes it good to eat.
[영한] ① (호감) (풍미가 강하고) 맛있는 ② (비격식, 때로 모욕적) 섹시한, 육감적인
[굴절형] 비교; tasty < tastier < tastiest
[구성단어] taste + y
[어근]tast(taste); taste, 맛, 취향 ⑵ y; 형용사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 taxare평가하다, 다루다
[최초 의미] having agreeable flavor, palatable
[파생] tastable, tasteful, tastily, tastiness, tasty, taste

tempting adj. △[8767] [레마] tempting
[본문] [19]But how does the language used to describe food affect our psychology, and help restaurants make menus which are both tempting and profitable?
[영영] If something is tempting, it makes you want to do it or have it.
[영한] 솔깃한, 구미가 당기는
[유의어] seductive(유혹적이다)
[파생] tempt, temptable, temptation, tempter, temptingly, temptingness, tempting



tendency noun ★★★[2465] [레마] tend
[본문] [31]But I would say in now there's a tendency to not use French because it sounds pretentious.
[영영] A tendency is a worrying or unpleasant habit or action that keeps occurring.
[영한] ① 성향, 기질, 경향 ② 동향, 추세 ③ (정치 조직 내의) 과격파
[굴절형] 복수형; tendencies
[유의어] trend
[어근]tend; 뻗치다, 잡아당기다 ⑵ ency(ance); …한 일, 된 일
[어원] 《라틴어 tendere늘이다, 길게[연장]하다, 긴장을 하다, 겨냥하다, ~로 향하다, 스로로에게 향하다, 과정을 유지하다
[파생] tendance, tendency, tend

tender adj. ★★★[2733] [레마] tender
[본문] [10]But, maybe you'd like some organic poulet roti in a tender meat jus with frites?
[영영] ① Someone or something that is tender expresses gentle and caring feelings.
② If you say that someone does something at a tender age, you mean that they do it when they are still young and have not had much experience.
③ Meat or other food that is tender is easy to cut or chew.
[영한] ① 상냥한, 다정한, 애정 어린 ② (음식이) 연한 ③ (몸의 일부가) (닿으면) 따가운[쓰린] ④ 연약한, 다치기[상처 입기] 쉬운
[굴절형] 비교; tender < tenderer < tenderest
[유의어] delicate, sore
[반의어] tough
<명사> ① 입찰 ② (증기 기관차의) 탄수차(炭水車) ③ (큰 배와 육지 사이를 오가는) 부속선 <동사> ① 응찰하다 ② 제출[제공]하다
[어근] tender; 부드러운, soft
[어원] 《라틴어 tendere늘이다, 길게[연장]하다, 긴장을 하다, 겨냥하다, ~로 향하다, 스로로에게 향하다, 과정을 유지하다
[파생] tenderable, tenderer, tenderize, tenderly, tenderness, tender

vocabulary noun ★★[3372] [레마] voc
[본문] [20]That's what we'll be finding out in this programme, along with some useful new vocabulary as well.
[영영] Your vocabulary is the total number of words you know in a particular language.
[영한] ① (개인이 아는/사용하는) 어휘 ② (특정 언어의 모든) 어휘 ③ (특정 주제에 관련된) 용어 ④ 어휘 목록(특히 외국어 학습 교재 속에 의미와 함께 제시된 것)
[굴절형] 복수형; vocabularies
[어근]vocabul(voc); 소리, voice ⑵ ary; 부속의
[어원] 《라틴어 vocare[related to vox] to call
[최초 의미] list of words with explanations
[파생] vocabularied, vocabulary

waiter noun ★★★[2969] [레마] wait
[본문] [55]She has now started using English and her native Brazilian Portuguese on the menu and is pleased with the results - customers don't feel confused, and their curiosity about the Brazilian dishes starts a conversation with the waiter.
[영영] A waiter is a man who works in a restaurant, serving people with food and drink. → see also dumb waiter
[영한] ① (식당 등에서 손님 시중을 드는) 종업원, 웨이터 ② (폐어) 시중꾼, 경비원
[굴절형] 복수형; waiters
<동사> 웨이터로 일하다
[구성단어] wait + er
[어근]wait; wait ⑵ er; ~하는 사람(명사어미)
[어원] 《프랑크말 wahtwen[derivative of Frankish *wahtu] to watch, guard
[최초 의미] attendant, watchman

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  • 금주의 구동사(금주 대본에 사용된 구동사 상세 정리) 이 글의 포스팅 시점에는 아직 작성되지 않았습니다.
  • 금주의 PDF(금주의 PDF 및 기타 다운로드 파일) https://softca.tistory.com/2636

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