How has sugar become such an important part of our diets? Find out more with Georgie and Neil and learn some useful vocabulary.
어떻게 설탕이 우리 식습관의 일부로 그렇게 중요한 것이 되어 왔습니까? 조지와 닐과 함께 좀더 알아 보십시오. 그리고 여러 쓸모있는 낱말들을 배우십시오.
이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.
addiction noun △[8768] [레마] addict 〈 dict
[본문] [11]Just as our addiction to oil is causing a climate emergency, our addiction to sugar is causing a health emergency for our bodies.
[영영] Addiction is the condition of taking harmful drugs and being unable to stop taking them.
[영한] 중독
[굴절형] 복수형; addictions
[어근] ⑴ ad; 향하여, 첨가, to ⑵ dict(dic); 말 ⑶ ion; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 addicere》 ad+dicere; to deliver, award, yield; make over, sell
affordable adj. ★★[3468] [레마] afford 〈 fore(앞)
[본문] [19]Back then it was an expensive luxury item, affordable only to kings, queens and the very rich.
[영영] If something is affordable, most people have enough money to buy it.
[영한] 줄 수 있는, 입수 가능한, (가격이) 알맞은
[반의어] unaffordable
<명사> 감당할 수 있는 물건[비용]
[어근] ⑴ afford; 제안하다, 더 멀리에 ⑵ able; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 geforðian》 제안하다, 공헌하다, 더 멀리에, 전진, 수행하다, 성취하다
[최초 의미] that can be spared
[파생] affordability, affordable, afford
cane noun ☆[4755] [레마] cane
[본문] [18]Sugar cane, which grows naturally in Asia, Africa and the Americas, first came to England in the 11th century.
[영영] Cane is used to refer to the long, hollow, hard stems of plants such as bamboo. Strips of cane are often used to make furniture, and some types of cane can be crushed and processed to make sugar.
[영한] ① (대나무처럼 속이 빈) 줄기 ② (가구 등의 재료로 쓰이는) 줄기 ③ 지팡이 ④ 회초리, 매
[굴절형] 복수형; canes
<동사> 회초리[매]로 때리다
[어근] cane; reed(갈대), rod(막대)
[어원] 《그리스어 kanna》 갈대
[파생] caner, cane
cereal noun △[10000+] [레마] cereal
[본문] [38]When people began to realise the health problems of sugar in the 20th century, these companies needed new ways to sell their product, and began using sugar in food which had previously contained none, food like bread, cereal and yogurt.
[영영] Cereal or breakfast cereal is a food made from grain. It is mixed with milk and eaten for breakfast.
[영한] ① 곡식이 되는 작물, 곡류(벼/보리/밀 등) ② 곡물 ③ (흔히 아침 식사로 우유에 말아 먹는) 시리얼[가공 곡물]
[굴절형] 복수형; cereals
[어근] cereal; cereal
[어원] 《라틴어 ceres》 [from PIE *ker-es-] {Italic goddess of agriculture}
[최초 의미] grass yielding edible grain and cultivated for food
coal noun ★★★[2400] [레마] coal
[본문] [55]Fuel is a substance such as oil or coal that is burned to provide heat or power.
[영영] Coal is a hard black substance that is extracted from the ground and burned as fuel.
[영한] ① 석탄 ② (특히 타고 있는) 석탄 조각
[굴절형] 복수형; coals
<동사> ① (배/기관차 등에) 석탄을 공급하다. ② 구워서 숯을 만들다. ③ (배가) 석탄을 싣다.
[어근] coal; coal
[어원] 《고대 영어 col》 ⑴not warm, moderately cold, neither warm nor very cold; (figuratively) unperturbed, undemonstrative, not excited or heated by passions; ⑵ charcoal; live coal, piece of wood or other combustible substance, either burning or having been burned
[최초 의미] charcoal; live coal, piece of wood or other combustible substance, either burning or having been burned
[파생] coalless, coaly, coal
commodity noun ★★[3459] [레마] commode 〈 mode
[본문] [25]Just now, I compared sugar to oil as the world's most important commodity.
[영영] A commodity is something that is sold for money.
