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6 Minute English

6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - United against food waste [BBC Learning English 강좌]


According to the UN, one third of the food we grow ends up in the rubbish bin. In this programme, we'll meet the people trying to stop us from throwing good food away - including a farmer and a green designer. And, of course, Neil and Sam will teach you some new vocabulary as well.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.

abroad [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3392] [★★] [레마] broad
[본문] [12]Here in the UK, big supermarkets import food from abroad for customers to enjoy all year round.
[영한] 외국, 해외, 바깥.
[활용] 불가산(不加算) 명사
<부사> ① 해외에(서), 해외로 ② (소문/느낌 등이) 널리 퍼져[떠다녀] ③ (옛글투) 집 밖에
[어원] [Old Norse] breiðr
[어근]a; on ⑵ broad; 넓다, wide

accurate [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2754] [★★] [레마] accurate < cure
[본문] [39]But according to green designer, Solveiga Pakstaite, these use-by dates aren't always accurate, something she discussed with BBC World Service's, People Fixing The World.
[영영] Accurate information, measurements, and statistics are correct to a very detailed level. An accurate instrument is able to give you information of this kind.
[영한] ① 정확한 ② 정밀한 ③ (목표물에) 명중하는, 정확한
[첫뜻] done with care
[파생] accuracy, accurate, accurately, accurateness
[반의어] inaccurate(정확하다)
[어원] [Latin] accurare ad+curare; take care of
[어근]ac(ad); 향하여,첨가 ⑵ cur; 보살피다 ⑶ ate; 동사 어미

adverb [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] adverb < verb
[본문] [45]Here, blanket is an adverb meaning applied in the same way to everything, even when there are differences between those things.
[영영] a word that describes a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a sentence and that is often used to show time, manner, place, or degree
[영한] 부사
[첫뜻] one of the indeclinable parts of speech, so called from being ordinarily joined to verbs for the purpose of limiting or extending their signification, but used also to qualify adjectives and other adverbs
[파생] adverbial, adverbially, adverb
[구성단어] ad + verb
[어원] [Latin] adverbium [ad+verbum] adverb, (literally) that which is added to a verb
[어근]ad; 향하여, 첨가, to ⑵ verb; 단어, word, verb

avocado [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] avocado
[본문] [25]So Josefina, that's the farmer who we heard earlier growing those giant avocados, she used to have to sell her crops to these kind of middlemen.
[영영] Avocados are pear-shaped vegetables, with hard skins and large stones, which are usually eaten raw.
[영한] 아보카도
[첫뜻] edible, oily fruit of a tree common in the American tropics
[활용] 복수형; avocados
[어원] [Nahuatl] ahuakatl avocado 아보카도

bin [명사] [Oxf3] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] bin
[본문] [8]According to the UN, one third of the food we grow ends up in the rubbish bin.
[영영] A bin is a container that you put rubbish in. in AM, usually use garbage can, trash can
[영한] ① 쓰레기통 ② (흔히 뚜껑이 달린 저장용) 통
[첫뜻] enclosed receptacle for some commodity
[활용] 복수형; bins
<동사> 버리다
[어원] [Old English] binne basket, manger, crib 바구니, 여물통, 구유[여물통]
[어근] bin; bin





blanket [부사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3332] [★] [레마] blank
[본문] [42]Food producers and supermarkets… they kind of have to calculate it to the worst-case scenario because they don't know which product is going to get stored at the wrong temperature, so they have to blanket apply a shorter date to protect consumers.
[영한] 일괄적으로
<명사> ① 담요 ② 짙게 드리운[두텁게 내려앉은] ~의 장막 <동사> (완전히) 뒤덮다 <형용사> 전반[전면]적
[어원] [French] blanchet [diminutive of blanc] light wool or flannel cloth; an article made of this material [blanc의 지소형] 얇은모직 또는 플란넬 옷, 가벼운 모직 또는 플란넬 물품
[어근]blank; 흰색의, blank ⑵ et; 지소 어미

