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The stories behind our names 6 Minute English, BBC Learning English 강좌 [영어숙어 및 구동사]





BBC 6 Minute English의 금주 주제인 The stories behind our names은 개략적으로 다음의 개요를 갖고 있습니다.

BBC Learning English 6 Minute English 영어 구동사(softca.tistory.com)

모든 사람에게는 이름이 있습니다. 그것은 우리 정체성의 중요한 부분입니다. 그러나 이름은 우리의 문화와 역사를 드러내는 의미를 가질 수도 있습니다. Neil과 Beth는 이에 대해 토론하고 유용한 어휘를 가르칩니다.(Everyone has a name. It's an important part of our identity. But names can also have meanings that reveal our culture and history. Neil and Beth discuss this and teach you some useful vocabulary.)

다음은 금주의 6 Minute English에 수록된 구동사, 숙어 등 여러 단어 어휘를 간단히 정리한 자료입니다.

a lot adv.
[본문] [5]Names tell us a lot about a person.
[영영] ① very much or very often:
② to a considerable degree or extent
[영한] 다수 , 다량 , 많이

all over the world noun
[본문] [38]Ironically, it was London, the capital of the British Empire, that in modern times became the destination for migrants from all over the world.
[영한] 전 세계
<부사> 전 세계에

as soon as conj.
[본문] [22]…as soon as I started thinking about it, you know, this name Sheela which is, you know, I was a 7 year-old girl living in Hayes called Sheela - this very typical English name - you know, what's that name doing there… if you start to pull at that the threads lead you to the story of my Bengali parents' migration over here, to mass migration from the colonies after the war to this country, and then Banerjee contains all these stories about colonialism and caste…
[영영] If you say that something happens as soon as something else happens, you mean that it happens immediately after the other thing.
[영한] 하자마자, …하자 곧

as usual adv.
[본문] [11]We'll be hearing about Sheela's research into her name and family history, and, as usual, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary as well.
[영영] ① in the same way as what happens most of the time or in most cases
② in the way that happens or exists most of the time or in most cases
③ sometimes used with per
[영한] 늘 그렇듯이[평상시처럼]
[유의어] as always

as well adv.
[본문] [11]We'll be hearing about Sheela's research into her name and family history, and, as usual, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary as well.
[영영] in addition to somebody/something; too
[영한] ① (~뿐만 아니라/~은 물론) …도 ② 게다가, 또한, 마찬가지로

be bothered verb
[본문] [34]…it is an Indian name, but actually it's not my real name… You've got names like Banerjee, Mukherjee, Chatterjee which, you know, nowadays people hear over here, but Banerjee is an anglicised form of my original name which would have been 'Bandyopadhyay' and it's a name that was changed by the British when they went over there because they really basically couldn't be bothered to pronounce it, or couldn't pronounce it, and for me it's always been a very mixed name because it signifies that we were, you know, colonial subjects and so it's a tricky name to be carrying around.
[영영] (''preceded by'' '''can''' ''or'' '''be able to''') To have the enthusiasm (to do something). Typically used in the negative.
[영한] 중요하게 여기다, 개의하다

because of prep.
[본문] [37]Sheela feels her anglicised surname has always been tricky - difficult to use, because of the association with colonialism and oppression.
[영한] …때문에
[유의어] on account of(때문이다), due to(때문이다), owing to(때문이다), thanks to



British Empire noun
[본문] [38]Ironically, it was London, the capital of the British Empire, that in modern times became the destination for migrants from all over the world.
[영영] former empire consisting of Great Britain and the areas it controlled
[영한] 대영 제국

