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[영어숙어 및 구동사] 6 Minute English - Tips for parents coping with kids at home [BBC Learning English 강좌]

[영어숙어 및 구동사] 6 Minute English - Tips for parents coping with kids at home [BBC Learning English 강좌]

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[영어숙어/구동사] 6 Minute English - Tips for parents coping with kids at home [BBC Learning English 강좌]


a bit of [형용사] [관사구]
[본문] Include a nice chunk of time, normally after lunch, for a bit of downtime - quiet reading or quiet play but then, the rest of the time, build in activities.
[영한] ⒨ 한 조각의 …, 소량의 …
[구성단어] a + bit + of

at school [부사]
[본문] Adults are full of life experience and parents can teach their children things they wouldn't get to learn at school.
[영한] ⒨ 취학중, 수업중
[구성단어] at + school

build in [동사] [구동사]
[본문] Include a nice chunk of time, normally after lunch, for a bit of downtime - quiet reading or quiet play but then, the rest of the time, build in activities.
[영영] ① to make something a fixed and permanent part of a system, a plan, etc.
② to make something a fixed and permanent part of something larger
[영한] ⒨ ① (큰 구조물 안에) 붙박이로 넣다 ② (계획 등의 일부로) 고정시키다
[구성단어] build + in

come on [동사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] come on, Neil, I always have a pillow handy, just in case!
[영영] ① ( come along) used to encourage somebody to do something, for example, to hurry
② used to show that you do not believe what somebody has said or that you disagree with them
③ to begin working; to be switched on
[영한] ⒨ ① (배우가) 등장하다 ② (선수가) (팀 경기 중에) 나오다[합류하다] ③ (원하는 대로) 되어 가다 ④ (명령문으로 쓰여) 서둘러[힘 내] ⑤ 말도 안 돼[그건 아냐]
[구성단어] come + on

come up with [동사] [구동사]
[본문] A good way to generate ideas for things to do is brainstorming - talking with your children to come up with ideas and suggestions for fun learning activities.
[영영] ① 1.to think of an idea, an answer to a question or a solution to a problem
② 2.to find or produce something that somebody needs
[영한] ⒨ ① (해답/돈 등을) 찾아내다[내놓다] ② …을 생산하다, 제시[제안]하다. ③ ~을 생각해내다
[구성단어] come + up + with
[유의어] produce(생산하다), supply(제안하다)

cope with [동사] [구동사]
[본문] Being able to spend time at home with your children can be a great opportunity to teach them coping skills - skills they can use to cope, or deal with, stressful situations.
[영한] ⒨ …에 대처[대응]하다, …에 대항하다.
[구성단어] cope + with
[유의어] deal with(대응하다)

deal with [동사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] It's unprecedented what's going on but you may have a chance to have two or more weeks with your children and if you can change your attitude towards that you can actually enjoy this time and teach your children amazing coping skills for dealing with difficulties in the future.
[영영] ① to look after, talk to or control people in an appropriate way, especially as part of your job
② to take appropriate action in a particular situation or according to who you are talking to, etc.
③ to take appropriate action to punish somebody who has done something wrong
[영한] ⒨ ① (문제/과제 등을) 처리하다 ② (주제/소재로) ~을 다루다 ③ ~를 (상)대하다 ④ ~와 거래하다
[구성단어] deal + with
[유의어] cope with(대응하다)

draw up [동사] [구동사]
[본문] I would brainstorm ideas and then draw up timetables of what you're going to do each day.
[영영] ① 1. to make or write something that needs careful planning
② 2. to bring something nearer to somebody/something
③ to come to a stop; to make something/somebody/yourself stop
[영한] ⒨ ① (세심한 생각/계획이 필요한 것을) 만들다[작성하다] ② (차량이) 다가와서 서다 ③ 결연히[위엄 있게, 가슴을 펴고] 똑바로 서다, 직립하다
[구성단어] draw + up

find out [동사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] We'll find out later whether you were right.
[영영] ① find out; to learn a fact, a piece of information, or the truth about something/somebody
② find somebody out; to discover that somebody has been dishonest or has done something wrong
[영한] ⒨ ① ~의 잘못을 적발하다 ② (~에 대해) (~을) 알아내다[알게 되다] ③ (조사하여) 발견하다, 생각해 내다, (해답을) 얻어내다, (수수께끼를) 풀다 ④ …임을 알아내다, 발견하다 ⑤ …의 정체[진의]를 간파하다, (범인을) 찾아내다, (부정/죄를) 간파하다
[구성단어] find + out

focus on [동사] [구동사]
[본문] One parenting expert recommends keeping a positive attitude by focusing on the useful things parents can teach their children at home, like coping skills - skills to cope with stressful situations, like being locked down.
[영영] ① to give all your attention, effort, etc. to a particular problem, subject or person
② to be adjusted so that things can be seen clearly; to adjust something so that you can see things clearly
[영한] ⒨ ~에 주력하다, 초점을 맞추다
[구성단어] focus + on

for example [부사] [전치사명사구]
[본문] It's also important to timetable in downtime - time when you relax and do not do much, for example quiet reading.
[영한] ⒨ 예를 들어
[구성단어] for + example