calculate [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3064] [★★] [레마] calculate < calc
[본문] [41]So what they do is they calculate the use-by date using a very cautious estimate.
[영영] If you calculate a number or amount, you discover it from information that you already have, by using arithmetic, mathematics, or a special machine.
[영한] ① 계산하다, 산출하다 ② 추정하다, 추산하다
[첫뜻] to ascertain by computation, estimate by mathematical means
[활용] calculated, calculated, calculating, calculates
[파생] calculate, calculation, calculational, calculative
[유의어] work out(계산하다), estimate(추정하다)
[어원] [Latin] calculare [from calculus] to reckon, compute [어원 calculus] 생각하다, 계산하다
[어근]calcul(calc); 작은 돌, a small pebble ⑵ ate; 동사 어미

carbon [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3029] [★★] [레마] carbon
[본문] [13]Summer fruit like strawberries and mangos are flown in from tropical countries and sold in winter, increasing carbon emissions as well as waste.
[영영] Carbon is a chemical element that diamonds and coal are made up of.
[영한] ① 탄소 ② 카본지로 뜬 복사본 ③ 카본지, 먹지
[활용] 복수형; carbons
[파생] carbonous, carbon
[어원] [Latin] carbon coal, charcoal 석탄, 숯
[어근]carb(carbo); 탄소, carbon ⑵ on; 명사 어미

cautious [형용사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] caution
[본문] [41]So what they do is they calculate the use-by date using a very cautious estimate.
[영영] Someone who is cautious acts very carefully in order to avoid possible danger.
[영한] 조심스러운, 신중한
[첫뜻] careful to avoid danger or misfortune,
[파생] caution, cautionary, cautioner, cautious, cautiously, cautiousness
[유의어] circumspect, wary
[어원] [Latin] cautionem nominative cautio; caution, care, foresight, precaution
[어근]cauti(caut); 주의, caution ⑵ ous; 형용사 어미

commission [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2400] [★★] [레마] commit < mit(보내다)
[본문] [31]And a lot of these carreros are kind of commissioned by the supermarkets.
[영영] If you commission something or commission someone to do something, you formally arrange for someone to do a piece of work for you.
[영한] ① (미술음악 작품 등을) 의뢰[주문]하다 ② (장교로) 임관시키다 ③ …에 직권을 주다(empower) , 임명하다 ④ (권한 등을) 위임하다(authorize), 위탁하다 , (일 등을) 의뢰하다, 부탁하다. ⑤ (임무를 주어) 파견하다. ⑥ (군함을) 취역시키다
[첫뜻] empower or authorize by commission
[활용] commissioned, commissioned, commissioning, commissions
[파생] commission, commissional, commissionary, commit, commitment, committable, committer
<명사> ① (보통 정부의 위임을 받은) 위원회[위원단] ② (위탁 판매 대가로 받는) 수수료[커미션] ③ (은행 등에서 서비스 대가로 받는) 수수료
[구성단어] commit + ion
[어원] [Latin] commissionem [noun of action from past participle stem of committere] (nominative commissio) act of committing; delegation of business
[어근]com; 함께 ⑵ miss(mit); 보내다, send ⑶ ion; 명사 어미

container [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3390] [★★] [레마] contain < ten-(잡다)
[본문] [6]You reach into the kitchen refrigerator looking for something to eat, only to find a brown lettuce, a sad-looking cucumber, and some two-week old fish, all past its use-by date - the date printed on the food container showing how long it is safe to eat.
[영영] A container is something such as a box or bottle that is used to hold or store things in.
[영한] ① 그릇, 용기 ② (화물 수송용) 컨테이너
[활용] 복수형; containers
[파생] contain, container, content, contented, contentment
[구성단어] contain + er
[어원] [Latin] tenere to hold, keep 잡다, 유지하다
[어근]con(com); together ⑵ tain(ten); 잡다, hold ⑶ er; 명사 어미

cos [접속사] [R; 5001+] [레마] cos
[본문] [18]Hmmm, it's definitely not strawberries 'cos they only grow in summer, so I'll say b) kale.
[영영] because
[영한] 왜냐하면 because
[유의어] because(왜냐하면)
<명사> (식물) 양상추의 일종
[어원] [English] because [from by+cause]