British India noun
[본문] [20]Sheela Banerjee's name came out of her parents' journey from British India to West London in the 1950s.
[영한] (옛날의) 영국령 인도

come out of verb
[본문] [20]Sheela Banerjee's name came out of her parents' journey from British India to West London in the 1950s.
[영영] ① to return to normal after a difficult time
② to result or develop from a process or an event
③ to be taken away from a total amount
[영한] ① ~에서 (발전되어) 나오다 ② ~에서 나오다

find out verb
[본문] [19]OK, Neil, we'll find out the answer later in the programme.
[영영] ① find out; to learn a fact, a piece of information, or the truth about something/somebody
② find somebody out; to discover that somebody has been dishonest or has done something wrong
[영한] ① ~의 잘못을 적발하다 ② (~에 대해) (~을) 알아내다[알게 되다] ③ (조사하여) 발견하다, 생각해 내다, (해답을) 얻어내다, (수수께끼를) 풀다 ④ …임을 알아내다, 발견하다 ⑤ …의 정체[진의]를 간파하다, (범인을) 찾아내다, (부정/죄를) 간파하다 ⑥ (죄 등이) 그 본인을 폭로하다 ⑦ (미) (친척 등을) 찾아내다 ⑧ …에 대해 진상을 알다

for example adv.
[본문] [6]Many names have meanings - Paul, for example, means 'humble', and the name, Anna, originated from a Hebrew word meaning 'graceful'.
[영한] 예를 들어

for now adv.
[본문] [51]Goodbye for now!
[영한] ① 우선은, 현재로는, 당분간은 ② 이제 곧

go out verb
[본문] [14]Names go in and out of fashion, and a name that was popular one year soon becomes old-fashioned.
[영영] ① (for/to something) to leave your house to go to social events, etc.
② (informal) (with somebody/together) to spend time with somebody and have a romantic or sexual relationship with them
③ to be sent, announced, etc.
[영한] ① (사교 모임에 가기 위해) 외출하다[나가다] ② (썰물로 물이) 빠지다 ③ 발송되다 ④ (라디오/텔레비전 프로그램이) 방송되다 ⑤ (뉴스/정보가) 발표되다[알려지다] ⑥ (불/전깃불이) 꺼지다[나가다] ⑦ (대회 등에서) 탈락하다 ⑧ 유행이 끝나다
[유의어] ebb
[반의어] come in, come in(유행하다)

go over verb
[본문] [34]…it is an Indian name, but actually it's not my real name… You've got names like Banerjee, Mukherjee, Chatterjee which, you know, nowadays people hear over here, but Banerjee is an anglicised form of my original name which would have been 'Bandyopadhyay' and it's a name that was changed by the British when they went over there because they really basically couldn't be bothered to pronounce it, or couldn't pronounce it, and for me it's always been a very mixed name because it signifies that we were, you know, colonial subjects and so it's a tricky name to be carrying around.
[영영] ① to do more, spend more, etc. than a particular amount or than you are allowed to do
② to examine the details of something; to check something
③ to study something carefully; to repeat something
[영한] ① ~을 점검[검토]하다 ② 거듭 살피다 ③ (특히 한 방이나 도시 안에서 이리저리) 다니다, (~로) 건너가다 ④ (생각/행동 등이) (~에게) 받아들여지다 ⑤ …을 조사하다 ⑥ …을 건너다[넘다]
[유의어] examine(조사하다), cross(건너다), go over to(이리저리 다니다), go over with(받아들여지다)

have a question verb
[본문] [12]But first I have a question for you, Neil.
[영한] 질문하다



hear about verb
[본문] [11]We'll be hearing about Sheela's research into her name and family history, and, as usual, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary as well.
[영영] to be told news or information about somebody/something
[영한] …에 관해서 (상세한 이야기/꾸지람 등을) 듣다

in a row adv.
[본문] [43]In 2022, Olivia remained the most popular girls' name for the sixth year in a row, and was given to 3,649 baby girls.
[영영] happening one after another; consecutively
[영한] (여러 번을) 잇달아[연이어]

in the world adv.
[본문] [8]But names also reveal cultural and family connections which give us a sense of our history and our place in the world.
[영한] (강조의 의미로) 이 세상에(서)

lead story noun
[본문] [22]…as soon as I started thinking about it, you know, this name Sheela which is, you know, I was a 7 year-old girl living in Hayes called Sheela - this very typical English name - you know, what's that name doing there… if you start to pull at that the threads lead you to the story of my Bengali parents' migration over here, to mass migration from the colonies after the war to this country, and then Banerjee contains all these stories about colonialism and caste…
[영한] (신문/잡지/뉴스 방송의) 머리기사[톱뉴스]

