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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: demo- from Greek demos



【demo】 is word -forming element usually meaning "people" from Greek "demos"

[WORD ROOT]root demo
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] demo, dema, demi, demon
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) demos
[MEANING]root people


  • 【Greek】 demos people, common people; district


demagogue, demagogy, deme, demo, demo-, democracy, democratic, demographic, demographics, demography, demotic, endemic, epidemic, pandemic, pandemonium

Please see Word information in detail as follows;

demagogue [noun] from demagogue < agogue
【DEFINITION】 If you say that someone such as a politician is a demagogue you are criticizing them because you think they try to win people's support by appealing to their emotions rather than using reasonable arguments.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 an unprincipled popular orator or leader; one who seeks to obtain political power by pandering to the prejudices, wishes, ignorance, and passions of the people or a part of them
【Etymology】 [Greek] demagogos [demos+agogos] popular leader, leader of the mob
【ROOTs】 dem(demo); people agogue(agog); guiding, struggle, trial

demagogy [noun] from demagogue < agogue
【DEFINITION】 You can refer to a method of political rule as demagogy if you disapprove of it because you think it involves appealing to people's emotions rather than using reasonable arguments.
【Etymology】 [Greek] demagogos [demos+agogos] popular leader, leader of the mob
【ROOTs】 dem(demo); people agog; guiding, struggle, trial y; noun suffix



deme [noun] from deme
【DEFINITION】 (in preclassical Greece) the territory inhabited by a tribe
【Etymology】 [Greek] deme [from Greek de-mos, demos] common people; district
【ROOTs】 demo; people

demo [noun] from demo-
【DEFINITION】 A demo is a demonstration by a group of people to show their opposition to something or their support for something.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 music recording given out for promotional purposes,
【pl.】 demos
【ROOTs】 demo; people

demo- [combining form] from demo-
【ROOTs】 demo; people

democracy [noun] from democracy < cracy
【DEFINITION】 Democracy is a system of government in which people choose their rulers by voting for them in elections.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 government by the people, system of government in which the sovereign power is vested in the people as a whole exercising power directly or by elected officials; a state so governed,
【pl.】 democracies
【DERIVATIVEs】 democracy, democratic, democratically, democratize, democrat
【ROOTs】 demo; people cracy; rule, authority, government

democratic [adjective] from democracy < cracy
【DEFINITION】 A democratic country, government, or political system is governed by representatives who are elected by the people.
【DERIVATIVEs】 democracy, democratic, democratically, democratize, democrat
【ROOTs】 demo; people crat(cracy); rule, authority ic; adjective suffix

demographic [adjective] from demographic < graph
【DEFINITION】 Demographic means relating to or concerning demography.
【Etymology】 [Greek] graphe [from graphein] writing, drawing
【ROOTs】 demo; people graph; draw, write ic; adjective suffix

demographics [noun] from graph
【DEFINITION】 statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it
【pl.】 demographicses
【COMPOSITION】 demography + ics
【Etymology】 [Greek] graphe [from graphein] writing, drawing
【ROOTs】 demo; people graph; draw, write ics; noun suffix

demography [noun] from graph
【DEFINITION】 the study of changes (such as the number of births, deaths, marriages, and illnesses) that occur over a period of time in human populations
【PRIMARY MEANING】 that branch of anthropology which studies life-conditions of a people by its vital and social statistics,
【DERIVATIVEs】 demographer, demographist, demography
【COMPOSITION】 demo + graph
【Etymology】 [Greek] graphe [from graphein] writing, drawing
【ROOTs】 demo; people graph; draw, write


demotic [adjective] from demo-
【DEFINITION】 Demotic language is the type of informal language used by ordinary people.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 of or belonging to the people
【DERIVATIVEs】 demotist, demotic
【ROOTs】 demo; people tic(ic); adjective suffix

endemic [adjective] from endemic < deme
【DEFINITION】 If a disease or illness is endemic in a place, it is frequently found among the people who live there.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 particular to a people or locality,
【DERIVATIVEs】 endemically, endemic
【Etymology】 [Greek] deme [from Greek de-mos, demos] common people; district
【ROOTs】 en; in, into, within dem(demo); people ic; adjective suffix

epidemic [noun] from epidemic < deme
【DEFINITION】 If there is an epidemic of a particular disease somewhere, it affects a very large number of people there and spreads quickly to other areas.
【pl.】 epidemics
【DERIVATIVEs】 epidemically, epidemic
【SYNONYM】 plague
【Etymology】 [Greek] deme [from Greek de-mos, demos] common people; district
【ROOTs】 epi; among, upon dem(demo); people, district ic; adjective suffix

pandemic [noun] from pandemic < deme
【DEFINITION】 A pandemic is an occurrence of a disease that affects many people over a very wide area.
【pl.】 pandemics
【Etymology】 [Greek] deme [from Greek de-mos, demos] common people; district
【ROOTs】 pan; all dem(demo); people ic; adjective suffix

pandemonium [noun] from pandemic < deme
【DEFINITION】 If there is pandemonium in a place, the people there are behaving in a very noisy and uncontrolled way.
【DERIVATIVEs】 pandemoniac, pandemonic, pandemonium
【SYNONYM】 chaos
【Etymology】 [Greek] deme [from Greek de-mos, demos] common people; district
【ROOTs】 pan; all demon(demo); people ium; noun suffix

Other word list containing demo-; democratically, democratize, endemically, Damocles, demonym, demophobia, ecdemic, epidemiology, epidemically, pandemoniac, pandemonic, demotist, demographer, demographist


col-, cult-



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