crop [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2483] [★★] [레마] crop
[본문] [25]So Josefina, that's the farmer who we heard earlier growing those giant avocados, she used to have to sell her crops to these kind of middlemen.
[영영] Crops are plants such as wheat and potatoes that are grown in large quantities for food.
[영한] ① (농)작물 ② (한 철에 거둔) 수확량 ③ (동시에 같은 일을 하는 사람들의) 무리[집단], (동시에 일어나는) 많은 일들 ④ (승마 때 쓰는 짧은) 채찍 ⑤ 아주 짧은 머리 ⑥ hair/curls 짧고 숱 많은 검은/금발 등의 머리[곱슬머리] ⑦ (조류의) 모이주머니
[첫뜻] head or top of a sprout or herb, any part of a medicinal plant except the root
[활용] 복수형; crops
[유의어] harvest
<동사> ① (머리를) 아주 짧게 깎다 ② (사진이나 그림의 일부를) 잘라 내다 ③ (동물이 풀을) 뜯어먹다
[어원] [Old English] cropp head or top of a sprout or herb, any part of a medicinal plant except the root 새싹 또는 허브의 윗부분, 뿌리를 제외한 약초 나무

cucumber [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] cucumber
[본문] [6]You reach into the kitchen refrigerator looking for something to eat, only to find a brown lettuce, a sad-looking cucumber, and some two-week old fish, all past its use-by date - the date printed on the food container showing how long it is safe to eat.
[영영] A cucumber is a long thin vegetable with a hard green skin and wet transparent flesh. It is eaten raw in salads.
[영한] 오이
[첫뜻] common running garden plant,
[활용] 복수형; cucumbers
[어원] [Latin] cucumerem nominative cucumis; cucumber

definitely [부사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2005] [★★] [레마] define < fin-(경계)
[본문] [18]Hmmm, it's definitely not strawberries 'cos they only grow in summer, so I'll say b) kale.
[영영] You use definitely to emphasize that something is the case, or to emphasize the strength of your intention or opinion.
[영한] ① (강조의 의미로 쓰여) 분명히[틀림없이], 절대(로) ② 확실히, 분명히
[파생] define, definite, definitely, definiteness, definitude
[유의어] expressly(분명하다), certainly
<감탄사> 물론, 그럼
[어원] [Latin] definire de+finire; to limit, determine, explain
[어근]de; 밑,밖으로 ⑵ fin; 끝내다, 경계, end ⑶ ite; 형용사어미 ⑷ ly; 부사어미

designer [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2447] [★★] [레마] design < sign
[본문] [39]But according to green designer, Solveiga Pakstaite, these use-by dates aren't always accurate, something she discussed with BBC World Service's, People Fixing The World.
[영영] A designer is a person whose job is to design things by making drawings of them.
[영한] 디자이너
[활용] 복수형; designers
[파생] design, designable, designless, designer
<형용사> 유명 디자이너가 만든, 유명 브랜드의
[어근]de; 밑, 밖으로 ⑵ sign; 표시, sign ⑶ er; 명사 어미

emission [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 2937] [★★] [레마] emit < mit(보내다)
[본문] [13]Summer fruit like strawberries and mangos are flown in from tropical countries and sold in winter, increasing carbon emissions as well as waste.
[영영] An emission of something such as gas or radiation is the release of it into the atmosphere.
[영한] ① (빛/열/가스 등의) 배출 ② (대기 속의) 배출물, 배기가스
[활용] 복수형; emissions
[파생] emissive, emit, emission
[어원] [Latin] mittere to send; to put, place; to release, (in classical Latin) sent, let go; to throw 보내다; 놓다; 위치시키다; 놓아 주다, 가게 하다, 던지다
[어근]e(ex); out of, 밖 ⑵ miss(mit); to send ⑶ ion; 명사어미

fridge [명사] [Oxf3] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] frig
[본문] [40]Well, food makers don't know how people will keep their products, so for instance, they might forget to put their groceries straight in the fridge when they get home.
[영영] A fridge is a large metal container which is kept cool, usually by electricity, so that food that is put in it stays fresh.
[영한] 냉장고
[유의어] refrigerator(냉장고)
[어원] [Latin] frigidarium a cooling room in a bath
[어근] fridge(frig); 차가운, cold





giant [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2562] [★★] [레마] giant < giga
[본문] [25]So Josefina, that's the farmer who we heard earlier growing those giant avocados, she used to have to sell her crops to these kind of middlemen.
[영영] Giant is often used to refer to any large, successful business organization or country.
[영한] ① (이야기 속의) 거인 ② 거인 같은[거대한] 사람[동물/식물] ③ 거대 조직[기업] ④ (어떤 분야에서 재능이 아주 뛰어난) 거인
[첫뜻] fabulous man-like creature of enormous size
[활용] 복수형; giants
[파생] giant, giantlike, giant-like, gigantic, gigantically, giganticness
<형용사> 거대한, 위대한
[어원] [Greek] gigas giant 거대한
[어근]gi(giga); 거대한, giant ⑵ ant; 명사 어미