lead to verb
[본문] [22]…as soon as I started thinking about it, you know, this name Sheela which is, you know, I was a 7 year-old girl living in Hayes called Sheela - this very typical English name - you know, what's that name doing there… if you start to pull at that the threads lead you to the story of my Bengali parents' migration over here, to mass migration from the colonies after the war to this country, and then Banerjee contains all these stories about colonialism and caste…
[영영] to result in a particular action or event; to force or persuade somebody to take a particular action
[영한] ① ~로 이어지다 ② ∼에 이르게 하다 ③ ∼로 이끌다
[유의어] result in

life story noun
[본문] [21]Here she tells BBC Radio 4 programme, Word of Mouth, how reflecting on this journey inspired her new book, What's in a Name - , which blends her own life story with history and politics:
[영한] 인생 이야기, 전기(傳記)

live in verb
[본문] [22]…as soon as I started thinking about it, you know, this name Sheela which is, you know, I was a 7 year-old girl living in Hayes called Sheela - this very typical English name - you know, what's that name doing there… if you start to pull at that the threads lead you to the story of my Bengali parents' migration over here, to mass migration from the colonies after the war to this country, and then Banerjee contains all these stories about colonialism and caste…
[영영] ① to live in the place where you work; to live in another person's home
② to live at the place where you work or study
③ to live at the place where you work or study
[영한] (일/공부하는 장소에) 들어가 살다

look like verb
[본문] [25]She may have had a typical English name, but with dark skin and hair, Sheela didn't look like some people's image of a typical English girl.
[영영] o have an appearance that is very similar to (someone or something); to resemble (someone or something)
[영한] ① …할 것 같다 ② …인 것처럼 보이다

make the effort verb
[본문] [36]This happened at lot: the surnames Chattopadhyay became Chatterjee and Mukhopadhyay became Mukherjee, either because the British rulers couldn't pronounce them, or because they couldn't be bothered - they didn't make the effort.
[영한] 노력하다

once again adv.
[본문] [50]once again, our six minutes are up.
[영한] 한 번 더, 또 다시




one another det.
[본문] [28]What Sheela discovered was a story of mass migration - periods in history when large groups of people move from one geographical area to another.
[영한] 서로(서로)
<대명사> 서로(서로)

pull at verb
[본문] [22]…as soon as I started thinking about it, you know, this name Sheela which is, you know, I was a 7 year-old girl living in Hayes called Sheela - this very typical English name - you know, what's that name doing there… if you start to pull at that the threads lead you to the story of my Bengali parents' migration over here, to mass migration from the colonies after the war to this country, and then Banerjee contains all these stories about colonialism and caste…
[영한] …을 잡아당기다[끌다].

reflect on verb
[본문] [21]Here she tells BBC Radio 4 programme, Word of Mouth, how reflecting on this journey inspired her new book, What's in a Name - , which blends her own life story with history and politics:
[영영] to make somebody have a particular opinion of somebody/something
[영한] ~을 반성하다, 되돌아보다
[유의어] look back

starting with prep.
[본문] [44]OK, let's recap the vocabulary from this programme starting with typical - containing the most usual features of a particular type of person or thing.
[영한] ~로 시작하면서

think about verb
[본문] [22]…as soon as I started thinking about it, you know, this name Sheela which is, you know, I was a 7 year-old girl living in Hayes called Sheela - this very typical English name - you know, what's that name doing there… if you start to pull at that the threads lead you to the story of my Bengali parents' migration over here, to mass migration from the colonies after the war to this country, and then Banerjee contains all these stories about colonialism and caste…
[영영] ① to have ideas or images in your mind; to remember somebody/something
② ( think of somebody/something) to consider somebody/something
③ to use your mind to consider something, such as your future plans, to try to solve problems, etc.
[영한] ① (어떤 일을 하거나 계획할 때) ~에 대해 생각[고려]하다 ② ~할 것을 생각[고려]하다 ③ …에 관해 생각하다
[유의어] contemplate, contemplate(생각하다)

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