[영한] ① (경제) 상품, 물품, 원자재 ② (유용한) 것
[굴절형] 복수형; commodities
[어근] ⑴ com; intensive prefix ⑵ mod(mode); 양식, 측량 ⑶ ity; ~한 상태, 성격
[어원] 《라틴어 commodus》 적합한, 꼭 맞는, 적절한, 편리한, 만족한
[최초 의미] benefit, profit, welfare;
consume verb ★★★[2172] [레마] consume 〈 sume
[본문] [40]You can flood the market with a certain commodity, with sugar in this case, but that still does not mean that people will consume it, so the eating habits of people had to change.
[영영] If you consume something, you eat or drink it.
[영한] ① (특히 연료/에너지/시간을) 소모하다 ② 먹다, 마시다 ③ (강렬한 감정이) 사로잡다[휩싸다] ④ (불이) 전소시키다, 휩싸다
[굴절형] consumed, consumed, consuming, consumes
[어근] ⑴ con(com); together ⑵ sume; 취하다, take
[최초 의미] to destroy by separating into parts which cannot be reunited, as by burning or eating; destroy the substance of, annihilate
[파생] consume, consuming, consumingly, consumption, consumptive, consumer
consumption noun ★★[3346]
[본문] [31]Sugar was already an extremely important commodity in the 16th and 17th and 18th century, and in the 19th century we see a staggering growth of sugar consumption in Europe and the United States.
[영영] The consumption of fuel or natural resources is the amount of them that is used or the act of using them.
[영한] ① (에너지/식품/물질의) 소비[소모](량) 참조 consume ② (상품의) 소비 참조 conspicuous consumption, consume ③ (구식) 폐결핵 유의어 tuberculosis
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[유의어] tuberculosis
[어근] ⑴ con(com); together ⑵ sumpt(sume); 취하다, take ⑶ ion; 명사 어미
[최초 의미] wasting of the body by disease; wasting disease, progressive emaciation
[파생] consume, consuming, consumingly, consumption, consumptive, consumer
decay noun ★★[3528] [레마] decay 〈 cad(떨어지다)
[본문] [12]Sugar gives us an instant hit of the chemical hormone, dopamine, making us feel good, but in the long run causing obesity, tooth decay, and diseases like diabetes.
[영한] ① 부패, 부식 ② (사회제도 등의) 쇠퇴[퇴락]
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
<동사> ① 부패하다, 썩다, 부패시키다, 썩게 만들다 ② (건물지역이) 퇴락하다 ③ (권력영향력 등이) 쇠퇴[퇴조]하다
[어근] ⑴ de; off ⑵ cay(cad); to fall
[어원] 《라틴어 cadere》 떨어지다
[최초 의미] deterioration, decline in value, gradual loss of soundness or perfection
[파생] decadence, decadent, decadently, decayable, decayer, decayless, decay
diabetes noun △[10000+] [레마] diabetes 〈 base(발걸음)
[본문] [12]Sugar gives us an instant hit of the chemical hormone, dopamine, making us feel good, but in the long run causing obesity, tooth decay, and diseases like diabetes.
[영영] Diabetes is a medical condition in which someone has too much sugar in their blood.
[영한] 당뇨병
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[어근] ⑴ dia; 통하여 ⑵ betes(bas); 걷다, 기초, step
[어원] 《라틴어 diabetes》 excessive discharge of urine
Dopamine noun △[10000+] [레마] Dopamine
[본문] [12]Sugar gives us an instant hit of the chemical hormone, Dopamine, making us feel good, but in the long run causing obesity, tooth decay, and diseases like diabetes.
[영한] 도파민
[구성단어] DOPA + amine
engine noun ★★★★[2001] [레마] engine 〈 gener(출산)
[본문] [35]Just like oil became the fuel for machine engines, sugar became the fuel for the human body.
[영영] The engine of a car or other vehicle is the part that produces the power which makes the vehicle move.
[영한] ① 엔진 ② 기관차 ③ -engined [형용사에서] 엔진이 …형[개]인 참조 fire engine, search engine
[굴절형] 복수형; engines
<동사> …에 (증기) 기관을 달다, 엔진을 장치하다.
[어근] ⑴ en; in, into ⑵ gine(gener); give birth, 생기다
[어원] 《라틴어 ingenium》 타고난 자질, 능력, 타고난 성격
[최초 의미] mechanical device, manner of construction
flood verb ★★★[2268] [레마] flood
[본문] [40]You can flood the market with a certain commodity, with sugar in this case, but that still does not mean that people will consume it, so the eating habits of people had to change.
[영영] If something such as a river or a burst pipe floods an area that is usually dry or if the area floods, it becomes covered with water.