grocery [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3328] [★★] [레마] grocer < gross(전체[전부]의)
[본문] [40]Well, food makers don't know how people will keep their products, so for instance, they might forget to put their groceries straight in the fridge when they get home.
[영영] A grocery or a grocery store is a grocer's shop.
[영한] ① store) 식료품 잡화점 ② 식료품 및 잡화
[첫뜻] goods sold by a grocer;
[활용] 복수형; groceries
[어원] [Latin] grossarius [Late Latin grossus] wholesaler, dealer in quantity
[어근]groc(gross); 전체[전부]의, gross ⑵ ery; 성질,행위,상태

grower [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] grow
[본문] [33]Josefina used to sell her food to carreros or middlemen - people who buy food directly from the grower, and make money by selling it on to customers.
[영영] A grower is a person who grows large quantities of a particular plant or crop in order to sell them.
[영한] ① 재배자[사] ② …하게 자라는 식물
[활용] 복수형; growers
[구성단어] grow + er
[어원] [Old English] growan to flourish, increase, develop, get bigger
[어근]grow; 자라다, grow ⑵ er; 명사 어미

guilty [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2077] [★★] [레마] guilt
[본문] [7]Oh, I'm guilty of wasting food, Neil - me and many others.
[영영] If you feel guilty, you feel unhappy because you think that you have done something wrong or have failed to do something which you should have done.
[영한] ① 죄책감이 드는, 가책을 느끼는 ② 유죄의, (잘못된 일에 대해) 책임이 있는
[첫뜻] offending, delinquent, criminal
[활용] 비교; guilty < guiltier < guiltiest
[파생] guiltily, guiltiness, guilty, guilt
[반의어] innocent(유죄이다)
<명사> 죄악감.
[구성단어] guilt + y
[어원] [Old English] gyltig [from gylt] offending, delinquent, criminal
[어근]guilt; 범죄, guilt ⑵ y; 형용사 어미

high-quality [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] quality < qual
[본문] [36]But with Josefina's online shop, farmers get a fair price for their food, customers get high-quality, fresh vegetables, and less food is wasted.
[영한] 고급의
[구성단어] high + quality
[어원] [Latin] qualis of what sort?; what kind of a, 무슨 종류지?; 무슨 종류인가?

import [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 4087] [★★] [레마] import < port
[본문] [12]Here in the UK, big supermarkets import food from abroad for customers to enjoy all year round.
[영영] To import products or raw materials means to buy them from another country for use in your own country.
[영한] ① 수입하다 ② (컴퓨터) (다른 프로그램에서 데이터를) 불러오다 ③ …이라는 뜻을 내포하다[나타내다], 의미하다, 나타내다 ④ …에 중요하다, 중대한 관계가 있다
[첫뜻] signify, show, bear or convey in meaning
[활용] imported, imported, importing, imports
[파생] importability, importable, importation, importer, import
<명사> ① 수입품 ② 수입 ③ 중요성
[어원] [Latin] importare in+portare; bring in, convey, bring in from abroad
[어근]im(in); in ⑵ port; carry

kale [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] kale
[본문] [17]a) strawberries b) kale or, c) rhubarb?
[영영] Kale is a vegetable that is similar to a cabbage.
[영한] 케일
[첫뜻] cabbage, any kind of greens with curled or wrinkled leaves
[활용] 불가산(不加算) 명사

lettuce [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] lettuce
[본문] [6]You reach into the kitchen refrigerator looking for something to eat, only to find a brown lettuce, a sad-looking cucumber, and some two-week old fish, all past its use-by date - the date printed on the food container showing how long it is safe to eat.
[영영] A lettuce is a plant with large green leaves that is the basic ingredient of many salads.
[영한] 상추
[첫뜻] garden herb extensively cultivated for use as a salad
[활용] 복수형; lettuces
[어원] [Latin] lactis [genitive of lac] milk