get over [동사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] I think I'm going to need a holiday to get over this lockdown.
[영영] ① to deal with or gain control of something
② (informal) (usually used in a negative sentence with or) to believe that something surprising or unexpected really did happen or is true
③ to climb or cross something high
[영한] ⒨ ① …을 넘다, 건너다, [장거리]를 가다 ② 을 극복하다, [증거/주장 따위]를 논파하다, [병 따위]로부터 회복되다 ③ [충격/불행 따위]를 잊다, [남]을 잊어버리다 ④ …을 완성하다, 이루다, 끝내다 ⑤ …을 알게 하다, 이해시키다[to]
[구성단어] get + over
[유의어] overcome

get rid of [동사] [숙어동사]
[본문] If the situation becomes stressful then it's good to let off steam - do something to get rid of strong feelings by expressing them without harming anyone.
[영영] make yourself free of somebody/something that is annoying you or that you do not want; throw something away
[영한] ⒨ ① ~을 처리하다[없애다] ② 면하다, 제거하다, 끝내다.
[구성단어] get + rid + of
[유의어] be freed of, eliminate, shift(없애다)

go for [동사] [구동사]
[본문] And when it all gets too much, find healthy ways to let off steam - get rid of strong emotions by doing something energetic, like going for a run....
[영영] ① to attack somebody/something
② to apply to somebody/something; to be true of somebody/something
③ to go to get somebody/something
[영한] ⒨ ① ~을 택하다 ② 힘을 내다[쏟다] ③ ~에 해당되다 ④ ~을 데리러[가지러] 가다 ⑤ ~을 좋아[선호]하다
[구성단어] go + for
[유의어] like, prefer, favor, attack, try for

go wrong [동사]
[본문] And if it all starts going wrong, here's Elizabeth again with a final tip.
[영영] ① make a mistake with something
② stop working correctly
[영한] ⒨ ① 실수를 하다[잘못하다] ② (기계가) 고장 나다[망가지다] ③ (일이) 잘못되다[문제를 겪다]
[구성단어] go + wrong

help in [동사]
[본문] Elizabeth thinks that having a positive attitude by seeing the lockdown as an opportunity will help in this unprecedented situation - a situation which has never happened before.
[영한] ⒨ ① 도와서 들여보내[태워, 입혀] 주다 ② …을 돕다.
[구성단어] help + in

just in case [부사]
[본문] Come on, Neil, I always have a pillow handy, just in case!
[영한] ⒨ ① 만약을 위해서 ② (미) ([접속사적으로]) …한 경우에 한해서
[구성단어] just + in + case

let off steam [동사]
[본문] If the situation becomes stressful then it's good to let off steam - do something to get rid of strong feelings by expressing them without harming anyone.
[영영] 1.release energy, strong feelings, nervous tension, etc. by intense physical activity or noisy behaviour
[영한] ⒨ 울분[열기 등]을 발산하다
[구성단어] let + off + steam

let off stream [동사]
[본문] Pillow fights are also a great way to let off stream.
[영한] ⒨ 울분을 토하다
[구성단어] let + off + stream

look out [동사] [Oxford3000] [★★]
[본문] I remember my dad driving us down to the seaside, looking out the car window and playing I-spy with my sister.
[영영] ① to search for something from among your possessions
② 1.to try to find somebody/something or meet somebody I was looking out for Pete but I didn't see him. Look out for this movie at your local multiplex.
③ to try to avoid something bad happening or doing something bad
[영한] ⒨ ① (특히 위험이 있을 때 경고하는 말로) 조심해라 ② (자기가 가진 물건들 중에서) ~을 찾다[찾아 보다]
[구성단어] look + out
[유의어] watch out

no longer [부사]
[본문] And with schools now shut for the foreseeable future, this is creating challenges - both for children who can no longer meet their friends to play outdoors…
[영영] 1.used to say that something which was possible or true before is not now
[영한] ⒨ ① 이미 …아니다 ② 더 이상 …아닌[하지 않는]
[구성단어] no + longer

on end [부사]
[본문] Parents and children may be living together under lockdown for weeks on end and this can be stressful as BBC Radio 4's You and Yours discovered when they spoke to parenting expert, Elizabeth O'Shea.
[구성단어] on + end
[유의어] continuously(쉬지 않고 계속해서)

on holiday [부사]
[본문] I used to go to the seaside on holiday with my family - sometimes to the coast in England and sometimes abroad to France or Spain.
[영한] ⒨ 휴가중에
[구성단어] on + holiday

run out [동사] [Oxford3000] [★★]
[본문] Well, unfortunately, we've run out of time.
[영한] ⒨ ① (공급품이) 다 떨어지다[되다] ② (주장/서류가) 더 이상 유효하지 않게 되다[무효가 되다] ③ (흔히 수동태로) (크리켓에서) (타자를) 런아웃시키다 ④ (공급품을) 다 쓰다
[구성단어] run + out
[유의어] expire, expire(만료되다)

run out of [동사]
[본문] Well, unfortunately, we've run out of time.
[영영] to force somebody to leave a place
[영한] ⒨ ① (사람이) …을 다 써버리다, …이 없어지다, [물건]을 바닥내다 ② …으로부터 도망 나오다[달아나다] ③ …으로부터 추방하다
[구성단어] run + out + of

spend in [동사]
[본문] A large chunk - or part - of the day could be spent in fun ways like playing games or finding things out together on the internet.
[영한] ⒨ …에 (시간을) 보내다.
[구성단어] spend + in

work with [동사]
[본문] Instead, it might be better to work with your children as a team and decide together what you'd like to do.
[영한] ⒨ ① …와 함께 일하다 ② …을 연구[작업] 대상으로 하다
[구성단어] work + with



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