[영한] ① 물에 잠기다[잠기게 하다], 침수되다[시키다] ② 범람하다[시키다] ③ 쇄도[폭주]하다, 물밀듯이 밀려들다 ④ ~에게 ~을 대량으로 보내다 ⑤ ~에 (~이) 마구 넘치다[범람하다], 넘쳐나게[범람하게] 하다 ⑥ (감정생각이) (갑자기 강하게) 밀려들다 ⑦ (빛색채가) (갑자기) 가득 들어오다[채우다] ⑧ (시동이 안 걸릴 정도로) 기름이[을] 가득 차다[채우다]
[굴절형] flooded flooded flooding floods
[유의어] pour, overwhelm
<명사> ① 홍수 ② 쇄도, 폭주, 홍수
[어근] flood; 홍수, flood
[어원] 《고대 영어 flod》 a flowing of water, tide, an overflowing of land by water, a deluge, Noah's Flood; mass of water, river, sea, wave
[최초 의미] to overflow
[파생] floodable, flooder, floodless, floodlike, flood
flood noun ★★★[2268] [레마] flood
[본문] [44]If you flood the market, you make a lot of your product available for sale, often at a low price.
[영영] If there is a flood, a large amount of water covers an area which is usually dry, for example when a river flows over its banks or a pipe bursts.
[영한] ① 홍수 ② 쇄도, 폭주, 홍수
[굴절형] 복수형; Floods
<동사> ① 물에 잠기다[잠기게 하다], 침수되다[시키다] ② 범람하다[시키다] ③ 쇄도[폭주]하다, 물밀듯이 밀려들다
[어근] flood; 홍수, flood
[어원] 《고대 영어 flod》 a flowing of water, tide, an overflowing of land by water, a deluge, Noah's Flood; mass of water, river, sea, wave
[최초 의미] a flowing of water, tide, an overflowing of land by water, a deluge, Noah's Flood; mass of water, river, sea, wave,
[파생] floodable, flooder, floodless, floodlike, flood
hormone noun ★★[3364] [레마] hormone
[본문] [12]Sugar gives us an instant hit of the chemical hormone, dopamine, making us feel good, but in the long run causing obesity, tooth decay, and diseases like diabetes.
[영영] A hormone is a chemical, usually occurring naturally in your body, that makes an organ of your body do something.
[영한] 호르몬
[굴절형] 복수형; hormones
[어근] ⑴ horm; excite, hormone ⑵ one(on); 명사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 hormon》 [pp of horman] that which sets in motion
[최초 의미] organic compound produced in animal bodies to regulate activity and behavior
[파생] hormonal, hormonelike, hormonic, hormone
instant adj. ★★★[3119] [레마] stance 〈 st-(서다)
[본문] [12]Sugar gives us an instant hit of the chemical hormone, dopamine, making us feel good, but in the long run causing obesity, tooth decay, and diseases like diabetes.
[영영] You use instant to describe something that happens immediately.
[영한] ① 즉각적인 ② (식품이) 인스턴트의
[유의어] immediate(즉각적이다)
<명사> ① 순간, 아주 짧은 동안 ② (특정한 일이 일어나는 바로 그) 순간
[어근] ⑴ in; in, upon ⑵ st; 서다, 상태, stand ⑶ ant(anti); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 stare》 [from PIE root *sta-] to stand
[최초 의미] now, present, of the moment, current,
[파생] instant, instantaneity, instantaneous, instantaneously, instantaneousness, instantly
kilo noun △[9806] [레마] kilo
[본문] [47]Instead of one or two spoons of sugar per week, people started eating kilos, with results we see around us every day - worldwide, obesity and heart disease have tripled in the last 50 years.
[영한] 킬로
[굴절형] 복수형; kilos
[Full] kilogram
[어근] kilo; 천((1000))
[어원] 《그리스어 khilioi》 thousand
[최초 의미] one thousand
labour noun ★★★[2641] [레마] labor
[본문] [37]Trading companies had become rich selling sugar grown using slave labour.
[영영] Labour is very hard work, usually physical work.