locally [부사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [레마] local < loc
[본문] [54]The slogan eat local, eat seasonal encourages people to buy food which has been grown locally during the current season.
[영영] local + ly
[영한] ① 장소[위치]상으로, 지방[국부]적으로, 지방주의로 ② 가까이에, 근처에
[파생] local, locality, localize, locally, localness, locate
[구성단어] local + ly
[어원] [Latin] locus a place 곳[장소]
[어근]loc; 장소, 두다, place ⑵ al; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미

maker [명사] [Rank; 2364] [★★] [레마] make
[본문] [40]Well, food makers don't know how people will keep their products, so for instance, they might forget to put their groceries straight in the fridge when they get home.
[영영] The maker of a product is the firm that manufactures it.
[영한] ① …을 만드는[생산하는] 사람[회사/기계] ② 조물주, 신 ③ 메이커, 제조업체
[활용] 복수형; makers
[유의어] manufacturer(제조자)
[구성단어] make + er
[어원] [Old English] macian ⑴to make; ⑵to give being to, give form or character to, bring into existence; construct, do, be the author of, produce; prepare, arrange, cause; behave, fare, transform ⑴만들다; ⑵존재하게 하다, 형태나 특성을 주다, 존재를 가져오다; 건설하다, 하다, 저작[창작]하다, 생산하다; 준비하다, 마련하다, 야기하다; 행동하다, 공정하게 하다, 변환하다
[어근]mak(make); 만들다, make, match ⑵ er; 명사 어미

middleman [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] middle
[본문] [55]A middleman buys produce directly from the producer, before selling it on to customers for a profit.
[영영] ① a person or company that buys goods from a producer and sells them to someone else
② a person who helps two people or groups to deal with and communicate with each other when they are not able or willing to do it themselves
[영한] ① 중간 상인 ② (어떤 일을 중간에서 주선하거나 조정하는) 중개인[중재자]
[활용] 복수형; middlemen
[유의어] intermediary, go-between
[구성단어] middle + man
[어원] [Old English] middel equally distant from extremes or limits; intermediate

payment [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2125] [★★] [레마] pay < pax
[본문] [35]Usually middlemen are commissioned - they received a payment from the supermarkets directly related to the amount they sell.
[영영] A payment is an amount of money that is paid to someone, or the act of paying this money.
[영한] ① 지불, 지급, 납입 ② 지불금 ③ 보답
[활용] 복수형; payments
[파생] payment, pay
[유의어] recompense(보답)
[구성단어] pay
[어원] [Latin] pacare [from pax] to please, pacify, satisfy; satisfy a creditor; (especially) satisfy a creditor, (literally) make peaceful
[어근]pay(pac); to please, satisfy ⑵ ment; 명사어미

percent [명사] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] percent < cent
[본문] [38]In fact, UN estimates that 60 percent of food waste happens in this way, often because it's past the use-by date and might not be safe to eat.
[영영] You use per cent to talk about amounts. For example, if an amount is 10 per cent (10%) of a larger amount, it is equal to 10 hundredths of the larger amount.
[영한] ① 퍼센트, 백분 ② 백분율, 비율 ③ (몇 ,) 이율의 공채[채권]
[활용] 복수형명사
[어원] [Latin] centum a hundred 100(백)
[어근]per; by ⑵ cent; 백(100)

print [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2228] [★★] [레마] print
[본문] [6]You reach into the kitchen refrigerator looking for something to eat, only to find a brown lettuce, a sad-looking cucumber, and some two-week old fish, all past its use-by date - the date printed on the food container showing how long it is safe to eat.
[영영] If someone prints something such as a book or newspaper, they produce it in large quantities using a machine.
[영한] ① 인쇄하다, 프린트를 하다 ② (책신문 등을) 찍다[출간/발행하다] ③ (인쇄 매체에) 싣다[게재하다] ④ (사진을) 인화하다 ⑤ (글자를) 인쇄체로 쓰다 ⑥ (눌러서 자국을) 찍다[새기다] ⑦ (천이나 표면에 잉크나 염료로 무늬를) 찍다, 날염하다
[첫뜻] to make an impression, press upon or into
[활용] printed, printed, printing, prints
[파생] print, printer
<명사> ① (인쇄된) 활자[활자체] ② 출판(업) ③ (손가락발 등으로 누른) 자국 <형용사> (신문/잡지 따위) 활자 매체(용)의.
[어원] [Latin] premere ⑴to press, hold fast, cover, crowd, compress 누르다, (교분 따위가) 굳게 유지되다, 덮다, 붐비다, 꾹 누르다[압축하다]
[어근] print(press); 누르다, press