[영한] ① (특히 육체적인) 노동[작업] ② 업무 (기간) ③ (한 회사국가의) 노동력 ④ (분만 시의) 산고[진통] (시간), 분만 (과정) ⑤ (영국의) 노동당
[굴절형] 복수형; labours
<동사> ① 애를 쓰다, 고투를 하다 ② (육체적인) 노동을 하다[일을 하다] ③ 힘겹게 움직이다
[어근] labour(labor); toil, trouble
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ labor
[어원] 《라틴어 labor》 노역, 일, 노력, 작업, 고난[시련], 고통[괴로움]
[최초 의미] a task, a project
[파생] laboringly, labouringly, labor, labour
luxury noun ★★[3664] [레마] luxury
[본문] [19]Back then it was an expensive luxury item, affordable only to kings, queens and the very rich.
[영영] Luxury is very great comfort, especially among beautiful and expensive surroundings.
[영한] ① 호화로움, 사치 ② 사치(품) ③ 드문 호사
[굴절형] 복수형; luxuries
[유의어] indulgence(드문 호사), extravagance(사치)
<형용사> 사치(품)의, 고급(품)의
[어근] ⑴ luxur(luxuri); 초과, 낭비, excess ⑵ y; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 luxus》 초과, 낭비
[최초 의미] sexual intercourse
[파생] luxuriate, luxurious, luxuriously, luxuriousness, luxury
monarch noun[9418] [레마] monarch 〈 arch-
[본문] [20]So, which English monarch loved eating sugar so much their teeth turned black?
[영영] The monarch of a country is the king, queen, emperor, or empress.
[영한] 군주
[굴절형] [U] 소유격; monarch's
[어근] ⑴ mon(mono); 혼자 ⑵ arch; 지도자,lead, rule
[어원] 《그리스어 arkhein》 처음이 되다, 시작하다, 기원이 되다, 준비하다, 이끌다, 다스리다, 길을 안내하다, 통치하다, 군림하다, 지도자가 되다
[최초 의미] supreme governor for life, a sole or autocratic ruler of a state
[파생] monarchal, monarchally, monarchial, monarchic, monarchical, monarchically, monarchism, monarchist, monarch
notorious adj. ☆[5183] [레마] notorious 〈 note
[본문] [51]I guessed it was the notorious overeater, Henry VIII…
[영영] To be notorious means to be well-known for something bad.
[영한] 악명 높은
[유의어] infamous
[어근] ⑴ notori(note); 알다, know ⑵ ous; ~한(형용사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 notorius》 유명한, 널리 알려진
[최초 의미] publicly known and spoken of
[파생] notoriety, notoriously, notoriousness, notorious
obesity noun △[8858] [레마] obese 〈 eder-
[본문] [12]Sugar gives us an instant hit of the chemical hormone, dopamine, making us feel good, but in the long run causing obesity, tooth decay, and diseases like diabetes.
[영영] obese + ity
[영한] 비만, 비대
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[구성단어] obese + ity
[어근] ⑴ ob; about; because of ⑵ es(eder); 먹다, eat ⑶ ity; ~한 상태, 성격
[어원] 《라틴어 obesus》 pp of obedere; fat, stout, plump
[최초 의미] condition or quality of being corpulent
[파생] obesely, obeseness, obesity, obese
overeater noun[10000+] [레마] eat
[본문] [51]I guessed it was the notorious overeater, Henry VIII…
[영한] 과식자
[구성단어] overeat + er
[어근] ⑴ over; 너무, over ⑵ eat; 먹다, eat ⑶ er; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 etan》 음식을 먹다, 게걸스레 먹다, 먹다[마시다]
[파생] overeater, overeat
plantation noun △[10000+] [레마] plant
[본문] [28]For four hundred years, sugar, along with coffee and tobacco, was grown in slavery plantations and shipped across the Atlantic Ocean to Europe.
[영한] ① (특히 열대 지방에서 커피/설탕/고무 등을 재배하는 대규모) 농장 ② (목재 생산을 위한) 조림지
[구성단어] plant + ation
[어근] ⑴ plant; 싹틔움, 식물, sprout ⑵ ation(ion); 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 planta》 [perhaps from *plantare] sprout, shoot, cutting; sole of the foot
popularity noun ★★★[2411] [레마] people
[본문] [33]Professor Bosma talks about the staggering growth in the popularity of sugar.
[영영] the quality or state of being popular
[영한] ① 인기 ② 대중성, 통속성, 유행.