refrigerator [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4173] [★] [레마] refrigerate < frig
[본문] [6]You reach into the kitchen refrigerator looking for something to eat, only to find a brown lettuce, a sad-looking cucumber, and some two-week old fish, all past its use-by date - the date printed on the food container showing how long it is safe to eat.
[영영] A refrigerator is a large container which is kept cool inside, usually by electricity, so that the food and drink in it stays fresh.
[영한] ① 냉장고 , 냉각[냉동] 장치, 냉장기, 빙실(氷室) ② 증기 응결기
[활용] 복수형; refrigerators
[유의어] fridge(냉장고)
[구성단어] refrigerate + or
[어원] [Latin] refrigerare [from re-+frigerare] make cool or cold
[어근]re; 다시, 반대로, again ⑵ friger(frig); 차가운, cold ⑶ at(ate); 동사 어미 ⑷ or; 명사 어미


rhubarb [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] rhubarb
[본문] [17]a) strawberries b) kale or, c) rhubarb?
[영한] ① 대황, 장군풀 ② (많은 사람들이 모여 있는 것과 같은 효과를 내기 위해 배우들이) 웅성거리는 소리
[첫뜻] medicinal root-stock of a plant
[어원] [Greek] rha rhubarb

rubbish [명사] [Oxf3] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] rubbish
[본문] [8]According to the UN, one third of the food we grow ends up in the rubbish bin.
[영영] Rubbish consists of unwanted things or waste material such as used paper, empty tins and bottles, and waste food. in AM, usually use garbage, trash
[영한] ① 쓰레기 ② (질이) 형편없는 것, 쓰레기 (같은 것) ③ 헛소리, 말도 안 되는 소리[생각]
[첫뜻] rubble
[활용] 불가산(不加算) 명사
[파생] rubbishing, rubbishy, rubbish
[유의어] nonsense, rot, pants, garbage
<동사> 헐뜯다, 혹평하다 <형용사> 형편없는, 쓰레기 같은 <감탄사> 쓸데없이, 시시해
[어원] [French] rubbous [perhaps related to Old French robe, from Middle Latin rubbosa]
[어근] rubbish; 쓰레기, rubbish

scenario [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 2778] [레마] scene
[본문] [42]Food producers and supermarkets… they kind of have to calculate it to the worst-case scenario because they don't know which product is going to get stored at the wrong temperature, so they have to blanket apply a shorter date to protect consumers.
[영영] If you talk about a likely or possible scenario, you are talking about the way in which a situation may develop.
[영한] ① (미래에 가능한 일을 묘사한) 시나리오 ② (영화 등의) 시나리오, 각본
[첫뜻] sketch of the plot of a play,
[활용] 복수형; scenarios
[파생] scenarist, scenario
[유의어] synopsis
[어원] [Greek] skene wooden stage for actors; tent, stage 배우들을 위한 목재 무대, 천막, 연단
[어근]scen; 무대, booth, tent ⑵ ario(ery); 명사 어미

seasonal [형용사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] season
[본문] [14]Yes, that's why you hear the phrase, 'eat local, eat seasonal' to encourage people to buy and eat food which has been grown in their local area, at that time of year.
[영영] A seasonal factor, event, or change occurs during one particular time of the year. Seasonal variations need to be taken into account.
[영한] ① 계절적인, 계절에 따라 다른 ② (특히 크리스마스) 시즌 특유의
[파생] seasonal, seasonally, seasonalness, seasoned, seasoner, seasonless, season
[반의어] unseasonal
[어원] [French] saison [from Latin sationem] season, date; right moment, appropriate time
[어근]season(ser-); 계절 ⑵ al; 형용사 어미

selling [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] sell
[본문] [55]A middleman buys produce directly from the producer, before selling it on to customers for a profit.
[영영] sell + ing
[영한] 판매, 매각.
[활용] 불가산(不加算) 명사
<형용사> ① 판매하는, 판매의 ② 판매에 종사하는 ③ (잘) 팔리는, 수요가 많은
[구성단어] sell + ing
[어원] [Old English] sellan to give, furnish, supply, lend; surrender, give up; deliver to; promise
[어근]sell; sell ⑵ ing; 형용사 어미

shopper [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] shopper
[본문] [23]She started an online shop to connect shoppers with farmers directly, without the supermarkets.
[영한] 쇼핑객
[활용] 복수형; shoppers
[반의어] er, personal sh
[구성단어] shop + er
[어근]shop; 가판대, 좌판, shop ⑵ p; 강세글자 ⑶ er; 비교급 어미

supermarket [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 4737] [★★] [레마] market < merc
[본문] [12]Here in the UK, big supermarkets import food from abroad for customers to enjoy all year round.
[영영] A supermarket is a large shop which sells all kinds of food and some household goods.
[영한] ① 슈퍼마켓 ② 할인점
[활용] 복수형; supermarkets
[유의어] grocery store(슈퍼마켓)
[구성단어] super + market
[어원] [Latin] merx wares, merchandise 물품, 상품
[어근]super; 위, over, beyond ⑵ mark(merc); 상업, 시장, merchandise ⑶ et; 명사 어미

transport [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 4693] [★★] [레마] transport < port
[본문] [9]And it's not just food that's wasted - it's also the resources used to produce that food, things like water, land and transport.
[영영] Transport refers to any vehicle that you can travel in or carry goods in. in AM, usually use transportation
[영한] ① 수송 ② 차량, 이동 (방법) ③ 운송, 수송, 운송업 ④ 수송[운송] 수단 ⑤ (문예체) 도취
[활용] 복수형; transports
[파생] transportability, transportable, transportation, transporter, transportive, transport
[유의어] transportation(수송)
<동사> ① 수송하다 ② (자연스러운 과정을 통해) 이동시키다[실어 나르다] ③ [타동사] <다른 장소시간상황에 있는 것 같은 느낌이 들게 하다>
[구성단어] trans + port
[어원] [Latin] portare to carry, to bear
[어근]trans; over, across ⑵ port; to carry






tropical [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 4221] [★★] [레마] tropic < trop(돌다)
[본문] [13]Summer fruit like strawberries and mangos are flown in from tropical countries and sold in winter, increasing carbon emissions as well as waste.
[영영] Tropical means belonging to or typical of the tropics.
[영한] 열대 지방의, 열대의
[첫뜻] pertaining to the celestial tropics
[파생] tropic, tropical, tropicality, tropicalize, tropically
<명사> 열대어(魚)
[어원] [Greek] tropikos of or pertaining to a turn or change; of or pertaining to the solstice 전환점과 변화에 관련된, 지점[至點]에 관련된
[어근]trop; 돌다, turn ⑵ ic; 형용사 어미 ⑶ al; 명사 어미

uniform [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3069] [★★] [레마] uniform < form
[본문] [58]And finally, the adverb blanket means applied in the same uniform way to everything, even when there are differences between those things.
[영영] A uniform is a special set of clothes which some people, for example soldiers or the police, wear to work in and which some children wear at school.
[영한] 제복, 군복, 교복, 유니폼
[첫뜻] distinctive clothes worn by one group
[활용] (복수형; uniforms
[파생] uniformity, uniformly, uniformness, uniform
<동사> …에게 제복을 입히다[지급하다], 통일하다 <형용사> 획일적인, 균일한, 한결같은
[어원] [Latin] uniformis uni+forma; having only one form or shape
[어근]uni; 하나의 ⑵ form; 형태, shape

unlike [전치사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2490] [★★] [레마] like
[본문] [52]unlike strawberries and rhubarb, kale grows in all seasons, and what's more, it's good for you too!
[영영] If one thing is unlike another thing, the two things have different qualities or characteristics from each other.
[영한] ① …와 다른 ② …와는 달리 ③ …답지 않은
[파생] unlikeness, unlike
[반의어] like
<명사> 닮지 않은 사람[것] <형용사> (두 사람사물이) 서로 다른
[어원] [Old English] gelic [from Proto-Germanic *(ga)leika-] like, similar; alike 비슷한, 유사한, ~과 같은
[어근]un; not ⑵ like; 비슷한, similar, alike

unpleasant [형용사] [Oxf3] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] please
[본문] [57]The worst-case scenario describes the most serious, unpleasant thing that could happen in a situation.
[영영] If something is unpleasant, it gives you bad feelings, for example by making you feel upset or uncomfortable.
[영한] ① 불쾌한, 불편한 ② 불친절한, 기분 나쁜, 무례한
[파생] unpleasantly, unpleasant
[유의어] disagreeable
[반의어] pleasant
[어원] [Latin] placere to please, give pleasure, be approved
[어근]un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ pleas; 기쁨, calm ⑶ ant; 형용사 어미