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[어근] ⑴ popul; 사람, 대중, people ⑵ ar; ~하는(형용사어미) ⑶ ity; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 populus》 [from pubes] a people, nation; body of citizens; a multitude, crowd, throng
[최초 의미] fact or condition of being beloved by the people, popular character or quality
[파생] popular, popularity, popularize, popularly, people
previously adv. ★★★[2218] [레마] previous 〈 via
[본문] [38]When people began to realise the health problems of sugar in the 20th century, these companies needed new ways to sell their product, and began using sugar in food which had previously contained none, food like bread, cereal and yogurt.
[영영] Previously means at some time before the period that you are talking about.
[영한] 이전에, 미리, 사전에
[유의어] formerly
[어근] ⑴ pre; before ⑵ vi(via); way ⑶ ous; 형용사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 via》 road, way
[파생] previously, previousness, previous
queen noun ★★★[2225] [레마] queen
[본문] [22]a) King Henry VIII b) queen Elizabeth I or, c) Mary queen of Scots?
[영영] A queen is a woman who rules a country as its monarch.
[영한] ① 여왕 ② 왕비, 왕후 ③ (어떤 집단/지역에서) 여왕 같은[가장 우수한] 존재 ④ (축제 등에서 뽑힌) 여왕 ⑤ (체스에서의) 퀸 ⑥ (카드놀이에서의) 퀸 ⑦ (곤충의) 여왕 ⑧ (경멸투로, 여자 같은) 남자 동성애자
[굴절형] 복수형; queens
[어근] queen; 여왕, queen
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이말 kvæn》
[파생] queenlike, queenly, queen
realise verb ★★★[2357] [레마] realize 〈 real(실제의)
[본문] [38]When people began to realise the health problems of sugar in the 20th century, these companies needed new ways to sell their product, and began using sugar in food which had previously contained none, food like bread, cereal and yogurt.
[영한] ① 깨닫다, 알아차리다, 인식[자각]하다 ② (목표 등을) 실현[달성]하다 ③ (수동형으로 쓰여) (우려 등이) 현실이 되다[실제로 발생하다] ④ (자산을) 실현하다[현금화하다] ⑤ (상품 등이) (특정한 금액에) 팔리다 ⑥ (글로 된 정보/지시 등에 기반하여 음향/연극/디자인 등을) 실현하다[만들어 내다]
[굴절형] realised, realised, realising, realises
[유의어] make, convert
[구성단어] real + ize
[어근] ⑴ real; 사실, real ⑵ ise(ize); 동사 어미
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ realize
[어원] 《라틴어 realis》 실제의, 사물 그 자체인
[파생] real, realisable, realisably, realisation, realiser, reality, realizable, realizably, realization, realize, realizer, really, realness, realise
slave noun ★★★★[2048] [레마] Slav
[본문] [37]Trading companies had become rich selling sugar grown using slave labour.
[영영] A slave is someone who is the property of another person and has to work for that person.
[영한] ① 노예 ② 노예 ③ 종속 장치
[굴절형] 복수형; slaves
<동사> 노예처럼[고되게] 일하다
[어근] slave(slav); 슬라브 사람, Slav
[최초 의미] person who is the chattel or property of another
[파생] slavelike, slavery, slavish, slave
spoon noun ★★★[3195] [레마] spoon
[본문] [41]People until the early 19th century they had a few spoons of sugar per week, but not a kilo which people consume today in many countries in the world…
[영영] A spoon is an object used for eating, stirring, and serving food. One end of it is shaped like a shallow bowl and it has a long handle.
[영한] ① 숟가락, 스푼 ② 한 숟가락(가득)
[굴절형] 복수형; spoons
<동사> 숟가락[스푼]으로 떠서 옮기다[넣다]
[어근] spoon; spoon
[어원] 《고대 영어 spon》 chip, sliver, shaving, splinter of wood
[최초 의미] chip, sliver, shaving, splinter of wood
[파생] spoonlike, spoon
staggering adj. △[10000+] [레마] staggering
[본문] [31]Sugar was already an extremely important commodity in the 16th and 17th and 18th century, and in the 19th century we see a staggering growth of sugar consumption in Europe and the United States.
[영영] Something that is staggering is very surprising.
[영한] (너무 엄청나서) 충격적인, 믿기 어려운
[유의어] astounding, stupendous
[구성단어] stagger + ing
[어근] ⑴ stagger; 비틀거리다, stagger ⑵ ing; 형용사 어미
[파생] stagger, staggerer, staggeringly, staggering
stumpy adj.[10000+] [레마] stump
[본문] [53]In fact, during the years before toothpaste and dentists, those black stumpy teeth belonged to Queen Elizabeth I.
[영한] 뭉툭한
[유의어] stubby
[구성단어] stump + y
[어근] ⑴ stump; 그루터기, stump ⑵ y; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《중세 네덜란드말 stomp》 [from Proto-Germanic *stamp-] stump
[파생] stumpily, stumpiness, stumpy
tobacco noun ★★★[2437] [레마] tobacco
[본문] [28]For four hundred years, sugar, along with coffee and tobacco, was grown in slavery plantations and shipped across the Atlantic Ocean to Europe.
[영영] Tobacco is dried leaves which people smoke in pipes, cigars, and cigarettes. You can also refer to pipes, cigars, and cigarettes as a whole as tobacco.
[영한] 담배
[굴절형] 복수형; tobaccos tobaccoes
[어근] tobacco; 담배, tobacco
[어원] 《스페인말 tabaco》 tobacco
[최초 의미] tobacco
[파생] tobaccoless, tobacco
toothpaste noun △[9747] [레마] paste
[본문] [53]In fact, during the years before toothpaste and dentists, those black stumpy teeth belonged to Queen Elizabeth I.
[영한] 치약
[굴절형] 복수형; toothpastes
[구성단어] tooth + paste
[어근] ⑴ tooth; 이빨, tooth ⑵ paste(pasta); 반죽, 페이스트리, dough
[어원] 《라틴어 pasta》 밀가루 반죽, 반죽, 페이스트리 반죽, 압축한 덩어리
triple verb △[10000+] [레마] triplicate 〈 plic(접다)
[본문] [47]Instead of one or two spoons of sugar per week, people started eating kilos, with results we see around us every day - worldwide, obesity and heart disease have tripled in the last 50 years.
[영한] 3배가 되다, 3배로 만들다
[굴절형] tripled tripled tripling triples
[유의어] treble
<형용사> ① 3부로 된, 3자[개]로 이뤄진 ② 3배의
[어근] ⑴ tri; 3배 ⑵ ple(plic); 접은, fold
unhealthy adj. ☆[4607] [레마] health 〈 heal
[본문] [23]I know Henry VIII was very unhealthy, so I'll guess it's him.
[영영] Something that is unhealthy is likely to cause illness or poor health.
[영한] ① 건강하지 못한, 건강하지 않아 보이는, 병든 것 같은 ② 건강에 해로운, 유해한 ③ 비정상적인, 불건전한
[굴절형] 비교; unhealthy < unhealthier < unhealthiest
[유의어] unwholesome
[반의어] healthy
[구성단어] un + healthy
[어근] ⑴ un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ heal; to heal ⑶ th; 명사어미 ⑷ y; 형용사어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 hælan》 치유되다
[파생] unhealthily, unhealthiness, unhealthy
vocabulary noun ★★[3352] [레마] voc
[본문] [14]That's what we'll be discussing in this programme and, as usual, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary as well.
[영영] Your vocabulary is the total number of words you know in a particular language.
[영한] ① (개인이 아는/사용하는) 어휘 ② (특정 언어의 모든) 어휘 ③ (특정 주제에 관련된) 용어 ④ 어휘 목록(특히 외국어 학습 교재 속에 의미와 함께 제시된 것)
[굴절형] 복수형; vocabularies
[어근] ⑴ vocabul(voc); 소리, voice ⑵ ary; 부속의
[어원] 《라틴어 vocare》 [related to vox] to call
[최초 의미] list of words with explanations
[파생] vocabularied, vocabulary
worldwide adj. ★★★[2643] [레마] world
[본문] [47]Instead of one or two spoons of sugar per week, people started eating kilos, with results we see around us every day - worldwide, obesity and heart disease have tripled in the last 50 years.
[영한] 전 세계적인
<부사> 전 세계에
[구성단어] world + wide
[어근] ⑴ world; world ⑵ wide; 넓은, wide
[어원] 《고대 영어 worold》 human existence, the affairs of life
[파생] worldly, worldwide, world
yogurt noun △[10000+] [레마] yogurt
[본문] [38]When people began to realise the health problems of sugar in the 20th century, these companies needed new ways to sell their product, and began using sugar in food which had previously contained none, food like bread, cereal and yogurt.
[영한] 요구르트
[유의어] yoghurt(요구르트)
[어근] yogurt; yogurt
[어원] 《터키말 yogurt》
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