waste [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2000] [★★] [레마] waste < vast
[본문] [10]In this programme, we'll be talking about food waste.
[영영] If you waste something such as time, money, or energy, you use too much of it doing something that is not important or necessary, or is unlikely to succeed.
[영한] ① (돈시간 등을 필요 이상으로 들여) 낭비하다 ② (가치를 인정받지 못하거나 엉뚱한 곳에) 헛되이 주다[쓰다/하다] ③ (제대로 이용하지 못하고) 낭비[허비]하다 ④ (사람을 보통 죽임으로써) 제거하다 ⑤ (경기경쟁에서 상대를) 처참히 지게 만들다
[첫뜻] devastate, ravage, ruin
[활용] wasted, wasted, wasting, wastes
[파생] wastable, wasteful, wastefully, wastefulness, wasteness, waste
<명사> ① 낭비[허비] ② 낭비[허비] ③ 쓰레기, 폐기물 <형용사> ① (땅이) 폐허의[버려진] ② 쓸모가 없어진, 폐물이 된
[어원] [Latin] vastus empty, unoccupied, desolate; immense, extensive, huge
[어근] waste(vast); empty, desolate

waste [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2000] [★★] [레마] waste < vast
[본문] [13]Summer fruit like strawberries and mangos are flown in from tropical countries and sold in winter, increasing carbon emissions as well as waste.
[영영] Waste is the use of money or other resources on things that do not need it.
[영한] ① 낭비[허비] ② 낭비[허비] ③ 쓰레기, 폐기물 ④ 불모지
[첫뜻] desolate regions
[활용] 복수형; wastes
[파생] wastable, wasteful, wastefully, wastefulness, wasteness, waste
<동사> ① (돈시간 등을 필요 이상으로 들여) 낭비하다 ② (가치를 인정받지 못하거나 엉뚱한 곳에) 헛되이 주다[쓰다/하다] ③ (제대로 이용하지 못하고) 낭비[허비]하다 <형용사> ① (땅이) 폐허의[버려진] ② 쓸모가 없어진, 폐물이 된
[어원] [Latin] vastus empty, unoccupied, desolate; immense, extensive, huge
[어근] waste(vast); empty, desolate

worst [형용사] [Oxf3] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] worst < bad
[본문] [43]Supermarkets set cautious use-by dates for the worst-case scenario - the worst that could possibly happen in a situation, for example, someone getting sick and dying of food poisoning.
[영한] 가장 나쁜[못한], 최악의
<명사> 가장 심한[심각한] 것[부분], 최악(의 경우일 등) <동사> (싸움경쟁언쟁에서) 패배시키다[이기다] 유의어 get the better of <부사> 가장 나쁘게[못하게], 최악으로
[어원] [Old English] wierresta most severely



worst-case [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] worst < bad
[본문] [42]Food producers and supermarkets… they kind of have to calculate it to the worst-case scenario because they don't know which product is going to get stored at the wrong temperature, so they have to blanket apply a shorter date to protect consumers.
[영한] 최악의 경우도 고려한
[구성단어] worst + case
[어원] [Old English] wierresta most severely

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[BBC Leaning English] 6 Minute English - United against food waste에 수록된 영어단어 수는

  • 고유명사를 제외하고 총 435개 입니다.
  • 이중 OxFord 3000단어와 일치하는 영어단어는 374개로 85%가 해당됩니다.
  • 미국의 WordFrequency 사이트에서 조사한 Top 5,000내 포함하는 영어단어는 367개로 84%가 해당됩니다.
  • Naver 사전에서 [★★/매우 중요]로 분류된 영어단어는 369개로 84%가 해당됩니다.
  • 세개의 기준에 모두 일치하는 영어단어는 모두 345개로 79%의 싱크로율을 보입니다.

이들 기준에 해당되는 영어단어 중 암기해야 할 단어의 수준을 각자 정하고 그 수준의 영어단어가 나오면 문장과 함께 암기하는 습관을 들이면 영어단어공부에 큰 성과를 거둘 수 있을 것입니다

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